Graduate Assistantship Appointment Form This form must initiate with the supervisor, dean or his/her designee of the college offering the graduate program in which the student is enrolled. The supervisor, dean or his/her designee will explain the requirements for eligibility, workload, and stipend payments. The dean or his/her designee must indicate the semester for which the assistantship is applicable, the amount of the stipend and the budget from which it is to be drawn. The dean or his or her designee will send the form to and forward the request to the Graduate School Director. The Graduate School Director will review the request to ensure compliance with the policy before forwarding to enrollment services. The registrar and enrollment services personnel will verify eligibility of the student to enroll in a graduate program and will assess tuition at the reduced rate and apply the mandated student insurance. The registrar will send the form to the human resources department so the student will be placed on the payroll for stipend payments. All sections of this form are to be completed and filed with the appropriate departments by the end of the early registration period for the semester the student is seeking approval. Graduate Assistants must be fully admitted to a graduate degree program in regular status and earn credit for a minimum of nine (9) graduate semester hours for full waiver or minimum of six (6) graduate semester hours for partial waiver for each term the assistantship is held. (Graduate assistantships during the summer term will require enrollment for a minimum of six (6) graduate semester hours for a full waiver.) A Graduate Assistantship Appointment form must be completed for each semester an assistantship is requested. The following student has been granted approval for a graduate assistantship as stipulated. Student’s Name ______________________________ Student ID Number ________________ Student Major Field of Study:_______________________________________________________ Employment Area: ________________________________________________________________ Duties: __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Graduate Assistantship: (check one or more; see policy for definition): Research (GRA) ____ Teaching (GTAA) ____ Teaching (GTAB-requires BOR approval) ___ Program (GPA) ____ Graduate Student Assistant (GSA) ____ Semester for which the Assistantship is applicable: ____________________ Year: ______________ Amount of Stipend: _______________ Budget Account Number: _______________________________ Number of hours, the GA is expected to work: _______________________________________________ Tuition Waiver: Full Waiver - requires at least 25% FTE (10-19 work hours per week and full-time graduate enrollment) _____ Partial Waiver - requires 12.5% FTE (5-10 work hours per week and at least part-time enrollment) _________ Signature of Graduate Assistant Supervisor ________________________ Date ___________ Signature of Chairperson of Employing Department___________________ Date ___________ Signature of Dean or Designee ___________________________________ Date ___________ Signature of Graduate Director of GA’s Discipline ___________________ Date ___________ I accept this graduate assistantship and understand the terms described above to include eligibility, reduction in tuition rate and mandatory health insurance requirements. Signature of Graduate Assistant ______________________________ Date ___________ The above student is eligible for enrollment in a graduate degree program at Columbus State University and has been assessed at the reduced rate for the term stipulated and mandatory health insurance has been applied. Signature of Graduate School Director or Designee __________________ Date _________ Signature of Registrar or Designee ________________________________ Date _________ Signature of Human Resources Director or Designee _________________ Date _________