Course Title: Subject Studies Assignment Student’s Name: 1st marker: Module Organiser: The comments below indicate some of the strengths and weaknesses of this assignment, together with an indication of any areas which should be addressed in future writing. Criteria for assessment (explained in the PGCE Handbook) include: Knowledge and understanding of the relevant research and literature Evidence of analysis and critical reflection Evidence of the development of an argument or thesis Presentation and organisation, and the standard and quality of expression This assignment considers the teaching of energy to year 7. The literature review presents a very solid description of all of the relevant literature. It displays that xxxx has an excellent grasp of the subject. The literature review shows that xxxx is able to skilfully analyse the relevant literature, compare and critically reflect on it. A pre-test is used in conjunction with the findings from the literature is to inform initial planning of the lessons. The same test was then used at the end to show the change in misconceptions throughout the teaching sequence. A series of well throughout and imaginative lessons is described with lesson outlines including learning objectives. The analysis of each lesson is comprehensive and includes data from a transcript of each lesson, written work from the student and results from the final test. Links to the literature is woven through this section. It is very well presented with accurate and appropriate referencing Overall this is a very accomplished piece of work. Grade: A Teaching Energy to Year 7 Subject Studies Assignment 1 Contents Introduction and Context ..................................................................................................................... 4 Literature Review ................................................................................................................................. 5 Theories of Learning ........................................................................................................................ 5 Energy Transfer in KS3 Science .................................................................................................... 8 Recommended Approaches ......................................................................................................... 11 Assessment for Learning .............................................................................................................. 12 Applying the Research .................................................................................................................. 13 The Lesson Sequence....................................................................................................................... 16 Pre-test and initial planning .......................................................................................................... 16 Lesson Outlines .............................................................................................................................. 18 Lesson One: Fuels and Food ................................................................................................... 18 Lesson Two: Thermal Energy .................................................................................................. 18 Lesson Three: Energy Circus ................................................................................................... 18 Lesson Four: Joules and Sankey Diagrams .......................................................................... 18 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Lesson One ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Lesson Two ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Lesson Three .................................................................................................................................. 24 Lesson Four .................................................................................................................................... 25 Marking ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Post-teaching Test Results ........................................................................................................... 27 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................... 29 References .......................................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix 1: Test Materials ............................................................................................................... 34 Appendix 2:Test Results .................................................................................................................. 36 Appendix 3: Lesson Plan 1 ............................................................................................................... 37 Appendix 4: Lesson 1 Resources .................................................................................................... 39 Appendix 5: Example of work from Lesson 1 ................................................................................ 43 Appendix 6: Lesson Plan 2 ............................................................................................................... 44 Appendix 7: Lesson 2 Resources .................................................................................................... 46 Appendix 8: Example of work from Lesson 2 ................................................................................ 50 Appendix 9: Lesson Plan 3 ............................................................................................................... 51 Appendix 10: Resources from Lesson 3......................................................................................... 53 2 Appendix 11: Example of work from Lesson 3 .............................................................................. 57 Appendix 12: Lesson Plan 4 ............................................................................................................. 58 Appendix 13: Resources for Lesson 4 ............................................................................................ 59 Appendix 14: Example of work from Lesson 4 .............................................................................. 64 Appendix 15: Transcripts of lessons ............................................................................................... 65 N.B. Appendices are not included in electronic version 3 Introduction and Context This paper details a sequence of four one hour lessons designed to teach the subject of energy to a class of year 7 students. These lessons took place in the context of a large mixed comprehensive secondary school in Redbridge, East London. The school has approximately 1500 students on the roll. The number of pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) and the number of pupils eligible for pupil premium are above the national average. The proportion of SEN students is below the national average. My own class consisted of 27 pupils, 11 girls and 16 boys. For the purpose of this study, all students have been given a code consisting of a number followed by a G or B for girl or boy. Two of them are EAL students (6B and 18B), both with a very good level of English. Two students have been identified as having general learning difficulties (1G and 21B), one student is dyslexic (26G), and one has behavioural, emotional and social difficulties and has TA support throughout the school day (3B). Students are taught in mixed achievement form groups. This class was due to cover the topic of Energy in January 2014. I chose to teach this topic for this assignment because it is a conceptually challenging topic that I had no previous experience of teaching. I was aware that there is considerable debate around the treatment of energy as a stand-alone topic in the curriculum and was keen to put literature into practice in such a contentious area. 4 Literature Review In order to inform my teaching, I will consider the literature about general theories of learning, literature specific to KS3 energy transfer, and assessment for learning. My literature was primarily found in King's College Library, my own book collection and Google Scholar. When finding internet resources, I initially searched for the names of well-known researchers, as well as phrases such as "developmental stages education", "energy misconceptions" and "energy education". Further literature was found cited in articles, and I found recent literature primarily by searching for papers with relevant keywords whose authors had cited classic papers. Theories of Learning In the early twentieth century, influenced by Pavlov’s research into classical conditioning and keen to introduce a more scientific approach to discussions of development, Behaviourists began to influence education policy. B.F. Skinner was one such behaviourist who developed the theory of operant conditioning which states that voluntary behaviour can be reinforced or discouraged by the consequences of that behaviour. He was of the opinion that positive reinforcement is more effective than negative, and that this reinforcement is more effective in response to an activity than to rote learning (Skinner, 1968). This influenced the education system, and in this theory we can see the first shoots of modern science education: active and based on positive encouragement. However, this theory views learners, even those engaged in an activity, as passive receivers of reinforcement that have no agency in their own education. Agency was given back to the learner by Jean Piaget. Piaget was a cognitivist and a constructivist, and developed a revolutionary four stage theory of development (Piaget and Inhelder, 1969). He suggested that rather than being the passive receivers of information, children construct their own world view from their experiences. They do this through assimilation and accommodation. If new knowledge does not conflict with pre-existing 5 knowledge, it can be seamlessly assimilated into a child's world view. This leads to an increase in amount but not complexity of knowledge. If, however, a new piece of knowledge conflicts with pre-existing knowledge it must be accommodated, through a process called equilibration. Through this process, children are able to progress in understanding and through the four developmental stages. The last two stages are the ones relevant to secondary education: the concrete operational stage and the formal operational stage. Concrete operations are said by Piaget to be achieved by children between the ages of 7 and 11. During this stage, children are able to think logically about objects or events, have conservation of number and volume, and can consider several aspects of a problem. This is the stage that if Piaget is correct we would expect all year 7s to be functioning at. The formal operational stage occurs between 11 and 16 and exists into adulthood. It could therefore be achieved by some students during the course of year 7. This stage is characterised by deductive logic and abstract thought, which are both called upon frequently in science education. The validity of these stages of this model has been tested in a small study by Kuhn (1972), and a larger study by Webb (1974). Kuhn tested just three 8-year-olds to assess their stage of development, and then attempted to teach a new concept using by pitching the teaching at their stage, slightly above it or far above it. They learned best if they are taught at slightly above their level in Piagetian terms, which suggests that these stages are correct if one accepts the validity of such a small sample size. It also suggests that equilibration is in fact the mechanism of progression from one stage to the next. Webb studied 25 extremely bright children aged 6 to 11. All were able to perform concrete operations, but only the four oldest could perform formal operations. This suggests that these stages are a developmental reality. This theory has not gone unchallenged. Research by Shayer et al (1976) and Lawson and Renner (1978) suggests that most students do not reach formal operations until much later. There is also some debate as to whether the stage can be applied to the student 6 or their behaviour, as students may achieve different stages based on their familiarity with the task (Driver, 1984). Piaget also was unclear in ascribing a mechanism to this process. Knowledge of this mechanism is vital if we are to apply this model to teaching. If progress between the stages is physiological, there is no point attempting to teach children something which is above their level in stage terms, as they will not be able to progress. If this is the case, the curriculum could be analysed and taught in stages (the process of which is laid out in Shayer and Adey, 1982). Not all members of a class will be at the same stage, but one could be sure the material was appropriate for the majority. If, however, progression is functional and dependent on experience only, then we could reasonably expect learners to understand material of any complexity if they have been prepared correctly (Driver, 1984). This is closer to the ideas of Bruner, another cognitivist (Wood et al, 1976). Modern research suggests that it is a combination. The limitations on achievement seem to be cognitive: working memory (Krumm et al, 2008, Sűß et al, 2002) and processing speed (Rindermann and Neubauer, 2004) are the most likely limiting factors. However, these factors are not static and progress can be accelerated (Shayer and Adey, 1993). Demetriou et al (2011) in their synthesis of recent research on this topic present a modernised stage system, and recommend that in order to facilitate progression through stages, the best tactic for teachers would be to teach to the level demonstrated by their students and not far above it. They argue that this is not a 'readiness model' that discourages challenge, but rather that practicing the skills expected in each level facilitates progression to the next level. This also enables underachieving students to catch up, while also not holding the stronger students back. This appears to contradict the work of Lev Vygotsky, an influential constructivist and proponent of the idea of the zone of proximal development, or ZPD (Vygotsky, 1978). In education, this idea is combined with the term scaffolding, which was first used by Bruner 7 (Wood et al, 1976) but has been adopted by proponents of Vygotsky. As explained by Sullivan-Palincsar (1998) in her more recent paper on the subject, it is vital to meet the children 'where they are', and aim to teach them something which is above their current understanding. Scaffolding is the role that the instructor (whether teacher or peer) takes in guiding them through the gap between their current understanding and what they are aiming for. ZPD is what the student can achieve with help. Ideally, students are always working within this zone. Vygotsky's other major contribution to modern education was social constructivism. This is the idea that children construct their own meaning socially and through discussion. Shayer and Adey (2002) combine the ideas of equilibration, social constructivism and the zone of proximal development in their Cognitive Acceleration in Science Education (CASE) programme. This creates cognitive conflict in an environment of scaffolding and social support to maximise progression. Energy Transfer in KS3 Science On this topic, the national curriculum requirements covered under 3.1a of the National Curriculum KS3 programme of study (2007) are as follows: "Energy can be transferred usefully, stored, or dissipated, but cannot be created or destroyed" (NC, 2007:210) This provides guidelines of what to teach, and there has been significant research into how to teach it. Energy is an abstract, hard to define concept that at the same time we can see functioning in the world and that we can give a numerical value to (Millar, 2005). Energy is also a word used regularly in everyday life in ways that encourage non-scientific ideas, such as 'conserving' energy (Mann and Treagust, 2010). As such children entering the classroom will likely have preconceived ideas about the word's meaning (Brook and Driver, 1984). Misconceptions can be extremely resistant to change and their unaddressed presence can make teaching ideas consistent with the curriculum very difficult (Solomon, 1983). For this reason, it is recommended that teaching of a subject directly challenges the misconception held (DfES, 2002). 8 However, in order to understand the concept of energy fully, one must consider work and the theory of relativity, most of which is clearly above the level of most 11-year-olds (Sang, 2011). As a result, Warren (1982) has argued forcefully that energy should be removed from the pre-16 curriculum altogether. However, energy is still a requirement, so one is therefore left in the difficult situation of teaching the least-worst model for energy. There is considerable debate about what this model should be. I will first discuss ideas about energy that are clearly inaccurate: so-called misconceptions. In research, these are frequently recognised by using diagnostic tests, and this approach can be used by teachers approaching a new topic in order to tailor their lessons to the preknowledge of their students (Treagust, 1988). Driver et al (1994) in their comprehensive review into research on children's ideas identified the following common conceptualisations of energy: 1. Energy is associated with living things only This misconception has been found in several studies, including Bliss and Ogborn (1985). They studied 17 girls in a UK school aged 13 and 14, asking them to pick three pictures in which "energy is needed or being used" from 10, and explain why. Despite the small sample size, they carried out statistical analysis and concluded that they were significantly more likely to choose pictures of animate than inanimate objects. These findings may not be directly applicable to my class of 11-12 year old boys and girls. However, studying the misconceptions still found after two years of secondary school teaching is important to identify which are likely to remain even after formally studying energy. 2. Energy is seen as a causal agent stored in certain objects This so-called depository model describes some objects as having energy, some as using it, and some as neutral; often linked to activity and movement of those objects (Driver et al, 1994). This was very commonly found by Gilbert and Pope (1982, in Driver, 1994)in children 9 aged 10-12, which makes it quite relevant to my class, although the education system has changed a lot in the 30 years since that study. 3. Energy is the same as force, work or movement Brook and Driver (1984) analysed the responses of 300 15 year-old British students that were asked a question about a ball-bearing rolled down a track. Many of them related energy and force, some using the word force instead of or interchangeably with energy. This study has a large sample size, so is likely to be representative of the ideas of British students in 1984. However, because most of these students had already received some science training by age 15, one cannot tell if these views were held by them at age 11, or were given to them by ineffective teaching. Papadouris et al (2008) conducted a large study into the pre-knowledge of 240 Cypriot students aged 11-14, and how they utilise energy models, and found a lot of confusion between energy and force. This study used younger students, making it more relevant to my class, but they had been educated in the Cypriot system. Although language is never mentioned, it is likely that their responses have been translated, which further affects their validity. 4. Energy is a fuel This misunderstanding could stem from the global discourse of 'saving energy'. Duit (1984) found that this concept was culture-dependent, finding it in Germany but not the Philippines. One could expect that given the media focus on energy resources, this misconception could be common in today's Britain. 5. Energy is a fluid, an ingredient or a product This includes ideas of energy being conducted or transported as if it were a physical thing, ideas of energy as a dormant reactant which can be triggered, and energy as a by-product (Watts and Gilbert, 1985, in Driver et al, 1994). 10 Driver et al (1994) also point out that several studies show that many students do not see conservation of energy as a necessary concept, intuitively suggesting that energy should be lost during an event. In order to tackle this, Duit (1983) suggests that qualitative questions are more effective than quantitative ones. This is because students must think through logical steps and describe what is happening, and cannot just learn a process. This could, however, be criticised as further removing energy from its mathematical place in science. There are two models used in schools for the teaching of energy: the transformation model, and the transfer model. The first model states that energy is transformed between different named types (e.g. chemical to electrical to light and heat). This is more commonly used in the physical sciences, but has been heavily criticised as being unscientific and obsessed with inventing ever more forms of energy (Chisolm, 1992). This is the model in the textbooks my class use (Walsh et al, 2008). The second model states that the thing that changes when events take place is the location of the energy (e.g. from the battery to the bulb to the surroundings). This is commonly found in the biological sciences where energy is said to flow down a food chain (Mann and Treagust, 2010). Papadouris (2008) suggests that students have an intuitive understanding of energy transfer, but do not find it sufficient to explain changes in a system. Therefore, the transformation model is useful to complement it. Recommended Approaches Chisolm (1992) suggests that in order to sidestep the tricky question of what energy actually is, definitions should be left as late as possible. Taking a constructivist approach, he argues that children will develop their own understanding through experience anyway. In terms of nomenclature, he suggests a range of 'potential' energies, kinetic energy and heat energy only, in order to stem the proliferation of unnecessary names. He also recommends teaching energy by identifying an activity, and breaking it down into the release of energy, the transfer of energy and the use of energy. He seems to advocate a loose transfer model, with some names from the transformation model added for clarity. 11 More recently, Millar (2011) has presented another teaching sequence. He suggests teaching fuels first, as this is what students often associate with energy anyway, and then expanding to thermal processes, and finally energy changes and transfers. His approach strongly favours the transfer model, with named energy types (such as kinetic and potential) only being introduced later in the teaching sequence. Assessment for Learning Assessment for learning, or AFL is an approach described by Black and William (1998) as a way to raise standards of learning in the classroom. AFL is "any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to serve the purpose of promoting pupils' learning" (Black and William, 2002). By reviewing international literature on the subject, AFL was demonstrated as increasing achievement with an effect size of between 0.4 and 0.7, a huge gain (Black and William, 1998). AFL was further explored in the King's-Medway-Oxfordshire Formative Assessment Project (KMOFAP), a large study of year 9 and 11 classes taught by 19 different teachers. An education gain of effect size 0.3 was found, equivalent to just over half a GCSE grade. This was a result of changes in four key areas (Black and William, 2002): 1.Questioning Increasing wait-time after asking a question is vital, as it allows students more thinking time. This in turn means that more complex questions can be asked. The responses to these questions can give much better clues about understanding to both pupil and teacher. 2.Feedback through marking Butler (1988) demonstrated that for 132 students, on average, comment-only marking resulted in an increase of both performance and interest. When grades were given, this had a negative effect on both performance and interest, whether or not comments were given too. Formative feedback includes comments only, and indicates how improvements can be made. 12 3.Peer- and self-assessment Peer- and self-assessment can enable the pupil to analyse their own work with reference to the specific criteria that the teacher would use. They can then begin to analyse their own work as they are creating it, which will improve quality. Also, students are often happier accepting criticism from peers than from teachers (Black and William, 2002). 4.The formative use of summative tests This is mainly used in preparation for exams, but using pre-tests to identify misconceptions before teaching has begun, and afterwards to see if these misconceptions have been replaced by accepted ideas (Treagust, 1988) could be described as using summative assessment in a formative way. These ideas have been extremely influential in the field of education, with the government providing support for improvement in this area (DCSF, 2008). Black and Harrison (2004) provide some concrete ideas to apply these techniques to teaching science. Rich questions that require the pupil to think harder or to link ideas together are easily used in science, as ideas almost always link to other areas of the curriculum, and can be used to stimulate debate. Applying the Research From this literature, it is possible to formulate an approach to teaching energy that is most likely to result in good learning. The literature on learning theory suggests that developmental stages are a reality, although they can be accelerated. This acceleration, however, requires dedicated lessons to work on conceptual ideas. In four lessons, this is not possible. Therefore, in order to engage students of all developmental levels I will avoid using tasks that rely on deductive logic or abstract thought. I will still aim to stretch all students, using activities that are slightly beyond their current understanding, with differing degrees of scaffolding in order to allow all students to work in the ZPD. One method available to me in a mixed-achievement group is paired discussions. Those that are confident have the 13 opportunity to stretch themselves by explaining it to others, and those that are not get extra support. I will also have the help of the teaching assistant that will join me in the majority of these classes to ensure that the students with additional needs have their needs met. I will broadly follow Millar's (2011) suggestion of teaching fuels and thermal processes before teaching energy transfer. My intention in starting with fuels is to meet the students where they are in their understanding, thereby bolstering their confidence to expand their understanding of energy to include more areas than they hear about in everyday life. I will move on to thermal processes to introduce energy that one can't see. This also allows me to introduce the analogy suggested by Miller (2011) of temperature as "concentration of energy". They have covered concentration and diffusion recently in chemistry, so I will be able to use this as an analogy. This is a significant departure from the scheme of work normally taught in the school, which begins with a list of the types of energy before considering energy transformation, and finally moves onto fuels. Thermal processes are not normally taught at all. Deciding which model of energy to teach has not been easy. This is because the KS3 scheme of work, textbooks and resources available within the school all strongly use the transformation model, but this has been heavily critiqued as introducing an unnecessarily complex system which encourages misconceptions. Miller (2011) uses a transfer model, which is more scientifically accurate but unsupported by textbooks. I have decided on an approach by consulting the GCSE syllabus, past papers and mark scheme for OCR 21st Century Science, which is the syllabus currently followed by the school. OCR appear to accept both models, but require students to use the terms kinetic energy, and a range of potential energies including gravitational and elastic. This is unlikely to reflect exactly what will be required of today's year 7 students as curriculums are changing significantly, but provides guidelines. The resulting model is more-or-less what Chisholm (1992) and Papadouris et al (2008) suggest: using the transfer model to describe how energy moves within a system, while using a select few names of 'types' of energy to describe the process 14 in more detail. Miller (2011) recognises that this, as well as the idea of energy concentration have the potential of encouraging the misconception that energy is a fluid, so I will have to be very careful to ensure my students know that this is not the case. I will endeavour to include AFL at every stage of teaching this topic. Before teaching, I will use an assessment task taken from Bliss and Ogborn (1985) to assess the pre-knowledge and misconceptions of my class. I have selected this because understanding the questions requires no knowledge of specialist language, but also the students are queued that they should be using energy to explain the situations, which mimics a lesson about energy. It should, therefore show up the same misconceptions that would be barriers to learning in the forthcoming lessons. I will use this knowledge to plan a set of lessons that will focus on the areas they are less confident in, and best address their confusions. During lessons, I will use a combination of recall-based and rich questions, limiting the recall-based questions only to where knowledge recall is actually useful. The rich questions will allow me to see the level of understanding the student has, and will allow students to engage in debate. I will use AFL techniques (detailed in my lesson plans) during and at the end of each lesson to ensure that all members of the class are ready to progress to the next part of the topic. In keeping with a constructivist approach, I will include group work or discussion in every lesson. When marking written work, I will use a formative approach, and encourage the students to respond in writing to allow students to engage with what is required of them, and check that they have understood my comments. 15 The Lesson Sequence Pre-test and initial planning At the end of the term before these lessons were due to be taught, this class was set a task designed by Bliss and Ogborn (1985) to elicit their prior knowledge of energy (appendix 1). It asked students to identify three pictures that they thought needed or used energy, and one that did not, and to explain their answers. From these answers it was possible to identify whether any of the misconceptions recognised by Driver et al (1994) were present in this class. Plant Football Chosen as needing/using energy Chosen as not needing/using energy Radiator Room Boat Breakfast Lamp Statue TV 7 11 13 0 5 4 11 0 12 11 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 13 0 Table 1: Students' selections of items that need/use or do not need/use energy before teaching. Frequently, justifications were short and tautologous, for example: "A boat because a boat needs energy" from 27B. This suggested that although they may have a general sense of what energy means, many had a general lack of confidence in writing about this topic, and perhaps an inability to write about it scientifically. In their original study, Bliss and Ogborn (1985) found that their students preferentially selected pictures of animate objects. My students showed no such preference. A picture of a girl eating breakfast and a plant were the least and third least popular choices respectively of all the pictures that the students found feasible. This misconception was notable in its absence: no students appeared to have the misconception that energy is related to living things only. Those that did pick the breakfast picture mainly focussed on the action of the girl moving ("You have to move your hands and arms to eat breakfast" 19G). This was also true for 16 Train 0 those picking the footballer ("You need energy to move yourself" 18B). In their selections and explanations, the students appeared to show a bias towards those involving lots of movement. Like in the original study, no students thought that the room or statue needed or used energy. Their explanations further suggest a bias towards movement, for example: "A room because it is a static object that cannot move" 12B; "Rooms don't move or shake or make any movement" 19G. This suggests that some students held the misconception that energy is the same as movement. A final misconception that wasn't identified by Driver et al (1994) but did appear to be present in my students was that energy is just related to electricity. Electrical objects were very popular selections, and their justifications often explicitly stated the need for electricity as the reason ("A TV needs electricity" 20B). Several of the students who picked the radiator also ignored heat in favour of the fact that you need electricity to run one ("It is working by using electricity" 4G). These answers were used, along with the literature discussed above to write my initial plans for the four lessons. The misconceptions that my pre-test clearly identified were that energy is just do with movement, and that it was just to do with electricity, and the test suggested a lack of confidence in or knowledge of scientific terms to do with energy. I therefore decided that Millar's (2011) recommendation of beginning with fuels and thermal processes would be appropriate for this class as it introduces forms of energy that are not easily visible, and do not involve electricity. 17 Lesson Outlines Lesson One: Fuels and Food Learning objectives: Describe what a fuel is. Explain how we can use the energy in a fuel to do useful things. Starter: Energy spider diagram Main: Use of fuels table, followed by burning fuels practical. Plenary: Review of practical and mini white-board suggests of what is special about fuels. Lesson Two: Thermal Energy Learning objectives: Explain what happens to the energy in fuels we burn. Describe how energy moves between hotter and colder objects. Starter: Answering questions about last lesson's practical. Main: Deciding on class definition of a fuel, and reviewing hot and cold beaker demos with questions. Plenary: Applying this concept to a cup of tea. Lesson Three: Energy Circus Learning objectives: Describe the movement of energy in a variety of systems. Describe the different ways that energy can be stored. Starter: Mini white-board review of demonstration from last lesson. Main: Introducing types of stored energy, and energy transfer diagrams. Using these to describe a range of changes in a circus. Plenary: Writing on mini-whiteboards the type of stored energy present in a range of examples. Lesson Four: Joules and Sankey Diagrams Learning objectives: 18 • Explain that energy can exist in useful and less useful forms. • Use numbers to describe energy transfers. • Use Sankey diagrams to show useful and wasted energy. Starter: Feynman's story of Dennis the Menace and his energy blocks- literacy task and pair discussion. Main: Introduce joules and discuss wasted energy. Complete joules worksheet and Sankey diagram card sort. Plenary: Mini white-board questions about wasted energy and joules. 19 Evaluation In evaluating these lessons, I will draw on three sources of evidence: written work produced during lessons and as homework, transcripts of the lessons which were recorded using a Dictaphone, and the results of the test given at the end of the teaching period. Examples of this written work, full transcripts and full test results for each student can be found as appendices. Lesson One The intention behind beginning lesson one with a spider diagram of concepts related to energy created in pairs was threefold. Firstly, I wanted to encourage the children to speak to one another about their ideas as early as possible in order to foster a social-constructivist approach. Secondly, the pre-testing had shown me that the misconceptions held by this class tended to be that energy was limited to certain things. By asking students to express these different misconceptions I hoped that the students would demonstrate to one another that energy was a broader idea. Finally, it was my intention to introduce the topic by suggesting that students already had a good idea of what energy was, thereby building confidence, and avoiding an explicit definition as recommended by Chisolm (1992). This activity was successful in these aims, as it brought out a wide variety of ideas, including solar power, coal, food, crude oil, light, calories and sleep. The suggestion of sleep brought about a useful discussion on the differences between energy in everyday life, and in science. 24B: Sleep. T: Why do you say sleep? 24B: Because when we sleep we gain our energy. T: So that's a completely different meaning of energy. When we talk about energy in our everyday lives we say "Oh, I'm out of energy, I need to sleep". Where do we really get energy from? 23G: Food 20 T: Yes... So there's sort of 'science energy', and there's how we talk about energy in every-day life, and they're different. The challenge with this activity was to discourage students from saying that any one of these suggestions was the same as energy. Two students asked me to define energy as I was circulating and seemed understandably dissatisfied with my reluctance to do so. The second activity involved identifying where and why fuels are used. This allowed us to move into a more concrete area of discussion, which was useful. Worksheets were differentiated for students 1G, 3B and 21B to provide further scaffolding. The aim of this was to identify the common factors of fuels, and provide a segue into talking about foods as fuels for humans. I chose this sequence because almost all students who picked the picture of the girl eating breakfast in the initial test had focussed on her movement. Most students seemed happy to make the link between food and fuel. 7G: Chips T: Why chips? 7G: Potatoes are fuel for your body The next part of the lesson was testing whether food was indeed a fuel by using it to heat some water. The practical aspect of the lesson was significantly slower than I had planned because of a last minute room change which put us into a room which was not set up for a practical, and where nobody knew where the equipment was kept. This meant that the majority of groups did not collect data for more than one food source, and I made the decision to postpone reflecting on the practical until the next lesson in favour of collecting some results to reflect upon. The lesson finished with a brief plenary in which students discussed in pairs what might be special about fuels, and made some notes on what they thought. 21 Lesson Two The main focus of the second lesson was on thermal energy and thermal processes. This was explicitly linked to the energy released in the previous lesson's practical. I chose to make this link because the way I had heard students discuss fuels in the last lesson suggested that they thought that the energy was made in the fuel and then was used up. My intention was to dispel this misconception by giving them a mental image of where the energy in this concrete example had gone. The experiment that I had initially intended to be a class practical was changed into a demonstration to allow time for this discussion to happen in full. The lesson began by setting up the demonstration, in which a beaker of hot water and a beaker of cold water are placed in different room temperature water baths. Changes in temperature of both beakers and water baths are recorded for 15 minutes. During this time the students discussed the results of the previous lesson with their partner and wrote down a summary of the practical. This part of the lesson was successful because it enabled them to compare observations and results from different foods. After a period of pair discussion, students discussed as a class what they considered to be the definition of a fuel. 4G: A fuel is something that when heated, burns and creates a chemical reaction. T: Ok, can anyone add to that? 13B: A fuel is a substance that has enough energy to keep something running. 20B: A fuel is something that is burnt or put in a process to make energy. 15G: A fuel is something that creates energy. T: So we've got two types of definition, we have ones that say a fuel is something that creates or makes energy, and we have another that says that fuel is something that has energy in it that you can release to do something. Hands up if you think the 22 fuel makes the energy from scratch (about 5 hands go up). Hands up if you think the energy is in the fuel already (around 10 hands). You guys are right... So the energy is in the fuel already... Does anyone know the name of the energy we turned the chemical potential energy into? 6B: Thermal energy. The link to thermal energy brought us on to a discussion of the demonstration. My intention with this was to track the movement of thermal energy from a hot object into cooler surroundings and from surroundings into a cool object, using diagrams and our results. The students appeared to understand this concept, many linking it in their books to when we discussed diffusion of perfume the previous term ("Thermal energy moves out like a perfume diffuses" 27B). However, in retrospect this was an overly teacher-led activity. I endeavoured to keep the children involved by asking targeted questions, the answers to which led the discussion. However, it is not enough to only be sure of a few student's understanding and only check the others' while marking after the fact. This activity could have been carried out as a card sort, which would have got all students involved at all times, and allowed for better AFL. The didactic nature of this task meant that the key point that energy cannot be destroyed was introduced by me and not discovered by the students. If students had been allowed to come to their own conclusion it might have been understood by more students, not just copied down. A prime example of the failure of this method was written in 19G's book: "It is important to destroy thermal energy". This was a statement obviously written without much understanding. After reflecting on the last two lessons, I decided to increase the amount of AFL I was doing during the class, and rely less heavily on the techniques of targeted questioning which only assesses a few individuals and questions in plenaries which only give you information when it is too late to use it. 23 Lesson Three The Dictaphone ran out of battery before this class, so no transcript is available. The main idea behind this lesson was to broaden the idea of energy to include more changes, and give students a framework to describe these changes. An energy circus is a classic activity for demonstrating lots of different changes, and I used this as an opportunity to introduce the energy transfer model to the class. The lesson began with mini-whiteboards, which I used to assess the students' understanding of the previous lessons. We next made a list of all the types of stored/potential energy, including chemical, gravitational, kinetic, elastic and thermal. This concession to the transformation model was suggested by Chisolm (1992) to make descriptions easier. The students were to record each change using an energy transfer diagram, like the one below: The idea of these diagrams was to focus not on what the energy was doing or what form it was in, but where it is and the process it moves by, and in so doing discourage ideas of energy disappearing or being 'used up'. After two demonstrations of how to construct these the students started moving around the circus. The work produced was mostly inaccurate and confused. For example, 12B's diagram for a wind-up toy: Winding Movement Toy walks Or 1G's diagram for a kettle. Hand Switch kettle on Boil water This is representative in that it reads like a process or set of instructions. The closest work to being correct was 7G's (appendix 5c). The main problem with these diagrams appears to be 24 that they have no specific vocabulary to go with them, and could include a wide variety of words depending on the change you are describing. Students seemed to have problems identifying when they had got the right idea. They seemed to find the instruction "where the energy is goes in the boxes, how it moves goes on the arrows" too subtle a distinction to make on the first attempt. I reviewed the process once more with a new example, and asked them to do three more diagrams as homework. The homework was even less accurate than the class work. Finally, we went back to the list of stored energy types and I asked the students to write on mini-whiteboards the type of stored energy found in each example. With a more definite range of possible answers, students were much more confident in this task and were generally accurate in identifying the stored energy. Lesson Four I began this lesson with a literacy task adapted from Feynman's analogy of Dennis the Menace and his blocks (Feynman et al, 1964). The intention of this starter, was to introduce the idea of being able to count energy like blocks. Students discussed its relevance in pairs. Between them the students identified all the relevant parts of the analogy, primarily indestructibility and ability to move. This was a great improvement on the way I had introduced a difficult concept in lesson two, because this time I left it to them to explain it to themselves and one another. I had only to add that the blocks represented joules, which was a new idea to these students. A very fruitful part of this lesson was the discussion following my question about wasted forms of energy from a torch. 10B: So when you turn the torch off, the light that came out disappears straight away, so where has it gone if it hasn't disappeared? T: That's a very good question. You're right the energy hasn't disappeared. What do you think happens when light hits something? 25 10B: Is it heated? T: Absolutely, so where has the energy gone? 10B: Is it transferred into thermal energy in the thing it hits? The insight that this question and the subsequent discussion suggested surprised and impressed me, and instead of moving on to the next part of the class immediately I decided to make sure the whole class understood the question and its answer, which lead to a short discussion on energy transfer in microwaves. The interest that this question sparked was evident in the whole class who tried to answer each other's questions. I decided to facilitate the conversation since it was so relevant, and postpone the final task, drawing Sankey diagrams, until the next lesson. The main activities of the lesson were a worksheet adapted from the school's scheme of work that I had chosen as a good introduction to joules and wasted energy, and an activity involving representing these numbers in a diagram, as an introduction to Sankey diagrams. All students carried out the calculations correctly, and the questions concerning wasted energy prompted some good discussions. These allowed me to draw out ideas of friction producing heat, and the possibility of sound being absorbed. The lesson finished with a very successful plenary using mini-whiteboards during which all students answered at least one question right. I had one more lesson with this class after this four hour study. In that lesson we covered comparing and drawing Sankey diagrams. Marking After the final lesson, I marked all the books using formative feedback, and set each individual a number of specific tasks based on their work. The next lesson, I set aside 15 minutes for students to use green pens to respond to my feedback and answer the questions I had set. I saw marked improvement in many students work after my written feedback, particularly in the energy transfer diagrams they produced. 26 Post-teaching Test Results Plant Chosen as needing/using energy before Chosen as not needing/using energy before Chosen as needing/using energy after Chosen as not needing/using energy after Football Radiator Room Boat Breakfast Lamp Statue TV Train 7 11 13 0 5 4 11 0 12 11 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 13 0 0 5 14 16 0 7 7 17 0 6 9 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 15 0 0 Table 2: Comparison of picture choices before and after teaching After teaching, the pictures chosen by students remained broadly similar, with a few key differences. Again, no students believed the room or statue needed or used energy, which is unsurprising, as we did not cover special relativity. Breakfast, although slightly more popular, was still not chosen by many students, which is surprising considering the first lesson was about food as fuel. Those that did choose breakfast, however, tended to focus on chemical potential energy in their answers. It is unsurprising that more students chose the lamp, as a torch had featured heavily in my examples. Half the number of students picked the TV, the largest change. One might tentatively suggest that this was because the transfer model focuses on locations of energy, and for a TV the initial location is far away, so it is harder to explain. More interesting is the changes in how students justified their answers. In general, students wrote a lot more, and fewer answers were tautologous (although many still were, and were counted as neither correct nor incorrect). 27 Correctly using scientific language Before Teaching 3 After Teaching 7 Correct Explanations 10 16 Incorrect Explanations 4 3 Table 3: Changes in student's justifications More students used scientific language in their answers after teaching, but the only statistically significant result using McNemar's mid-p test (Fagerland et al, 2013) is the increase in correct explanations (p=0.039). I would argue this is the most important increase given that the test did not specifically ask for scientific terminology. 28 Conclusions From the evidence I have gathered during and after these lessons, I am confident that the majority of students in this class have made progress in their understanding of this topic. However, I do think that many aspects of this scheme of work could be improved upon, and this has implications for me personally, the school, and indeed the curriculum. Personally, the most important improvement will be to integrate AFL techniques all the way through lessons, not just the beginning and end. After writing mini-plenaries into my plans for lessons three and four, I was much more confident in my assessment of the individuals in the class. Practically, placing mini-whiteboards on desks at the start of the lesson allowed planned and ad-hoc assessments of progress. I also adapted my style of delivery, focussing much more on questioning and leaving space for students to come up with their own answers. I found this tremendously helpful in assessing whether an idea was being understood. The scheme of work I developed was a successful adaptation of Millar's (2011) recommendations. My resources were differentiated and self-explanatory, except for the energy circus worksheet, which relied heavily on the transfer model. I will discuss the problems surrounding this in more detail below. When teaching this topic in the future, I will keep the order broadly similar, but will spend more time on fuels and food. This actually required two lessons to cover the theory and practical sufficiently. From reading the literature, I was convinced that the transfer model of energy was not only more accurate, but also less likely to instil misconceptions. Having taught this model, I can now see flaws. The lack of specific terminology makes it difficult for students to assess whether they are talking about changes correctly. Although some students did grasp the concept, especially after written feedback and further examples, many never differentiated an energy transfer diagram from a simple flow chart of a process. If they are so easy to confuse, one might question if the diagram is providing any further information. The extra terminology of the transformation model might seem arbitrary from a scientist's perspective, 29 but it provides very clear guidelines on whether a student is correctly understanding and describing a change. For the transfer model to become a viable way to teach energy, several changes need to take place. Firstly, this needs to be a decision taken by the entire science department so that the teaching of energy is consistent across the year groups. The lesson after my teaching sequence finished, the class teacher continued with the school's scheme of work and introduced the traditional list of energy 'types', spending a lesson discussing energy transformation. This means that this class haven't even had a consistent model of energy taught within one term. I imagine this is confusing for many students. Secondly, science educators need to agree upon the criteria of a 'good' answer within this model, and this needs to be included in examiner's mark schemes so as not to disadvantage students taught with this model. Finally, resources and a scheme or work should be developed that can rigorously assess understanding within the transfer model. Due to the relative rarity of this model, my resources and questions had to be heavily adapted or built from scratch, and I found no external reference points on which to base my assessments. This is work I will continue before teaching this topic again. With so much work to do to make the transfer model a more attractive option for teachers, and the criticisms of the transformation model still unaddressed, one might wonder if there is a good solution to the question of KS3 energy. I am tempted to echo Warren (1982) and suggest that energy as an abstract concept is an unnecessary complication to the KS3 curriculum. However, to do so would be to sidestep my duty to deliver the National Curriculum, and the 2014 KS3 curriculum features energy as the first of just five physics topics (DfE 2013). 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