Postdoctoral Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Anxiety

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Child and Adolescent
Anxiety/Depression Research
University of Miami
The University of Miami PEERS Project and the Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety
Treatment (CAMAT) Program at the University of Miami are actively seeking a postdoctoral
scholar-clinician to meaningfully contribute to our clinical research investigations and ongoing
youth services for a one- to two-year fellowship to begin in Summer 2014 (date TBD). The
selected postdoctoral fellow would contribute to an NIMH-funded clinical trial for the prevention
of social anxiety and depression in adolescents (PEERS Project) and to evidence-based
assessment and treatment services to youths and their families experiencing primary anxiety and
depressive disorders (CAMAT). As a postdoctoral fellow, major opportunities exist for grant
writing, publications and overall experience with the conduct of clinical prevention and
intervention trials.
Candidates for this postdoctoral fellowship must have a completed PhD or PsyD in Clinical or
Counseling Psychology or provide documentation that they are on track to complete all doctoral
requirements for the PhD/PsyD prior to the fellowship start date. They also must have prior
experience in the cognitive behavioral treatment of anxious and/or depressed youth. Strongest
preference will be given to those with an interest in pursuit of a research-oriented career in
clinical science and those with a strong background in clinical research, grantsmanship, statistics
and/or a competitive publication history. However, those with a more strongly clinical interest in
the population will also be considered.
Candidates should send a statement of interest and current CV and arrange for the receipt of at
least two letters of recommendation via email ASAP to either (a) Jill Ehrenreich-May, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor and Director, Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Treatment Program
at the University of Miami at or (b) Annette La Greca, PhD, ABPP,
Distinguished Professor, Director of the PEERS Project, at Interested
applicants may also contact Drs. Ehrenreich-May or La Greca for more details. Additional
information is contained on the faculty websites for Drs. La Greca and Ehrenreich-May
( and the Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Treatment
Program webpage ( University of Miami is an equal
opportunity employer.