Region: __________________ District: ________________________ School: __________________ Reform Strategy: ________________ Unit Theme: 5.4 Community Celebrations Teacher: Week # 1 Grade: 5th Subject: English Date: From _________________ to _____________________ 20___ Desired Result Durable Comprehension (Key Understanding) Example: Students will understand that … Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performances Tasks) Standards Expectations Academic Strategy Monday Language 5.W.8 , 5.L.1a , 5.S.3 , 5.LA.4c Language Experience Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Tuesday Wednesday Speaking Writing 5.W.8, 5.R.2L, 5.R3L 5.W.8, 5W.6, 5.L.1a, 5.R.6.1 Thursday Writing Friday Speaking 5.W.8, 5.R.9I, 5.R.9L, 5.LA.2 5.S.2, 5.LA.1 Language Experience Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning After reviewing the informational text on holidays around the world, the student will summarize and identify characters and setting through Think-Pair-share. After discussing the findings of the research project, the student will compare and contrast through a Venn Diagram traits of Christmas traditions. After reading traditional Christmas celebrations from different cultures, the student will compare and contrast traits using 5.4 Venn Diagram. At the end of the lesson the student will organize the parts of a reading response letter by writing the parts of a reading response letter in an exercise correctly. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Instructional Strategy and Phase Objective After sharing celebration experiences, the student will read an informational text to find key works for understanding using Vocabulary Inference 5.1 Worksheet correctly Depth of Knowledge (DOK) ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Desired Result Durable Comprehension (Key Understanding) Example: Students will understand that … Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performances Tasks) Initial Activities Developmental Activities 1. The teacher will introduce the unit going over the different topics and skills. 2. The students will use Dialogue Journal during this unit. Students will write for 5 to 10 minutes. What is Christmas to you? The teacher talks about Puerto Rican Christmas holiday in detailed. 1. After listening to the teacher experience the student will talk about their own experiences on Christmas holiday 2. The students will read an informational text on Christmas tradition for the students to fine key words 3. The students will pair share their findings Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: 1. The teacher will give a practice 1. The teacher will give a to the students on a grammatical practice to the students on a skill. grammatical skill. 2. The students write on the 2. The students write on the Dialogue Journal for 5 to 10 Dialogue Journal for 5 to 10 minutes about personal minutes about the difference experiences had with traditions. between the way you see your families Christmas traditions and the way other families see it making connections with the reading. 1. The teacher will read aloud an 1. The student will be divided in informational text about a groups for a short research Christmas traditions.5.4 Holidays project on Christmas Traditions. Handouts. 2. The students will ask and 2. The student will answer openanswer questions on their ended question using formal and opinion and knowledge on non-formal discussion for reading Christmas traditions. They will comprehension. use their Dialogue Journal 3. The student will re-read the annotations. text to summarize it. 2. The student will share the findings and compare to each other orally. 1. The teacher will give a practice to the students on a grammatical skill. 2. The students write on the Dialogue Journal for 5 to 10 minutes about the things you like about other Christmas traditions read in class. 1. Review previous lessons using the Venn Diagram comparing the different Christmas celebrations. 2. To introduce the theme of letter the teacher will ask questions about how to write a letter to assess and motivate. 1. The teacher reads aloud fiction texts related to these holidays and models how to compare and contrast the characters from the fictional stories, distinguishing in particular between the main character and the supporting characters. 2. The student will orally analyze details of the story orally as a class. 3 The students will go over the details and summary of the reading using 5.4 Story Map Introduce parts of the letter. 1. Play a game with index cards giving out the parts of the reading response letter and having the students organize them. 2. The teacher will go over a sample of a reading response letter asking questions to the students to connect each part with the readings done in class. 3. The students will do a Think –pair –share of what they understood about the parts of a reading response letter. Discussion about Christmas traditions. Desired Result Durable Comprehension (Key Understanding) Example: Students will understand that … Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performances Tasks) The students will fill the worksheet Vocabulary Inference (attachment 5.4) This will be corrected in class orally Closing Activities Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: The student will identify the main Through the 5.4 Venn Diagram idea and characters and setting the student will compare and through Think-Pair-Share. The contrast based on the research teacher with the help of the project findings. students will describe the character on the board. The student completes a character comparison chart after reading (see attachment: 5.4 Graphic Organizer –Venn Line. The students will complete an exercise organizing the parts of the reading response letter. The exercise will be corrected orally in class. Write the first draft of the Reading response letter 5.4 Vocabulary Inference Formative Assessment Materials Homework Differentiated Instruction Strategies ___ Special Education. ___ LSP’ ___ Section 504 ___ Gifted Teacher’s reflection 5.4 Venn Diagram 5.4 Venn Diagram, Attachment 5.4-Holiday Handouts: Ramadan