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Year 7 PRE
Revision Guide
Basic information…
Your exam will be 1 hour long.
You must do the entire assessment.
You must read the instructions.
You will be examined on everything you have done in year 7.
You must revise the following topics studied in year 7:
a) Symbols
b) The start of religion
c) Good teachers
d) Jesus
e) Places of worship
f) Homes
g) Who am I
h) Faith and religion
i) God
j) Life
k) The universe
l) Right vs. wrong
m) Golden Rule
n) Moral dilemmas
o) Love, justice and forgiveness
You must time yourself so that you have enough time to complete the
whole paper.
Useful resources
What I need to revise….
1. Expressions of faith
What is Philosophy and ethics?
Why do we study it?
How do religions start?
6 major world faiths – who started it, when did they start it, where did they start it
How did religions develop?
What makes a good teacher?
Examples of good teachers – Guru Nanak and the Buddha
Example of a good teacher - What do non-Christians think about Jesus?
What do Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists think of Jesus?
Students will understand that Jesus does not belong just to Christianity
Places of worship
What is a place of worship?
What general features do we find in a place of worship?
The Synagogue and Mosque
Places of worship
How are places of worship similar and different?
The Roman Catholic Church and the Gurdwara
Religious people’s homes – what will you find?
The Mezuzah
A Shrine
Holy Books e.g. the Quran
How are symbols used in religion?
Religious symbols and art
2. Beliefs and teachings
What is a person?
What is dualism?
What is physicalism?
What makes people unique?
What do I belong to?
What contributes to me as a person? (family, nationality, teams, age group, religion, work, friends)
How does family give me a sense of belonging?
What do the Eastern and West religions teach about human life?
e.g. humans created in his own image, karma
What does science believe about the creation of the world?
What do Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism teach about creation?
Scientific views of the end of the world – big freeze, big rip and big crunch
The Western view of the Messiah
The Hindu concept of the Trimurti
What is faith?
What is belief?
What is religion?
What are the seven dimensions of religion (Ninian Smart – beliefs, rules, feelings, social, material,
 What do different people believe about God?
 What do the terms omniscient, omnipotent, immaterial, infinite, omnipresent and benevolent
 What do you think about God?
What do the six major world faiths believe about God?
3. Ethics and values
What is our conscience?
How do we know if something is good or bad?
Religious views of the conscience
What do we mean by good?
What do religions think we mean by good?
What do Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Buddhists teach about key ethical issues?
What is a moral dilemma?
What factors need to be taken into account when solving a moral dilemma?
What is the Golden Rule?
How do different religions interpret the Golden Rule?
What are the 10 Commandments?
How can they solve moral dilemmas?
What does love justice and forgiveness mean?
What do the Western faiths teach about love?
How did Elizabeth Fry, Gandhi and Bhimrao Ambedkar fight for justice?
Should people forgive?
Look at the stories of Stephen Lawrence and 9/11. What happened with each and peoples response
Key words….
philosophy, ethics, study
religion, faith, who, when, where
religion, develop, split, spread
religion, develop, split, spread
good, teacher
good, teacher, Nanak, Gandhi, Buddha
Jesus, non-Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Isa
:place of worship, synagogue, Mosque, prayer, east, separation
Roman Catholic, Gurdwara, Mandir, Church
worship, behaviour, respect
mezuzah, shrine, Quran, Bible
: ying-yang, fish, crescent and moon, wheel of life
art, symbols, represents
dualism, person, unique, physicalism, Descartes
person, belonging, family, nationality, teams, age group, religion, work, friends
me, family, religion, nationality, work
east, west, life, image, karma, actions
creation, big bang, evolution, natural selection, Darwin, science
Hindu, Judeo Christian, Bible, creation, creationism
big freeze, big crunch, big rip, creation, universe, end, science
messiah, Jesus, Trimurti, Brahma, Vishu, Shiva
community, religion, God, purpose, admire
faith, belief, religion
Ninian Smart, religion, seven, beliefs, rules, feelings, social, material, rituals, stories
God, view, omniscient, omnipotent, immaterial, infinite, omnipresent and benevolent
religion, God
conscience, right, wrong, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu
Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, good
Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, fighting, alcohol, drugs, others, ethical issues
moral, dilemma, factors
Golden Rule, interpretations, others
moral, dilemma, 10 commandments
love, justice, forgiveness
Western, love
justice, Elizabeth Fry, Gandhi and Bhimrao Ambedkar
forgiveness, Stephen Lawrence, Doreen Lawrence, 9/11
school, conduct, rules, behaviour