Chapter 17.1 Earth Systems Glacier Formation Chart


Name ________________________________________ Period _____ Date _________

Chapter 17.1 Earth Systems Glacier Formation Chart

Directions: Sketch and label the glacial formation. You may use the chart on my web site or the chart available in the classroom.

Earth System Standard and element:

SES6. Students will explain how life on Earth responds to and shapes Earth systems. d. Relate the past and present actions of ice, wind, and water to landform distribution and landscape evolution.

1.) Placed chart in notebook behind the Chapter 17 Word Study after being checked.

2.) Sketch was shaded

(Thursday, Feb. 28)

, accurate, and included all glacial points.

3.) All 16 labels were accurately placed.

4.) Sketch, labels, and definitions were accurate, neatly drawn and written, not abbreviated, and large enough to be easily read.

____ yes ____ no

____ yes ____ no

____ yes ____ no

____ yes ____ no

Glacier - A large, perennial accumulation of ice, snow, rock, sediment and liquid water originating on land and moving down slope under the influence of its own weight and gravity; a dynamic river of ice. Glaciers are classified by their size, location, and thermal regime. bergschrund (from the German for mountain cleft) - a crevasse that forms where a moving glacier ice separates from the stagnant ice or firn above firn - ice that is at an intermediate stage between snow and glacial ice cirque - a mass of ice and snow that forms in a hollow, semi-circular area of rock moraine - material transported by a glacier and then deposited. There are eight types of moraine, six of which form recognizable landforms, and two of which exist only whilst the glacier exists. riegel - bedrock that have been exposed by glacial erosion crevasse - a deep crack in an ice sheet or glacier (as opposed to a crevice, which forms in rock) serac - a block or column of ice formed by intersecting crevasses on a glacier glacial tongue - the first part of a glacier that is shaped like a tongue
