SCHOOL OF POPULATION HEALTH Assignment Cover Sheet FAMILY NAME (Print Clearly) FIRST NAME STUDENT ID. NUMBER UNIT NAME UNIT CODE TUTORIAL DAY & TIME NAME OF LECTURER/TUTOR WORD COUNT DUE DATE TITLE / TOPIC OF ASSIGNMENT PLAGIARISM Plagiarism by students will be penalised under University Statute 17. Section 2 (2)g which defines misconduct as acting dishonestly or unfairly on examinations and test, or in the preparation and presentation of a thesis, essay, exercise or other work. 1. 2. A student who fails to give proper credit to other work will receive lower marks at the discretion of the lecturer. A student who copies another student's assignment will receive a mark of zero , and the matter will be referred to the Associate - Dean for disciplinary action. No assignment will be accepted unless the following statement is signed and dated: "I certify that I possess a copy of the attached work submitted". "I certify that the attached assignment / report is my own work and that all material drawn from other sources has been fully acknowledged". Signed .............................................................................. Date ...................................................................................