6/4/2014 Stakeholder Comments DRAFT Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (ECC) Functional Requirements By Peak Reliability With support from the ECC Advisory Committee MMM DD, YYY ECC Tool Functional Definition Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 What this Document Defines ............................................................................... 4 1.2 What this Document Does Not Define ................................................................. 4 2 Inputs, Processes, Outputs and Mechanisms ............................................................ 5 2.1 Data Flow ............................................................................................................ 6 2.2 Inputs .................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.1 West-Wide System Model (WSM) ............................................................ 8 2.2.2 SE (State Estimator) Savecase Data........................................................ 8 2.2.3 ECC Model ............................................................................................... 9 2.2.4 Real-Time Data ........................................................................................ 9 2.2.5 ECC Element Definitions ........................................................................ 10 2.2.6 Scheduled Flow (e-Tags) ....................................................................... 10 2.2.7 Look-Ahead Data Inputs ......................................................................... 10 2.3 Processes ......................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Element Management Process .............................................................. 11 2.3.2 Calculate Shift Factors ........................................................................... 14 2.3.3 Calculate Element Impacts ..................................................................... 16 2.4 Outputs & Mechanisms ..................................................................................... 18 2.4.1 Visualization of Operational Results ....................................................... 19 2.4.2 User Interface and Displays ................................................................... 20 2.4.3 ECC Alarm Processing ........................................................................... 23 2.4.4 Logging and Reporting ........................................................................... 23 3 External Access, Controls, and Administration ........................................................ 24 3.1 Import, Export and API ...................................................................................... 24 3.2 Security ............................................................................................................. 24 3.2.1 User Roles, Rights, and Access ............................................................. 24 3.3 ECC Administration ........................................................................................... 25 3.4 Controls ............................................................................................................. 25 4 Performance Metrics ................................................................................................ 26 4.1 Performance...................................................................................................... 26 4.2 Availability ......................................................................................................... 26 4.3 Data Retention .................................................................................................. 27 Pa ge 1 ECC Tool Functional Definition Appendix A: Terms, Acronyms, and Definitions.......................................................... 28 Pa ge 2 ECC Tool Functional Definition 1 Introduction This document was developed by Peak RC in consultation with the WECC ECC Advisory Committee to define minimum functional requirements for the Enhanced Curtailment Calculator tool. The primary tool for unscheduled flow mitigation in the Western Interconnection currently available to Peak Reliability Coordinator (RC) is WebSAS, which is used to calculate off-path scheduled tag curtailment responsibilities for Qualified Transfer Paths only. There are currently six Transmission Paths that have satisfied the qualification criteria described in the WECC Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan. Part of the reasoning for this qualification process is to use Qualified Controllable Devices to alter actual flows and minimize the impact of Unscheduled Flow on the power system prior to initiating schedule curtailments. The RC also currently uses real time contingency analysis (RTCA) to monitor situational awareness of the interconnection. Recognizing the dynamic nature of interconnected system operations and adverse impacts that Unscheduled Flow may cause throughout the Bulk Electric System, the RC has identified the need for an expanded [?] Interconnection-wide congestion management tool with capability to monitor actual and forecasted flows on numerous Elements and determine contributing factors that can be mitigated to ensure the system remains within acceptable limits Note: In this document an “Element” or “Monitored Element” is defined as including all items listed in the NERC definition of element in addition to the individual or grouping of facilities, lines, paths, or flowgates as monitored by the RC. In most circumstances, this document is referring to a flowgate or a path when the term “Element” is used, but nothing in this document should be interpreted to imply the broader use of the word “Element” is not also acceptable. The ECC project will be broken into two phases. Phase I will provide the necessary functionality to improve Peak RC’s situational awareness including a three-hour look-ahead component. Phase I will allow the RC a deeper wide area view of the system and identify contributing factors to SOL or IROL exceedances. Phase II will focus on the WECC Unscheduled Flow (USF) Reduction Guideline methodology for nondiscriminatory curtailment of transmission service on Qualified Paths, approved by FERC on May 16, 2014, and replacement of webSAS functionality with the ECC. . A significant WECC stakeholder process will be undertaken to best decide how to implement the new methodology in the ECC for phase II. Pa ge 3 ECC Tool Functional Definition 1.1 What this Document Defines This document defines minimum functionality for the following Phase I objectives: Enhance the RC awareness of real-time and look-ahead operating conditions: o o Calculate impacts on up to 1,000 Elements, including contingencies if necessary, as defined and modeled by the RC: Real-Time occupies the current hour (h) Look-ahead occupies the next three hours (i.e. h+1, h+2, and h+3) The impact calculation will account for real-time updates of the transmission system data to include existing transmission and generation outages from the West-wide System Model (WSM) via the State Estimator solution provided to the ECC once every five minutes Calculation of shift factors every 15 minutes, or sooner, upon a manual execution. Additionally, every 15 minutes four new matrices of factors are created for each hour of the lookahead time window. Identify the sources of power flow, including tagged (static and dynamic transfers),and untagged transactions Balancing Authority (BA) Area Control Error (ACE) contributions to flow, reserve sharing qualifying events,. Interface with e-Tag systems for Interchange Transactions operations. The e-Tag systems’ interface will receive Interchange Transactions. Interface with webRegistry for entities’ definitions, source/sink points definitions, and POR/POD definitions. 1.2 What this Document Does Not Define This document does not define the following aspects of the ECC solution and instead, relies on the vendor to propose and define: System design constructs including architectures, connectivity, back-up, fail-over, or redundancy needs. Detailed definition of graphic user interface (GUI) view screens or displays. Detailed definition of data inputs and outputs (I/O). o Data I/O are classified at the object level but not at the Element level where attributes and metadata are generally defined. Phase II detailed functionality as yet undefined due to the need for vetting the recently FERC approved curtailment methodology in the WECC stakeholder process. Pa ge 4 ECC Tool Functional Definition 2 Inputs, Processes, Outputs and Mechanisms The following section defines the functional requirements for the following: 1. Inputs – data objects that flow into the ECC and either consumed by operations/calculations to produce new data objects or as a pass-through for display/reporting. 2. Processes – dimension of the system which perform a function and/or calculation on the input data and models. 3. Outputs – data objects that flow out of the ECC for either display/reporting or downstream application/process inputs. 4. Mechanisms – Ancillary processing outside of the core ECC functionality, consisting of visualization of data, alarming, reporting, etc. Figure 1 – Illustration of ECC ICOM Model Pa ge 5 ECC Tool Functional Definition 2.1 Data Flow The graphic below represents the data flow and components of the phase I ECC. Several key inputs, processes, and outputs are designated and further described by the numbers below. 2.2 Inputs Inputs are data objects required by the ECC for performing operations, calculations, reporting, or display. For the purpose of this specification, each of the following data elements is classified by Data Group, Data Class Name, Description, and Source Name; these represent the anticipated data inputs for ECC. Detailed definitions are expected to be provided by the vendor within a system design specification or similar artifact and shall include the following detail: ECC Use – name of calculation or operation consuming the input data. Attributes – data Element details (e.g. PSBank, Name, TapPosition, LastChange, QualityCode). Format – expected format of the data object (e.g. CSV, XML, Other). Frequency – expected temporal frequency of the data object (i.e. every 5 minutes). Trigger – what triggers the data to be an input to ECC. Accuracy/Precision – any adjustments to the accuracy or precision from the source data. Integration – specified integration methods for retrieving data (e.g. Web Services, Pub/Sub, ICCP). The ECC will be tightly integrated with the real-time hour (h) data and forecast data for the next three hours (i.e. h+1, h+2, and h+3). To accurately determine the impacts on and contributions to power flows on monitored Elements?, the ECC shall use the following inputs. Pa ge 6 ECC Tool Functional Definition Source of Record Data Type Description Coordinated Outage System (COS?) Generator Scheduled Outage Information Forecasted and actual generator outages and derates > 50 MW. Coordinated Outage System (COS?) Transmission Scheduled Outage Information Forecasted transmission outages > 100 kV. EIDE Database Generator Unit or project? Commitment forecast Forecasted next three hour and real-time generator MW output, service load, and pump storage. EIDE Database Load Forecast Data Forecasted load for each BA area. NAESB EIR Registry or WECC Registry Mapping of Mapping will require a manual process by Source/Sink to BA and the BAs. POR/POD to BA OATI Tagging System E-Tag Data E-Tag source/sink and/or POR/POD data, mappings to generators and loads in the model. Registration Reference Data JOU Allocations Fixed percentage provided by Peak RC to determine allocation. State Estimator Actual Transmission Facility Flows Actual Transmission flows are available through the SE solution interface. State Estimator DC Line Flow MW flow over DC lines as an SE output. State Estimator Facility Ratings Facility Ratings can be updated on the fly so they need to be retrieved from the SE solution instead of the base model WSM. State Estimator Path and Flowgate Limits Interface limits are available through the SE solution interface. State Estimator Real-Time Pump Storage Actual pump MW is available in the SE solution interface. State Estimator Real-Time Unit or Project? actual MW Output Actual unit or project MW Output is available in the SE solution interface. State Estimator Phase Shifter and LTC Data – Real-Time Tap Position Actual phase shifter and LTC tap is available in the SE solution interface. State Estimator Topology - Actual Transmission Outages Actual values are obtained by the State Estimator. Pa ge 7 ECC Tool Functional Definition 2.2.1 Source of Record Data Type Description State Estimator Topology - Circuit Breaker and Switch Statuses List of status of all circuit breakers and switches. State Estimator IROLs (the limit value) IROLs are dynamic and are provided in the SE solution interface. State Estimator Topology Actual values are obtained by the State Estimator. State Estimator SOLs (the limit value) SOLs are dynamic and are provided in the SE solution interface. State Estimator Generator AGC Response to Generator Outages State Estimator provides a list of generators that will respond (steady-state but not real-time) to generator outages. WECC Interchange Tool Net Scheduled Interchange (hourly) Forecasted hourly net scheduled interchange. WECC Interchange Tool Next-Hour Dynamic Transfers Forecasted intra-hour coordinated transfer of energy between BAs. WECC Interchange Tool Real-Time Dynamic Transfers Real-Time intra-hour coordinated transfer of energy between BAs. West-wide System Model Registered Generator Capability Generator Pmax and Pmin available through the WSM. West-Wide System Model (WSM) Peak will provide a network model every four weeks that is used as the base model for all ECC calculations. The WSM base model will be provided in CSV format (or other as defined through system design.) The WSM base model will include typical modeling attributes including, but not limited to: Topology, including equipment connectivity Line and transformer impedances Generator maximum and minimum outputs Transformer and phase shifter tap ranges 2.2.2 SE (State Estimator) Savecase Data Peak runs a state estimator using the WSM with over 125,000 measurements mapped to the network model. The ECC will read a new state estimator case provided by Peak once every five minutes. The state estimator data provided to the ECC will either be a subset of “deltas” on the system that are to be applied to the WSM base model, or it will be an entire case with all relevant state estimated data and Pa ge 8 ECC Tool Functional Definition system topology. The actual State Estimator data set provided every five minutes to the ECC will be determined as part of the detailed design process performed by the vendor. Real-time data provided to the ECC from the Peak state estimator every five minutes includes: Actual circuit breaker and switch status Generator and pump output (MW) Individual load (MW) Phase shifter tap position LTC tap position DC line flows Transmission line and transformer MW flow Interface MW flow Transmission line and transformer limits Interface MW limit 2.2.3 ECC Model The ECC will receive the base WSM monthly, or upon update by Peak Reliability. The base WSM model will be updated every five minutes to reflect state estimator calculated system conditions. The ECC starting conditions are the WSM base model with all necessary five minute state estimated data applied. The ECC starting conditions are used as a primary input into the various shift factor calculations, including subsequent calculations for data such as weighted shift factors. 2.2.4 Real-Time Data Peak will provide real-time data, primarily from Peak’s SCADA application, to the ECC where the data is not available in the state estimator solution. Add e-tags, state estimator data? Dynamic Transfers are the primary data type that must be provided to the ECC directly from Peak’s SCADA. The ECC will handle Dynamic Transfers to give maximum situational awareness of Dynamic Transfer impacts on ECC elements. Specific requirements for Dynamic Transfers include: The ECC will rely upon estimated Dynamic Transfer information from eTags to forecast anticipated use in future three hours. The ECC will utilize real-time telemetry on Dynamic Transfer tags that is provided to the ECC via the State Estimator data or other available telemetered sources. The ECC will utilize and combine all Dynamic Transfer tag? by each distinct Source/Sink/POR/POD combination for forecasts?. Actual flows (from telemetered sources) for Dynamic Transfer tags will be provided to ECC aggregated by each distinct Source/Sink/POR/POD combination Pa ge 9 ECC Tool Functional Definition Dynamic Transfers tags, will specify transmission priorities from associated e-Tags in the WECC Interchange Tool or other non e-Tag sources [??] and will be used by the ECC to identify curtailment priority that can be determined during detailed design with the vendor in Phase II?. the ECC will utilize Transmission Allocation information from Dynamic Transfer eTags to determine the maximum amount of dynamic transfer that may occur at any given moment and energy profile information to determine actual Dynamic Transfer visualization and contribution to power flows on a particular element?. Unscheduled flow can have major impact to the transmission system. The ECC should be aware of current operating hour unscheduled flow and shall make that information available through visualization of the flows on a particular Element. The specific real-time inputs for identifying unscheduled flow in the ECC include: ACE – near real-time ACE values from SCADA will be made available to the ECC at least once every five minutes. The ACE impacts on the defined ECC elements are updated upon receipt of a new ACE value. The process for passing along the near real-time ACE values are to be determined in the detailed design phase of the project. RSG – Reserve Sharing Group activations are to be made available to the ECC upon activation of an RSG event. RSG information necessary for calculating impacts will be provided to the ECC, such as: 2.2.5 o Generators that are responding to the RSG event o Generator MW output change due to the RSG event Native Load/Network Integration Load Serving – Intra BA[?] Native load/Network Integration Load served is derived by the ECC through the use of other inputs to the ECC, and will be calculated based on deductions from those inputs[?] such as the tagged flows, actual load, and actual generation, losses, reserves etc. This value is not explicitly provided to the ECC from an external source. ECC Element Definitions The ECC will have the capability to model any element of the WSM for monitoring WECC-wide situational awareness and Element SOL exceedances. An element may be a WECC Path, a transmission line, a group of transmission lines, or a transformer. The individual facilities that make up an element must exist in the WSM to be defined for use in the ECC. The process around managing elements in the ECC is defined in a later section of this functional specification. 2.2.6 Scheduled Flow (e-Tags) The ECC will read e-Tags (static and dynamic transfers) for the operating hour, as well as for the future hours 1-3. The e-Tags will provide the details about all tagged uses of the system and will be used as a primary input into the impact calculations. 2.2.7 Look-Ahead Data Inputs The ECC shall utilize the following data inputs associated with the look-ahead functionality for the next three hours (i.e. h+1, h+2, and h+3). Pa ge 10 ECC Tool Functional Definition COS Outages and Returns to service - Planned transmission and generation outages for hours one, two and three will be provided in CSV, or other format as defined through system design, as an input to the ECC. Transmission and generation facilities that are returning to service within the next four hours (real-time, and hours one, two and three?) are also provided to the ECC. Load Forecast - area load forecast for hours one, two and three will be provided to the ECC. The load forecast data will be provided as an error corrected forecast to the ECC. The ECC will not do any smoothing or correcting of the load forecast values. Generation Forecast - Forecasted generation output for hours one, two and three will be provided to the ECC. The generation forecast is provided for every generating unit that is defined within the WSM. The forecast may be provided as an aggregate plant level forecast if the individual unit granularity does not exist. The ECC will not have to do any smoothing or correcting of the generation forecast values, as this function will be performed outside the ECC. NSI Forecast – Net area interchange is to be provided as an input to the ECC from the Western Interchange Tool (WIT). An external application will pull the data from WIT and perform data validation and correction to ensure accuracy and usability of the data. The NSI data will then be provided back to the ECC for use as an input to various ECC calculations. The ECC will not have to do any smoothing or correcting of the NSI values, as this function will be performed outside the ECC. WECC Pre-schedule/Delivery day e-tags? 2.3 Data Transfer, Calculation other Processes Processes within the ECC are mechanisms used to transfer data, perform calculations, and other automated or manual actions. 2.3.1 Element Management Process The elements of the ECC are the core facilities, or collection of facilities, that are defined for monitoring in the ECC. There are many processes that are defined to capture the proper definition, and management of the elements within the ECC. Use Cases define user interactions at a functional level. It is not the intention of this document to necessarily define how the use case or workflow is to be implemented. For this document, the use cases and workflows themselves are defined with minimum functionality expected to be met by the tool. The following use cases shall be implemented in the ECC: 1. Create an Element 2. Modify an Element 3. Deactivate an Element 4. Delete an Element 5. Auditing the Creation of an Element Pa ge 11 ECC Tool Functional Definition Creating an Element This use case represents an authorized user’s ability to create an Element. Minimum functionality to support this use case shall include: The RC role is the only role authorized to create an Element. Elements shall be selected based on the WSM modeled equipment. Elements must exist in the WSM. The information entered during creation of an Element shall be recorded in an audit log including all entry fields as well as the user information. Modify an Element This use case represents an authorized user’s ability to modify an Element. Minimum functionality to support this use case shall include: The RC role is the only role authorized to modify an Element. The information entered during modification of an Element shall be recorded in an audit log including all entry fields as well as the user information. For the purpose of this document, reactivating an Element from a deactivated state shall constitute a modification. Deactivate an Element This use case represents an authorized user’s ability to deactivate an Element. Minimum functionality to support this use case shall include: The RC role is the only role authorized to deactivate an Element. For the purpose of this document, deactivation shall mean ‘soft-deletion’ (i.e. remove the Element from the ECC’s operational functionality). Deactivation will notify the creator of the Element through an auditable mechanism that the Element has been deactivated. The information entered during deactivation of an Element shall be recorded in an audit log including all entry fields as well as the user information. An Element will be marked as deactivated and will not be hard-deleted or permanently deleted from the system as per §Error! Reference source not found.. Delete an Element This use case defines functional rules for deleting an Element. The ECC shall prohibit a unilateral deletion function of any Element in order to allow thorough traceability via the audit use case. Deletion of an Element is to be restrictive and subject to formal authorization. The following functional requirements support this construct: Under normal operation, an Element shall be marked as deactivated and will not be hard-deleted or permanently deleted. Pa ge 12 ECC Tool Functional Definition The vendor shall supply an appropriate administrative hard-deletion or permanent-deletion mechanism for the administrative role while ensuring appropriate system and database integrity. An Element may be deleted only via administration-level credentials. An Element may only be deleted with approval from Peak RC Vendor shall archive any historical ECC action (e.g. alarms, curtailment action, modification, etc.) on the deleted Element. Approving an Element This use case represents an authorized user’s ability to approve a newly created Element, modified Element, or deactivated Element. Functionality requires the ECC to enforce a workflow whereby an authorized user performing the aforementioned activities (§Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found.) shall only be committed upon successful approval by a user authorized to perform the approval. Minimum functionality to support this use case shall include: For the purpose of this document, approval shall mean both technical and business process: o Technical approval: the ECC shall perform basic validation on user-entry data fields to the extent of ECC operational logic. o Business process approval: RC is responsible for developing business practices associated with the approval use case. The RC or designated entity shall approve the created/modified/deactivated Element. The approval screen shall at least have the following fields: o Date/Time fields associated with create/modify/deactivate actions o RC User ID for create/modify/deactivate actions o Data fields for create/modify/deactivate actions o RC User ID for approve actions o Comments o Effective date/time of the Element once RC approves The RC approval process of an Element shall be recorded for audit purposes. RC will notify TOP if Elements within TOPs jurisdiction are created/modified/deactivated in ECC. Auditing the Creation of an Element This use case represents an authorized user’s ability to audit data and actions associated with the creation of an Element. Functionality may include ad hoc querying or reporting. Minimum functionality to support this use case shall include: Audit user actions and data entry for created elements. Audit approver actions and data entry for created elements. Pa ge 13 ECC Tool Functional Definition Audit historical alarms and modifications associated with an Element over a user-entered timespan. Include all date and time stamps for actions or entries. Include all users ID’s associated with actions or entries. Via appropriate display(s), audited data fields shall show original state and changed state where applicable. 2.3.2 Calculate Shift Factors Shift factors are the most basic calculation performed within the ECC. There are a variety of shift factors calculated, some describing the impact on elements from a single generator, others describing the impact on elements from a group of generating resources. Shift factors will be calculated every 15 minutes for a rolling window from T0 through hour ending T0+3. Shift factors will be calculated for 15 minute intervals for the current operating hour, followed by hourly intervals for hours T1 – T3. A near real-time state estimator solution case is provided to the ECC every 5 minutes, yet the shift factors are only calculated every 15 minutes. The primary use for the state estimator solution when no shift factor updates are occurring is in the impact calculation process. The ECC shall calculate the following types of shift factors: Power Transfer and Outage Transfer Distribution Factors Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) Elements are elements that do not consider contingencies during curtailment evaluation. With PTDF Elements the monitored branches alone are considered during curtailment evaluation. Outage Transfer Distribution Factor (OTDF) Elements are Elements that take into account a predefined contingency during curtailment evaluation. With OTDF Elements the monitored branches are considered with a specific facility removed from service during curtailment evaluation. An Element can exist as a PTDF Element or an OTDF Element. An Element defaults to a PTDF Element unless OTDF branch data is specified in the Element creation process. Generation Shift Factors A Generation Shift Factor (GSF) between any two generators is the difference between the generators’ GSF to the swing bus. The principles of superposition shall apply when calculating GSFs. GSFs are used in Transmission Distribution Factor (TDF) calculations and Generation-to-Load Distribution Factor (GLDF) calculations. Pa ge 14 ECC Tool Functional Definition GSFs on the Element GSF display in the ECC shall indicate which generators contribute to or relieve congestion on a selected Element. Example: If a generator indicates a GSF of 15.2% on Element X, this means that 15.2% of the generator’s output flows on Element X provided the injection is withdrawn at the swing bus. Transmission Distribution Factors A Transmission Distribution Factor (TDF) represents the impact of an Interchange Transaction on a given Element and determines which are eligible for curtailment in the ECC. o Only those Interchange Transactions with a TDF of n% or greater, as determined by RC approved standard/practice/policy, are subject to Curtailments. o Example: If a tag indicates a TDF of 8.3% on Element X, this means that 8.3% of the transfer amount on that tag flows on Element X. TDFs address the question, “What portion of a power transfer shows up on Element X?” ECC calculations shall use Point of Receipt (POR) and Point of Delivery (POD) for determination of TDFs. ECC shall integrate with the NAESB EIR Registry or WECC Registry and obtain the most current POR/POD information for TDF calculations. This will require some manual mapping on the model data to establish the needed granularity: o Source/Sink to BA o POR/POD to BA ECC shall calculate the real-time TDFs on monitored elements based upon the model incorporated into the tool and the points mapped to the model. ECC must use real-time system topology and data, including actual generation and outages, when calculating TDFs and mitigation responsibilities. ECC must be able to create a matrix to show all POR/POD combinations in order to accurately model and determine TDF of monitored elements: o Mapping of Source/Generators to POR/POD. o Mapping Source/Generator to a Regional Zone/sub- zone/BA (or by company/area as per State Estimator). TDFs shall be calculated as the weighted sum of the GSFs of the generators that comprise the BA, Zone or sub-zone, or any aggregate of generators, where the weighting factors are predetermined based on individual generator’s capacity (or some other criteria as to be decided) or determined in real-time, based on individual generator outputs. TDFs are calculated as follows: 𝑇𝐷𝐹𝐵𝐴 = [∑(𝐺𝑆𝐹𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟(𝐵𝐴) ∗ 𝑊𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟(𝐵𝐴) )] / ∑ 𝑊𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟(𝐵𝐴) Where: TDFBA is the TDF of a Balancing Authority GSFGenerator(BA) is the GSF of a generator in a Balancing Authority Pa ge 15 ECC Tool Functional Definition WGenerator(BA) is the weighting factor of a generator in a Balancing Authority Load Shift Factors Load Shift factors (LSF) are used to calculate GLDFs, which are used to determine Generationto-Load (GTL) obligations (i.e. the LSF is a component of the GLDF. LSFs shall be shown along with GSFs on the GLDF displays in the ECC. Similar to TDFs, LSFs are calculated as the weighted sum of individual loads distribution factor, for all loads belonging to a BA or zone. Generation-to-Load Distribution Factors The Generation-to-Load (GTL) process allows for non-firm and firm of Network Integration (NI) and Native Load (NL) services to be treated comparably with non-firm and firm Point-to-Point (PTP) Transactions during transmission service evaluations. The ECC assists the RC in allocating appropriate relief of all PTP transactions and GTL impacts in order to ensure comparable curtailment. A Generation-to-Load Distribution Factor (GLDF) is the difference between a GSF and an LSF and determines the total impact of a generator serving its native BA load on an identified transmission facility or monitored Element. GLDFs shall be used to determine the GTL of BAs where generators in the BA serve the native and network integration load of the BA. The GTL calculation shall form the basis for determining a BA relief obligation when curtailment is needed. Only those generators with a GLDF of n% or greater, as determined by the RC approved standard/practice/policy, are used in calculating the GTL relief obligation. GLDFs shall be shown in the Element GLDF display and the CA GLDF display in the ECC. o In the Element GLDF display the user selects an Element and is shown a list of generators that contribute to flow as a byproduct of serving their own BA area load (i.e., the GTL impact). o In the CA GLDF display, the user shall be shown a listing of Elements that are impacted by generators serving their own BA area load. From this list, the user can drill down and view the generator contribution to flow. BA/Zonal Shift Factors BA/Zonal Shift Factors (ZSF) represents the shift factors of a subset of generators of a BA or a Zone. ZSFs are calculated in the same manner as TDFs. 2.3.3 Calculate Element Impacts Impact calculations determine the amount (relative or absolute) of impact a transaction between source/sink or POR/POD that flows on transmission elements. The term transaction is used quite loosely. A transaction may represent an interchange between two Balancing Authorities (also known as inter-BA Pa ge 16 ECC Tool Functional Definition transaction), or a generator serving a load within a balancing area, also known as intra-BA transaction. Transactions may or may not be tagged, and many times represent generation from a source point comprised of multiple generators supplying the load of a region or zone, comprised of multiple individual loads. Relative impact is determined by the Shift Factors alone and represents the percentage of transaction between two points that flow on a transmission element. Absolute impact takes into account the actual transaction amounts, and is calculated by multiplying the relative impact of the transaction by the transaction MW amount. Element impacts are calculated once every five minutes using the latest state estimator solution. The impact calculations will make use of the most recent shift factors calculated by the ECC. There are two types of impact calculations that ECC will perform. The first identifies the contribution of transactions to the flow on transmission elements. The, second identifies the impact of curtailing transactions on the flow of transmission elements. The former provides situational awareness, while the latter can be used in transmission loading relief calculations, such as the Unscheduled Flow Mitigation procedure. The differences between Situational Awareness Impact Calculations and Curtailment Impact Calculations are better explained through an example: Suppose a system consisting of two Balancing Areas with generation and load, a transaction between the BAs, a monitored transmission element, and TDFs and LSFs to the swing bus as shown in the figure below. Figure 2 – Example System for Impact Calculations The transactions are: Generation-to-Load (or Intra-BA transactions) o MWGA-LA → GA provides 100 MW to LA o MWGB-LB → GB provides 50 MW to LB Pa ge 17 ECC Tool Functional Definition Interchange Transaction (or Inter-BA transaction) o MWGA-LB → GA provides 50 MW to LB A Situational Awareness impact calculation will indicate that the flow contributions from each transaction on the monitored transmission element as: FlowGA-LA = (TDFA – LSFA) × MWGA-LA = (0.70 – 0.65) × 100 = 5 MW FlowGB-LB = (TDFB – LSFB) × MWGB-LB = (0.60 – 0.55) × 50 = 2.5 MW FlowGA-LB = (TDFA – LSFB) × MWGA-LB = (0.70 – 0.55) × 50 = 7.5 MW Situational Awareness Flow = 5 MW + 2.5 MW + 7.5 MW = 15 MW If the monitored element is congested and the transaction between GA and LB is curtailed, the Curtailment impact will not reduce the flow by 7.5 MW, which is the impact of the Interchange Transaction. Instead, since load is not curtailed, load LB will be supplied by an increase generation in GB. This impact is calculated as: Reduce generation in GA by 50 MW: ΔFlowGA-LB = (0.70 – 0.55) × (–50) = – 7.5 MW Increase generation in GB by 50MW: ΔFlowGB-LB = (0.60 – 0.55) × (+50) = + 2.5 MW ΔFlow = [(TDFB – LSFB) – (TDFA – LSFB)] × MWGA-LB = = (TDFB – TDFA) × MWGA-LB = (0.60 – 0.70) × 50 = – 5.0 MW The curtailment of the Interchange Transaction yields a reduction of 5.0 MW on the flow of the monitored transmission element. Calculate Forecasts The ECC will calculate a “raw” expected flow on an element based on all of the component inputs known to the ECC, both tagged and untagged uses of the system. Recognizing that the data is imperfect and that other system impacts are outside of Peak’s control, there is a need to have an error calculation engine that “corrects” the raw expected element flows. The process “Calculate Forecasts” simply updates the element forecast flow to be the sum of the raw determined element flow and an error correction MW value. The ECC detailed design spec will define all of the requirements for the error correction and forecast calculation processes. It is possible, as indicated by the diagram, that these components reside outside of the ECC. However, that final decision will not be made until the ECC detailed design spec is complete. 2.4 Outputs & Mechanisms Outputs are data objects (i.e. ECC Factors) produced by the ECC as a result of performing operations or calculations. Only data created by the ECC is considered an output; pass-through data, which may be specified as an Input for ECC display or reporting but not created by ECC, is not defined as an Output. For the purpose of this specification, each of the following data elements is classified by Data Group, Data Class Name, and Description. Detailed definitions are expected to be provided by the vendor within a system design specification or similar artifact and shall, at a minimum, include the following detail: Pa ge 18 ECC Tool Functional Definition ECC Module – name of calculation or operation which creates the data. Attributes – data Element details (e.g. PSBank, Name, TapPosition, LastChange, QualityCode). Format – if applicable, expected format of the data object (e.g. CSV, XML, Telemetry). Data Dictionary – if applicable, the database view, stored procedure, table, or query where the data may be obtained. Frequency – expected temporal frequency of the data object (e.g. 15 minutes). Trigger – what triggers the data to be an output from ECC. Accuracy/Precision – defined accuracy and/or precision of the data object. Integration – specified integration methods for retrieving data (e.g. Web Services, Pub/Sub, and ICCP). Mechanisms specify functionality of the system for user and external application access. The following types of mechanisms are defined: Visualization of Operational Results User Interface and Displays Alarm Processing Reporting Import, Export and API 2.4.1 Visualization of Operational Results The ECC must provide output to the RC System Operators (RCSO) that is meaningful for the situational awareness of (?) operations of the Peak RC area. Specific requirements for ECC output and enhanced situational awareness of real-time information include: Visualization of real-time flows on all elements and the corresponding limit Visualization of the composition of flows on an Element: o Visualization of Dynamic Transfers (Dynamic Schedules and Pseudo-Ties, including NERC tag priorities) and percent of total MW flow contribution (?) o Tagged flow MW (including NERC tag priorities) and percent of total MW flow contribution. o Native load and intra-BA Network Integration Load service or market flow MW percent and total MW flow contribution. o ACE, listed by BA, including percent MW and total MW flow contribution. o Reserve activation MW percent and total MW flow contribution. o Losses? Summary of individual tags and other composition of flows (?) to a particular Element that are sorted by TDF. For look-ahead (i.e. h+1, h+2, and h+3), visualization of expected flows on elements and the corresponding limit. Pa ge 19 ECC Tool Functional Definition This situational awareness information must be presented in a rolled up fashion to provide a summary or overview of all elements defined within the ECC. Capability will exist to allow for the RCSO to drill down in to the details of each defined Element. 2.4.2 User Interface and Displays This document does not detail the nuances of the ECC displays so as not to constrain the vendor’s solution design. The vendor shall recommend(?) what displays will be implemented, including proposed screenshots where applicable. Peak RC shall approve the specification. Display Type Description Impact Trend This display provides a summary, per transmission priority, of tagged and untagged use for the selected time period in the ECC. Transaction List This display provides a summary of the energy transactions in the ECC for a specified time range. Intra-hour Transaction List This display provides a summary of the intra-hour schedules for the current and next hours. Next Hour Transaction List This display provides a summary of the next hour transaction schedule changes (increasing or decreasing). Whole Transaction List This display provides a summary of the transaction impacts on a selected element. It provides a view of possible curtailment actions. Current/Next Hour Whole Transaction List This display provides a summary of the transaction current and next hour impacts on a selected element. It provides a view of possible curtailment actions. Net Interchange This display provides a summary of the export, import and net MWs of an RC and BA. Element TDF This display provides the TDF on a user specified element for hypothetical transactions between selected source and/or sink BAs. This display also provides the entry point for viewing LODFs (Line Outage Distribution Factors). Element LODF This display provides the LODFs (Line Outage Distribution Factors) on a user specified element. The LODFs represent the effect of branch outages on the element flow on LODF elements defined. Source/Sink TDF This display provides element TDFs for hypothetical transactions between selected source and/or sink BAs. Source/Sink Availability [Place holder] Element GSF [Place holder] Element GLDF This display provides the Generation-to-Load distribution factors (GLDF) on a user specified element for a given BA. The GLDF is the impact on the element for a generator in a given BA to provide the native load or network integration load of the same control area. Only the generators with a GLDF impact greater than 5% and the next-hour matrix are shown on this display. Pa ge 20 ECC Tool Functional Definition CA GLDF This display provides the user with a list of elements that are impacted by 5% or more by the control area GLDF. Generator GLDF This display provides the Generation-to-Load Distribution Factors (GLDF) from a user specified generator to a user specified Service Point (SP), or to a list of all service points. The GLDFs give the impact on all elements for the generator serving load within the service point area. Only the generators with a GLDF impact greater than the user entered GLDF Cutoff % and the next-hour matrix are shown on this display. The Generator GLDF on an element for the load at the service point is calculated as the GSF (Generation shift factor) minus the LSF (Load Shift Factor) for that flowgate. The Service Point (SP) defines the area used to calculate the LSF. This may be a BA, a marginal zone or a specific bus, depending on the level of granularity at which the SP is defined and which SP is selected. Generator Inc/Dec GSF This display provides the Generation Shift Factors (GSF) for a user specified pair of Incrementing & Decrementing generators. The GSFs give the impacts on a list of elements for the pair of generators specified. The Generator GSF on an element is calculated as the GSF of the INC Generator minus the GSF of the DEC Generator for that flowgate. Only elements with resulting GSFs impacts at or greater than the user entered GSF Cutoff % are shown on this display. The following minimum requirements, however, are defined as general requirements for the user interface (UI): UI shall be based on open standards and/or common UI programming language. Displays shall have the appearance of a normally accepted web based or thick-client graphical user interface (GUI). The UI shall be capable of presenting multiple and configurable views (e.g. tabular data views, configurable graphs) to present the data as applicable to the display’s purpose. Displays shall be consistent with a common look and feel. Displays shall have the capability of accessing and displaying data from various sources and applications. The user interface shall be independent of applications and databases. Displays shall be accessible via toolbar buttons, regular display buttons or hot links. The user interface shall provide the following features: o Tabular displays that support paging, sorting, and data filtering. o On-screen data entry validation. o Program and functional execution from within the displays. Pa ge 21 ECC Tool Functional Definition o Displays shall be protected by security features including login/logoff and configurable screen obfuscation after a configurable time period of inactivity. This feature shall be independent of any screen-saver option native to the operating system of the workstation. o As defined in §Error! Reference source not found., access to data and displays controlled by user access/authorization rights. o Configurable menu functions. o Capability to enable Side-by-Side displays. o Dates/calendar functions. o Configure displays to hide/unhide columns or display items o Shall permit multiple windows to be viewed concurrently on the same monitor. o The windows shall be displayable in either overlapping or tiled. o All displays and screens shall be functionally capable of supporting multiple monitor configurations, extended or mirrored, from a single workstation. Consistent user interface procedures shall be provided to initiate application execution, insert data, annunciate errors, and display and report results from application programs. Displaying and Rendering Data shall consider: o Analysis-type displays shall be similar to those of the IDC. o Appropriate displays to query all registered elements and allowing filtering capabilities based on the information contained in Element displays. o Calculate flow impacts by different uses of the system and mitigation responsibilities for Qualified Transfer Paths or any defined Element with an associated limit. o The toolset must display, alarm and notify the RC once flow is exceeding the defined threshold for an Element. o A list of each Element that has an active mitigation decision should be displayed for the current operating hour and for the next 3 hours. o ECC shall have the ability for users to enter a query in order to determine impacts. The query must allow for the user to select from a list of attributes including Source, Sink, Regional zone/Sub-zone, POR/POD, and monitored Element and a result set that can be sorted should be provided with information regarding the impacted zones, POR/POD, and monitored elements with TDF values. Voice of Customer – The following displays and screens represent stakeholder (RCs and BA/TOPs) input and preferences. Where technically feasible, vendor should consider the following: Main Screen or Display – consisting of the following Menus: 1. Registry (BA, TOP, PSE, POR/POD, Source/Sink) 2. Model (Transfer Distribution Factors, Generator Shift Factors, Qualified Paths, Competing Paths, Qualified Path Operators, Zones, Phase Shifters) Pa ge 22 ECC Tool Functional Definition 3. Flow-based Study (Flow-based Study Paths, Mapping Study Path, Transfer Distribution Factors, Transaction Contribution, Generation Shift Factors) 4. Mapping (Qualified Paths, Source/Sink(zones), BA(default Zone), Registry BA(Model BA), DC Line Source/Sink(POR/POD), PST (BA Source/Sink), PST (POR/POD) 5. USF (Summary, Issue, Study) 6. Tools (Transactions, Transaction Contribution) 7. Logs 8. Misc. (Documentation, Options, Close) Alarm Summary Screen or Display – alarm Summaries should be made available. The alarm summary should include unacknowledged alarms only. Alarm Log Screen or Display – alarm Logs should be made available. The alarm Log should include all alarms, the time it was acknowledged, and the username that acknowledged the alarm. 2.4.3 ECC Alarm Processing The system shall have the ability to configure and manage alarms such that the alarm conditions are reported in a clear, concise, and timely manner to the operators. At a minimum, alarms shall be available for the following conditions: Exceedances of an Element SOL (current hour or future hour). Failure of data transfer into or out of the ECC. When curtailment is required to be acknowledged and approved, alarms should be easily identifiable with the ability to set sound, color, and acknowledgment required for displayed messages. Alarm notification should be easily transportable through email or web interfaces and leverage common standards (e.g. using XML) to allow for monitoring outside of ECC. All alarm messages should be logged and retained for audit and compliance purposes. 2.4.4 Logging and Reporting The system shall have the ability to provide historical reporting on all ECC calculations and alarms. Standard report functions shall allow the following: Number of ECC alarms. Alarm description. Relief requested (MW) and achieved. List of Tags curtailment and Generation redispatch required. The system design shall accommodate the ability to either create custom reports (i.e. Business Intelligence capabilities) and/or support third-party reporting tools (e.g. Crystal Reports). Pa ge 23 ECC Tool Functional Definition 3 External Access, Controls, and Administration 3.1 Import, Export and API The system shall have the ability to export any data from any screen, display, or report. At a minimum, the following export formats shall be supported: o Microsoft Excel File Format o Comma-Delimited File Format o Tab-Delimited File Format o XML File Format Users of the system shall have the option to select formats from an export dialog. Importing data, considering the same formats as export functionality, shall be considered by the vendor to accommodate circumstances when integration methods for input data are inoperative. ECC output data must be made available to external applications through an Application Programming Interface (API). The API shall be able to access necessary information for storage and visualization in other Peak systems. At a minimum, the following data classes shall be available via the API: Element MW flows and the components that contribute to the Element flow: o Tagged MW flow o MW flow as contributed by Area Control Error o Untagged transmission flows o Reserve activations o Losses? Look ahead (i.e. h+1, h+2, and h+3) Element MW flows Alarms 3.2 Security The vendor shall define how security controls will be implemented, including any interpretation of NERC CIP standards. Peak RC shall approve the specification. 3.2.1 User Roles, Rights, and Access Phase I of the ECC focuses solely on improving situational awareness for Peak RC. Current WebSAS users will continue to access the same WebSAS system as today. The user roles below are needed to support the phase I operation of the ECC are as follows: RC System Operators (RCSO) RC Engineers Pa ge 24 ECC Tool Functional Definition Entities with current WebSAS role credentials shall be able to see summary data available in the ECC. Those entities shall also have access to view real-time and hours one through three (i.e. h+1, h+2, and h+3) data associated with any of the active elements. The ECC shall have the functionality for the administrator to designate ECC access and authorization (i.e. screens, displays, menus, function, or data) based on individual roles and/or users. The ECC Administrator shall have the ability to also provide individual users or roles access to ECC situational awareness displays and data. Detailed definitions are expected to be provided to the vendor prior to a system design specification, or similar artifact; Peak RC shall provide to the vendor roles for the ECC. Phase II non-RC user roles, rights, and access will be determined with the other design details necessary for that phase. 3.3 ECC Administration ECC application shall have administrator functions available only to an administrative role. Specific functions are contingent upon the vendor’s system design and shall consider the following functionality: Controlling (i.e. add/modify/deactivate/delete) users and roles for localized and/or remote access. Depending on the vendor’s solution design, the following functionality shall be limited to the administrator role. o Managing elements o Managing reference data links and/or metadata. o Stop/start/reinitialize services or daemons. o Startup parameter configuration. o Network data storage locations (i.e. SAN storage or Directory Files Shares). o Ability to add/delete user rights and roles. The vendor shall define how administrative controls will be implemented; Peak RC shall approve the specification. 3.4 Controls Controls define the processing, operation, or execution of the ECC. The defined controls specify how or what the vendor shall consider for the design and/or architecture of the system. Controls include the following types: 1. Security Considerations -- requirements of the system specific to access and use-authorization of the ECC by either a user/entity or another application. 2. User Roles, Rights, and Access – defined roles of users of the ECC. 3. Use Cases– process requirements which define execution of user steps and routing of data and/or information in sequence (e.g. review and approval). 4. Administration – requirements of the system specific to the administration of the ECC. The ECC vendor detailed design spec must address each of the controls. Pa ge 25 ECC Tool Functional Definition 4 Performance Metrics The following section defines minimum metrics for ECC use and operation. 4.1 Performance The following performance metrics are required functionality for the ECC. The ECC shall be able to support 15 concurrent phase I Peak RC users. However, the system must be built to be scalable to support all webSAS users and future growth in users as the ECC is developed. ECC shall support the following simultaneous user types in phase I, by role without a degradation in performance: o RCSO, 10 o RC Engineer, 4 o Applications Support (IT), 1 Future phases of the ECC project will incorporate additional user roles when webSAS functionality is brought into the ECC (Phase II), as well as if and when congestion management curtailment and redispatch capabilities are expanded and brought into the ECC (Phase III or later?). The system must be scalable to ensure acceptable system performance when the additional users are introduced to the system. ECC shall ensure that the response time from when a request or transaction is initiated by a user, to the time an application response is returned, will be less than 3 seconds for 95% of all transactions, measured at a Local Area Network, and not subject to external limitations, such as Internet availability and performance. This performance requirement does not include shift factor and future curtailment calculations. 4.2 Availability The ECC is expected to demonstrate a minimum availability of 99.5%. This means that the system is designed for high availability, with appropriate fail-over and redundancy designs. ECC shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the exception of scheduled and unscheduled downtime. ECC shall be reliable with respect to functionality and data integrity. ECC will go through testing and, upon acceptance by Peak RC, it must perform according to approved specification. ECC shall maintain unscheduled downtime per year less than or equal to 10 hours, unless mutually agreed by vendor and Peak RC. For unscheduled downtime, vendor shall initiate repair in less than or equal to 1 hour. Vendor shall limit scheduled downtime per year less than or equal to 20 hours, unless mutually agreed by vendor and Peak RC. Scheduled downtime shall not count towards expected availability. Pa ge 26 ECC Tool Functional Definition 4.3 Vendor shall notify Peak RC of the ECC’s unavailability if the system becomes unavailable for normal operations due to any reason, including both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Notification shall include the following: o The reason for the downtime o When the down time will start o When the down time will end o Contact number for vendor support Data Retention The following requirements are specific to ECC data retention including operational data (i.e. Inputs/Outputs) and audit data. ECC shall support data retention of all transactions made for five years, except for extremely large volume data, such as Shift Factors (GSF, LSF, TDF, etc.). Shift Factors must be retained for a minimum of 30 days. Input data for ECC operations shall be retained 24 hours in a rolling data store. Pa ge 27 ECC Tool Functional Definition Appendix A: Terms, Acronyms, and Definitions The following terms and acronyms are used is this document. Term Definition ACE Area Control Error BA Balancing Authority BES Bulk Electric System CA Control Area CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection COS Coordinated Outage System. Coordinated Outage Scheduling System is the Transmission and Generation outage scheduling system used by Peak to collect and manage scheduled outages for the Peak RC area. CSV Comma Separated Values DC Direct Current Dynamic Schedule A time-varying energy transfer that is updated in Real-time and included in the Scheduled Net Interchange (NIS) term in the same manner as an Interchange Schedule in the affected Balancing Authorities’ control ACE equations (or alternate control processes). (Definition approved by NERC BOT but not FERC.) Dynamic Transfer The provision of the real-time monitoring, telemetering, computer software, hardware, communications, engineering, energy accounting (including inadvertent interchange), and administration required to electronically move all or a portion of the real energy services associated with a generator or load out of one Balancing Authority Area into another. ECC Enhanced Curtailment Calculator EIDE Electric Industry Data Exchange. Electric Industry Data Exchange is an XML communications protocol utilized by WECC entities, including Peak RC. EIR Electric Industry Registry Element Any electrical device with terminals that may be connected to other electrical devices such as a generator, transformer, circuit breaker, bus section, or transmission line. An Element may be comprised of one or more components. FDS Functional Design Specification GLDF Generation-to-Load Distribution Factors GSF Generation Shift Factors GTL Generation to Load GUI Graphical User Interface I/O Inputs and Outputs Pa ge 28 ECC Tool Functional Definition Term Definition ICCP Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol ICOM Inputs, Controls, Outputs, and Mechanisms IROL Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit LODF Line Outage Distribution Factors LSF Load Shift Factors MW Megawatt NAESB North American Energy Standards Board NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation NI Network Integration NL Native Load NSI Net Scheduled Interchange OATT Open Access Transmission Tariff OTDF Outage Transfer Distribution Factors POD Point of Delivery POR Point of Receipt PSE Purchasing-Selling Entity Pseudo-Tie A time-varying energy transfer that is updated in Real-time and included in the Actual Net Interchange term (NIA) in the same manner as a Tie Line in the affected Balancing Authorities’ control ACE equations (or alternate control processes). (Definition approved by NERC BOT but not FERC.) PST Phase-Shifting Transformer PTDF Power Transfer Distribution Factors PTP Point-to-Point Pub/Sub Publish and Subscribe RC Reliability Coordinator RSG Reserve Sharing Group SAN Storage area network SE State Estimator. State Estimator is a real-time application used by Peak Reliability to determine the “state” of the Western Interconnection. The SE solution results includes system topology, generator outputs, line/transformer flows, load values, transformer and phase shifter tap positions, etc. SOL System Operating Limits Pa ge 29 ECC Tool Functional Definition Term Definition TDF Transmission Distribution Factors TLR Transmission Load Relief TOP Transmission Operator TP Transmission Planner TRM Transmission Reliability Margin TSP Transmission Service Provider UFM Unscheduled Flow Mitigation UFR Unscheduled Flow Reduction UI User Interface USF Unscheduled Flow Relief WECC Western Electricity Coordinating Council WIT WECC Interchange Tool. The Western Interchange Tool is a system to facilitate and coordinate interchange between WECC Balancing Authorities (BAs). The WIT will also provide Interchange scheduling information to Peak RC. WSM West Wide System Model. West-wide System Model is the base model that is created once every 4-6 weeks by Peak RC. The WSM does not contain real-time information; rather it contains the basic system connectivity, equipment attributes, and other general power system modelling information. XML Extensible Markup Language ZSF Zonal Shift Factor Pa ge 30