
Country Estates Sanitary District
6978 Prairie Lane
Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 767 – 8690
CESD Monthly Meeting – February 18, 2015
Present: Doug Day (President); Jim Miller (Treasurer) and Wayne Pestor (Secretary) not present.
Residents: Joe Krezinski; Bill Reineman; Charles Jansky and Norma Miller.
Doug Day called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Doug Day-President, Jim Miller – Treasurer, Wayne Pestor – Secretary not present.
Jim Miller made a motion to approve the January 2015 Treasury Reports for the water and sewer as
presented, Doug Day seconded the motion, motion carried. 6:07pm
Jim Miller made a motion to approve the payment of the bills as of January 31, 2015 as presented; Doug
Day seconded the motion, motion carried. 6:08pm
Doug Day made a motion to approve the minutes from the open session for the meeting dated January
21, 2015 as written, Jim Miller seconded the motion, motion carried. 6:09pm
There was an open forum to start the meeting. Norma Miller asked, if Terry Pody was receiving the
same benefits as Cindy Ganka? Doug Day stated that Terry Pody was being paid by the hour and was
only paid if she worked. Norma asked, if Terry had vacation and holiday pay as part of her employment
package? Doug Day stated Terry was working a more traditional part time package and that Terry only
got pay if she worked and received no holiday or vacation pay.
There was a discussion as to whether or not to keep the Dunn and Bradstreet account open for the grant
processing. Doug Day said that CESD should keep the account open for this year because we are still
dealing with the USDA and that this is a requirement of the USDA. Jim Miller agreed making the
motion to keep the Dunn and Bradsreet account open, Doug Day seconded motion, motion carried.
There was a discussion on the items requested by Pat Prahl on the up and coming new mag meter
replacement. There was no motion made because this and these items may be placed on an agenda in the
near future.
There was a discussion and motion made approving the use of an outside contractor to help locate the
source of a water main leak we believe to be on the east side of Country Estates. Motion made by Jim
Miller, seconded by Doug Day, motion carried.
There was a discussion about how the financials would be released to the people of Country Estates.
Doug Day said that the financials would be released as a ledger and that account numbers would be
whited out and that there would be no employee personal information such as social security numbers,
addresses and such.
There was a discussion on what to do with residents and or create an ordinance or resolution in regards
to delinquent accounts. There was no motion made as this was only a discussion on what could be done
to remedy account delinquency. Doug Day said that we should maybe shut residents off at 90 days until
they can come in and sign paperwork on a payment plan. Some customers can not be shut off but this
does not mean they cannot contact CESD and make payment arrangements.
CESD Monthly Meeting – February 18, 2015
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Doug Day stated that his concern was that it seems the same people show up over and over again as
being delinquent or late to make a payment. He wasn’t too concerned when people were a hundred or
two hundred dollars behind but was concerned when people would be over one thousand dollars in
Jim Miller made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded By Doug Day, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Transcribed by: Doug Day,
Commission President
Approved by:
___________________ _______________ ________________________ ________________
Doug Day – President Dated
Jim Miller – Treasurer
_________________________ _________________
Wayne Pestor – Secretary