Taken from: Salem Press Online LDCSB Subscription Great Events from History: The Eighteenth Century Discovery of the Rosetta Stone by Virginia L. Salmon DATE July 19, 1799 The discovery of the Rosetta stone provided the key to deciphering hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian system of writing, and so recaptured and revealed the rich culture and history of the forgotten civilization. LOCALE Rosetta, Egypt CATEGORIES Anthropology; communications; historiography Citation Types Type Format Virginia L. Salmon. "Discovery of the Rosetta Stone."Great Events from MLA Style History: The Eighteenth Century Hackensack, NJ: Salem Press, 2006. n. pag. Salem Online. Web. 14 Jan. 2015. . Virginia L. Salmon.(2006).Discovery of the Rosetta Stone. Great Events from APA Style History: The Eighteenth Century . Hackensack, NJ: Salem Press. Retrieved from http://online.salempress.com Virginia L. Salmon. 2006. "Discovery of the Rosetta Stone."Great Events from CHICAGO History: The Eighteenth Century Hackensack, NJ: Salem Press,Accessed Style January 14, 2015. .