study guide

Unit 2: Technology Changes History
Name: ________________________ Block: ______
Match key terms
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
8. _____
9. _____
10. _____
11. _____
12. _____
Paleolithic Age
Mesolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Middle Ages
Renaissance/Enlightenment Age
Industrial Age
Information Age
List each era in order with its age
13. ______________________
14. ______________________
15. ______________________
16. ______________________
17. ______________________
18. ______________________
19. ______________________
20. ______________________
21. ______________________
a. Humanistic revival of classical influence
b. Very small geometric form tools commonly used in composite tools
c. Development of agriculture and an emphasis on year-round settlements
d. Period of time between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance
e. Associated with the rise to dominance of microliths
f. First use of complex machinery, and factories
g. Means to design or devise
h. Includes earliest civilizations and development of metallurgy
i. Iron used as the main metal
j. Chronological record of significant events
k. Gathering, classification, storage, and retrieval of information
l. Archaeological period having the earliest known stone tool manufactured
500000 – 10000 BC
10000 – 4000 BC
4000 – 2300 BC
2300 – 700 BC
700 BC – 450 AD
450 – 1400 AD
1400 – 1750 AD
1750 – 1950 AD
1950 – Present
Write the work under each engineer
Created aqueduct systems, sanitary systems and extensive road system
Refined steam engine for practical use
Clay tablets as documented irrigation system & city plans
Discovered principles for a battery
Concept of assembly line
Built pyramids & complex irrigations systems
Algebra for land excavation calculations & asphalt-covered roadways
Conquered territories through their creation of crossbow and catapult
Designed weapons, buildings, and machinery
Pivotal figure in development of physics, specifically astronomy
Developed the static electric charge (forerunner to the capacitor)
Developed paper, clocks, gunpowder and astronomical instruments
Mesopotamin Engineers
Babylonian Engineers
Egyptian Engineers
Greek Engineers
Roman Engineers
Middle Age Engineers
Renaissance Engineer daVinci
Renaissance Engineer Galileo
Industrial Engineer Watts
Industrial Engineer Volta
Industrial Engineer Musschenbroek
Industrial Engineer Ford
Write the age beside each group of artifacts
22. Telescope, microscope, thermometer, clocks, barometer ::: ________________ Age
23. Bronze jewelry, tools, weapons ::: ________________ Age
24. Transistor, integrated circuit, satellite, digital photography, artificial heart, nuclear power plant ::: ________________ Age
25. Stone axes, bone needles, hearth sites ::: ________________ Age
26. Steam engine, electricity, automobile, airplane, radio, television, telephone, rocket ::: ________________ Age
27. Leatherwork, basketry, fishing tackle, stone axes and wooden objects, canoes and bows ::: ________________ Age
28. Iron chisels, ornamental jewelry, swords, axes, spearheads ::: ________________ Age
29. Wheeled plow, horseshoes, waterwheels, windmill, cast iron, cannons, compass, ocean-going ships ::: ________________ Age
30. Pottery, polished stone tools, spinning and weaving tools, wooden plows, sickles ::: ________________ Age
Social Impacts
Cultural Impacts
Economic Impacts
Political Impacts
Environmental Impacts
a. Increased tax base and employment/jobs
b. Recreation facilities, places of worship & clubs and organizations
c. Leadership decisions, laws & enforcement
d. Historical, archeological & geological
e. Loss of habitat & wetlands, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, light pollution
f. Building block of technology
Answer each question below using 3/4 complete sentences.
37. Explain how the introduction of a new technology would change the current process used in creating a product.
38. List three instances of technological progress that promoted the advancement of science and mathematics.
39. Select one of the following areas of technology and explain how technology changed the way people live and work;
agriculture, manufacturing, sanitation and medicine, warfare, transportation, information processing, and communications.