
Confirmed minutes
Humanities & Social Sciences
School Board
Minutes of the Second meeting of the School Board in the 2012-13 academic
session, held on Wednesday 6 March, QA165, Greenwich Campus
Sarah Greer, Chair
Irene Barranco
Alessandro Benati
Sarah Crofts
Bill Davies
Sandra Dunster
Elaine Major
Zoe Pettit
Ray Stoneham
Jan Smith
June Balshaw
Alice Hilling
Steve Hurley
Eleanor Kehoe
Adam Silvester
Kathryn Holt
Richard Wild
Mark Pawlowski
Kirsten Guindi
Justine Baillie
Acting Dean, HSS
Academic Services Librarian, ILS
Director of Research & Enterprise
Academic Services Librarian, ILS
Principal Lecturer & Programme
Senior Lecturer & Programme
Principal Lecturer, CMS
Director of Learning & Quality
Principal Lecturer, CMS
Office Manager
Director of Resources
Senior L&Q Administrator
Senior Lecturer
Office of Student Affairs
LLB Student, Level 6
Secretary, Senior Resources
Senior Lecturer and Programme
Professor, Law School
PA to the Dean
CCA, Senior Lecturer
Welcome and apologies
Sarah welcomed everyone to the second School Board of 2012/13.
Apologies were received as above.
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Minutes of the previous Meeting (5 December 2012)
After a minor change, the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 5
December 2012, were agreed as an accurate record.
Matters arising from the Minutes
External Examiners (Ref: Item 4)
A list of all new appointments and extensions to tenures was circulated
prior to the meeting for the School Board’s approval. These have been
agreed by the L&Q Committee.
Employee Engagement Survey (Ref: Item 8.2)
The first EEA working group was due to take place on 6 March at 4pm.
The membership includes two representatives from each department,
including administration. Feedback will be sent to the School following
the meeting.
External Examiners
Zoe confirmed that there have been a few new appointments and that tenures
have been extended as necessary.
Learning & Quality Minutes, Zoe Pettit
30 January 2013
These minutes were noted.
Link Tutor and Programme Reports: Monitoring of these reports has
been completed.
Chair’s Announcements: Zoe confirmed that the Academic Calendar
has now been discussed at various campus briefings and at
departmental meetings. Other than the IFD/IFPC, the school does not
have any programmes that sit outside the calendar.
Eleanor noted that a risk assessment around students with disabilities
and the Academic Calendar needs to be undertaken.
Employment Outcomes Paper: This paper was discussed by the
Committee. There are currently a good number of courses in which
employability is embedded. Colleagues will be reminded that minor
changes can still be made to courses to include employability activities
already in place.
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It was reported that each School will have a senior academic as their
Employability Champion.
Eleanor discussed the Job Brokerage Project in which GET will be
working in partnership with REED Employment Agency. The aim is to
get a high number of full-time home and EU graduates into jobs after
graduation. REED will have a presence within GET and are planning
to include weekend and evening openings.
It was noted that Employability skills training, linked to the Greenwich
Graduate Attributes programme, will continue.
Collaborative Extenuating Circumstances and Plagiarism Policy:
The extenuating circumstances policy was agreed with clarification of
our current practices. This policy is clear for use with Partner Colleges
too, no extensions are possible.
DELHE: Early indications are that the statistics are looking similar to
last year.
Research & Enterprise Minutes, Alessandro Benati
30 January 2013
These minutes were noted.
REF 2014
Alessandro confirmed that the REF is the main priority for the
Committee. Reports have now been received from externals on most
Units of Assessment and the focus is on getting the research groups in
to the best possible positions and the documents ready for submission.
Groups need to improve their case studies and submit their impact
statements by 22 March. By the end of April, the groups must resubmit
their environment statements. Alessandro will be having a meeting
with the REF group to discuss how these can be improved.
The final decision will be made by the VC and DVC Research.
It was noted that the website needs to feature more information about
REF. This will be overseen by the Research Coordinators.
Plans for the next REF are underway.
External Funding
Whilst REF is the focus, we continue to do well on external funding
which currently totals £300k+.
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PhD Students
The ‘Research Generic Skills’ programme for PhD students is now
underway and the attendance has improved.
It was reported that the School has allocated some funds for
postgraduate marketing. Representatives from the School recently
attended a fair at the University of London. Funds are also being
invested in research seminars and each research group will organise
their own Postgraduate Conference with invited speakers and PhD
students presenting to peers and staff.
PRES / PTES Survey
Information about these surveys has been sent to programme leaders
and students have been invited to participate. The information is also
on the TV in the KW reception.
Staff student Experience Committees
7.1 UG SSEC, 7 December 2012
This meeting was well attended and included a student representative from
level 7. Students asked whether the library could be open 24 hours a day and
were told that this was not possible. However students did say that they
appreciate the fact the library is open at the weekend for most of the day.
The Food and Drink Policy in the library is no longer a pilot. After a successful
consultation process where students and staff have participated, it has been
decided a new policy has been implemented allowing students to eat and
drink within limits in the signalled areas in the library building.
International Students commented positively on their induction with the meet
and greet at the airport working well.
Week One: Pre-arrival activities, like those run by School of Law, may be
rolled out to other programmes within the school as they provide students with
an opportunity to meet their Personal Tutors prior to arrival.
Academic acitivities need to be part of the Week One plans.
The School already runs events during Open Days such as taster sessions
and separate Applicant Days which all help with pre-arrival bonding.
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7.2 PG Staff/Student Meeting, 19 November 2012
Minutes noted. All actions completed.
Any Other Business
None was noted.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 2pm on Wednesday 5 June, QA075. The
PVC will be invited to attend.
Secretary: Kathryn Holt
Tel: ext9811
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