cyngor cymuned llanwinio community council - Home

The meeting of Llanwinio Community Council was held on Tuesday 19th of November
2013 at the Llanwinio Community Hall.
PRESENT : Cllrs G Evans; W Evans; H James; J Phillips; D Evans; P Walton; D
Lewis; J Phillips; D Evans and Mrs C Evans (clerk).
MINUTES : Minutes of the meeting held on September 17th 2013 were read. It was
noted that Cllr J Phillips and D Evans were absent from the meeting. The minutes were
recorded as a true account.
The Clerk informed the Council that Diane Malley had completed the PAYE
The Clerk informed the Council that One Voice Wales had sent an email in response to
the "unilateral obligation". Council noted the concerns and requested clarification from
Livos Energy Limited.
The Clerk updated the Council with regard the Website. The Clerk explained that
hopefully all relevant information would be submitted to VISIONICT by the end of
The Chairman explained that Charlene Hogan of Livos Energy had requested attending
the meeting to give an update on progress with the turbine development at Rhyd Goch.
The Chairman welcomed Charlene to the meeting. Issues raised by Ms Hogan:
"Planning approval has been received but there has been a legal challenge made with
regard the protocol of decision making.
The company plans to have the turbine fully commissioned within 6 months of final
planning approval.
Only 2 out of the 25 who attended the open day were against the proposal"
Ms Hogan asked if the Council had signed the Wayleave documentation, Clerk
explained that this was an item within correspondence.
The Chairman asked Ms Hogan for clarification with regard the issue raised by One
Voice Wales. Ms Hogan assured the Council that this would be addressed and revised
documentation would be sent.
Ms Hogan thanked the Council for their time. Ms Hogan withdrew from the meeting.
The Council received the "Review of Electoral Arrangements Report and proposals,
County of Carmarthenshire Nov 2013. It was noted that Llanwinio would be included
in the electoral division of St Clears and Trelech which would be represented by 2
Information was received from the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority
with regard its draft annual improvement plan 2014-2015 which is available to view on
its website.
AON wrote with details regarding insurance cover with regard snow clearance, salting
and gritting.
The CCC wrote with regard its Christmas Toy box scheme and with information
regarding seasonal decorations.
The CCC wrote with regard polling districts and polling places review. The Councillors
agreed that the facilitates and Llanwinio Community Hall were appropriate for the
needs of the Electors.
Correspondence was received from Western Power Distribution asking for the
Councils agreement for an underground cable to be placed in connection with the
proposed wind turbine at Rhydgoch. The cable to run 7 metres underground to the
electric pole at the top of the common land being rented by Mr Rees, the Council
approved the request as along as Mr Rees was in agreement. Clerk to contact Mr Rees
and then sign Western Power paperwork.
The Police and Crime Commissioner wrote asking the Council to take part in a survey
with regard policing priorities for the area. Councillors agreed the Councils priorities
included higher visibility of the local police and measures to reduce speeding. Clerk to
complete survey.
A letter was received by local residents drawing the Councils attention with regard Mr
Tony Thomas from the CCC efforts to keep the bend at Llanwinio flood-free.
The Council received notification of the Independent Examination for a Local
Development Plan that is to be conducted in February 2014.
The Council discussed the draft model financial regulations. The Council agreed to
adopt the Model.
The following bills were approved for payment:
SWALEC (electricity hall 24.07-21.10.13)
Visionict (website)
Dwr Cymru (Blaenwaun playing field)
Clerks wages (01.05.13 - 30.04.13)
TAX inland revenue
a) Installation of a domestic 20kw wind turbine measuring 23m to hub and 26m to blade
b) Change of use from grazing to equine use and proposed construction of horse
schooling arena, Deanlands, Trecryn Road, Blaenwaun. FULL PLANNING
c) Access and hard standing for storage of winter feed and farm implements; and access
for the removal of fallen timber and coppicing of owned woodland. FULL
PLANNING. Correspondence apposing this planning application was received by the
Council from local residents. Following carefully consideration the Council concluded
to object the application. Reasons for objection  Entrance on a dangerous hair pin corner.
 Accumulation of scarp at the site.
 The Council were in agreement with the local residents objections.
The Councils Annual Dinner was discussed. Clerk to Lamb Llanboidy for a suitable
date in February/March.
With no other business the Chairman thanked all those present for their attendance and
declared the meeting closed.
The next meeting of Council will be held on January 21st at 8.00 pm at
the Llanwinio Community Hall.