Course Development Information Form (First two pages completed by School, with LD support as needed) COURSE NUMBER: COURSE NAME: This course will be a: ☐ NEW COURSE Course has never before existed for CPS ☐ TOTAL REDESIGN Nothing at all is salvageable from its former version; essentially, a new ☐ REVISION course Course exists in another form (for example, classroom, for conversion to online) Less than a Total Redesign but more than Maintenance or Repair Work For a REVISION only, check all items below that apply. For New or Total Redesign, skip to next page. X here Notes/Comments/Specifics Please add brief description/s ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Minor, superficial edits (typos, wording, etc.) Textbook changes with no other impact on course Textbook changes that necessitate minor updates Textbook changes that necessitate major updates Textbook changes due to major content changes Minor assignment/activity adjustments (these do not change the overall nature of the assignment, nor necessitate changes in syllabus) Substantial assignment/activity changes (these do change the overall nature of the assignment and do necessitate changes in syllabus) * Addition or deletion of content that does not affect outcomes and syllabus Addition or deletion of content that does affect outcomes and syllabus Change in supplemental materials: tools, Flash piece, video, PowerPoint, etc. Change of one or more Weekly outcomes Change of one or more Course outcomes List any other changes needed: * Must align with learning outcomes, so further edits may be necessary that impact Weekly Outcomes, rubrics, TIPS sheet/s, Dropbox, Grade Book, and/or the syllabus 1 CPS SCHOOL: TODAY’S DATE: COURSE NUMBER: COURSE NAME: DESIRED DATE FOR FIRST OFFERING: LEAD FACULTY/DEPT. CHAIR: DOES COURSE CURRENTLY EXIST ONLINE? DOES COURSE CURRENTLY EXIST IN CLASSROOM? Click here to select school Click here to select term Click here to select year Course Description (must be identical to the text in the Bulletin) Program Outcomes: Program outcomes state what learners should be able to DO when they complete their program/degree. Each program typically has 5-8 outcomes. Program outcomes are always determined by the School and are the foundation on which all courses must be built. Please note: For general education courses (English, math, religious studies, etc.), your answer is “No Program.” Upon completion of this program, the learner should be able to: Program Outcomes: Course Outcomes: Course outcomes state what learners should be able to DO when they complete their course. Each course typically has 3-8 outcomes. At this point it is your best thinking but intent is more important than wording. Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to: First Draft of Course Outcomes: 2 Content Authors CONTENT AUTHOR #1: CONTENT AUTHOR PHONE NUMBER: CONTENT AUTHOR EMAIL: EST. SHARE OF WORK BY THIS PERSON: % AFFILIATION (Regis or Non-Regis? Ranked or Affiliate? Other?) HAS TAUGHT ONLINE? ☐ Yes ☐ No (Content Consultant only) LIST OF ACTIVE CPS COURSES CO/AUTHORED IN THIS PROGRAM: CONTENT AUTHOR #2: CONTENT AUTHOR PHONE NUMBER: CONTENT AUTHOR EMAIL: EST. SHARE OF WORK BY THIS PERSON: % AFFILIATION (Regis or Non-Regis? Ranked or Affiliate? Other?) HAS TAUGHT ONLINE? ☐ Yes ☐ No (Content Consultant only) LIST OF ACTIVE CPS COURSES CO/AUTHORED IN THIS PROGRAM: Please explain why this course is worth the financial expenditure: (For example: Is it a core course? Is it an elective that regularly elicits full enrollment? Is it one of a limited number of electives for a program, after a number of other electives have been eliminated?) School Approvals: You may approve by typed or inked signatures; however, one individual may not sign off for another. Department Chair’s Approval: Date: Assistant Dean’s Approval: Date: The Assistant School Dean, please email this completed form to Learning Design ( 3 The remainder of this form is completed in collaboration with Learning Design. Course Outcomes: Course outcomes state what learners should be able to DO when they complete their course. Each course typically has 3-8 outcomes. Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to: Finalized Course Outcomes: Content Peer Reviewer (First “R” of PARTNR): Course Maintainer: (CPS Policy requires that each course is maintained by a designated individual.) Learning Design’s Approval: Date: Production Manager’s Approval: Date: 4