TBS Grant Application - Department of Anesthesiology

Emory Department of Anesthesiology
TBS Internal Grant Application
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Background Statement
The Team Based Science (TBS) Committee seeks to promote collaborative investigation within the
Department of Anesthesiology related to the perioperative care of Emory Healthcare patients. This
includes laboratory and clinical sciences, as well as economic and behavioral analyses of current
healthcare paradigms. In order to help remove some of the financial roadblocks that investigators face,
the TBS Committee will accept applications to receive funds for starting, or continuing, research projects
that are currently unfunded. Since the purpose is to foster new innovation and discovery, requests for
post hoc funding of completed projects will not be considered.
All faculty members and trainees that hold a position within the Emory University Department of
Anesthesiology are eligible to apply. Funds are intended to cover supplies, required testing, and other
services needed for the execution of a planned scientific study. Funds may not be used for salary
support of either the primary investigator or any co-investigators related to the study. Statistician,
technician, and research coordinator time are, however, recognized expenses. If dollar amounts for
these services are known they should be included in the submitted budget, otherwise the grant review
committee will factor these costs into the total award (see section 8). Projects currently receiving
financial support from other sources are not eligible unless it can be shown that the additional funds will
allow the project to expand in some meaningful way.
Award amounts will be based upon the number of meritorious applications and the total monies
accessible to the TBS Committee. Since the aim of the grant is help with start-up costs, typical awards
will be in the range of $3,000 to $20,000, although slightly higher amounts may be considered based
upon merit. TBS grants are intended to be a one-time award, with the funds dispersed over a 12-month
period. Requests for continuation of funding will require a new application and review. Approval from
the IRB and/or appropriate institutional committees must be obtained before funds will be disbursed.
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TBS Internal Grant Application
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Scoring Criteria
Applications will be reviewed semi-annually (submission deadlines: April 30th and October 31st) by the
TBS Grant Sub-Committee, consisting of a standing committee supported by recommended local ad hoc
reviewers. Deadlines for submission of projects will be formally announced to the Department of
Anesthesiology via E-mail and departmental web sites. Applications will be judged using enhanced NIH
criteria (1-9 point scale, 1=outstanding, 9=poor).
Significance of the question and how it relates to the practice of perioperative care
Investigative Team
Approach (including scope, study design, rationale, novel methods, expected results, pitfalls)
Likelihood of investigator’s ability to complete the project
Potential for future publication and/or extramural funding
Degree to which the project promotes other missions of the Department (education, QI, etc.)
Applicants are encouraged to have the necessary applicable research credentials (i.e. CITI certification,
Biosafety Training, etc.) prior to grant submission. Failure to do this may result in a delay of award.
Application Materials Checklist
TBS Application Pages 3-5
Primary Investigator’s Biosketch (See Appendix A for example) or CV
Biosketches or CVs of Co-Investigators
Detailed Research Plan (2 pages max – see Appendix B for details)
Copies of Relevant Research Certification(s) (e.g. CITI)
Please drop completed application packets off at the Emory University Hospital
Anesthesiology receptionist front desk, marked ATTN: TBS GRANTS.
Questions regarding the application process may be directed to:
Andy Jenkins, PhD: ajenki2@emory.edu or
Roman Sniecinski, MD: roman.sniecinski@emory.edu
Emory Department of Anesthesiology
TBS Internal Grant Application
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1. Team Leader Information
Principal Investigator (PI) Name
PI Position in Department of Anesthesiology
PI E-mail address
PI Phone Number
Title of Study
2. Please list the collaborating team members below and be sure to include their biosketches
with this packet.
Team member
Role in Project
Have you applied for a TBS Grant before?
YES….What Year?
Are any of proposed methods new to the investigative team:
4. Eligibility Questions
a. PI is a member of the Emory Department of Anesthesiology
Outside collaborators are permitted, but PI must be within the Department
b. The proposed study is currently un-funded
If the study is currently funded, please explain on a separate sheet of paper how additional funds will further the project
c. Requested funds do NOT include investigator salary support
Salary support for technicians, statisticians, and study coordinators are acceptable
Emory Department of Anesthesiology
TBS Internal Grant Application
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5. Project Approval Requirements
Does the study involve any of the following? (check all that apply)
Human Subjects
Bio-hazardous materials
Radioactive Materials
Please include copies of relevant investigators’ certificates in application packet if applicable
Has the project been approved by the Emory IRB/IACUC/Biosafety and/or other relevant
oversight committees?
YES, all approvals are current (please attach copies)
No, approval is pending from
No, project needs to be submitted to
6. Estimated time (months) needed to complete project:
7. Anticipated Deliverables (check all that apply)
Meeting poster
Clinical Trial
I.P. and Patent Application
Commercial Collaboration
Grant Application – proposed submission date
8. Will any of the following types of support be required (check all that you think may apply):
Research Nurse Services? (assistance with IRB and regulatory agency approval, patient enrollment, etc.)
Biochemistry and Computational Support? (sample collection, running tests, etc. - not statistical analysis)
Advanced Statistical Planning and Analysis? (contracted advanced statistician support)
Note that these services do not need to be included in the submitted budget, but the cost of each will be estimated
by the review committee to be considered part of the total award.
9. You may list up to three recommended reviewers (optional)
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TBS Internal Grant Application
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10. Proposed Budget (itemize and attach additional sheets as needed)
Services/Lab Testing
* Travel costs should not be included within the submitted budget.
If the grant results in work to be presented as a poster in a
scientific meeting, the TBS committee may, at its discretion, award an additional $500 to help subsidize travel expenses if no
other funding sources are available.
TOTAL Proposal: $
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TBS Internal Grant Application
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Appendix A: Sample Biosketch (2 pages max)
John Doe, MD
John Doe, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include
postdoctoral training.)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
University of California, Davis, CA
(if applicable)
UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
Internship: Surgery
Personal Statement
My research interests include improving monitoring for patients undergoing major
cardiac surgery, including the use of transesophageal echocardiography and nearinfrared spectroscopy. Additionally, I have been involved is coagulation research under
the mentorship of Dr. Jerrold Levy, MD. I have been Principal Investigator and CoInvestigator for several studies in this area.
Positions and Employment:
2004 – present: Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Professional Memberships
Member, American Society of Anesthesiologists
Member, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
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TBS Internal Grant Application
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Bibliography of Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Publications Relevant to this study (5 max, chronological order):
1. Doe J, Szlam F, Chen EP, Bader SO, Levy JH, Tanaka KA. 2008. Antithrombin
deficiency increases thrombin activity after prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass.
Anesth Analg; 106:713-8.
2. Doe J, Chen EP, Makadia SS, Kikura M, Bollinger D, Tanaka KA. 2010.
Changing from aprotinin to tranexamic acid results in increased use of blood
products and recombinant Factor VIIa for aortic surgery requiring hypothermic
arrest. J Cardiothor Vasc Anes, 24:959-63.
3. Abou-Diwan C, Doe J, Szlam F, Ritchie JC, Rhea JM, Tanaka KA, Molinaro RJ.
2011. Plasma and cerebral spinal fluid tranexamic acid quantification in coronary
bypass patients. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 879:553-6.
Other Recent Publications (5 max, chronological order):
1. Doe J, Karkouti K, Levy JH. 2012. Managing clotting: A North American
perspective. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol, 25:74-9.
Ongoing Research Support
Clinical Investigation of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Detection of Spinal Cord
Ischemia During Thoracoabdominal Aortic Surgery.
Assessment of the ability of NIRS to detect potential spinal cord ischemia compared to
standard neuro-monitoring for thoracic aneurysm surgery.
Sponsor: Emory Department of Anesthesiology Role: PI
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TBS Internal Grant Application
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Appendix B: Components of Research Plan
11 pt font
Single spaced
Margins at 0.5”
Do not exceed 2 pages, excluding bibliography
Sections to Include:
Specific aims & Hypotheses to be tested
Innovation and Impact
Approach: include the scope of the experimental design, the rationale that underpins
the aims, non-standard methods (established methods may simply be referenced),
measurements to be made, statistical metrics to be employed, expected results and
potential pitfalls.