The Crusades

Kingdoms, Crusades, and Islam Review Guide
Identify: Make sure to list their most notable accomplishment!!!
1. Pope Urban II: Spoke to the Christians of Europe and told them to go on Crusade to
capture Jerusalem.
2. Saladin: Muslim leader who united the Muslims and declared war against the
Christian Crusaders.
3. Richard the Lionheart: King of England. He led his army on the Crusades in order to
fight Saladin and the Muslims.
4. Fredrick Barbarossa: Holy Roman Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He led his
army on the Crusades but drowned on the way while crossing a river.
5. Philip II Augustus: King of France. Fought the English and gained more land, and as
a result gained more power.
6. Philip IV the Fair: King of France. Created the Estates-General.
7. William the Conqueror: King of England and former ruler of Normandy. He became
king of England when he beat Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings.
8. Hugh Capet: King of France. He was the first of the Capetian kings.
9. Henry II: King of England. He established common law and the juries – the grand
jury and the trial jury.
10. King John: King of England. He was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 by the
English nobles.
11. Edward I: King of England. He created the English Parliament.
12. Muhammad: The most important prophet in Islam.
13. Al-Razi: Great scientist and chemist. He classified substances into animal, mineral, vegetable
and wrote a book on identifying diseases for doctors.
14. Ibn Sina: Persian doctor who learned how diseases spread from person to person.
15. Ibn Khaldun: Great historian who studied the rise and fall of civilizations and the effects of
geography and climate on people.
England: (pgs. 535-537)
1. What was the Magna Carta and why was it significant?
The Magna Carta limited the king’s power and helped to establish that all people have rights,
such as the right to far trials.
2. What was Parliament, what country does it help govern, and what king created it?
Parliament was meant to advise the king and help him make laws. It helps govern England and
it was created by King Edward I. It was the first step towards representative government.
3. What is the difference between a grand jury and a trial jury?
The grand jury determines whether someone should be accused of a crime. The trial jury
determines whether the accused is innocent or guilty.
France: (pgs. 538 and 535 for Normandy)
1. What is the Estates-General, what country does it help govern, and what king created it?
It was France’s first parliament and King Philip IV (the Fair) created it. It was the first step
towards representative government in France.
The Crusades:
1. Why is the First Crusade so important in history?
It was the most successful Crusade because it was the only Crusade to capture the city of
2. How did the Third Crusade end? Why is it known as the King’s Crusade?
The Third Crusade ended with a truce between Saladin and Richard the Lionheart. It is known
as the King’s Crusade because many kings (Richard I, Philip II, and Frederick Barbarossa)
were going to the Holy Land to fight the Muslims instead of simple knights and lords.
3. Why did the Christians go on Crusade and who did they fight?
The Christians went on Crusade in order to capture Jerusalem and win back the Holy Land
from the Muslims. They were fighting the Muslims.
4. What were the ways the Crusades impacted Europe in a positive way?
The Crusades resulted in an increase in trade between the Middle East and Europe
allowing for European merchants to become very wealthy. The Crusades also helped to
break down feudalism due as the Kings of Europe consolidated their power during the
absence of the knights and lords.
Review Sheet for Islam: (pgs. 373-381 & 388-394)
Directions: Use your textbook and your notes to answer the following questions in complete
1. Describe the early people who would convert to Islam?
The early people of Islam were mostly nomadic traders or Bedouins living in the Middle
East. These merchants and traders created caravans to help carry goods throughout the trade
routes of the Golden Web.
2. Explain some of Muhammad’s message (what did he teach)?
Muhammad taught that
3. Why did Muhammad’s message appeal to the poor?
Many were poor and were attracted to Islam’s message of equality and charity.
4. Describe each of the Five Pillars of Faith?
A. Belief (Shahada): Muslims must declare that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is
his prophet. This Pillar represents the belief in Monotheism.
B. Prayer (Salat): Muslims must pray five times a day facing toward Makkah. Their devotion to
prayer is a symbol of their devotion to Islam.
C. Charity (Zakat): Muslims must give to the poor (2.5% of their surplus wealth). Muhammad
supported the notion of equality and charity. These beliefs are found in this Pillar of Faith.
D. Fasting (Sawm): Muslims must not eat from dawn to dusk during the sacred holiday of
Ramadan. Fasting is a form of sacrifice and shows the Muslim will to surrender to god.
E. Pilgrimage (Hajj): Muslims must visit Makkah once in their life. Many Muslims visit
Makkah 2 months after the Holy Month of Ramadan.
5. Describe the Islamic Empire and why they were successful (Pages 380-381)
The Islamic stretched from Spain to India. This empire was very successful due to their
excellent soldiers who were completely devoted to Islam, the devotion to knowledge and
education, and their acceptance of other religions and cultures.
6. Describe a Muslim city (use page 388-389).
Muslim cities were centers of trade. Cities like Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus were
particularly successful. Cities were also centers of government, learning and the arts.
Cities contained Mosques for worship and a bazaar or marketplace for trade.
7. Why do you think the Muslim were so successful at scientific discovery and technology?
Muslims had never lost much of the knowledge of the Ancient peoples after the decline
of Rome, and they built place of knowledge and education like the House of Wisdom.
This center for learning shared the knowledge of different people from all over the world.
Name 1 contribution for each of the 5 categories below. (Pages 390-394)
A. Mathematics: Algebra, and the numerals 0-9
B. Medicine: Identifying diseases, the circulatory system, and the spread of diseases from person to person.
C. Science: Astronomy and the improvement of the astrolabe. Chemistry and the classification of substances as
animal, mineral, vegetable.
D. Architecture (Buildings): Minarets, improvements to the arch and dome, and great structures like the Taj
E. Literature: The Arabian Nights, Rubaiyat, and works of history written by Ibn Khaldun.
Other Study Tools:
o Power-Points on Kingdoms of the Middle Ages (and Magna Carta), the Crusades,
Rise of Islam, Five Pillars of Islam, and the Islamic Empire.
o Kingdoms and Crusades Guided Reading Activity Worksheet
o The Crusades Guided Reading Worksheet
o Rise of Islam Worksheet
o Islamic Achievements Worksheet