REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH ACTIVITY REPORT Title of Activity: The 2015 National Malaria Indicator Survey Training Workshop 13th to 19th April 2015 Submitted by: Date: 04th May 2015. Mercy Mwanza Ingwe -Surveillance and Information officer – NMCC Nawa Mukumbuta – Program Officer UNDP Location: Barn Motel, Lusaka Date: 13th to 19th April 2015 Implementers: MOH,MACEPA, PMI/ UNDP, WHO, UNICEF Table of Contents 1.0 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Training Workshop Objectives; ........................................................................................................... 3 1.2 2015 Malaria Indicator Survey Specific Objectives; ............................................................................ 3 2.0 Training Methodology............................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 Results: .................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Key Outputs and Take Home Messages:............................................................................................. 7 3.2 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 8 4.0 Annexes: .................................................................................................................................................. 9 4.1 2015 Malaria Indicator Survey Participants List ................................................................................. 9 4.2 Daily Attendance Lists ....................................................................................................................... 11 1.0 Background The Ministry of Health, through the National Malaria Control Centre (NMCC), in collaboration with the Central Statistics Office and with Roll Back Malaria (RBM) partners, will be conducting the National Malaria Indicator Survey 2015 to assess the community-level availability of key malaria interventions and the status of malaria-related burden through anemia and parasite prevalence testing for children under five. The survey is planned for 150 randomly selected clusters throughout the country. This effort builds on our previous efforts of the National Malaria Indicator Surveys in 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012. To facilitate for the survey field work, NMCC and partners conducted a 7 days training workshop from 13th to 19th April 2015 at the Barn Motel in Lusaka. The workshop was officially opened by the Director Disease Surveillance, Control and Research – Dr. E. Chizema and was officially closed the by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health – Dr. D. Chikamata. 1.1 Training Workshop Objectives; To update participants on the objectives, scope and context of the MIS 2015. To train data collectors in collecting up-to-date information on coverage of Core interventions in NMSP (2011-2015) using Epi-data on smartphones. To train data collectors in collecting clinical information such as malaria and anaemia testing and preparations of blood slides. Strengthen the capacity of the NMCC and local agencies in implementation of malaria surveys. 1.2 2015 Malaria Indicator Survey Specific Objectives; To collect up-to-date information, building on the experience of the previous MISs) on coverage of the core malaria interventions included in the National Malaria Strategic Plan 2011 – 2016. To assess malaria parasite prevalence. To assess the status of anaemia among the target populations (in particular children 6 – 36 months and women 15 to 49 years). To assess disparities in malaria intervention coverage, and malaria parasite and anemia prevalence among the surveyed population by location and other background characteristics To implement standardized, representative household survey methods. To strengthen the capacity of the National Malaria Control Centre and local agencies involved in order to facilitate the implementation of surveys of this type in the future. 2.0 Training Methodology The training was conducted through; PowerPoint presentations Practical sessions on the use Epi Sample on smartphones for data collection Practical sessions on malaria testing using blood slides, RDTs and anemia testing Role play One day field practical in a community setting in Chinkuli ward of Chongwe district The table below is a summary of the training program: Zambia National Malaria Indicator Survey 2015 Training schedule 13 April - 19 April The Barn Motel, Lusaka Time Content Monday, 13 April 2015 8:30 Registration 9:00 Introductions of staff and participants (roll call), Administrative arrangements for training week, distribution of training manuals Welcome Remarks 9:15 Formal Introduction of Survey Effort 9:30 Introduction and Objectives of MIS 2015 9:45 Results of MIS 2012 (MIS 2012 Reports) 10:15 Multiple survey groups (National MIS, MDA Follow up survey, cohort) 10:30 Break 10:45 Survey logistics including timelines, training schedule, transportation, per diems, etc. 11:30 12:00 Official Opening of MIS 2015 Training Workshop Participation Agreement and other forms for consideration 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:15 Lunch MIS 2015 sampling strategy Questionnaire overview/Interviewer Techniques Break Introduction to the Smart Phone Data Collection Tool 16:30 GPS, listing and household selection 18:00 End for day Tuesday, 14 April 2015 8:30 Listing and cluster selection/Backup of Listing 10:30 10:45 Break Consent/Ethical issues Facilitator/s Secretariat NMCC Dr. Chizema / MoH Dr. M Kamuliwo / MoH Official NMCP/Dr Hamainza TBD John Miller UNDP/Mercy MwanzaIngwe/Mulenga Matches/Muleba Matafwali TBA Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Chris Lungu/Kafula Silumbe CSO, John Miller NMCC Christopher Lungu/Neil Hendrick/NMCC Christopher Lungu/Neil Hendrick/NMCC Christopher Lungu/Neil Hendrick/NMCC NMCP/Fred Masaninga/Busiku 11:00 Team Assignments 12:30 13:30 Lunch EpiSample Questionnaire training/Team leaders break away Admin sesssion 15:00 15:15 Break EpiSample Questionnaire training/Team leaders break away Admin sesssion 18:00 End for day Wednesday, 15 April 2015 8:30 EpiSample Questionnaire training 10:30 10:45 Break EpiSample Questionnaire training 12:30 13:30 Lunch Laboratory Overview 14:00 Treatment protocol 14:30 EpiSample Questionnaire training/Laboratory training (Concurrent Sessions) 15:00 15:15 Break EpiSample Questionnaire training/Laboratory training (Concurrent Sessions) 18:00 End for day Thursday, 16 April 2015 8:30 Blood training day for the nurses (includes finger sticks and blood smears, rapid tests and hemocues) 10:30 10:45 Concurrent session where the enumerators learn Smart Phone tool responsibilities such as data backup, recharging, basic troubleshooting, and an introduction to GPS so that they can help teach the larger group the next day. Break EpiSample Questionnaire training/Laboratory training (Concurrent Sessions) Hamainza NMCP/Mercy MwanzaIngwe(Lead)/Moonga Hawela NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick Moonga Hawela/Dr Mudenda/Lungowe Sitali/Jacob Chirwa Dr Mudenda/Dr Rodgers Mwale/ Busiku Hamainza NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick Moonga Hawela/Dr Mudenda/Lungowe Sitali/Jacob Chirwa NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick 12:30 13:30 Lunch Smart phone backups/Charging and troubleshooting 15:00 13:30 Break Smart phone backups/Charging and troubleshooting 18:00 End for day Friday, 17 April 2015 7:00 Organize teams for Field Practical 8:00 In the field for Field training day - Chongwe Enumeration Areas 15:00 Administrative issues and field logistics (ALL MUST ATTEND) 18:00 End for day Saturday, 18 April 2015 8:00 Supervisor roles 9:00 Debrief from field experience 10:00 BREAK 15:00 Role play follow up 18:00 End of Day Sunday, 19 April 2015 8:00 Break 13:00 Role play follow up 15:00 16:00 Teams organize materials and prepare to leave Monday Monday, 20 April 2015 8:00 Vehicles assemble 10:00 Field teams leave NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick NMCP/CSO/Moonga Hawela/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick All facilitators Facilitators Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe and all facilitators All facilitators NMCP/CSO/Moonga Hawela/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick All facilitators All facilitators NMCP/CSO/Moonga Hawela/Christopher Lungu/Kafula Silumbe/Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe/Busiku Hamainza/Neil Hendrick 3.0 Results: A total of 102 people attended the training including support staff, out of these 72 were core data collectors who included nurses (29), lab technicians (29) and mappers (14) from Central Statistics Office. Others were facilitators from the National Malaria Control program, cooperating partners who were supporting the survey in technical, financial capacity and some support staff. Below is a summary breakdown of the attendees by organization: Organization Central province Copperbelt Province Eastern Province Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Northwestern Southern Western Central statistics Office Ministry of Health MACEPA USAID UNDP UNICEF UNZA WHO Total No. Participants Category of Participants 4 6 7 6 7 5 7 6 4 6 14 17 7 1 2 1 1 1 102 Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Nurses, Lab technicians Mappers Directors, Facilitators and support staff Technical experts Technical experts Facilitators Technical experts Technical experts Technical experts 3.1 Key Outputs and Take Home Messages: A total of 70 data collectors were trained with 2 backups, were subdivided into 14 teams comprising of 2 nurses and 2 laboratory technicians and 1 CSO mapper for period of 6 weeks in all the ten provinces. These would commence field work from Monday April 20, 2015 by travelling to their different destinations in the 10 provinces and start the data collection immediately. Each team would collect data from clusters in the districts comprising of an average of 120 households in each cluster. Each district will have 2-3 clusters sampled. These are based on historical sampling from previous MISs. Each group will spend minimum of 3 days in each cluster, first day mapping the households and the next two days data collection. The work involved will be interviewing respondents on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to malaria key indicators using a standard questionnaire covered during the training. The questionnaires are electronic and preloaded in the smartphones using epi-data software, upon completion of each record; the data is then automatically uploaded to the central database in Lusaka. The smartphones have GPS capabilities and linked directly to the central database. The teams will also test anemia under five children and pregnant women using hemocues; a digital application and report results directly using the smart phones. This is to ascertain the prevalence of aneamia in these key populations. The teams will also test for malaria in under five children and pregnant women using RDTs and blood slides and send back the cassettes and slides to the NMCC for further analysis. This is to ascertain the prevalence of malaria in these key populations. Teams of experts will follow up the data collectors to provide technical assistance and assure quality of the field work. 3.2 Next Steps Field work by fourteen teams. Supervision of the survey field work. Data analysis Report writing and dissemination 4.0 Annexes: 4.1 2015 Malaria Indicator Survey Participants List No. 1 Central Name Hilda Mutampuka Nakawala Position Duty Station Nurse Kabwe Gen Hosp 2 Central Baptista Kasumo Mofya Nurse Kabwe Mine Hosp 3 Central Stephen Chibuta Lab Kapiri DH 4 Central Mordecai Malambo Lab Liteta Hosp 5 Copperbelt Patricia Mwale Lab Kakosa Health Centre 6 Copperbelt Brenda Mudenda 7 Copperbelt Ireen Mutamina Chomba Nurse Masaiti Council Health Centre 8 Copperbelt Martin Mweshi Lab Kalulushi Govt Clinic 9 Copperbelt Albert Kasuba Nurse Machiya RHC 10 Copperbelt Sr. Susan Katwishi Lab St. Joseph RHC 11 Eastern Everlyn Banda Kasukumya Nurse Petauke 12 Eastern Lenia Banda Nurse Chadiza 13 Eastern Prisca S. Kamena Nurse Mambwe 14 Eastern Frank Kapeka Lab Lundazi 15 Eastern Justina Phiri Dowatt Lab Nyimba 16 Eastern Nzima Gersom Lab Mambwe 17 Eastern Thandiwe Banda Nurse Lundazi 18 Luapula Melody Chisopo Shawa Nurse Mansa DHO 19 Luapula Josephine Mumbi Chatama Nurse Mansa Gen. Hosp 20 Luapula Agness Mupeta Nurse Chipili DHO 21 Luapula Joseph Mwewa Lab Mansa Gen. Hosp 22 Luapula Richard Ngwenya Lab Milenge DHO 23 Luapula Allan Kalapa Lab Kasaba Hosp Samfya 24 Lusaka Beatrice Kakhuni Nurse 0977365649 25 Lusaka Peter Akombwa Lab 26 Lusaka Margert K Kafwelu Nurse Kamwala clinic 27 Lusaka Maggie Mwila Nurse Luangwa 28 Lusaka Kelvin Chibwalwe Lab Rufunsa 29 Lusaka Judy Mwanza Lab Kafue DH 30 Muchinga Getrude Katongo Nurse Isoka DHO 31 Muchinga Beatrice Mutale Nurse Isoka DHO 32 Muchinga Perinah Hamutete Lab Chinsali DH 33 Muchinga Jairos Khondowe Lab Nakonde DH 34 Muchinga Raphael Likando Lab Muyombe RHC 35 Northern Josphat Nkole Lab Mporokoso Ndola - Ndeke UHC 36 Northern Romu Makwakwa Nurse Mungwi 37 Northern Rita Phiri Bwanga Lab Mbala 38 Northern Chipo Siantebele Lab Mpulungu 39 Northern Samuel Chonya Nurse Mbala 40 Northern Sydney C Chipili Nurse Kaputa 41 Northern Sr. Ngosa Elizabeth Ndili Lab Kasama Hospital 42 North-Western Hellen Phiri Nurse Solwezi DH 43 North-Western Leah Makanta Nurse Solwezi DH 44 North-Western Kamaya Kalimbwe Nurse Solwezi DH 45 North-Western Hebert Mbewe Lab Solwezi DH 46 North-Western Catherine Lunda Lab Solwezi DH 47 North-Western Thomas Silumbwe Lab Solwezi DCMO 48 Southern Flonny Mutabali Nurse Chipepo RHC 49 Southern Emmanuel Vwavwa Nurse Kafue DH 50 Southern Sophie Musonda Lab Sinazongwe DCMO 51 Southern Christine Musonda Lab Mazabuka Gen.Hosp 52 Western Kate Kelewa Manyando Nurse Kalabo 53 Western Wamundila Kamwi Lab Lewamika Hospitial 54 Western Mike Phiri Lab Yeta Hospital 55 Western Bridget Lubinda Nurse Mulobezi 56 Western Siame Ivwananjiji Nurse Lukulu 57 Western Zakeyo Mwanza Lab Kaoma 58 Lusaka Florence Kayombo Lumbala Nurse Chilenje Clinic 59 Lusaka Clymore Kalyangile Mapper CSO 60 Lusaka Aaron Phiri Mapper CSO 61 Lusaka Sinyembe Sinyemba Mapper CSO 62 Lusaka Gershom Musenge Mapper CSO 63 Lusaka Aggripa Mwinga Mapper CSO 64 Lusaka Justine Hambamba Mapper CSO 65 Lusaka Owen S. Mwimbu Mapper CSO 66 Lusaka Siwanasoto Fredrick Mapper CSO 67 Lusaka Mweemba Munachilau Mapper CSO 68 Lusaka Conrad Sinkanyiti Mapper CSO 69 Lusaka Chishimba Bonaventure Mapper CSO 70 Lusaka Albert Munkanda Mapper CSO 71 Lusaka Mpatisha Ernest Mapper CSO 72 Lusaka Kamocha Collins CSO 73 Lusaka Dr. E. Chizema Mapper Director Disease Surveillance and Research 74 Lusaka Dr. M. Kamuliwo Dep. Director Disease MOH MOH Surveillance and Research Malaria 75 Lusaka Dr. M. Mudenda MOH Dr. Busiku Hamainza Case Management Officer Principal Operations Research Officer 76 Lusaka 77 Lusaka Dr. Chadwick Sikaala Entomologist MOH 78 Lusaka Moonga Hawela MOH 79 Lusaka Mercy Mwanza Ingwe Chief Parasitologist Surveillance and Information Officer 80 Lusaka Jacob Chirwa Principal Lab technologist MOH 81 Lusaka Ketty Ndlovu Principal ITN Officer MOH 82 Lusaka Pauline K. Wamulume Principal IEC Officer MOH 83 Lusaka Reuben Zulu Principal IRS Officer MOH 84 Lusaka MarthaC. Mulenga Logistics Officer MOH 85 Lusaka Tadious Chimombe Pharmacist MOH 86 Lusaka Brenda Sichone Secretary MOH 87 Lusaka Christine Tembo Admin MOH 88 Lusaka Smart Tembo Driver MOH 89 Lusaka Dr. John Miller Technical Advisor MACEPA 90 Lusaka Chris Lungu M&E Officer MACEPA 91 Lusaka Kafula Silumbe M&E Officer MACEPA 92 Lusaka Muleba Matafwali Admin MACEPA 93 Lusaka Sosenna Assefa Admin MACEPA 94 Lusaka Belendia Abdissa Developer MACEPA 95 Lusaka John Espana Peace Cop USAID 96 Lusaka Neil Hendrick MACEPA 97 Lusaka Dr. Freddie Masaninga Developer Malaria National Programme Officer 98 Lusaka Dr. Rodgers Mwale 99 Lusaka Dr. Nawa Mukumbuta Malaria Programme Officer UNDP 100 Lusaka Nalukui Sii Kazilimani M&E Officer UNDP 101 Lusaka Lungowe Sitali Lecturer UNZA - SOM 102 Lusaka Maiwase Mkamana Admin MOH 4.2 Daily Attendance Lists MOH MOH WHO UNICEF