“AL” ALFRED I. BERNSTEIN 10 Edgardo Place San Francisco, CA 94133 703-994-5654 alb@signalscience.net url:www.signalscience.net PROFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTS A Dedicated Engineer/Research Scientist who has made revenue and improved product quality in various corporate environments. Especially skilled at producing creative computational solutions to achieve high performance/cost systems. Passionate about finding the best solution for a given project – customized or standard approaches. TECHNICAL SKILLS Platforms: Sun, Silicon Graphics, VAX and PC computers Languages: C/C++, C#.Net, XML, MySQL, SQL Server, Lisp, Fortran, Assembly Language Tools: Visual Studio, NEdit, Macsyma, MatLab, Derive, Excel, Rational Rose Operating Systems: Windows NT, XP and 2008, VMS, UNIX and LINUX PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PRINCIPAL ENGINEER, 2003 – Present Signal Science, LLC, San Francisco, California Orchestrated a broad variety of scientific research projects focused especially on mathematical modeling and implementation in software. Facilitated client in obtaining $2 million dollars of government grant money to manufacture the largest number of hydrogen fuel cells in history through modeling and simulation proof of concept work. Developed math specifications and implemented physical modeling in C++ for an inertially activated hydrogen fuel cell including gas dynamics, mechanisms, and diffusion of gas through metals. Accomplished more accurate and definitive solutions for processing financial option data than the client’s previous software and added value pushing the quality of their system to a new level. Restructured Black Scholes implied volatility calculations to use a hybrid bisection-Newton Raphson method to assure convergence (or determine no solution). Generated math specs and C++ code to perform Options Greek calculations. Automated a system to parse huge amounts stock option data, perform daily end of the day calculations and output the results to SQL insert or update files using unix scripts and C++ code. Analyzed and adjusted algorithms to compute the (VIX) volatility index. Achieved a tremendous savings to the client by designing a parsing system to identify equipment that needed to be upgraded to avoid large fines, Designed, implemented and white box tested parsers in C#.Net to retrieve information from telecommunications equipment log files. SENIOR ENGINEER, 1999 – 2003 Avtec Systems Inc., Fairfax, Virginia Devised Full Life Cycle Engineering including developing math specifications and algorithms using Derive and Matlab for various geo-location error collection types resulting in a successful delivery of a geo-location error analysis system and a maintenance contract of $5 million dollars. Built AOA Interferometer, AOA Monopulse, TDOA, and FDOA geo-location covariance error analysis (optimal and suboptimal) using Visual C++. Exceeded previous geo-location error performance and was told by the chief scientist that the system worked better than any other system he had previously worked with. Innovated C++ subsystems for various applications including: Linearized least squares. Matrix and vector math classes Template singleton storage and interpolation class for vectors and arbitrarily dimensioned matrices. CONSULTING PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 1998 – 1999 Booz-Alleṇ̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣ ̣̣̣̣̣̣ & Hamilton, Arlington, Virginia ̣̣̣̣̣̣ Re-engineered C/C++ programs in a distributed computing environment (Unix and VMS) to process data for U.S. army war games including TCP/IP and Ethernet programming resulting in the continuation of the project contract. Formulated a data language (compiler and virtual machine) using C/C++ to process reports. Provided more capability than the client ever had previously in parsing any report generated by the war game. Produced object oriented design and analysis. Theorized and implemented coordinate systems using an elliptic integral formulation providing extremely efficient and accurate calculations. ANALYST 1996 – 1998 ECG, Vienna, Virginia Synthesized Bierman matrix factorized Kalman navigation and error filters (optimal and suboptimal) for satellite autonomous navigation using C++ and Derive (math package) on a Sun Solaris platform. Documented and fully derived all math formulations providing a better understanding of the Bierman Kalman filter than many navigation specialists at NASA have. Spearheaded SBIR for sonobuoy acoustic array processing for fish tracking using GPS. Evaluated smoothing algorithm techniques for matrix factorized filters. EDUCATION POST GRADUATE STUDY – Major: Physics – Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia M.S. DEGREE – Major: Electrical Engineering – University of Miami, Miami, Florida B.S. DEGREE – Major: Computer Engineering – University of Miami, Miami, Florida