Pályázati hírlevél 2014/34. Tisztelettel felhívjuk figyelmét az alábbi pályázati felhívásokra, és hírekre. Kérjük, szíveskedjen megadni azoknak a munkatársaknak a nevét és e-mail elérhetőségét, akik számára fontos lehet a hírlevél közvetlen eljuttatása. Üdvözlettel, Semmelweis Egyetem Innovációs Központ 1085 Budapest, Üllői út 26. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia pályázati felhívása új Lendületkutatócsoportok létrehozására 2015–2020 Célja: A Lendület program a kiválóság és a mobilitás együttes támogatására irányul, ennek megfelelően célja, hogy a befogadó kutatóhelyeken új téma kutatására alakuló kutatócsoportok számára biztosítson forrást. A pályázat benyújtására jogosultak köre: Lendület I. - Önálló kutatói pályát kezdők kategóriája: 38 év alatti, kiemelkedő és folyamatosan növekvő teljesítményt mutató, ígéretes fiatal kutatók. Lendület II. - Sikeres önálló kutatói pályát folytatók kategóriája: 35-45 év közötti, nemzetközileg is elismert, tartósan kiemelkedő és növekvő teljesítményű vezető kutatók. A támogatás: Minimális összege: évi 20 M Ft, maximális összege az I. kategóriában évi 50, a II. kategóriában évi 60 M Ft lehet. A pályázati anyagok feltöltésének határideje: 2015. január 13., 12.00 (közép-európai idő szerint). Bővebb információk: http://mta.hu/lendulet/?node_id=26716 IMI 2 - Call 3: Stage 1 H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-03-two-stage Research related to the future of medicine should be undertaken in areas where societal, publichealth and biomedical industry competitiveness goals are aligned and require the pooling of resources and greater collaboration between the public and private sectors, with the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Who can apply: 1) Legal entities established in a Member State or an associated country, or created under Union law; and 2) which fall within one of the following categories: - micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and other companies with an annual turnover of EUR 500 million or less, the latter not being affiliated entities of companies with an annual turnover of more than 500 million; the definition of ‘affiliated entities’ within the meaning of Article 2(1)(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 shall apply mutatis mutandis; - secondary and higher education establishments; - non-profit organisations, including those carrying out research or technological development as one of their main objectives or those that are patient organisations. 3) The Joint Research Centre; 4) International European interest organisations. Topics: Topic 1: Remote assessment of disease and relapse – CNS, Topic 2: Towards a quantitative biological approach for neuropsychiatry, Topic 3: Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification, Topic 4: The consistency approach to quality control in vaccine manufacture, Topic 5: Pertussis vaccination research, Topic 6: Knowledge repository to enable patient focused medicine development. Indicative budget: From EFPIA companies and IMI2 Associated Partners: EUR 56 430 000 From the IMI2 JU: EUR 56 430 000. Deadline: 24 March 2015 – 17:00:00 Brussels time. Other informations: http://www.imi.europa.eu/content/stage-1-14 IMI 2 - Call 4: Stage 1 H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-04-two-stage Research related to the future of medicine should be undertaken in areas where societal, public health and biomedical industry competitiveness goals are aligned and require the pooling of resources and greater collaboration between the public and private sectors, with the involvement of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs). Who can apply: 1) Legal entities established in a Member State or an associated country, or created under Union law; and 2) which fall within one of the following categories: - micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and other companies with an annual turnover of EUR 500 million or less, the latter not being affiliated entities of companies with an annual turnover of more than 500 million; the definition of ‘affiliated entities’ within the meaning of Article 2(1)(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 shall apply mutatis mutandis; - secondary and higher education establishments; - non-profit organisations, including those carrying out research or technological development as one of their main objectives or those that are patient organisations. 3) The Joint Research Centre; 4) International European interest organisations. Topic: Enabling Platform on Medicines Adaptive Pathways to Patients. Indicative budget: From EFPIA companies: EUR 1 130 000 From the IMI2 JU: EUR 1 130 000. Deadline: 11 February 2015 – 17:00:00 Brussels time. Other informations: http://www.imi.europa.eu/content/stage-1-15 7th Joint call for European research projects on rare diseases (JTC 2015) The aim: The aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with a clear translational research approach. Who can apply: Joint research proposals may be submitted by higher education institutions, non-university public research establishments, hospitals as well as commercial companies, in particular small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), according to relevant national funding organisations´ regulations for research funding. Topics: Transnational research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas, which are equal in relevance for this call: - Collaborative research using patient databases and corresponding collections of biological material that would generally not be possible at a national scale. This research must have clear potential for clinical application and well defined scientific objectives e.g.: - definition of new nosological entities, epidemiological studies, genotype/phenotype correlations, natural history of diseases; - characterisation of genetic/molecular basis of specific diseases - Research on rare diseases including genetic, epigenetic and pathophysiological studies, using innovative and shared resources, technologies (OMICS, new generation sequencing, etc.) and expertises, - Research on development of applications for diagnosis and therapies for rare diseases. This may include indentification and characterization of (bio)-markers for diagnosis and prognosis, development of innovative screening systems and diagonsitic tools, the generation of relevant cellular and/or animal models, and preclinical studies using pharmacological, gene or cell therapies. Budget: Mio €: 0.15 Approximative number of research groups that can be funded: 1 – 2. Deadline for pre-proposals: February 18, 2015. Other informations: http://www.erare.eu/joint-call/7th-joint-call-european-research-projects-rare-diseases-jtc-2015 COST Open Call COST aims to enable breakthrough scientific developments leading to new concepts and products. Who can apply: The COST Action is a pan-European network instrument allowing researchers from COST Member Countries and Cooperating State to develop jointly their ideas and new initiatives in a given field or topic of common interest on the basis of mutual benefit. They are open to researchers, engineers and scholars from other countries and leverage nationally funded research activities. Proposals for a COST Action must represent a network of proposers from at least 5 COST countries. Research areas: - Joining research efforts and developing common S&T programmes by coordinating nationally funded research activities led by pan-European, high quality, collaborative S&T networks. Building capacity by providing networking and leadership opportunities for emerging talents and thereby strengthening and building up excellent S&T communities. Addressing Societal Questions by promoting trans-disciplinary, new approaches and topics and identifying early warning signals of unforeseen societal problems aiming at contributing to Societal Challenges. Strengthening COST Inclusiveness Policy by fostering better access and integration of less research intensive countries’ researchers to the knowledge hubs of the European Research Area aiming atcontributing to the Widening Pillar of Horizon 2020. Budget: Selected proposals for COST Actions will get a financial support in the range of EUR 130.000 p.a., normally. Collection date: 24 March 2015. Other informations: http://www.cost.eu/participate/open_call Tisztelt Hölgyem/Uram! Ezúton szeretnénk tájékoztatni, hogy az EIT KIC pályázatban nyert az Innolife konzorcium, melyben a SE is partner az Innostars csoportban. Bővebb információk: http://eit.europa.eu/sites/default/files/EIT%20Health%20-%20Factsheet%202014.pdf Tisztelt Hölgyem/Uram! Tisztelettel hívom fel figyelmét a „Canada Gairdner International Awards 2016” lehetőségre, melyről részleteket az alábbiakban illetve a csatolt kiírásban talál. A jelölések benyújtásának határideje: 2015. október 1. Canada Gairdner International Awards These prestigious awards recognize and reward outstanding biomedical scientists who have made breakthrough discoveries and original contributions to biomedicine. The goal of the Foundation is to contribute through research to increased understanding of human biology and disease. The Gairdner celebrates and inspires the scientific research process with winners spanning the world. The Foundation was established through the pioneering gift of James Gairdner in 1959, a man who had always been active in the community and embodied a sense of social consciousness. Having suffered from Arthritis and knowing the strain that many medical afflictions had on individuals and society as a whole, he was inspired to make a difference by investing in the advancement of research that was certain to have a positive impact on society. Over fifty years later, the Gairdner Foundation has lived up to the original expectations of its founder. It has gained an international reputation for its early recognition of medical breakthroughs that have changed the way medicine is practiced. Over 300 Canada Gairdner International Awards have been given to scientists from 15 countries; of these recipients, 82 have subsequently won the world-renown Nobel Prize. In 2008 the government of Canada provided $20 million to endow the awards for future generations. Semmelweis University is invited to nominate qualified scientists from any branch of biomedicine for the 2016 Canada Gairdner International Award. The deadline is October 1, 2015. The award normally recognizes an original, seminal contribution or discovery rather than a lifetime work and is valued at $100,000 CDN. Nominations in the field of translational research are welcome too. For more information and to see past laureates please visit our website: http://www.gairdner.org/