project tasks - Minnesota Department of Transportation

Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
This Contract involves engineering services related to the “Stabilization” of the Stillwater Lift Bridge. This contract will
utilize portions of a previously prepared plan for the “Repair” of the bridge which was prepared by URS Corporation as
part of the 2009 Historic Stillwater Lift Bridge Management Plan and Repair Project. . This contract will also
incorporate stabilization measures which have been identified during bridge inspections subsequent to the 2009 repair
project. This Contract is part of S.P. 8217-4654E and involves final bridge design related engineering services, public
involvement, mechanical and electrical repair to the lift span, and historic preservation techniques.
This Stabilization Project will adhere to the provisions of The Historic Stillwater Lift Bridge Management Plan and is a
key stipulation in the 2006 Amended Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement (Section 106 MOA) for The St. Croix River
Crossing Project (Stipulation III). The MOA is part of the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement (SFEIS)
for a new $633,000,000 St. Croix River Crossing Project that will replace the Lift Bridge on the Trunk Highway System.
The MOA requires the Lift Bridge to be used for Trunk Highway purposes until the new River Crossing is constructed
and opened to vehicular traffic. Then the Lift Bridge will be preserved and managed beyond the opening of the new River
Crossing by conversion to pedestrian/bicycle use. Currently the St. Croix River Crossing Project is pending
Congressional approval of the project. This Stabilization Project is being implemented regardless of the status of the St.
Croix River Crossing Project due to the current preservation and maintenance needs of the Lift Bridge.
The Lift Bridge is also one of 24 bridges identified by State for long-term preservation as part of State’s statewide
Management Plan for Historic Bridges in Minnesota (June 2006) and the 2008 Section 106 Agreement Concerning Pre1956 Historic Bridges (Section 106 Historic Bridge PA). All proposed work must be in compliance with the Secretary of
the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (SOI Standards).
Work under this contract will be consistent with designated stipulations of the MOA, the Historic Bridge Management
plan, and other applicable standards specified in this Scope of Work.
The main goals of this contract are to:
 Provide a Lift Bridge Stabilization Plan, special provisions, and cost estimate in accordance with the Bridge Office’s
Recommendations (dated March 2011) for a May 2012 letting.
 Ensure compliance with Stipulation III of the Section 106 MOA including working with the State CRU Project
 Ensure compliance with State’s Management Plan for Historic Bridges and the Section 106 Historic Bridge PA.
 Ensure compliance with the St. Croix River Crossing Project’s 2006 Supplemental Final Environmental Impact
 Ensure compliance with items identified by the Project Historian in order to meet the SOI Standards.
 Ensure compliance with the St. Croix River Crossing Project’s “Visual Quality Manual (VQM)”. (see following
Related Studies, Documents, & Repairs).
The main products of this project will be:
 A Lift Bridge Stabilization Plan, special provisions, and cost estimate that addresses structural, mechanical, and
electrical needs.
 Project Delivery and Construction Schedule
 Bridge component (festoon cables) plan, specifications and cost estimate
 Public Involvement
 Permitting
The Lift Bridge is a 10-span, 2-lane crossing of the St. Croix River between Stillwater, Minnesota on the West and
Holton, Wisconsin on the East. Spans 1 & 2 at the Minnesota side are short slab spans. Spans 3 thru 9 are 140 ft +\-Parker
Thru Trusses. Span 4 is a counterweighted, tower and cable, vertical lift span customarily known as a “Waddell &
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
Harrington Vertical Lift. Span 10 is a short rolled beam jump span. Span 10 terminates on an earthen causeway that
extends approximately 750 ft out from the Wisconsin shore.
A Project Historian will be retained by the State Cultural Resources Unit (CRU) under a separate contract. The Project
Historian will review the Lift Bridge Management Plan and insure that the project construction plans and specifications
are in compliance with the appropriate application of the Secretary of the Interior’s “Standards for the Treatment of
Historic Properties” (SOI Standards). All work under this Contract will be coordinated with the CRU Project Historian.
A. The Historic Stillwater Lift Bridge Management Plan and Repair Project prepared in 2008 thru 2009.
B. Previous $5 Million Repair Project (2004) (S.P. 8217-4654C)
The 106th Congress allocated $5 Million for the repair of the Stillwater Lift Bridge. As a result
State retained the HNTB Corp. to conduct a study to identify Lift Bridge structural, mechanical, and electrical
repair needs, their associated costs, a prioritization of those needs for the $5 Million Repair Project, and the
development of future maintenance scenarios and costs for remaining needs not addressed in the
$5 Million project. HNTB documented results of their study in the following reports:
 Tenders House Repair Report (Jan. 21, 2003)
 Deck Replacement Study (March 21, 2003)
 Pedestrian Railing Repair Study (March 20, 2003)
 Structural Inspection and Preliminary Condition Evaluation. Volumes 1 & 2 (March 7, 2003)
 Mechanical and Electrical Inspection and Evaluation. Volumes 1 & 2 (March 18, 2003)
 Maintenance Projections and Annualized Costs (June 12, 2003)
 Repair Methods, Schedule, and Probable Repair Costs (July 8, 2003)
 Repair Needs (June 23, 2003)
Subsequent to the study, HNTB prepared a repair plan that addressed the study’s highest prioritized
Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical needs and met the $5 Million federal allocation. The plan was let in
November 2004 and work was completed in 2006.
The above HNTB reports and repair plan are available on State’s “Lift Bridge Management Plan and Repair
Project” web site. Go to: and click on Documents
Visual Quality Manual (VQM)
State has developed a VQM for the overall St. Croix River Crossing Project that will provide corridor
continuity in all aspects of that Project’s design. The VQM is a key stipulation of the MOA. Chapter 7 of the
VQM addresses a 4.8 mile Loop Trail and its impact on the Lift Bridge and its Concourse after conversion to
pedestrian/bicycle use. Chapter 8 of the VQM addresses “mitigation measures for adverse cultural resources
produced by the St. Croix River Crossing” including mitigations related to the Lift Bridge. An amendment to
the VQM has been drafted in March of 2011 to include the refined new river crossing bridge’s design. Go to:
Other Previous Documents
 Life Expectancy Report
In 1999 State retained A.G. Lichtenstein and Associates, Inc. to observe the condition of the existing
bridge, evaluate its load carrying capacity, and estimate its life expectancy under several alternate
scenarios. Lichtenstein issued the following report:
o Alternates Study of Bridge Life Expectancy for the Stillwater Lift Bridge (May 1999)
Fatigue Evaluation of Stillwater Bridge (1998)
o Prepared by the University of Minnesota to determine the remaining fatigue life of the Lift Bridge.
Construction and Previous Repairs and Modifications. Volumes 1 & 2 (March 2003)
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
A compilation of the original Lift Bridge Plan and previous repair plans produced by HNTB as a byproduct of their needs studies.
The above HNTB documents are available on State’s Lift Bridge Management Plan and Repair
Project web site. Go to: and click on Documents.
To see other relevant project documents see “Items Provided by State”.
Project Web Sites
 Mn/DOT Lift Bridge Management Plan and Repair Project
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Mn/DOT Management Plan for Historic Bridges in Minnesota – June 2006
Minnesota Historic Society-National Register Historic Bridges
Mn/DOT St.Croix River Crossing Project
Mn/DOT Visual Quality Manual (VQM)
MnDOT Bridge Office Repair Recommendations dated March 2011
Categorical Exclusion for Stabilization Project (S.P. 8217-4654E)
The Contractor will apply multidisciplinary expertise to address the preservation of the bridge. The Contractor will utilize
a team approach of professionals paired with State’s CRU Project Historian and Wis/DOT. Key personnel include
registered structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers along with other professionals with related expertise in:
 Structural evaluation, design, and/or repair design of metal truss or similar bridges as listed in the State’s stabilization
recommendations report.
 Mechanical and electrical evaluation, design and/or component repair design of movable bridges (lift bridge design
preferable) as listed in the State’s stabilization recommendations report.
 Bridge Historian coordination
 Public Involvement
 Permitting
Note: Activity code 9085 relates to Project Historian participation in individual tasks.
Task 1: Project Management (activity code 1010)
Contractor will conduct the administration of the project, which will include communication with State. Also included
will be invoicing, supplemental agreements, cost and schedule updates, billing preparation, and other non-technical work.
No changes in Contractor project management personnel will be made without written notice to State. State will notify
Contractor if there are changes to State’s project management personnel.
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
State will provide a Project Manager to provide direction to Contractor’s activities. It will be the responsibility of State’s
Project Manager to receive the work produced by Contractor, review the work for adequacy and compliance with Contract
standards, and to recommend payment for such work.
Task 2: Quality Assurance Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan (activity code 1010)
Contractor will develop a project specific QA/QC Plan this project and implement it throughout duration of the project.
Task 3: Project Research (activity code 1010)
Contractor will conduct research that includes but is not be limited to:
 Historic Research
Research appropriate treatment standards for this bridge type; review existing historic engineering text for truss
bridges in Minnesota; review existing historical and documentary material related to the Lift Bridge; and other
research deemed appropriate. This work will be coordinated with the State CRU Project Historian.
 Review Existing Bridge Plans; includes original and subsequent repair plans, the HNTB plan for the 2005 $5 Million
Repair Project, and specifically the URS Repair plan of 2008. Go to:, click on Documents.
 Review Previous Reports
Includes recent Bridge Inspection reports and various reports prepared by HNTB for the 2005 $5 Million Repair
Project. Go to:
 Review Visual Quality Manual
Be thoroughly familiar with the VQM specifically how it pertains to the Lift Bridge.
 St. Croix River Crossing Project
Be thoroughly familiar with the St. Croix River Crossing Project, including the 2006 Supplemental Final
Environmental Impact Statement, and how the Stillwater Lift Bridge stabilization and preservation is to be integrated
with that project.
 Review and research the State Bridge Office Preliminary Bridge Stabilization Recommendations report dated March
2011. These recommendations identify the needs that cannot be deferred until the conversion project.
 Review the Categorical Exclusion for Stabilization Project, S.P. 8217-4654E.
Task 4: Structural Component Analysis (activity code DECK)
Contractor will develop a quantitative analysis of Lift Bridge bent, corroded or damaged structural components to identify
high stress members that will require repair under this contract or that will warrant closer attention during State’s annual
Task 5: Site Visit (activity codes ABUT, DECK, PIER)
Contractor will conduct an on-site structural, mechanical, and electrical review only (not an inspection) of the Lift Bridge
superstructure and exposed portions of substructure units with the intent to be familiar with existing conditions as they
pertain to the Stabilization project.
Underwater inspection is not required. Below water assessments of scour and substructure deterioration will be based on
State’s 2008 Underwater Inspection Report and recent Bridge Inspection reports.
Contractor will coordinate with the CRU Project Historian to assure implementation of the processes outlined in the
Management Plan for Historic Bridges in Minnesota (State 2006) on pages 21 – 32.
Go to:
Task 6: Bridge Stabilization Plan, Special Provisions, and Cost Estimates (activity codes ABUT, DECK, PIER)
Contractor will develop a certified Lift Bridge Stabilization Plan with Special Provisions and Cost Estimates that
addresses all of the needs listed in the Bridge Office Recommendation Report and the Categorical Ex.
Design, Drafting, and CADD Standards:
Plans will be designed, detailed, and drafted in conformance with the Design Standards specified hereinafter.
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
30%, 60%, 95% Intermediate Draft Plan Submittals:
Contractor will submit draft copies of the repair plan at the 30%, 60%, and 95% completion levels for State and Wis/DOT
review and comment. These will allow State to review Contractor’s progress and will be utilized in project meetings.
Contractor will incorporate State and Wis/DOT comments into their plan. Any differences must be reconciled. The 95%
plan will be considered by Contractor as 100% complete, ready for certification and approval by the State Bridge
Engineer. A thirty day concurrent review by both Mn/SHPO and Wis/SHPO is required at the 30% and 60% plan
submittals. The SHPOs will determine if review of the 95% plan is needed after review of the 60% plan.
Final Plan Deliverable
The final plan will be certified by a registered professional engineer licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota.
Special Provisions
Contractor will develop both standard and non-standard special provisions to supplement the States Standard
Specifications for Construction, 2005 Edition. Standard special provision boiler plates are available on the State Bridge
Office web-site. Go to: and click on Special Provisions. Contractor will review the
boiler plates to determine if they are applicable and to complete and/or modify as appropriate. Non-standard special
provisions will be developed for those items not included in the standard special provisions.
60% Review Submittal
A Table of Contents of the special provisions to be submitted with the 60% review plan.
95% Review Submittal
Will be considered by Contractor as 100% complete, ready for certification, to be submitted with the 95% review plan.
Final Deliverable:
The Special Provisions will be certified by a registered professional engineer licensed under the laws of the State of
Cost Estimates
Contractor will provide cost estimates for the pay items and quantities developed in the plan.
60% Cost Estimate
This is meant as a preliminary estimate to be submitted with the 60% review plan. Contractor will research recent local
and regional projects for traditional work and develop bid prices bid prices for unique work based on estimating labor,
materials, equipment, and markup. Cost estimates will based on “year of estimate” dollars and will include background
material used in determining quantities and bid prices.
95% Cost Estimate
Contractor will update and supplement the 60% estimate based on final contract documents in “year of estimate” dollars.
Estimates will include background material used in determining quantities and bid prices. This estimate will be considered
by Contractor as 100% complete and will be submitted with the 95% review plan.
Task 7: Project Meetings and Public Involvement (activity code 0054)
Contractor will coordinate its activities with State’s Lift Bridge Project Management Team (Management Team) and other
involved agencies. The Management Team includes State’s Bridge Office, Cultural Resources Unit (CRU), the Project
Historian, and Metro Division (Metro); and Wis/DOT Representatives. Other agencies/stakeholders will be included as
deemed necessary by State. Contractor will schedule, lead, and document all project meetings (includes recording
meeting minutes). Contractor will provide meeting minutes to State within three days after each project meeting.
Contractor will prepare materials for a Public Open House including handouts, exhibits and boards. Contractor will
schedule, plan, advertise, mail invitations, and host the Open House.
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
The Contractor will attend all Project Meetings and Public Open Houses. Their intent is to insure stipulations of the MOA
are met. A total of 14 meetings are assumed including:
 One Project Kickoff Meeting
 Five Project Management Team Meetings
 Eight Coordination Meetings with the Project Historian
 One Project Meeting with the Project Historian, State CRU and the Mn/SHPO
 One Public Open House
 Up to two miscellaneous meetings with State and/or individual stakeholders
Contractor’s Project Manager must physically attend all meetings. Meetings will be coordinated and directed by the
Task 9: Festoon Cable Replacement Plan, specifications, and cost estimates (activity code DECK)
A festoon cables material contract is anticipated to be let prior to the Stabilization Project to ensure timely materials
delivery and Quality Control. Contractor will prepare and submit a separate plan for festoon cable replacement, along
with special provisions and a cost estimate. This plan will be required sooner than that of the Stabilization Project.
Contractor will coordinate, and request approval of, the festoon cable work from State’s Electrical Services Section.
Task 10: Public and Agency Involvement (Permits/Approvals, Activity Code 1280)
For the permits identified in the Categorical Exclusion, the Contractor will apply for and obtain all of the necessary
permits for the Stabilization Project. The Contractor will coordinate permitting activities with State and Wis/DOT Water
Resource Engineering units. State will only request and obtain the Coast Guard permit. All other permits are to be
requested and obtained by the Contractor in time to ensure the construction letting scheduled is met. State anticipates that
Contractor will need to obtain the following permits:
U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers
U.S Fish and
Wildlife Service
U.S. Coast Guard
Type of application
Section 106 (Historic / Archeological) determination [this is
delegated to MnDOT CRU, but for EAW table, it should be
listed as FHWA determination]
Section 404 Permit (Clean Water Act)
Section 10 Permit (navigable waters)
ESA (what is ESA?) Section 7 determination (OES assists in
determination coordination) [See Threatened & Endangeres
Species Section - page 11]
Section 9 Permit (navigable waters)
Construction Plans
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Unit of
To be
Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
Department of
Natural Resources
Department of
Natural Resources
Department of
Natural Resources
Pollution Control
Pollution Control
Minnesota State
Officer (SHPO)
Type of application
Public Waters Work Permit Program
Unit of
To be
Mussel Relocation Permit (if needed)
401 Water Quality Certificate and Wisconsin DNR
Concurrence Letter
Section 401 Water Quality Certification
NPDES Permit
Section 106 (Historic / Archeological) consultation (for
federal environmental process)
*The National Park Service (NPS) will complete their evaluation and determination during the
Corp permitting process.
Task 11: Project Schedule (activity code 1010)
The Contractor will develop, maintain and coordinate a MS Project bar chart schedule showing project development,
letting, and construction for the Stabilization Project.
State will provide the following information to the successful respondent:
 1997 Hess, Roise and Company report, Management Plan for Minnesota Historic Bridges
 Previously completed individual inventory and nomination forms for the Stillwater Lift Bridge.
 Previously completed condition assessments for the Stillwater Lift Bridge.
 Previously completed historical contexts for bridges in Minnesota.
 The Management Plan for Historic Bridges in Minnesota (June 2006)
 Individual historic bridge management plans completed for 23 other historic bridges in Minnesota.
 The Historic Bridge Database (Access 2000) developed for the completion of 22 of the final bridge management
 Access to any information in the Pontis Bridge Management Database.
 The Bridge Preservation, Improvement and Replacement Guidelines, available at
 Hard copies and/or electronic files of all of the reports identified previously under “Relate Studies, Documents, and
Repairs” section.
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
Amended Section 106 MOA for the St. Croix River Crossing Project, electronic file only
2006 Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement for the St. Croix River Crossing Project, electronic file and
one hard copy.
Visual Quality Manual available at:
Existing bridge plans
Existing bridge Inspection Reports including the lasted underwater inspection report (2008).
Existing bridge Maintenance Reports or Records
Categorical Exclusion documents
Metro Public Affairs will write and distribute news releases, develop project one-page sheet, respond to phone calls
and e-mails, develop and maintain a project website, prepare video updates for the website, do media interviews, and
attend city council and other public meetings.
Provide certified Traffic Control plan sheets and Special Provisions for inclusion into the project plan set.
U.S. Coast Guard permit
 Working Stress Design Method
 Mn/DOT LRFD Bridge Design Manual
 Mn/DOT Summary of Recommended Drafting Standards as specified in the LRFD Manual.
 Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
 1998 AASHTO Specification for Movable Bridges and current interim specifications.
 Visual Quality Manual for the St. Croix River Crossing Project.
 Management Plan for Minnesota Historic Bridges
 Bridge Preservation, Improvement and Replacement Guidelines
 OSHA Safety Codes
 National Electric Code
 Maintain Legal Postings
CONTRACTOR DELIVERABLES (dates are based on a tentative July 1, 2011 Notice to Proceed):
 Project specific QA/QC Plan.
o Intermediate Draft Submittal
July 22, 2011
- 3 bound black and white hard copies, 81/2 x11
Final QA/QC Plan
- 3 bound hard copies, 81/2 x11.
- 1 electronic file in Microsoft Word
August 19, 2011
Festoon Cable Replacement Plan, Special Provisions & Cost Estimate
- (Plan) 5 copies, 11x17
- (Special Provisions) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
- (Cost Estimates) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
Bridge Stabilization Plan, Special Provisions, & Cost Estimates
o 30% Draft Submittals
- (Plan) 5 copies, 11x17
- (Special Provisions) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
- (Cost Estimates) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
60% draft Submittal
- (Plan) 5 copies, 11x17
- (Special Provisions) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
- (Cost Estimates) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
August 19, 2011
August 19, 2011
October 21, 2011
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Mn/DOT Contract No. 98862
Exhibit A
Scope of Work and Deliverables
95% draft Submittal
- (Plan) 5 copies, 11x17
- (Special Provisions) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
- (Cost Estimates) 25 copies, 81/2 x11
- 2 Copies Design Calculations
- 1 Copy Quantity Calculations
December 21, 2011
Final Deliverables
- 1 Certified Final Plan, 11x17
- 1 Electronic File Final Plan, Current Microstation Format.
- 1 Certified Set Special Provisions, 81/2 x11
- 1 Word File Special Provisions
- 1 Certified Set Cost Estimates, 81/2 x11
- 1 Word or Excel File Cost Estimate
- 2 Bound Copies Design Calculations
- 1 Bound Copy Quantity Calculations
February 4, 2012
Monthly progress reports
Monthly Status Reports
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