City Road Construction Work TRAFFIC ALERT: Weekend Closure of

City Road Construction Work
TRAFFIC ALERT: Weekend Closure of Havana Street at the Railroad Crossing North of Smith Road
On Aug. 1, 2014*, the Regional Transportation District’s (RTD) contractor for the East Rail Line, Denver Transit
Partners (DTP), will continue construction on Havana Street at the railroad crossing between Smith Road and 37th
Avenue. From 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1, 2014, until 5 a.m. Monday, Aug. 4, 2014, a complete closure of Havana Street
between Smith Road and 37th Avenue will occur.
*Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to inclement weather or other factors.
Please comply with posted detour signs. Thank you for your cooperation.
This construction will affect the RTD Route 44 bus. For more information on how this will affect the Route 44, please
call 303.299.6000 or visit
This work is part of the RTD FasTracks East Rail Line, which is the commuter train to DIA. For additional construction
information, please contact the DTP Public Information Team at 303-297-5284. For after-hour emergencies, please
call 1-855-EAGLE P3 (324-5373). For online project information including current construction and traffic detours, go
Construction for the week of July 28
The following lanes will be restricted/closed, please use caution when traveling in the area:
I-225 Highway Expansion Project (SEMA Construction)
Northbound and southbound I-225 (Parker Road to Mississippi Avenue) right and left lanes
Northbound I-225 on-ramp at Parker Road FULL ramp closure July 31 through Aug. 7 (24/7)
Area A - Iliff Station to Exposition Avenue
Iliff Avenue and I-225 Intersection
o Westbound and eastbound Iliff Avenue (Blackhawk to Abilene streets) right lanes
o Northbound I-225 off-ramp to Iliff Avenue far right/through lanes
Abilene Street (Iliff to Exposition avenues) right and left lanes
Mississippi Avenue and I-225 Intersection
o FULL CLOSURE of Mississippi Avenue and I-225 intersection, including northbound I-225 on/offramps July 27 and 28 (8 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.)
o Northbound I-225 on/off-ramps far right turn lanes
o Eastbound and westbound Mississippi Avenue far right lanes
Area B - Exposition Avenue to 2nd Avenue and Abilene Street
Westbound Exposition Avenue (Abilene Street to Sable Boulevard)
o Two right lanes
o Alternating driveway closures
o At Abilene Street left and right turn lanes
o Intersection at Abilene Street closed as early as July 31
Area C - 2nd and Abilene Station to 6th Avenue
Intersection of Abilene Street and 4th Avenue will close as early as July 28 for several months (see detour)
Area F - Fitzsimons Parkway
Fitzsimons Parkway (17th Avenue to Peoria Street) right lane
Bridge over Coal Creek closed
The bridge over Coal Creek on Jewell Avenue east of Gun Club Road and Murphy Creek is closed for some time for
repairs. Additional information will be posted when it is available.
Water main work rescheduled
According to Aurora Water, the water line replacement project at South Buckley Road and East Wagon Trail Parkway
has been postponed for several weeks. We will alert motorists when the work has been rescheduled.
Weekly construction updates for city of Aurora projects are posted on the city’s website weather permitting. For more
information, call the Street Division at 303-326-8200.
Aurora Water projects also are available on the website.
Peoria Grade Separation Construction
Work continues on the section of Old Peoria Street between 33rd and Smith Road installing storm sewers and
rebuilding the roadway. Local traffic will need to use 33rd to gain access to Smith Road.
Drivers need to be alert to the new Peoria alignment and the “One Way” status of Quentin between 33rd and Smith
Road. Peoria no longer has an at-grade crossing of the Railroad Tracks and access to the areas south of Smith
Road is by using 33rd Avenue.
The Aurora Line/I-225 Rail
FULL OVERNIGHT CLOSURE of Mississippi Avenue at I-225 Intersection
As part of the I-225 Rail Line project, crews will continue work on the Mississippi Avenue bridge. There will be a
FULL OVERNIGHT CLOSURE of Mississippi Avenue at the I-225 intersection including the northbound on/off-ramps
on July 27 and 28 from 8 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Use Iliff or Alameda Avenues as alternate exits.
Aurora Line construction on Exposition Avenue
Construction of the portion of The Aurora Line/I-225 Rail running down the center of Exposition Avenue has begun.
Construction activities will start along the north side of Exposition Avenue (between Abilene Street and Sable
Boulevard). The westbound right lane will be restricted.
Construction activities will be done in phases along Exposition Avenue requiring various lane restrictions through
2015. Bus stops will also be intermittently impacted.
Business access will be maintained at all times; alternate access may be required to facilitate construction.
Colfax Bridge construction overview
The Colfax Avenue Light Rail Bridge is unique from other bridges along The Aurora Line/I-225 Rail because it
includes the light rail station. The future bridge will cross over Colfax Avenue on the west side of I-225 near the
Fitzsimons Parkway intersection. This station will allow access to the VA Medical Center and Children’s Hospital
Colorado. Construction activities include building bridge piers, decking, abutments, walls and guideway north and
south of Colfax Avenue, installing girders spanning over Colfax Avenue, and constructing the station platform and
amenities. Construction activities are weather dependent and subject to change.
Colfax area traffic impacts
Intermittent lane restrictions and nighttime full closures are underway, and will occur through the fall of 2014. Click
here for more information about the bridge construction process.
Through eastbound/westbound traffic should use Sixth Avenue as an alternate route
Possible nighttime work may occur
Activities may cause noise and vibration
Corridorwide traffic impacts
Construction will require periodic lane restrictions and detours throughout the 10.5-mile project. For your safety, and
the safety of our workers, motorists should use extreme caution when driving through construction
zones. Pay attention to message boards and increased truck traffic.
Work performed by others
Additional work performed by Aurora Water, Xcel Energy and other construction companies will also occur throughout
the project and be communicated separately by each responsible entity. CDOT will be replacing two bridge structures
over Toll Gate Creek this summer.
Business impacts
Business access will be maintained at all times; however, alternate access may be required to facilitate construction.
Please continue to support local businesses.
Harvard Avenue closure/detour
Construction of the Aurora Line along Harvard Avenue is entering the final phase of construction. To complete this
work in a timely and efficient manner, a full closure of Harvard Avenue (shown below in red) is necessary.
Construction completed: Summer 2014 (all construction activity is weather dependent)
Hours of work: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (with occasional night work)
Business access: Business access will be maintained at all times from alternate locations. Detour signage will direct
traffic to alternate business access.
Business manager/owner: If you would like to link your business on our “Support Local Businesses Along the Line”
please email us. This is a great opportunity to promote support for your business during construction. Check out our
"Helpful Hints for Businesses" page as well for tips on how to survive construction.
-From Blackhawk Street take Anaheim Street to Yale Avenue to Harvard Avenue
-Access to Fairfield Inn and Homestead Suites will continue from Harvard Avenue; no through traffic
-Access to the post office and Central Place via detour route
On the map, red indicates closure and blue indicates detour route.
East Corridor Commuter Rail
Chambers Road: Work continues on the rail crossing of Chambers at Smith Road with two lanes closed southbound
during the week and another full closure is scheduled the weekend of July 25, beginning July 25 at 8 p.m. and
extending through 5 a.m. July 28 for construction of new roadway sections on the north side of Smith Road.
Significant traffic impacts are forecast and alternate routes are suggested.
Havana between Smith Road and 37th Avenue: Closed the weekend of Aug. 1 for work by the Union Pacific Rail
Road on crossing gates and signals. Traffic will be detoured down 37th and Smith Roads eventually leading to
Peoria. Drivers are reminded that there is no longer direct access to Peoria from Smith Road.
Moline Street, Smith Road to 33rd: Moline will be closed by Denver Transit Partners so that it can be rebuilt to safely
handle additional traffic loads once Smith Road is closed between Moline and Peoria for the Peoria Street Train
Station. Work is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of Aug. 4, and will continue for two to three months.
Smith Road at Sable: Most of the roadway work is done in this area. However, construction traffic is still heavy and
drivers need to be aware of changing conditions.
*Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to inclement weather or other factors.
Please comply with posted detour signs. Thank you for your cooperation.
This work is part of the RTD FasTracks East Rail Line, which is the commuter train to DIA. For additional construction
information, please contact the DTP Public Information Team at 303-297-5284. For after-hour emergencies, please
call 1-855-EAGLE P3 (324-5373). For online project information including current construction and traffic detours, go
Week of July 21 Construction Activities for the Aurora Line/I-225 Rail
I-225 Highway Expansion Project (SEMA Construction)
Southbound and
Northbound I-225
Paving operations and
traffic shift
Overnight lane restrictions
SEGMENT 1 - Nine Mile to Iliff Station
Iliff Station
Iliff station platform
Off-street work;
trucks entering from
Blackhawk St.
AREA A - Iliff Ave Station to Exposition Ave
Iliff Ave (I-225
Light rail bridge
over Iliff Ave
Mississippi Ave
Light rail bridge over
Mississippi Ave
Intermittent lane restrictions
FULL CLOSURE of Mississippi Avenue and I-225
intersection including northbound I-225 on/off-ramps
overnight July 27 and 28 (7 p.m. to
5:30 a.m.)
Intermittent right
lane restrictions
AREA B - Exposition Ave to 2nd & Abilene St
Exposition Ave
(Abilene St to
Sable Blvd)
Utility locates
Westbound right lane
intermittent restrictions
AREA C - 2nd & Abilene to 6th Ave
Abilene Street
(2nd to 4th Ave)
Utilities, wall and track
Off-street work, future
4th Avenue and
Abilene Street Intersection
Roadway work
Full closure of intersection (24/7)
AREA D - 6th Ave to 13th Ave Station
Light rail bridge over
Toll Gate Creek,
walls and track
Toll Gate Creek
(north of 6th Ave)
Off-street work,
trucks entering from
Dillon Way
AREA E - 13th Ave Station to Montview Blvd
Colfax Ave
(west of I-225)
Future intermittent
lane restrictions and
full closures
Light rail bridge
over Colfax Avenue
AREA F - Fitzsimons Parkway
Fitzsimons Pkwy
(17th Avenue to Peoria
Grading and utility
right lane restrictions
AREA G - Peoria Street
Roadwork to continue
late summer 2014
Encourage your neighbors and co-workers to sign up for future Aurora Line Construction Alerts.
Get More Information:
Website: The Aurora Line
Construction Information Line: 720-863-8505
* Construction activity updates reported are weather dependent and subject to change during design/build process.
CDOT Road Construction Updates
View the weekly construction update from the Colorado Department of Transportation.
Interstate 70: Tower Road to East Colfax Avenue update
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is reconstructing the 2.5-mile segment of Interstate 70 between
Tower Road and Colfax Avenue (U.S. 40/287). Work for this project consists of removing the existing asphalt and
replacing it with concrete pavement, shoulder widening, and new bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad and Smith
Road. The project also includes new drainage ponds, guardrails, curbs and gutters, signing and striping.
The left hand lane of I-70 eastbound from Tower Road to Colfax Avenue will be closed until mid-2014. This will take
that stretch of eastbound I-70 down to one lane for the duration of the closure. This work is necessary to demolish
and reconstruct the westbound bridge. During this time, the westbound traffic will be crossed over to the eastbound
One lane of westbound traffic will be closed for the duration of this phase of the project. Originally, the design for this
project included two year lane reductions along this stretch taking each direction of I-70 down to one lane through
summer 2015.
The bridge demolition and reconstruction that is part of this project will replace a bridge that is at capacity. The bridge
currently in place will be replaced with a bridge that can handle the volume and speed of traffic traveling that stretch
of road. The new bridge will also include wider shoulder lanes that will improve safety for all motorists as well as allow
for future expansion to three lanes each direction.
During this phase of construction, the on ramp from northbound Tower Road to eastbound I-70 and the on ramp from
northbound E-470 to I-70 will not have dedicated acceleration lanes. Please use caution in these areas and be aware
of surrounding traffic. Motorists traveling in this area are encouraged to allow for extra time to get to their destinations
and to use caution. By removing and replacing the bridge in two segments traffic flow can continue on this stretch of
road with lane reductions.
Speed limits in the area have been reduced from 75 miles per hour to 55 miles per hour. This is an active
construction area on a busy stretch of roadway; please go Slow InThe Cone Zone.