University of Alaska Anchorage School of Allied Health Guidelines for Tuition Waiver Application A limited number of tuition credit waivers are available, up to 12 undergraduate credits per student per semester. Tuition waivers do not cover the cost of any fees or books. The applicant must be in Satisfactory Academic Progress to receive the Tuition Waiver. Application Submission and Deadline 1. Spring 2016 applications are due December 4, 2015 by 4:00 pm to School of Allied Health NO LATE applications will be accepted. 2. Submit applications to Carol Brady, AHS 148A. Applicants needing clarification with tuition waiver application may email or call 907-786-4333. Qualifications: 1. Applicant must be admitted to UAA in an Allied Health program of study and be enrolled in a minimum of three credits leading to a degree or certificate in the Allied Health program. 2. Applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 at the time of application. 3. Applicant must have a status of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Applicants must submit, in one complete packet, ALL of the following information; please do not staple papers together; attach papers with a paper clip in the following order. Incomplete packets and/or packets placed in incorrect order will not be considered. 1. Title Page that includes: Full Name UA Student ID number Telephone numbers (cell, home, work) Best email address for contact Current mailing address (include zip code) Resident or nonresident tuition eligibility GPA Major Total number of credits planning to enroll in during semester of application Estimated graduation date Other grants and/or scholarships applied for or received pertaining to the semester of this application. 2. A letter written by the student explaining why he or she is worthy of the School of Allied Health Tuition Waiver. The letter may include, but is not limited to the following: prior success, talent, merit, community involvement, campus involvement, dedication to profession, etc. 3. Provide a copy of your complete Financial Aid award printout from UAOnline for the current semester you are applying for, i.e. total amount of your financial aid for the semester. 4. Two (2) current Tuition Waiver Reference Forms, on the attached form, from someone outside of the applicant’s program/major (i.e. work supervisors, former teachers/professors/advisors, etc. but no friends, relatives or family members). The form must have an original signature; no copies or email attachments will be accepted. 5. Provide the School of Allied Health with your partially completed Advisor/Faculty Endorsement form and we will secure their signature. 6. a. Create a projected plan of study that includes your overall academic and career goals (Occupational Endorsement, Certificate, Associate, and Bachelor). b. Provide your academic progress thus far, in a spreadsheet or table format, including grades for program course, the courses planned for the upcoming semester, and a plan for the following semesters in order to successfully complete the academic program. Tuition Waiver Reference Form _________________________________ Applicant Name _____________________________ Student ID # _________________________________ Current Degree Program _____________________________ Evaluator Name (please print) _________________________________ Evaluator contact information (phone and email) _____________________________ Relationship to student Thank you for assisting the Allied Health Sciences Division Tuition Waiver Committee. We appreciate your time and effort in providing us with this important information. We ask that you please indicate the degree to which the following qualities are characteristics of the candidate you are rating. Once completed please place in a sealed envelope, sign across the seal at the back of the envelope, and give the envelope to the student to include with their application. 5 Strongly Agree 4 Agree 3 No Opinion 2 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree 0 No Opportunity to Observe _____ 1. Student’s academic performance is above average. _____ 2. Student demonstrates a commitment to his/her field of study. _____ 3. Student is a critical thinker. _____ 4. Student is dependable and assumes responsibility. _____ 5. Student exerts maximum effort; this is reflected in performance. _____ 6. Student displays a positive attitude. _____ 7. Student communicates effectively with faculty and peers. _____ 8. Student demonstrates proficiency in written communication. _____ 9. Student is cooperative and considerate. _____ 10. Student is an outstanding representative of UAA’s student community. Please make any additional comments which might be helpful to the selection committee. If more room is needed, please attach an additional piece of paper. Thank you for your assistance. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Evaluator Signature _________________________________ Date University of Alaska Anchorage Tuition Waiver School of Allied Health School of Allied Health Advisor or Faculty Endorsement Student name________________________________ Student ID#____________________________ School of Allied Health Program_________________________________________________________ Student Instructions: Please fill out the above portion and turn in with your applicant packet. The School of Allied Health will attain the signature from your Advisor or Faculty. My signature below verifies that this student is making satisfactory academic progress toward completion of his/her program of study. I have reviewed and approve the projected plan of study that he/she is submitting as part of the application to the Tuition Waiver program. _______________________________________________________ School of Allied Health Advisor or Faculty Signature Date_____________________