Norway`s formal accession to the Economic Commission for Latin

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Norway’s formal accession to the Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean
Remarks by Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister Tone Skogen
Santiago de Chile, 4 October 2015
Dear executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena, distinguished members, ladies and
I am very pleased to be here on the occasion of Norway’s formal
accession to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Norway is a strong supporter of the United Nations, and we have an active
engagement in Latin America in many areas. The Economic Commission for
Latin America and the Caribbean has proven to be a perfect partner in our
efforts to further strengthen ties and cooperation in this region.
Under Executive Secretary Bárcena’s leadership, the Commission has
placed equality and structural change at the centre of the development debate.
Since 2013, Norway has been cooperating with the Commission in sharing
experiences to build political, economic and social pacts for equality.
Norway’s relationship with the Commission strengthens our strategic
partnerships and our ties with the region and promotes collaboration in areas of
common interest. Actually, we find common ground in several key areas. Let
me mention a few:
Latin America and Norway have a common interest in maintaining world
peace and security, ensuring respect for international law and promoting
economic and sustainable development. Furthermore, Norway and Latin
America and the Caribbean work together in the pursuit of strategic cooperation
to address global challenges and achieve international goals. This is particularly
important for the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which promote
inclusive, quality education, gender equality, reduced inequality within and
among countries and a strengthened global partnership for sustainable
Norway is engaged at the international level in combating climate change
and supports a wide range of activities that aim to reduce global emissions of
greenhouse gases. The Norwegian Government strongly supports efforts by
tropical forest countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation
and forest degradation (REDD+). Norway’s partnership with Brazil is the most
extensive in this regard, but we also have cooperation schemes with Guyana,
Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico.
Norway and Latin America have a record of working together to promote
human rights, with an emphasis on women’s empowerment, gender equality and
indigenous rights. The Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention of the
International Labour Organization has been ratified by Norway and most Latin
American governments. It is useful to share experience on topics such as the role
of the state, the regulatory framework, management of natural resources, respect
for the environment and relations between the authorities and the affected
populations, with particular emphasis on prior consultations.
It would be an omission to talk about Norway and Latin America without
mentioning peace, reconciliation and humanitarian disarmament. Norway and a
number of Latin American countries are keen supporters of the Mine Ban
Convention and the Convention on Cluster Munitions. This has brought us
together in various international forums over the years. Norway has also
contributed to several peace processes, and is now co-facilitating the Colombian
peace talks taking place in Havana.
Finally, I would like to emphasise that public–private partnerships,
private sector investment and foreign direct investments play a crucial role in the
economic and social development of this region.
Norway has sound expertise and technology in areas such as oil, gas,
hydropower and fisheries. This has led to substantial Norwegian investments in
various Latin American countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and
Chile. Our economic involvement also includes increased investment by
Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global, which now holds investments in
some 294 companies throughout Latin America.
As you can see, Norway’s interests and engagement in Latin America are
broad and multifaceted. Today we are formalising our partnership with a crucial
regional actor and providing a solid foundation for further cooperation in the
years to come.
We believe that the Economic Commission for Latin American and the
Caribbean and the Government of Norway can together help to bring about
practical, results-oriented regional cooperation in Latin America.
We are confident that the Commission will provide us with access to
networks and help us connect with the most knowledgeable experts on Latin
American policy.
Through our interaction, we stand to benefit from the enormous wealth of
knowledge that your experts and researchers possess.
At the same time, I hope that our partnership will allow the Commission
to draw inspiration from Norwegian policies and practices.
Our aim is to further develop a mutually beneficial relationship between
Norway and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Thank you.