ADOLFO …………. Noble wolf

AARÓN ................. exalted
ADOLFO …………. Noble wolf
ALBERTO ................ bright and noble
ALEJANDRO ................. defender, helper
ALFONSO ................. noble and ready
ALFREDO .................. counselor
ÁLVARO ............... guarding wisely
ANDRÉS ................ manly
ANTONIO ………….worthy of praise
AUGUSTO ................ great, venerable
AURELIO ................. golden, gilded
BENIGNO ............... kind, friendly
BENITO ................ blessed
BENJAMÍN .............. son of the right hand
BERNARDO .............. brave bear
BRUNO ................. brown
CARLOS ................ manly
CELESTINO ............. celestial, heavenly
CELINO/CELIO .......... heavenly
CLEMENTE .............. merciful, gentle
CRISTIÁN .............. Christian
CRISTÓBAL ............. bearing Christ
DANIEL ................ God is my judge
DAVÍD ................. beloved
DIEGO …………. St. James
DOMINGO ............... of the Lord
DONATO ................ given
EDMUNDO ............... blessed protector
EDUARDO ............... richly guarding
EFRÁN ................. fruitful
ELIGIO ................ chosen
ENRIQUE ............... home ruler
ERNESTO ............... serious
ESTÉBAN ............... crown
FEDERICO .............. peaceful ruler
FELICIANO ............. lucky, successful
FELIPE ................ friend of horses
FERNANDO .............. ready to journey
FIDEL ................. faithful
FRANCISCO …………… free land
FULGENCIO ............. shining
GABRIEL ............... strong man of God
GERALDO ............... rule of the spear
GERARDO ............... brave spear
GILBERTO .............. bright pledge
GONZALO ………… wolf
GREGORIO .............. watchful, alert
GUILLERMO ………….. determined protector
GUSTAVO ............... staff of the Goths
HECTOR ................ to hold, possess
HERNANDO .............. ready to journey
HUGO .................. heart, mind, spirit
IGNACIO ............... fiery
JAIME …………. supplanter
JAVIER ................ new house
JORGE ................. farmer
JOSÉ .................. he will add
JUAN .................. God is gracious
JULIÁN/JULIO .......... bearded
LEANDRO ............... lion of a man
LEONARDO .............. brave lion
LUCÍO ................. light
LUÍS .................. famous warrior
MACARIO ............... blessed
MANUEL ................ God is with us
MARCOS ………….. the Roman god Mars
MATEO ................. gift
MÁXIMO ................ greatest
MIGUEL ................ who is like God
MOISÉS ................ drawn from the water
NAZARIO ............... from Nazareth
NICOLÁS ............... victory of the people
OCTAVIO ............... eighth
OSCAR ……….. divine spear
PABLO ................. humble
PACO …………. free land
PASCUAL ............... relating to Easter
PATRICIO ................. nobleman, patrician
PEDRO ................. stone
PLÁCIDO ............... quiet, calm
PRÓSPERO .............. fortunate, successful
RAFAEL ................ divine healer
RAMIRO ................ famous advisor
RAMON ………… a wise or mighty protector
RENATO ................ born again
REYNALDO .............. ruling advisor
RICARDO ............... brave power
ROBERTO ............... bright flame
RODOLFO …………. famous wolf
RODRIGO ............... famous power
ROLANDO ............... famous land
RUBÉN ................. behold, a son
SALVADOR .............. savior
SERGIO ................ servant
TEODORO ............... gift of God
TIMOTEO ………… to honor God
TOMÁS ................. twin
VICENTE ............... conqueror
VÍCTOR ................ victor
VIDAL ................. full of life, vital
ADALIA ............. noble
ALBA ............... dawn
ALEGRÍA ............ cheerful, joyful
ALEJANDRA .......... help or defend
ALICIA ............. noble, kind
ALMA ………… soul
AMANDA ............. lovable
AMPARO ............. protectress
ANA ………… grace, favor
ANDREA ………. Strong, brave
ÁNGELA ............. heavenly messenger
ANTONIA ............ flower
BEATRIZ ............ blessed traveler
BELINDA ............ pretty
BENITA ............. blessed
BIENVENIDA ......... welcome
BLANCA ............. white, fair
CARIDAD ............ charitable
CARMELA ............ garden
CARMEN ............. song
CELESTINA .......... heavenly
CLARA .............. clear, bright, famous
CLEMENTINA ......... merciful, gentle
CONCEPCIÓN ......... conception
CONSTANZA .......... constant
CONSUELA ........... consolation
DÉBORA ............. bee
DELFINA ............ dolphin
DIANA .............. heavenly, divine
DOLORES ............ sorrows
DOROTEA ............ gift of God
ELENA .............. torch, moon
ELVIRA ............. all true
EMILIA ………… flattering
ESMERALDA .......... emerald
ESPERANZA .......... hope
ESTELA ……….. star
ESTRELLA ........... star
EVA ................ live, breath
FELICIDAD .......... happy, lucky
FORTUNATA .......... fortunate, blessed, happy
GLORIA ............. glory
GRACIA ............. grace
GRACIELA ………… grace
HILARIA ............ cheerful
ISABEL ............. consecrated to God
JACINTA ............ hyacinth
JOSEFINA ........... she shall add
JUANITA ............ God´s gracious gift
JULIANA ………… soft-haired
LETIZIA ............ joy, happiness
LUCÍA .............. light
LUISA ………. Famous in war
LUZ ................ light
MANUELA ............ God is with us
MARGARITA .......... pearl
MARIA ……….. bitter sea
MARIANA ……….. Mary Ann
MARTA .............. lady, mistress of the house
MERCEDES ........... merciful
MICAELA ………… who is like God
MILAGROS ........... miraculous
MONICA ………… advisor
NATALIA ............ Christmas Day
NEREIDA ............ sea nymph
NIEVES ............. snows
NOELIA ............. Christmas Day
NOEMI .............. pleasantness
PALOMA ............. dove
PAOLA .............. humble
PATRICIA ........... noble
PERLA .............. pearl
PERPETUA ........... everlasting
PIEDAD ............. mercy
PILAR .............. pillar, column
RAFAELA ............ divine healer
RAMONA ............. wise protectress
RAQUEL ............. feminine
REINA .............. queen
RENATA ............. born again
ROBERTA ............ famous
ROCÍO .............. dew
ROSA ............... rose
ROSALINDA .......... fair rose
ROSANA ……….. Rose Ann
ROXANA ............. dawn
SARA ............... lady, princess
SILVIA ............. wood, forest
SOFÍA .............. wise
SOLEDAD ............ solitary
SONIA .............. wise
SUSANA ............. lily or rose
TEA ……….. princess
TEODORA ............ gift of God
TERESA ............. summer harvest
URSULA ............. little bear
VALENTINA ………… brave
VICTORIA ........... victor
VIRGINIA ........... maid, virgin
VIVIANA ............ lively