6th Grade Newsletter - Lakewood City Schools

Mr. Budic’s Science classes are beginning a new unit on Motion.
Mrs. Janas’ Science classes are starting our motion unit and will finish up by the end of
the grading period. 2nd quarter we will be doing our chemistry unit.
Ms. Griffiths’ Language Arts classes are writing personal narratives and studying
elements of plot while reading Among the Hidden.
Mrs. Hauer’s Language Arts classes are working on:
1. Proofreading and editing their Personal Narratives in Writers' Workshop.
2. Thoroughly enjoying The Cay.
3. Finishing up our unit on Narrator's Point of View.
4. Theme unit is around the corner.
Mr. Spooner’s Language Arts classes are finishing up their first literature studies and
proofreading and editing their personal narratives. Students have also completed their
study of the elements of fiction and will begin studying author’s point of view shortly.
In Social Studies, Mr. Spooner’s and Mrs. Tomlin’s classes are finishing their
Geography study with a ‘Create Your Own Country’ project. Our next study will center
on the study of the Eastern hemisphere with a concentration on Ancient Mesopotamia
and Egypt.