Student Council Meeting: February 9, 2009 New Business

Student Council Meeting: February 9, 2009
New Business
- Website (Zigler/Brown)
- in the process of creating a website that umbrellas all student organizations so we know
what’s going on in each club as far as meetings & events
- will need to be updated by someone in each organization, perhaps the secretary or vice
- one time cost for setting it up is $150 & we have adequate funds to do this
- Changes to the Constitution (Zigler/Knapke)
- it’s been proposed that we include the presidents of Private Practice Club, Gold Key, &
Ambassadors as well as the AOSA representatives from each class; these changes
only affect the number of non-voting members
- it’s also been proposed that we delete a few of the committees that are no longer
- a copy of these changes were sent around for all to look at; we will vote on them at the
next meeting
- Alumni Space Committee (Zigler)
- in discussing the committees that are no longer used, a question was raised as to what
the Alumni Space Committee has going on; we may need to invite them to a future
meeting for an update
- Open House (Zigler)
- date: Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 1:00 pm
- organizations need to start lining up representatives to sit at the organization fair
- IPC Retro Funding (Zigler & IPC reps) 
- this needs to be utilized more in the future as Dean Shipp contributes funds to it;
it can be used for things like EYE events, AOSA Eyeball & Conference, East/West,
SVOSH, research events, etc
- IPC announced this year that colleges can apply for $1000 to be used towards their
formal; money has to be used to decrease student ticket prices
- since we did not get the info about the formal early enough so we are using the money
this year only to reduce registration costs for the AOA conference in Washington DC;
the first 40 people that go to the General Assembly in DC will get $45 off their
- next year we may do $5 off Eyeball tickets for the first 50 people from each class to
purchase their tickets
- IPC approved about 50% of funding requests last year & are hoping to get that up to
80% this year
Clinic Committee (Zigler)
- the no show rate has been high since the beginning of the year
- current policy that’s not being followed very well:
- after 3 no shows a patient can only be seen as a walk-in
- ideas that are being explored to reduce the rate include:
- calling the patient
- utilizing a universal reminder system
- appealing to different groups of patients such as 1st year students on
campus via flyers in dorm mailboxes
- the college is now double booking patients on Tuesday & Thursday mornings;
one student in the EWG will be responsible for taking the extra patient if all
patients show
- Medicare Policy
- there’s some question as to whether it’s worth accepting Medicare anymore
since students do not get to do the full exam
Old Business:
- Curriculum Committee (Zigler)
- there’s been a lot of discussion about moving to semesters
- Keystone courses begin this spring for Opt I’s & this summer for Opt II’s
- there’s discussion going on of getting an in-office Vision Therapy Course; this would be
a 1 credit hour enrichment course
- the 2nd floor of Fry Hall has a practice room for injectibles w/ dummy arms & computers
- First Year Class Elections (Gardner)
- went well
- new officers were introduced
- Ski Trip (Gardner)
- went well but they may consider going somewhere closer next year so they don’t have
to get a bus
- Fridge Clean-Out (Zigler)
- going well
- thanks to those who have taken their turn already
- Unite For Sight (Zigler)
- this is something that people can volunteer for on an individual basis, so we aren’t going
to organize a formal club
- they mostly help people in Africa & India
Officer Reports:
- President (Zigler) – no additional report
- Vice President (Gardner) – no additional report
- Treasurer (Val) – we have just under $4000; the ski trip has been paid for;
we have plenty of money for the website & may have food at the next mtg
- Secretary (Knapke) – our listserve has been updated w/ everyone that will be included under the
new constitution; minutes will be sent after the meeting to this list; please
sign the sign-in sheet
- Advisor (Pierce) – absent
Organizational Reports:
- AOSA (Zigler for Hardie)
- EyeBall will be Sat Feb 14th at the Columbus Athenaeum
- Super Bowl will be Mon Feb 16th in Meiling Hall; explained what this is to new members
- Corneal Classic will be in May
- EYE (Goff)
- pledge week was great
- Broomball will be 3/21
- meeting will be 2/23
- Fun Run will be sometime in April
- SVOSH (Milleson for Paulett)
- will be going to Honduras; tell Chris if you want to go
- working on securing more funding
- NOSA (Graham)
- cancelled last presenter d/t busy schedule but rescheduled them for next quarter
- will be doing a screening every quarter in community centers
- may do a world food fair w/ SVOSH
- also looking at having some social meetings
- Sports Vision (Ballard & Rosinski)
- good turnout from first year class
- Sports Vision University went well
- having a doctor come speak to them next quarter
- going to a Clippers Game on May 15th for fun
- FCO (Craig)
- trying to meet every other week but this quarter is hectic
- received a nice financial contribution from an alumnus
- BSK (Ernst)
- collecting applications from last years qualifiers to be sent to national office
- a lunch will be held in the spring for them
- Lions Club (Wolke)
- general meeting was 2/5
- will be having Night at the Races on 4/4; may want to get IPC to help advertise for this
- will be working at a Senior Health Fair on 4/25
- hope to visit Pilot Eye Dogs in the spring
- Optometry Ambassadors (Barnhart)
- almost done w/ tours
- Open House will be April 18th; need people to help w/ tours this day
- Gold Key (Greiner)
- no report
- IPC (McDonald)
- further discussion of using money for our EyeBall next year
- may be sponsoring a free buffet dinner w/ a retired dentist as the speaker on April 14 th
- Private Practice Club (Pucker)
- will be holding a meeting on 2/19 in conjunction w/ AOSA; Drs. Pierce & Clark will
present a model for Board Certification
- Richard McClure of Commerce National Bank is coming in March
- Talent Show is April 3rd & 4th; 4 people have signed up so far; they may want to open it
to IPC; may also consider having a Happy Hour afterwards
Class Reports:
2009 – Amy Bankey for Katie Greiner
- counting down to graduation & planning their graduation banquet
2010 – Amy Knapke
- getting ready for extern Boards
- planning graduation banquet
2011 – Nadine Stephens
- taking tests & prepping for clinic
- taking tests
- elections (will also being doing class elections the 6th week of spring quarter)