Autumn 1 2015-16 - South Ossett Infants` Academy

South Ossett Infants’ Academy
Vicar Lane, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0BE
Telephone / Fax 01924 302870
Headteacher: Mrs Tina Shute
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Tina Shute
Registered in England. Company No: 7851205
Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s halfway through the first half-term and what a busy start it has been! Here are a few upcoming dates, a staffing
update and a few requests. (I know this is a very long letter; lots of information to give!)
Staff and role (practitioner is another title for classroom assistants)
Mrs Frazer - Teacher and Foundation Stage Leader, Miss Keighley – Teacher, Mrs Stones –
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Mrs Hobson, Mrs Simmonds, Mrs Rhodes – Practitioners
Class One
Miss Broadhead – Teacher (Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesday in Class), Mrs
O’Connor – Teacher (alternate Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays in Class), Mrs Radley,
Miss Dow and Mrs Simmonds, Mrs Orwin - Practitioners
Class Two
Mrs Torr – Teacher (Monday-Thursday), Mrs Whittaker – Teacher (Fridays) Mrs Ryan –
Ms Smith – School Business Manager, Mrs Tabone– Administrator
Mrs Prime and Miss Oldroyd – Kingswood Catering, Miss Dow, Mrs Howse, Mrs Allsop, Mrs
Newton, Mrs Foster and Mrs Sharples - Lunchtime Supervisors
Mr Howse
Working Across Mrs Whittaker – Teacher, Mrs Sefton, Miss Dow – Practitioner, Mrs Stones, Mrs Hobson,
Mrs Ryan - HLTA
Mrs Tina Shute
Friday 2nd October – Inset day; school is closed to children on this day. Staff will be in school for training.
Thursday 8th October; provisional; a phonics/grammar workshops (for parents/carers only)
There is a slip below to find out the interest level in holding this event. This would start at 6.00pm and last for
approximately 45 minutes/ an hour. It would be an overview of what phonics is, how we teach it (UFS/Y1/Y2), and
how this leads into the grammar elements in Year One and Two and how we teach these. This would be just for adults,
so I appreciate you would need to arrange child-care but hope that this time-slot would allow people to attend after
work if you wish. If there is sufficient demand we will run this event; please reply, by slip or email by Wednesday
morning if you would be interested. A text will go out on Wednesday evening if there is enough interest.
Wednesday 14th and Wednesday 21st October –Parents consultations 2.30-6.00 (Upper Foundation Stage, Year
One and Two); signing up sheets for times will go up in the children’s cloakroom entrances on Monday 5th October.
If you cannot get in to sign up you can call or email. As Mrs Tabone has to do lunches and attendance figures these
call/emails will be dealt with after 9.30. (For Lower Foundation Stage, more information to follow.)
I would be interested in attending the phonics/grammar workshop on Thursday 8th October at 6pm
Name ___________________________________________ Signed ______________________________________
followed by
October –
South Ossett Infants’ Academy
Vicar Lane, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0BE
Telephone / Fax 01924 302870
Headteacher: Mrs Tina Shute
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Tina Shute
Registered in England. Company No: 7851205
“Walkabout” The celebration will take place at Christ Church, starting at 1.30. This will be followed by “Walkabout”
at school. For those less familiar with this school tradition, “Walkabout” is an opportunity to come into school, look
around at the work on display, for your child(ren) to show you their classrooms and talk to you what they do in school.
We also offer tea, coffee and water/squash in the Main School hall. At other times of the year, we also have a cake
stall; however as it is Harvest we will once again be supporting the Resource Centre and will be asking for donations
for this rather than cakes for the stall.
Friday 20th November Christmas Workshop (more details to follow)
Tuesday 15th December Foundation Stage Christmas Concert, at Christ Church, starting at 1.30pm
Wednesday 16th December Key Stage One (Year One and Two) Concert, at Christ Church, starting at 1.30pm.
There will be other November/December dates, such as Christmas Walkabout, pantomime and party etc to follow but I
thought you might like these now.
Reminders and Requests
Please can all clothes be named; coats, uniform and PE kit. There is a lost property box in the main school cloakroom
but we already have a few unnamed items awaiting claiming. When it comes to that time of year; hats, gloves and
scarves are awkward to name I know, but if they are named we can return them!
Outdoor Area (this is about safety, not a wish for the children not to use these areas. I know the children, and adults,
enjoy this time before and after the school day); in school time we limit the number of children in any area such as the
trim trail, stages etc, on both sites. The children also do know what they may and may not do; how they need to wait,
take turns, no “rough play” and so on. The children know they are not supposed to sit or stand on top of the tunnel or
monkey bars in the Main School trim trail. During the school day these safety rules are reinforced and any issues dealt
with by the school adults, please can I ask for your support in doing the same before and after school. Thank you.
Parking. Just a gentle reminder: Christ Church car park is a private car park. Our good neighbours at the church permit
us to park there but ask that we always do so with awareness of the needs of the other users of the church and parish
centre, Many of the visitors and users are less mobile or may need greater space to get safely and comfortably into or
out of their vehicles or the car park. Thank you for your continued support in this.
WE NEED YOU! We can do our best for your child(ren) if there is open and genuine communication between home
and school. If you are unhappy, or happy, with something, please let us know. If you have a query, please ask. If it is
urgent or may be something that could affect your child that day, please see the teacher at the beginning of the day. If
you need to talk with your child’s teacher on a general issue, after school is best. We recognise not everyone can be
here in person; we are always available by phone or email. If it is urgent, please call. I always endeavour to deal with
emails promptly, responding within 2 working days, but I can be on courses or engaged in meetings etc so do not
always meet this aspiration! The staff would also like me to put in a big plea: WE NEED MORE PARENT (OR
GRANDPARENT) HELPERS. If you could commit a few hours a week on a regular basis, please see your child’s
teacher, we really appreciate all help.
Finally, I hope we all have a great year together, I look forward to meeting all of those of you I don’t yet know and
getting to know better those of you I have met before,
Kind Regards,
Mrs Shute