For immediate release: July 11, 2012 Media contact: Cindy Aubrey, Chief Communications Officer City of Colorado Springs 719-385-5254 719-492-0234 Colorado Springs Together releases additional information on relief efforts (COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, July 11, 2012) – The leadership team for Colorado Springs Together, the non-profit organization incorporated on July 3 to be a central clearing house for Waldo Canyon Fire recovery information, services and resources, is announcing additional details on relief efforts. This is a community-driven volunteer effort led by Mayor Steve Bach and his wife Suzi, with 100% of donations going directly to restoring the Mountain Shadows community. The team members are distinguished citizens and business professionals in the community who will determine a quick and effective rebuilding process for the neighborhoods devastated by the fire. Relief efforts An integrated list of residents is being developed by the city, individual HOAs and the Mountain Shadows Community Association. This electronic list will be integrated with the Colorado Springs Together website to ensure all residents get immediate and accurate notification of news and information during the restoration process. Today, Wednesday, July 11, City staff met with Mountain Shadows representatives to discuss ongoing security patrols. This will ensure appropriate security is recommended during all phases of rebuilding, especially prior to and during debris removal. Thursday, the City Forester and staff will determine a timeline of disposition of trees on public property to prepare for safe removal of dead trees in the near future as part of the overall clean-up efforts. A dedicated debris removal task team has been charged with establishing the process for private homeowners to initiate their own individual plans as well as a broad-based approach to a neighborhood-wide debris removal plan for public spaces and right of ways. The plan will accommodate the needs of private homeowners and insurance companies, but focus on quick removal of the public area burned materials including landscaping damaged in the fire. The new website is already expanding with updates on how to select contractors, connections to new resources being made available through donations and the latest announcements from FEMA, waiving the 30-day flood insurance on a case-by-case basis. Residents will be able to use the site as their first stop in looking for critical information. Funding Funds will be raised directly from companies and individuals and integrated with other philanthropic initiatives, including the Colorado Fire Relief Fund 2012, created by Governor John Hickenlooper. This will ensure that this organization is the focal point of efforts dedicated to those people most impacted by the fire. Donations of in-kind support are also accepted. Ent Credit Union has generously stepped up as the first financial contributor of cash with 30dps, Hogan Lovells and Stockman, Kast, Ryan and Co., CPAs, providing large in-kind donations. We look forward to announcing many more significant contributions from local philanthropists and businesses that have already been in contact with the organization and are very supportive of its single mission focus. Organization focus Helping people through this transition period, especially if they have lost homes, while maintaining and enhancing the Mountain Shadows community spirit at all levels. Mounting an unprecedented coordination effort to speed up the recovery, rebuilding and restoration process, supporting a community vision to be better than before. Combining these two strategies will help ensure that Mountain Shadows comes back better and more vibrant than before despite the devastation caused by the fire. Other specific action steps include: A temporary community center to take over from the Disaster Recovery Center within the next few weeks. The center will be located within the Mountain Shadows community. Appointment of a board of directors for the organization. A benefit concert to be jointly sponsored by The Mountain Shadows Community Association, Colorado Springs Together and the City of Colorado Springs oversight committee. Development of the process to ensure effective allocation of funds using the experience of J.D. Dallager, (CEO Pikes Peak United Way) Peter Maiurro, (Vice President El Pomar Foundation) Bob Cutter, (President of Colorado Springs Together) along with neighborhood representatives Francine Hansen and Chuck Fowler, representing Mountain Shadows Community association and Parkside HOA respectively. The money will be focused on maintaining a community during the rebuilding phase and providing community assets as a memorial to the events of the last week of June 2012. Colorado Springs Together leadership team: John Cassiani Home Builders Association Home Construction Terry Storm Pikes Peak Association of Realtors Housing/Accommodation Joe Raso EDC Chamber of Commerce Business Community Bob Cutter Colorado Springs Together Team Leader Carol Odell Better Business Bureau Vendor / Contractor Quality Jeff Thomas 30dps Web/Social Media/PR John Cook Hogan Lovells Legal Eric Ryan Stockman, Kast, Ryan Accounting/Finance J.D. Dallager Pikes Peak United Way Caregiving Organizations Peter Maiurro El Pomar Foundation Philanthropy/Funding Lt. Col. Roger Sherman 21st Space Wing USAF Volunteer coordinator Amy Lathen Chair, EPC Commissioners County/Government Francine Hansen President, Mountain Shadows Assn. Neighborhood Rep. Chuck Fowler President, Parkside HOA Neighborhood Rep. Jim Johnson GE Johnson Construction Project Planning John Putnam Putnam Assurance & Risk Services Insurance Steve Cox City of Colorado Springs City/Government Jerry Forte Colorado Springs Utilities Utilities Charla Cook Colorado Springs Together Admin Support Cathy Grossman Ent Federal Credit Union Marketing B.J. Scott Peak Vista Foundation Healthcare Scott Hente Colorado Springs City Council District Elected Official Henry Yankowski Regional Building Department Permits/Codes/Planning For more information, visit ###