Ancient Adaptations Diorama Name: Date: Period: In a group of two, you will pick a Native Group from the Americas or an Ancient Group and research how they lived. You may use your text, Human Legacy, notes, and internet. Our Group: _________________________ 1. Each person will be in charge of a different area of their culture: Geography & Climate (locate on map, describe climate -- highs, lows, weather patterns -geography features – mountains, rivers, forest, desert. etc Home structures (what were they made out of, what did they look like, how big were they, how many people lived there, what functions occurred there) 2. Both students will be in charge of finding: Artifacts and their function (items that the people used in everyday life. ex: animal snare, used to hunt small woodland animals; harpoon, used to hunt sea-mammals, pipes, religious ceremony) 3. Fill in the “Ancient Culture Questionnaire” (on back) as you research. 4. Compile building materials and art supplies so that you can create a diorama in class. Materials you can use (be creative!!): Shoe boxes Poster board Legos Clay Sticks/twigs Pipe cleaner Construction paper Fabric Lincoln logs Play-Dough Foam Rubber Cement Candy Gingerbread Magazines Paint Materials Due: ________________________________________________ 5. Create a Diorama – you will have three class periods to construct this. You are expected to bring all materials you need. Glue, tape, string, markers, etc are your responsibility. You are also expected to clean up after yourself each day—students who do not clean up around their desks and room will lose points from final score. You may leave your structure and supplies neatly in the back of the room. “Geography & Climate” create the habitat and the back drop reflecting weather, climate, and geography “Home Structure:” build a home that reflects how the natives lived. Although materials do not need to be genuine, the structure does need to be a replica of home “Artifacts and their Structure:” create artifacts and other items that would be found in and around a Native’s home. These can be animals, tools, clothing, food, etc 6. Each group member’s contribution affects their group’s grade, so work hard! 7. Dioramas need labels on and around their items so that a viewer knows what they are looking at 8. Label on a map (provided) where your culture could be found Dioramas Due at end of Class on: ___________________________________________ RUBRIC Geography & Climate -Evident where the habitat was located, living conditions (Group Grade) Home Structure -Reflects materials, shape, size (Group Grade) Artifacts – at least 5, accurate to tribe/group (Group Grade) Labeling -are there labels, is it shown on a map, is everything clear (Group Grade) Work Ethic - were you working hard the two days provided? (Individual Grade) Neatness & Creativity – is it carefully made, did you clean up every day, is it fun to look at? Points Possible _____/20 _____/20 _____/20 _____/10 _____/10 _____/20 Total: ______/100 Ancient Culture Questionnaire 1. Name of Culture 2. Location 3. Climate 4. Food hunted/ means of hunting 5. Tools used for hunting 6. Type of home (materials used?) 7. Items used for worship 8. How did they adapt to their unique geography? Ancient Cultures Map