Phylogenetic Trees (framework) Mountain West 2013


National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology

Teachable Unit Framework

Title of Unit

Date and

Location of SI

Unit Developers &





(< 200 words)


Tree thinking: Phylogenetics

Mountain West 2013

Boulder, CO

Kris Karsten, California Lutheran University,

Catherine Kleier, Regis University,

Frank Messina, Utah State University, Logan,

Theresa Rogers, California Lutheran University,

Kristin Swihart, University of Colorado at Boulder,

Becky Williams, Utah State University Uintah Basin, Vernal,

Facilitated by: Stanley Lo, Northwestern University,

What kind of course is unit designed for?

First exposure to phylogenetic trees in general biology.

How long is unit?

2-3 classes of 50 min duration

When will the unit be used in the course?

First 1/3 of the course, depending on course level.

This unit and tidbit can be used or modified for basic biology as well as upper division courses.

Many students, and professional biologists, have trouble inferring correct genealogical relationships from phylogenetic trees. Even after students learn to construct phylogenetic trees, misconceptions remain. In order to let students recognize their misconceptions, we ask them to interpret two trees that have the same genealogies, yet have different arrangements. Students are meant to see that the orientation of the organisms at the tips of the tree is unimportant. Instead, they are meant to realize that the important information in the tree is the sequence of branching points, or nodes - which indicated different degrees of relatedness. This concept is tested multiple times in the exercise using various activities such as having students work in groups to transform statements about relatedness into a tree with the correct genealogy. They also can see that the ordering of species at the tips of the tree can be varied without changing the basic genealogy. We also have students critique the phylogenetic trees constructed by other groups to determine if the trees are correctly drawn. Finally, we have a summative assessment in which the students are shown four phylogenetic trees and asked to choose the genealogy that is not the same as the other three.

How did the idea for the unit arise?

Experience teaching a phylogenetic unit has demonstrated that students revert to misconceptions when reading phylogenetic trees

Why was this topic chosen?

Despite student competency on the teaching day they learn to read trees, many students do not retain the ability to read trees and revert to misconceptions

What misconceptions or difficult topics are addressed?

Students often look at spatial proximity to determine relationships instead of identifying the most recent common ancestors

Teachable Unit Framework 1

National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology

Teachable Unit Framework

Learning Goals: what students will know, understand, and be able to do; includes content knowledge, attitudes, & skills



Student behaviors or performances that will indicate they have successfully accomplished the goals

Students will understand phylogenetic trees as representations of evolutionary history





Construct a phylogenetic tree using character data

Understand that phylogenetic trees are hypotheses about evolutionary diversification of organisms

Correctly interpret phylogenetic trees

Use information from phylogenetic trees in an applied context


Define shared, derived characters (synapomorphies) and work example problems during which trees are constructed using character data


Evaluate which tree more likely represents true evolutionary history based on parsimony


Identify ancestral vs. derived characters


Demonstrate that polarity of characters is relative with respect to which ingroup is being considered


Correctly interpret phylogenetic trees


Identify the most recent common ancestor of a given group


Draw trees that show equivalent genealogies


Define and identify monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups


Accurately determine relative timing of evolution of characters of interest by mapping traits onto a tree


Make decisions in a conservation biology case study based on evolutionary relationships


Give an example of an application of phylogenetic trees and explain why determining evolutionary relationships is critical within the context of that example

Incorporation of Scientific Teaching Themes

Active Learning

How students will engage actively in learning the concepts


How teachers will measure learning; how students will selfevaluate learning


How the unit is designed to include participants with a variety of experiences, abilities, and characteristics

Teachable Unit Framework 2

National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology

Teachable Unit Framework

Activities outside of class:

Students will have already constructed trees in a lab setting

Pre-class reading on phylogenetics

Activities in class:

Before the tidbit, students learn to construct trees though worksheet and group activities. After the tidbit, students learn to use an outgroup to polarize characters as either ancestral or derived and they learn to identify monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groupings. The latter are supported by clicker questions where students identify characters as ancestral or derived with the character highlighted and the ingroup circled. The ingroup is then changed in the next clicker question, but the character is not. The change in ingroup is chosen to change the polarity of the character from ancestral to derived or vice versa.

Activities during tidbit:

Clicker questions designed to identify common misconceptions about reading trees

Clicker question as formative assessment throughout

Further formative assessment in the form of a think-pairshare to allow students to teach each other and evaluate their understanding of the subject

Tree drawing competition


Worksheets requiring students to construct trees in the first part of the unit

In class assessments:


Clicker questions designed to identify common misconceptions about reading trees

Clicker question as formative assessment throughout

Further formative assessment in the form of a think-pairshare to allow students to teach each other and evaluate their understanding of the subject

Tree drawing competition


Last clicker question requires all three learning objective skills

Post tidbit/class assessments:

Homework (Practice exam questions)

Exam questions

Inclusive teaching principles

• All students involved in work in small groups

• Think pair share allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and reasoning skills to fellow students in a low-pressure environment

How people learn

• The same concept is presented in multiple visual formats, students translate from written instructions to diagrams, and physically draw and manipulate trees

Teachable Unit Framework 3

National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology

Teachable Unit Framework

Additional summative assessment clicker question that requires all three learning objective skills

Sample Presentation Plan (general schedule with approximate timing for unit)

25–30 min for tidbit

Time (min) Learning Outcome(s)


Correctly interpret phylogenetic trees


Identify the most recent common ancestor of a given group


Draw trees that show equivalent genealogies



Clicker questions designed to identify common misconceptions about reading trees. The first set of clicker questions shows that some will read the same tree and interpret it differently.

At the slide with the two trees side by side, explain again how to interpret trees, then move on.

Further formative assessment in the form of a think-pairshare at the horse phylogeny to allow students to teach each other and evaluate their understanding of the subject

Explanation, notes, suggestions, tips

There are many tools and labs available and tested that help students learn how to construct trees in the lessons preceding this tidbit

Phylograms should also be covered before this tidbit

Teachable Unit Framework 4

National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology

Teachable Unit Framework

Enter approx. class time for learning activity preparatory material presentation

Enter approx. class time for learning activity


~90 min

5 minutes to choose closest frog relative in two clicker slides

Enter approximate time for additional learning activities and associated class

Work/preparatory materials

Enter approximate time for post-activity summing up or transition

10 min to think-pairshare on the horse phylogeny

10 minutes for tree drawing competition

20 minutes to write practice and exam questions

Add additional activities information as needed for the unit.

Tree drawing competition: Ask students to produce as many trees as possible that illustrate the same phylogeny based on the written relationships of apes.

Restrict competition to 3 minutes.


Last clicker question requires all three learning objective skills

Homework (Practice exam questions)

Exam questions

Resources for Teaching the Unit

Teachable Unit Framework 5

National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology

Teachable Unit Framework

(other files and information needed/helpful to teach the unit, including files for papers from which original data for class activities is taken, supporting information for the instructor, handouts, in class activities materials, assessments with answer keys, homework assignments, etc.)

Group 3 Evolution Tree Thinking.pptx file tree thinking website:

We recommend that the instructor bring in a mobile to demonstrate the mobile analogy.

Novick, L. R., Stull, A. T., & Catley, K. M. (2012). Reading phylogenetic trees: Effects of tree orientation and text processing on comprehension. BioScience, 62, 757–764.

Baum, D. A., DeWitt Smith, S., & Donovan, S. S. (2005). The tree thinking challenge. Science 310, 979–980.

Effectiveness of unit (if you have used it in your own teaching)


(Facilitators, others who gave input, information, etc.)

We thank Stanley Lo, Renee Dawson, Katy Richards-Hrdlicka, and Brian Couch for facilitating.

We thank Michelle Smith, Maggie Richards, Susan McGrath, Asim Auti, Tammy Maldonado, Scott Franklin,

Lauryn Benedict, Les Sommerville, Katie Mouzakis, Michael Gustin, Kathleen Mathews, Dereth Phillips, Bernice

Aguilar, and Terri Stoner for recommendations on drafts.

Teachable Unit Framework 6
