Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy Promoting Fundamental British Values At Oakhill Primary School, we aim to teach children to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance, to understand the difference between right and wrong, and to recognise the difference between state and religious law. This forms an essential part of our school ethos and is reflected in the culture of ‘Respect’ which we promote though our curriculum and collective worship. Our children develop spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills through a range of experiences and opportunities, including: . Debates, discussion, circle times, group or team work, and talking partners . School trips and guest speakers . School council meetings . Exploring resources and religious or cultural artefacts r objects of importance . Cultural days . Celebrations and collective worship . Reflection time and experiences which develop awe and wonder, creativity and imagination. . Teaching and use of different languages The Curriculum Our PSHE curriculum, ‘Respect Time’, forms a large part of the development of spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. Our children participate in a weekly ‘Respect Time’ lesson in which seven themes are addressed over the year – Relationships, Equality, Safety, People, Everybody Matters, Community and Tolerance. These sessions are carefully planned and teach: . Tolerance and understanding for different faiths, races and cultures . An appreciation of the ‘Rule of Law’ and how it protects the safety and wellbeing of individuals . Self-respect and respect for others . How to stay safe, and the difference between state and religious law . The right to personal liberty and choice in faith and beliefs . An understanding of what it means to discriminate and a recognition of why it is important to combat this . The role of the individual in influencing decision making as part of a judicial process. . Self-responsibility, and responsibility as a member of a community. The skills, knowledge and understanding shared in these sessions are also promoted through cross curricular links in other lessons. Opportunities to uphold Fundamental British Values are identified on lesson planning sheets in all subjects, and the principles of Respect Time are displayed in every classroom and throughout the school and referred to as a part of everyday practice. Collective Worship Whole School Assemblies and Collective Worship times promote the key principles of our Respect Time Curriculum. Worship is based around a weekly theme, each of which has an identified link to the promotion of British Values, and promotes spiritual development through the inclusion of a ‘Reflection Time’ in which a candle is lit and the children are asked to reflect upon what they have shared during the assembly. Worship promotes a strong moral code and end with the school prayer. School Council We have a School Council, elected by the children, which meets weekly and impacts upon decision making within the school. The children discuss issues such as behaviour, safety, fund raising, healthy eating, lunchtimes and after school clubs, and each meeting follows a democratic process and fosters the importance of ‘pupil voice’. Our School Council teaches children to recognise the importance of the individual in a democratic society and strengthens our school as a community in which all children have a key part. Cultural Days At Oakhill Primary School, we celebrate cultural differences and encourage the children to develop an understanding and respect for the beliefs, faith and thoughts of others. We have regular ‘Cultural Days’ in which we either celebrate festivals or events across the world such as Diwali, St Patrick’s Day, St George’s Day, ‘Fat Thursday’, and Chinese New Year, or choose a country to find out about and experience in some way. The children are given opportunities to dress up, taste new foods, and learn new languages, as well as the platform upon which to embrace their own culture and traditions. Whole School Ethos Respect Yourself. Respect others. Respect our community.