
Luke 6:20-24
Blessed are you who
are poor,
for yours is the
kingdom of God.
Today we might say:
Blessed are you who realise your
own emptiness and turn to God for
help and strength.
This is about living a simple lifestyle
and not cluttering up our lives with
unimportant stuff.
Blessed are you who
are hungry now,
for you will be filled.
Today we might say:
Just as the starving long for food
and the thirsty seek water, blessed
are you who long for and work for
justice – you shall be satisfied.
This challenges us to live for
goodness in our lives above
everything else.
Blessed are you who
weep now,
for you will laugh.
Today we might say:
Blessed are you whose hearts are
broken by the suffering in the world.
When we suffer a loss, we are tempted to
feel sorry for ourselves. Jesus calls us to
turn this powerful feeling of sorrow into a
source of comfort and blessing for others.
When we are moved with compassion we
demonstrate our solidarity in ‘suffering
with’ others.
Blessed are you when
people hate you, and when
they exclude you, revile
you, and defame you on
account of the Son of
Rejoice in that day and
leap for joy, for surely your
reward is great in heaven.
Today we might say:
Blessed are you who have shown us
how to live by standing up for what
is right.
The stories of saints give us
encouragement to take a stand for
Aotearoa New Zealand