Act 1.3 Key Social Structure`s Relationship to Wordview

Name ____________________________________Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2014 Activity 1.3 Key
Title: How Did the Social Structure During the Middle Ages Reflect the Worldview of the Time?
Author: Rees, Anderson Gerrits, Allaire
Source: Our Worldviews: Explore, Understand, Connect
Pages 23-24
I can statement: I can explain how the Renaissance Europe formed the basis of the Western
Pre-reading: Skim through the assigned reading identifying and defining key words or words you do not
During Reading: Using your transparency, highlight key information that relates to your inquiry question.
After Reading: Complete a summary of your reading in the space provided. It can be written or a
figurative drawing.
Key Terms
Feudal System – the Political-SocioEconomic landholding system of the
Middle Ages.
Hierarchical - An authoritative class
Diplomacy –skillful handling of
Alliance – a formally recognized
Serfs – peasants that were property
of a feudal lord.
Figurative Drawing
Written Summary
The Middle Ages was characterized by the
feudal system with its strict social and
governmental structures. With a religious
worldview that had people believing their
position in life was God’s will, the society was
divided into immoveable classes. The most
powerful position was the King or Monarch,
then high clergy, nobles, lesser nobles and
lower clergy and finally the serfs or peasants.
Name ____________________________________Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2014 Activity 1.3 Key
How do you see the lives of nobles and serfs being similar? Being different?
They both could live in houses.
They both shared the religious view that
God was the center of human existence.
In the painting, Les Très Riches Heures du
Duc de Berry, it appears that the serfs lives
were demanding and full of work whereas,
the nobility seemed to live a life luxury and
The housing was quite different between
the serfs and the feudal nobility. The serfs
would live in huts whereas, the nobility
would live in castles or fortified manor
On the one hand, the serfs would suffer
harsh, short lives to get into heaven. On
the other hand, the wealthy would donate
to the Roman Catholic Church hoping to be
rewarded with heaven.
How do you think the worldviews would differ between the nobility and the serfs?
I think the nobility would concern itself with forming alliances for protecting what they had and
expanding their landholdings whereas, the peasants probably worried about survival. The
nobility likely felt superior to the serfs. Serfs may have accepted their place as God’s will but
they did not necessary believe that the nobility was better than themselves.
In what you know about Canada, what evidence do you see of a hierarchical society?
Canada’s class system seems to be based on wealth similar to the rich nobility and
impoverished serf. In Canada, the wealthy seem to be able to provide for themselves a more
luxurious lifestyle. They are more likely to have political influence thus allowing them to
maintain their wealth. In Canada, like in the hierarchical structure of the feudal system, there
are few wealthy compared to poverty experienced by some.