Sample Scope and Sequence - Louisiana Department of Education

Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Grade 3 Year-Long Overview
Students in social studies should explore key questions through multiple sources to develop claims about
social studies content. As such, teachers must create instructional opportunities that delve deeply into
content and guide students in developing and supporting claims about social studies concepts.
Grade 3 Content Focus
 Geography of Louisiana
 Natives, settlers, and growth of Louisiana and its
 Louisiana’s government, role, and economics
Grade 3 Claims
 How did the geography of Louisiana play a role in
its development?
 What is the historical significance of current
traditions and celebrations?
 How does Louisiana’s government and economics
fit into the larger role of society?
Content: Students in third grade focus on Louisiana in many aspects, from its geography to the government.
With a solid foundation of each content area, students will be ready to move more in depth concepts
developed at higher grade levels. Students explain how society, the environment, the political and economic
landscape, and historical events influence perspectives, values, traditions, and ideas. To accomplish this, they:
 Use key questions to build understanding of content through multiple sources
 Corroborate sources and evaluate evidence by considering author, occasion, and purpose
Claims: Students develop and express claims through discussions and writing which examine the impact of
relationships between ideas, people, and events across time and place. At this level, students are beginning to
look at more authentic sources as a foundation and move away from reliance on texts in order to develop
claims. To accomplish this, they
 Recognize recurring themes and patterns in history, geography, economics, and civics
 Evaluate the causes and consequences of events and developments
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Sample Scope and Sequence
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
October –
January –
State of Louisiana
GLEs1: 3.1.1-7,
3.3.1-7, 3.4.1,
3.4.3, 3.4.6-7
GLEs: 3.1.1-7,
3.2.1-4, 3.4.2-5
GLEs: 3.1.1-7,
3.2.1, 3.2.4,
GLEs: 3.1.1-7,
3.5.1-6, 3.6.1-3
GLEs: 3.1.1-7,
3.2.1, 3.5.5-6,
Mid- February March
Unit 6
April - May
GLEs: 3.1.1-7,
3.4.7, 3.7.1-3,
3.8.1-4, 3.9.1-2,
Note: The GLEs apply to every unit as they describe the historical thinking skills students should use to learn and demonstrate
understanding of social studies content.
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Unit 1: Louisiana’s Geography
Unit overview: In this unit students will learn about the geographical landscape of Louisiana and how
people are both affected by and impact the environment. This sets the stage for the unit to follow where
students will explore early settlers and patterns of immigration to Louisiana, impacted by the geography.
Topic and Days Content and Claims
10 days
People and
How does Louisiana’s
geography and natural
resources impact people?
(3.3.2, 3.3.4, 3.3.6, 3.3.7,
How do people impact
Louisiana’s geography?
How are the different regions
of Louisiana similar and
different? (3.3.1, 3.3.3, 3.3.5,
3.4.1, 3.4.6)
Sample Tasks and Possible Sources
Possible Sources
Geography Concepts:
 The Earth's Hemispheres, Mr Brewerda, YouTube
 United States Map, National Geographic (zoom in so
kids can see their town and state in the larger context
of the country)
 Google Earth (allows students to see world,
hemisphere, country, etc. down to the school building
in most cases)
 Using a Map Grid, Eduplace
 Where on Earth: Geography as You’ve Never Seen it
Before!, Rob Houston
Louisiana Resources:
 Various maps of LA (roads, physical, parishes, etc.),
 Map of different regions of the state, Wikimedia
 Thibodeaux’s Treasure (LA Wetlands), CWPPRA
 Louisiana official highway map (grid system)
Possible Sources
 The Louisiana Environment, Clare Wheeler, Tulane
 Human Impact, Regents Prep
10 days
Community &
10 days
Possible Sources
 Regions of Louisiana (rural, suburban and urban),
 Louisiana’s Five Regions , Slideshare, Doyle
 Louisiana Geography: The Land (geography and
landforms of Louisiana), Reference Desk
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Unit 2: Louisiana’s Heritage
Unit overview: In this unit students will learn about early settlers and patterns of immigration to
Louisiana, impacted by the geography. This sets the stage for the unit to follow where students will
explore the impact these early settlers had on local celebration and traditions.
Note: This content could be taught in conjunction with the Louisiana Purchase unit (Lessons 3 and 7-11)
from the English Language Arts Guidebook for Grade 3.
Topic and Days
Content and Claims
 How were early Native
American cultures similar and
different? (3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.4.3)
 How do Native American artifacts
reflect Louisiana’s heritage and
how do we preserve our
heritage? (3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.4.3)
Sample Tasks and Possible Sources
Sample Task
 Louisiana Instructional Task
o Poverty Point (LDOE)
Possible Sources
 Poverty Point, Louisiana Division of Archeology
 Louisiana History, Poverty Point, Sarah Schmitt
 PovertyPoint Earthworks, Archaeology Channel
 American Indians, Louisiana Online Exhibits
 Louisiana's Native American Tribes Group
Assignment, Louisiana 101
20 days
Possible Sources
 The French and Indian War, Christopher Collier
 “Louisiana Purchase” An American Story by John
 Loui$iana Purcha$e, Kids Discover
 Texts from ELA Guidebooks Unit
o The Louisiana Purchase: Would You Close
the Deal?, Elaine Landau
o How We Crossed the West: The Adventures
of Lewis and Clark, Rosalyn Schanzer
o “Go West Across America with Lewis and
Clark!”, National Geographic
15 days
How did major explorers
contribute to Louisiana? (3.2.1,
3.4.2, 3.4.4)
What were the causes and
effects of migration in
Louisiana? (3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.4.2,
3.4.4, 3.4.5)
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Unit 3: Louisiana’s Culture
Unit overview: In this unit students will learn about Louisiana’s culture, and the impacts on culture made
by early explorers and settlers. This sets the stage for the unit to follow where students will explore state
Note: This content could be taught in conjunction with the Lapin Plays Possum unit (Lesson 1 and 12) from
the English Language Arts Guidebook for Grade 3.
Topic and Days
Culture of
Content and Claims
 What cultural elements have
contributed to Louisiana’s
heritage? (3.2.4)
5 days
Impacts on
How have various explorers,
leaders and groups had
lasting impacts on
Louisiana’s culture? (3.2.1,
How has technology
impacted the development
of family and community life
in Louisiana over time?
5 days
5 days
Sample Tasks and Possible Sources
Possible Sources
 Kids Page,
 Folklife in Louisiana, Louisiana Pick Your Passion
 Basic Types of Folklife, Louisiana Folkllife
 Mapping Culture,
 Mardi Gras Indians - "Battling" on St. Josephs
Night, Tamika Thompson
 Texts from ELA Guidebooks Unit
o The Cajun Experience,
Possible Sources
 Into the West: Causes and Effects of U.S. Westward
Expansion (Cause and Effect), Terry Collins
 Mimi’s First Mardi Gras, Alice Couvillon and
Elizabeth Moore
 Texts from ELA Guidebooks Unit
o How We Crossed the West: The
Adventures of Lewis and Clark, Rosalyn
Sample Task
 Louisiana Instructional Task
o Technology’s Impact on Family Life
Possible Sources
 Family Communication Then and Now, AARP
 Technology Over Time, PBS
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Unit 4: Louisiana’s Government
(January –Mid February)
Unit overview: In this unit students will learn about Louisiana’s state government. This sets the stage for
the unit to follow where students will explore the role Louisiana plays in the nation.
Topic and Days
Local and
15 days
Content and Claims
 How are responsibilities divided
between the branches of local
and state government? (3.5.3,
 How do local and state
governments meet the basic
needs of society? (3.5.4, 3.6.2)
 What are the powers and
responsibilities of local and state
officials? (3.5.2, 3.5.5)
10 days
How can citizens make their
community and/or state a better
place to live? (3.5.1, 3.6.1, 3.6.3)
Sample Tasks and Possible Sources
Possible Sources
 “Taking Action: She Stood Up To School Violence,”
 “Meet the Judge!” & “My Job Rules,” Readworks
 “Federal versus State Government,” Pragmatic
Mom via Kids Discover
 What are the Parts of Government? (My
American Government), William Thomas
Possible Sources
 Texts from ELA Guidebook Unit, Grade 1
o We Live Here Too! Kids Talk About Good
Citizenship, Nancy Loewen
o “TLC Elementary School: Understanding Good
Citizenship, ” Discovery Education
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Unit 5: State of Louisiana
(Mid- February - March)
Unit overview: In this unit students will learn about Louisiana’s state government and how it came to be.
This sets the stage for the unit to follow where students will explore the role Louisiana plays in the nation.
Topic and Days
Content and Claims
 How did key leaders contribute to
Louisiana? (3.2.1)
 How did Louisiana become a
state? (3.2.1)
10 days
10 days
Possible Sources
 12 Amendment to US constitution, Library of
 LA’s right to vote amendment,
How are government officials
elected at both the state and
national level? (3.5.5-6)
 Voting in an Election (Government in Action) by John
 Elections: Let’s Do the Election Slide! (Congress for
How are key events in history
associated with state and
national symbols?. (3.2.1)
 United States of America: Symbols, Emblems, and
Icons, State Symbols USA
 Louisiana State Symbols, State Symbols USA
10 days
and State
Sample Tasks and Possible Sources
Social Studies Scope and Sequence:
Grade 3
Unit 6: Louisiana’s Economy
(April - May)
Unit overview In this unit students will learn about basic economic concepts. This final unit sets the stage
for fourth grade to follow where students further develop all skills in more depth and detail.
Topic and Days
15 days
15 days
Content and Claims
 What role do natural
resources play in Louisiana’s
economy? (3.4.7)
 How do the incomes of
people impact their
community and state? (3.7.1,
3.9.1, 3.9.2)
Sample Tasks and Possible Sources
Possible Sources
 “Should Students Pay to Play?”, Readworks
 Louisiana’s Economy,
 To The Big Top, Jill Esbaum
 How are opportunity cost,
scarcity, and surplus / shortage
related? (3.4.7, 3.8.1, 3.8.3)
 How do producers and
consumers depend on each other
and how do they affect price?
(3.7.2, 3.7.3, 3.8.2, 3.8.4, 3.10.1,
Possible Sources
 Scarcity and Choices, Social Studies for Kids
 Supply and Demand, Lessons from Toy Fads
o Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994) Scene, YouTube
o Silly Bandz: The Latest Fad
 A New Coat for Anna, Harriet Ziefert
2011 Social Studies Grade-Level Expectations:
Grade 3
Standard 1 – Chronological and Historical Thinking
Students use chronological and historical thinking skills to understand the difference between life in Louisiana
past and present.
Create timelines that identify important events in the history of Louisiana
Explain how technology has changed family and community life in Louisiana over time
Use distinctive vocabulary to sequence events related to Louisiana history
Compare and contrast state and national historical symbols
Categorize landmarks as state and national
Compare and contrast the influence of cultural groups in Louisiana
Identify community and regional historical artifacts, including primary sources, to answer historical questions
Standard 2 – Key Events, Ideas, and People
Students analyze how historical people and events have contributed to the diversity of Louisiana.
Explain how major explorers and leaders contributed to the early development of Louisiana
Differentiate between early Native American cultures that lived in the regions of Louisiana
Identify the causes and effects of migration on Louisiana
Identify cultural elements that have contributed to the state’s heritage
Standard 3 – Maps and Globes
Students locate and interpret major geographic features of Louisiana.
Describe characteristics and uses of various types of maps
Identify the hemispheres in which Louisiana is located
Locate various communities and cities in Louisiana using cardinal and intermediate directions
Locate and label major geographic features of Louisiana on a map
Differentiate between a town, parish, state, and country in which the student lives using a political map
Construct an outline map of Louisiana from memory
Locate specific places on a map using a simple grid system
Standard 4 – People, Land, and Environment
2011 Social Studies Grade-Level Expectations:
Grade 3
Students examine how the people and the physical geography of Louisiana have directly influenced each
Compare and contrast the physical features of various regions of Louisiana
Explain historical patterns of settlement in Louisiana using maps
Describe how people have changed the land to meet their basic needs over time in Louisiana
Explain how humans have adapted to the physical environment in different regions of Louisiana
Describe how humans affect the environment in Louisiana
Distinguish between urban, suburban, and rural communities in Louisiana
Describe the importance of natural resources in Louisiana using maps
Standard 5 – Government and Political Systems
Students analyze the structures and function of local and state government.
Explain the difference between rules and laws
Explain who is responsible for enforcing state and local laws
Investigate the major responsibilities of the three branches of local and state government
Explain how local and state governments meet the basic needs of society
Discuss the powers of local and state officials
Compare how government officials at the state and national levels are elected
Standard 6 – Citizenship
Students investigate their role as a citizen of Louisiana.
Explain the rights and responsibilities of individuals in making a community and state a better place to live
Describe the qualities of a good leader and citizen
Describe how a citizen can help solve a local issue
2011 Social Studies Grade-Level Expectations:
Grade 3
Standard 7 – Personal Finance
Students develop an understanding of earning income, saving, and spending money in order to acquire
economic decision-making skills.
Identify various ways that people earn income and how earning income contributes to the economic well-being
of their community and state
List different ways people save their income and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each
Explain the benefits of comparative shopping when making economic decisions
Standard 8 – Wants/Scarcity and Producers/Consumers
Students make connections between the U.S. economic system and how it affects their daily lives.
Investigate the economic concepts of opportunity cost, scarcity, and surplus/shortage and give examples of
each based on needs and wants
Investigate ways in which people are producers and consumers and explain why they depend on one another
Describe the basic concepts of supply and demand and explain how competition affects the prices of goods and
Explain how producers and consumers affect prices
Standard 9 – Careers
Students develop an understanding of key economic concepts and the role of certain types of occupations in
the economy.
Explain the concepts of specialization and interdependence in the production of goods and services
Investigate the responsibilities and characteristics of various jobs
Standard 10 – Exchange and Trade
Students explain how people engage in trade and the economic benefits of trade.
3.10.1 Differentiate between imports and exports of goods in Louisiana
3.10.2 Distinguish between the use of money and barter