58159 Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule, Component 1 for UBEDN investment, IDA46730-MN 1 Ref. No. 2 Contract Description LOT#1, Test van for 35 kV cables, Package#1 LOT#2, Underground cable pulling machine LOT#1, Replacement of 22 Nos.35kV obsolete oil filled circuit breakers by Package#2 SF6 equipment, (29 cubicles) LOT#2, Replacement of 177 Nos. 6 and 10 kV obsolete oil filled circuit breakers by vacuum circuit breakers, (370 cubicles) Augmentation and Rehabilitation of "Esgiilekh", Uprating capacity to Package#3 2x25mVA, new 35 kV(110kV size) OHL from Power Plant “TETs-3”, replacement of obsolete circuit breakers (2 sets SF6 breaker, 30 sets VCB), New 35/10kV substation “Khandgait” around “Bayanbulag” summer camp and Package#4 connect it by new double OHL about 7.5km from “Yargait” 35/10kV substation 3 4 5 6 7 Estimated Cost Procure ment Method Prequalifi cation (yes/no) Domestic Prefere nce (yes/no) Review by Bank (Prior / Post) ICB No No Prior Supply of Goods Nov 01, 2010 Mar 15, 2011 ICB No No Prior Supply and Installation Jan 15, 2011 May 15, 2011 $1,720,000 ICB No No Prior Supply and Installation Dec 15, 2010 Apr 15, 2011 $1,070,000 ICB No No Prior Supply and Installation Dec 15, 2010 Apr 15, 2011 LOT#1 $220,000 LOT#2 $155,000 Total: $375,000 LOT#1 $780,000 LOT#2 $2,100,000 Total: $2,280,000 8 9 10 Type of Contract Expected (Supply BDs and Issuing Installation Date /Procureme nt of Goods) 1 Expected Contract Signing Date (Eastern Distribution Network) 1. Installation of new 10kV double cable line from 110/35/10kV substation "Tuul" to a new switching station at the (1)$ 670,000 Package#5 "Zuun Selbe" Khoroolol (2)$ 810,000 2. Installation of new 6kV double cable Subtotal: line from 35/6kV substation "4 Zam” to $1,480,000 a new switching station around substation No.114 (Eastern Distribution Network) 1. Installation of new 10kV double cable line from 110/35/10kV substation "Umnut" to a new switching station at (1)$ 750,000 Package#6 the "Zaisan" (2)$ 750,000 2. Installation of new 10kV double cable Subtotal: line from 110/35/10kV substation $1,500,000 "Dornot-2" to a new switching station at the "Ikh Zasag" University (Western Distribution Network) 1. Installation of new 6kV double cable line from Central cable line No.7 and 8 of 35/6kV substation “Esgiilekh” to a new switching station around river “Dund gol” (22 switchgear) Package#7 2. Installation of new 6kV double cable line from Central cable line No.5 and 6 of 35/6kV substation “Esgiilekh” to a new switching station around substation “Talkh” (13 switchgear) 3. Installation of new 10kV double cable line from 110/10kV substation “Baruun” to a new switching station around substation “Nasos-6” Total amount (1)$ 480,000 (2)$ 380,000 (3)$ 820,000 Subtotal: $1,680,000 ICB No No Prior Supply and Installation Dec 15, 2010 Apr 15, 2011 ICB No No Prior Supply and Installation Dec 15, 2010 Apr 15, 2011 ICB No No Prior Supply and Installation Dec 15, 2010 Apr 15, 2011 $10,680,000 6,780,000.00 SDR x 1.58USD=10,705,263.00 USD 2 Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule, Component 2 for Distribution Network Development and Planning 1 2 3 4 Ref. No. Description of Assignment Estimated Cost Selection Method 5 Review by Bank (Prior / Post) Package#8 Distribution network planning software and associated training $147,500 QCBS Prior Package#9 Transmission network planning software and associated training $147,500 QCBS Prior Package#10 Consultancy services for network planning $300,000 QCBS Prior Consultancy services for design and $300,000 standard Total amount $895,000 566,000.00 SDR x 1.58USD=893,684.00 USD QCBS Prior Package#11 6 Expected Proposals Submission Date 7 Comments EOI issuing date is December, 2010 Jan 20, 2011 TOR issuing date is December, 2010 Contract sign date is February, 2011 EOI issuing date is December, 2010 Jan 20, 2011 TOR issuing date is December, 2010 Contract sign date is February, 2011 TOR issuing date is February, 2011 Mar 01, 2011 Contract sign date is May, 2011 Contract completion date is after 12 months TOR issuing date is February, 2011 Mar 01, 2011 Contract sign date is May, 2011 Contract completion date is after 12 months Capacity building and Incremental financing, Component 3 Description Study tours and short time courses for capacity building Incremental cost for project administration Total amount Estimated Cost $220,000 $180,000 $400,000 Comments 254,000.00 SDR x 1.58USD=401,053.00 USD Grand Total Amount, US Dollars $12,000,000 3