Recognition of curriculum frameworks as meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum NOTICE OF INTENTION TEMPLATE 1 Recognition of curriculum frameworks as meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum NOTICE OF INTENTION TEMPLATE The response to this questionnaire provides information to ACARA so that appropriate Recognition Review Panels can be established to assess submissions. PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION Name of organisation Year levels offered Manager/other authorised leadership Governing authority Executive officer Organisation address Unit/Suite No. Street No. Street name Suburb State Telephone Fax Email Website Postcode Schools or locations using the curriculum1 1 In accordance with the Process of Recognition, this list will be provided to state and territory registration authorities at the time the alternative curriculum framework is published on the Recognition Register. 2 Recognition of curriculum frameworks as meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum PART B: CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK OVERVIEW Identify the curriculum framework for which national recognition is sought Curriculum framework title Publishing details that will identify the specific version of the curriculum framework: The process requires that direct comparisons be made between the Australian Curriculum and the curriculum framework submitted for recognition in relation to relevant points across year levels. Learning areas Australian Curriculum: English compared with __________________________ Australian Curriculum: Mathematics compared with ______________________ Australian Curriculum: Science compared with __________________________ Australian Curriculum: History compared with __________________________ Australian Curriculum: Geography compared with ________________________ Identify the major comparison points between the Australian Curriculum and the proposed curriculum framework for which national recognition as meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum is to be sought. The proposed points are to include points at the end of Year 6 and the end of Year 10 Proposed comparison points (add as required): Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year 6 Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year 10 Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year ___ Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year ___ 3 Recognition of curriculum frameworks as meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum The process also requires proponents to nominate: the proposed alternative curriculum component with which to compare Australian Curriculum content descriptions, and the proposed alternative curriculum component with which to compare Australian Curriculum achievement standards. Australian Curriculum content descriptions are to be compared with _____________ __________________________ Australian Curriculum achievement standards are to be compared with _____________ __________________________ Any additional information that may assist ACARA in forming a Recognition Review Panel I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE RECORD (Manager/other authorised leadership) Print name Signature Date 4 Recognition of curriculum frameworks as meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum