When reading the Old Testament or the Epistle please come forward to the Lectern at the same time Thank you. Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul, East Harling Rota February 2014 (Year A) Readers please note: the text of your reading is printed in the Lectionary (book of readings) and available in the bookcase (where the service books are kept) to enable you to prepare for your reading. I would like to thank all of you for participating in the services; your help is very valuable and much appreciated. If you are unable to do the duty as detailed below, please arrange to swap with someone on the list and notify Eleanor Doyle 01953 718304 as soon as possible 02/02/14 Candlemas HC 09.45 Leader: LF Preacher: SO Soul Café CB OSH 09/02/14 4th before Lent HC 09.45 09.30 Leader: VS Third Sunday Leader: SO 23/02/14 6th before Lent HC Leader; SO Preacher LF Isaiah 58. 1-9a (9b-12 1 Corinthians 2.1-12 (13-end) Matthew 5.13-20 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Richard Oliver John Wallace-Jones Priest Jenny Galliford Betty Wood John Rosemarie Brant Peter Sellens Judy Walls Deuteronomy 30. 15-end 1 Corinthians 3. 1-9 Matthew 5. 21-37 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Priest Priest Priest Priest Anne Slater Richard Burlington Sidesmen Refreshments Bill Margaret Neve /E Doyle Linda Reeder Jo Hayward Genesis 1. 1-2.3 Romans 8. 18-25 Matthew 6. 25-end Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Paul Sharrock Dorothy Jubb Priest John Wallace Jones Richard Brown Judy Walls Val Dangerfield John Linda Taylor 10.30 Bishop Alan opening of new facilities Shared light buffet Lunch Geoff Wells Gordon Jones Priest Rosemary Howard Tony Fry John Linda Taylor Jan Francis Margaret Boggin 6pm Leader: SO Preacher: SO Deacon: CB 16/02/14 5th before lent HC Malachi 3.1-5 Hebrews 2. 14-end Luke 2.22-40 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments 12.30pm 09.45 When reading the Old Testament or the Epistle please come forward to the Lectern at the same time Thank you. Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul, East Harling Rota March 2014 (Year A) Readers please note: the text of your reading is printed in the Lectionary (book of readings) and available in the bookcase (where the service books are kept) to enable you to prepare for your reading. I would like to thank all of you for participating in the services; your help is very valuable and much appreciated. If you are unable to do the duty as detailed below, please arrange to swap with someone on the list and notify Eleanor Doyle 01953 718304 as soon as possible 02/03/14 Sunday before Lent HC 09.45 Leader; LF Preacher; CB Exodus 24. 12 – end 2 Peter 1. 16-end Matthew 17. 1-9 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Peter Sellens Jenny Galliford Priest Rosemary Howard Tony Fry Peter Jean Sellens Sue Dolling Val Dangerfield Joel 2. 1-2, 12-17 2 Corinthians 5. 20b-6.10 Matthew 6. 1-6, 16-21 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Sally Wallace- Jones Mary Jones Priest Richard Oliver Richard Brown Richard Brown Sidesmen Bill Margaret Neve Genesis 2. 15-17; 3. 1-7 Romans 5 12-19 Matthew 4. 1-11 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Gordon Jones Sally Corbett Priest John Wallace Jones Stuart Langridge Mark Oakland Jan Francis Carolyn Marshall Pam Seaman Soul Café; CB OHS 05/03/14 Ash Wednesday 7.30 HC Leader; SO 07/03/14 Woman’s day of Prayer 09/03/14 1st of Lent 6.30 pm HC 09.45 OSH 4pm Leader; SO Deacon CB Messy Church Leader; LF Continued overleaf Continued 16/03/14 2nd of Lent HC 09.30 Leader; LF Third Sunday Leader: SO 10.30 23/03/14 3rd of Lent 09.45 HC Leader; SO 30th March 4th of Lent Mothering Sunday Family Communion Leader; SO/CB 10.30 Genesis 12. 1-4a Romans 4. 1-5, 13-17 John 3. 1-17 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Priest Priest Priest Priest Anne Slater Richard Burlington Sidesmen Refreshments John Linda Taylor Clare Wise Exodus 17. 1-7 Romans 5. 1-11 John 4. 5-42 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Cath Fairbanks Wilma Oliver Priest Sally Wallace Jones Anne Slater John Rosemary Brant Peter Sellens Judy Walls 1 Samuel 16. 1-13 Ephesians 5. 8-14 John 9. 1-end Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Paul Sharrock Geoff Wells Priest Jenny Galliford Betty Wood Eleanor Doyle Mark Oakland Jan Francis Margaret Boggin When reading the Old Testament or the Epistle please come forward to the Lectern at the same time Thank you. Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul, East Harling Rota April 2014 (Year A) Readers please note: the text of your reading is printed in the Lectionary (book of readings) and available in the bookcase (where the service books are kept) to enable you to prepare for your reading. I would like to thank all of you for participating in the services; your help is very valuable and much appreciated. If you are unable to do the duty as detailed below, please arrange to swap with someone on the list and notify Eleanor Doyle 01953 718304 as soon as possible 06/04/14 6th of Lent HC 09.45 Leader; LF Deacon; CB 6pm Soul Café; CB OHS 13/04/14 Palm Sunday Richard Oliver Dorothy Jubb Priest Richard Oliver Tony Fry Bill Margaret Neve John Linda Taylor Sidesmen Passion Narrative HC 09.45 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Leader: SO 15/04/14 Tuesday of Holy week 16/04/14 Wednesday of Holy week 17/04/14 Maundy Thursday HC Leader; SO Ezekiel 37. 1-14 Romans 8. 6-11 John 11. 1-45 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments 8pm Compline 8pm Compline 7.30 Exodus 12. 1-4, (5-10) 11-14 1 Corinthians 11. 23-26 John 13.1-17,31b-35 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Rosemary Howard Richard Brown Peter Jean Sellens Linda Reeder Jo Hayward Jenny Galliford John Wallace-Jones Priest Sally Wallace Jones Stuart Langridge Eleanor Doyle Continued overleaf Continued 18/04/14 Good Friday Market place 11.30 Service 12MD 20/04/14 Easter Day HC 09.45 Leader; SO Deacon; CB 27/04/14 2nd of Easter HC Leader; LF 09.45 Sidesmen Eleanor Doyle Jeremiah 31. 1-6 Acts 10. 43-43 John 20 1-18 Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Sally Wallace-Jones Peter Sellens Priest Jenny Galliford Betty Wood John Linda Taylor Eleanor Doyle Sue Dolling Val Dangerfield Exodus 14. 10-end; 15. 20-21 Acts 2. 14a. 22-32 John 20. 19-end Intercessor Chalices Sidemen Refreshments Wilma Oliver Mary Jones Priest John Wallace Jones Anne Slater Judy Walls Val Dangerfield Carolyn Marshall Pam Seaman