Assessment 1: Content knowledge: Foundations paper Description of the Assessment: This assessment is a paper in which the candidate articulates his or her personal philosophy regarding the education of individuals identified as gifted, creative, or talented. A brief analysis of the data findings: The data reflect the improvement of the program since 2006. The faculty was able to refine assignments and activities in the courses to better prepare students for this assignment. The data from recent years demonstrate that students are well prepared in the philosophy of working with gifted, creative, and talented students and can articulate their own personal philosophy. Missing data for 2010-2011 is due to merger of two classes and failure to reassign assessment to merged course and change in coordinator (who subsequently was unable to continue.) Assessment 1: Foundations paper Generate a paper articulating your stance and personal philosophy regarding the education of individuals identified as gifted, creative, or talented. Include: 2006 2007 2008 2009Components: Demonstrating standard: 3 Approaching Standard: 2 Unacceptable: 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 Intra- and interpersonal 1.5 Candidates know and Some or inconsistent Little or no evidence differences and similarities understand human growth demonstrating of of understand among individuals and development including understand human human growth and identified as gifted, similarities and differences growth and development development creative, or talented, and of individuals with gifts/ including similarities and including similarities 2.44 3 3 2.98 your talents and the general differences of individuals and differences of population. with gifts/ talents and the individuals with general population. gifts/ talents and the general population. Academic and affective characteristics, and the impact of multiple exceptionalities on education Academic and affective characteristics, and the impact of multiple exceptionalities on education 1.6 Candidates know and apply knowledge of the cognitive and affective characteristics of individuals with gifts/ talents including those from diverse backgrounds, in intellectual, academic, creative, and artistic domains. Some application of knowledge of the cognitive and affective characteristics of individuals with gifts/ talents including those from diverse backgrounds, in intellectual, academic, creative, and artistic domains. Little or no application of knowledge of the cognitive and affective characteristics of individuals with gifts/ talents including those from diverse backgrounds, in intellectual, academic, creative, and artistic domains. 1.7 Candidates understand the societal, cultural, and economic factors involved in gifted education (including anti-intellectualism and equity vs. excellence), which enhance or inhibit the development of gifted education. 1.7 Candidates understand the societal, cultural, and economic factors involved in gifted education (including antiintellectualism and equity vs. excellence), which enhance or inhibit the development of gifted education. 1.7 Candidates understand the societal, cultural, and economic factors involved in gifted education (including antiintellectualism and equity vs. excellence), which enhance or inhibit the development of gifted education. 2011-2012 3: 15 candidates 2: 3 candidates 3: 11 candidates 2: 5 candidates 2.44 3 3 2.98 3: 16 candidates 2: 1 candidate 2.44 3 3 2.98 1: 1 candidate Organizations that you turn to for professional development Professional activities you will use to enhance your professional development Sources of information related to gifted and talented education. Number of Candidates 6.1 Candidates engage in professional activities, read current publications, and use evidence-based best practice research as part of a welldeveloped professional development plan. Some evidence of participation in professional activities, Little or no evidence of professional activities, r 3.6 Candidates identify theories and research that form the basis of curriculum development and instructional practice, and use national and state curricula standards. Some effort to enhance knowledge of research that form the basis of curriculum development and instructional practice, and use national and state curricula standards. Little or no efofrt to enhance knowledge of research that form the basis of curriculum development and instructional practice, and use national and state curricula standards. 6.1 Candidates engage in professional activities, read current publications, and use evidence-based best practice research as part of a welldeveloped professional development plan. 6.1 Candidates engage in professional activities, read current publications, and use evidence-based best practice research as part of a well-developed professional development plan. 6.1 Candidates engage in professional activities, read current publications, and use evidencebased best practice research as part of a well-developed professional development plan. 3: 17 candidates 2.44 3 3 2.98 1: 1 candidate 3: 17 candidates 1: 1 candidate 2.44 3 3 2.98 3: 14 candidates 2: 4 candidates 2.44 3 3 2.98 30 56 59 68 18