Park Street Leadership Board Minutes

Park Street Leadership Board Minutes
April 8, 2014
Donna opened with prayer.
Present: Paula Strickland, Matt Arthur, Bruce Ronk, Gordon Swain, David Fisher,
Scott Williams, Doug Cooper, Jim Kirtland
Staff Present: Sherry VanDuyne, Cory Smith, Donna Thomas
Absent: None
Approval of Minutes:
Addition: Staff and full board were present; Jim, Paula, Cory, Matt, Bruce, David,
Scott, Doug, Sherry, Donna, and Gordon.
Addition: It was determined that Glenn Sprunger’s Friday night ministry is not a
ministry of the church, but will be recognized as an outside ministry with a rental
facility agreement.
Paula made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Doug seconded. Motion
Old Business
Leadership Nomination Process
We rejoiced that Matt Arthur and Jim Kirtland will continue on the board for
another term.
Wende Lance and Jim Hess will go before the congregation in May for approval.
The nomination committee interviewed four people that expressed interest in being
board members. The board recommended Dick Bryant for submission to the
congregation for service on the leadership board.
Chinese Church
Jim reported that the Chinese Church is a recognized core ministry of Park Street
Church. Dolly Dong, pastor, is an employee of the church. The contract with Dolly as
pastor of the Chinese Church ends in May. The board recognizes the valuable work
of Pastor Dolly and the Chinese Church.
Executive Team: No report.
Finance Team: Matt encouraged ministry leaders to check their line items. Matt
announced a surplus. Giving has been generous the last few months. A budget for
discussion will be presented at the next leadership board meeting. Jim asked
ministry leaders to forecast operational budgets by May 1st. These are to be
forwarded to Matt.
Interim Pastor Report: IPM is asking for expectations between Park Street Church
and David. David asked for input. Transition team is coming together. David has six
positive responses so far. David is planning for eight. Deacons will be the
intercessory prayer team for the process and for David.
Ministry Team Reports:
Martin House~ Joe Ellis will begin to oversee the Martin House ministry.
Donna shared a team will be providing family gift bags to 100 families that
attend the Pump House Ministry Easter dinner. Included will be information
surrounding children and kids’ ministries at Park Street Church.
New Business
Worship Team Needs
Doug shared equipment concerns for the second worship service. Several items
need attention and are currently not budgeted. Doug initiated discussion on the
process for requesting these needs. Jim encouraged Doug and others to formulate a
list to be presented at the May leadership meeting.
The property team is preparing a list as well.
Background Checks and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Paula will check with the national office and Sherry will give input.
Membership Status
Jim shared the need to keep current records of membership and members in good
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Thomas, secretary