Tools & Their Use Glossary

Gardening Tools to Dig, Cultivate, Prune
and Groom your Garden
When man first started to dig into the soil he used his bare hands.
He quickly found out that it was much easier and less painful to use a stick
to move the dirt.
Sticks quickly wore out, so he added a sharpened stone to the end of the
From that time on, man has always been looking for easier and better tools
to cultivate the earth with.
Today when you go into a hardware store to buy a shovel, you may be
confronted with more than a dozen types of them, as well as a hundred
different gardening tools to help you plant, prune and groom your garden.
How do you know which tool is right one for the job?
What in the heck is that weird looking tool used for???
Tools for Digging and Planting in Your Garden
Round Point Shovel
Round point shovels are by far the most versatile and
widely used shovels. They are used to dig, scoop, , cut
through roots or shovel dirt from one point to another.
Garden Spades have the same general design as a round
pointed shovel, but are 10-20% smaller and lighter in
weight for use in less demanding tasks or for less muscular
Irrigation shovels are same basic design, but have a
straighter shank for digging planting holes or ditches where
a vertical side is desired.
D-handle shovels are shorter and designed for close up
work and quick jobs. They are useful for moving piles of
soil, sand or gravel, or for loading the wheelbarrow. Round
head shovels, square head shovels, and scoops and spading
forks are available with D-handles.
Square Point Shovel
The nose of the square point shovel is flat, even edged, and
as the name says, square. Square point shovels are used
leveling areas for patios and walkways, or for squaring off
the sides and bottoms of ditches. They are also used as a
scoop for gravel, soil, or snow and cleaning up the
remnants of a pile.
Transplanting Spade
Transplanting spades have a long narrow head which makes
them ideal for digging and moving perennials and shrubs
with minimal disturbance to surrounding plants. They are
excellent for digging narrow piping ditches.
Scoop Shovel
Scoop shovels are designed to be used to move light and
loose materials such as sawdust or dried manure. Because
of the volume which most scoops will hold, they should not
be used for heavy wet materials.
Barn Fork
Barn forks, or pitch forks as they are often called, have long
handles and long angled tines. Besides hay, they are also
used for moving garden prunings and debris or other
organic material, as well as for turning your compost pile.
Spading Fork
Garden forks perform a multitude of gardening tasks.
Primarily, they are used for tilling the soil and breaking up
heavy dirt clods. They are also invaluable in weeding large
areas where there is no danger of injuring the roots of
desirable plants. There are many sizes available, with long
or short handles, different tine length, and from 4-6 tines.
Find one which feels comfortable to use. The tines of less
expensive spading forks may tend to bend, so it is worth
investing in quality when you make your choice.
Pick and Mattock
The pick and mattock is for serious digging through hard
packed soil and clay. The pick (pointed end) or the mattock
(wide blade) is used to chop down into the soil, and the
cradle design of the head can then be used as a lever to
break open the soil or pry out rocks, allowing it to be
shoveled more easily.
Tools for Cultivating and Weeding
Garden Hoe
The conventional design of the garden hoe is a long handle
with a flat blade set at a right angle on the end. Garden hoes
come in different widths from 2 1/2 inches to 8 inches
wide. Hoes are used to weed and groom the soil around
shallow rooted plants. They can also be used to chop off
annual weeds (perennial weeds must be dug and removed)
and other plants at ground level, or the pointed corners can
be used as a light duty pick. For best results keep the blade
of your hoe parallel with the ground!
Scuffle Hoe
Scuffle hoes are used much as you would a shuffleboard
mallet. They are pushed ahead of you to cut the tops of
annual weeds rather than chopping them as you would with
a garden hoe. (perennial weeds must be dug and removed)
Cultivators may have anywhere from one to five pointed
tines. Cultivators are used in a chopping and pulling motion
to remove shallow rooted weeds, and to break up surface
soil crust around plants.
Tools for Grooming Your Lawn and Garden
Bow Rake
The traditional 'steel' rake is actually called a bow rake.
The head may be anywhere from 8 inches to 24 inches
wide. The head is connected to the handle by a steel bow at
each side. These bows act as shock absorbers and give this
tool the strength to do serious raking of heavier materials.
Landscapers Rake
The level headed landscapers rake is much the same as a
bow rake, except that they are wider and the back of the
head is straight and even, and it connects to the handle in
the center. The straight edge is used for leveling seedbeds
and other landscaped areas.
The teeth are usually rounded to prevent gouging of lawn
Lawn Rake
Lawn rakes come in a wide variety of sizes and designs.
They may be constructed of bamboo, metal or plastic, and
they may be fan shaped or occasionally rectangular. For a
long time it was believed that a bamboo rake was a 'must'
for a nice lawn, but I would recommend that you forget that
old gardener's tale, and just go shopping for a quality rake
that feels comfortable to use.
Tools for Pruning and Shearing
Pruning Shear
As a gardener, your pruning shears will get a lot of use, so
it is well worth the extra money to buy a quality pruner.
There are several designs of pruners available.
Blade & Anvil (top left) and Hook & Blade (top center)
pruners are both used for the same general pruning needs,
but the anvil style has replaceable blades.
Other pruners are also available with specialized blade
shapes for pruning roses (top right), cutting flowers and
picking fruit......
Scissor shears (bottom left) can be used for cleaning up or
shaping ground covers, shrubs or trees.
Grass shears (bottom right) are used to clean up the edges
of your lawn and light duty shaping of hedges and dead
heading ground cover plants.
Ratchet type pruners work well for larger branches, but
they are somewhat slow and cumbersome to use for all of
your pruning needs.
The most important consideration is to buy one that fits
your hand well in both the open and closed positions, and is
easy to operate.
Hedge shear
Hedge shears are not for pruning, but for evenly shaping
hedges and shrubs, and for shearing back ground covers
and faded flower heads.
Do not attempt to cut larger branches with a hedge shear.
Lopping shears
Most lopping shears are designed for cutting branches an
inch in diameter or smaller, but larger heavy duty models
are also available. Loppers come with either blade and anvil
jaws or hook and blade style.
When choosing a lopping Shear, remember that the longer
the handle length, the easier each cut will be.
Small Hand Tools for 'Sit Down' Gardening
Weeding hoe
A weeding hoe is nothing more than a short handled, two
sided, tool head. One head being a narrow hoe, and the
other side being a 2 or 3 tined weeder/cultivator.
A weeder can best be described as a wide screwdriver with
a notch in the end. This long narrow design allows you to
dig down the side of the tap root of dandelions and other
deep rooted weeds. These are especially useful for weeding
between stepping stones or in tight areas.
Hand Cultivator
Hand cultivators are essential for your 'sit down' weeding.
They allow you to dig down and remove tap roots of
perennial weeds without excessively disturbing the roots of
surrounding plants.
Garden Trowel
Your trowel will become a constant companion at different
times of the year. These little shovels are invaluable during
planting season, so find one which has the right 'feel' to it.
You may want to have a couple different trowels for
different uses. Drop shank trowels are for general
gardening use. Straight shanked trowels are for planting
Bulb Planter
Bulb planters are open ended, slightly tapered metal tubes
with coarse cutting teeth on the bottom for cutting into the
dirt. The tool is pushed or twisted into the ground to the
desired planting depth. When it is withdrawn, the soil
remains in the tube due to the tapered shape and is removed
by inverting the planter and giving it a tap. The bulb can
then be planted at the correct depth.
Garden Tools on Wheels
Fertilizer Spreader
There are two types of Fertilizer Spreaders, Drop Spreaders
and Broadcast Spreaders. Drop Spreaders distribute the
fertilizer from a large capacity hopper onto an auger that
drops the material through calibrated, adjustable holes.
Maximum coverage is based on the width of the spreader.
Broadcast Spreaders generally have a smaller capacity, but
are able to broadcast the fertilizer up to a five foot path by
dropping the appropriate amount of fertilizer onto a
spinning horizontal disc.
Always clean your spreader thoroughly after each use!
Wheelbarrows are quickly being replaced in home gardens,
by the popular new two wheeled garden carts. The two
wheeled carts are much easier for most people to use,
because they are lighter, and more of the load weight is
supported by wheels. They are considerably more stable
than single wheeled barrows, but not nearly as
For heavy duty work or large loads, a steel wheelbarrow is
still the best option.