Disruptive Peers and the Estimation of Teacher ValueAdded Irina Horoi Department of Economics University of Illinois at Chicago Ben Ost Department of Economics University of Illinois at Chicago Draft version: 03-05-2014 Abstract Using matched student-teacher data from North Carolina, we find that the arrival of an emotionally disabled transfer student substantially reduces the academic performance of his/her peers. Since standard value-added models fail to account for these peer effects, we show that teachers have lower estimated value-added in years when an emotionally disabled transfer student enters their grade. Importantly, since the peer effects we document are highly non-linear, even value-added models that control for average peer characteristics do not address this issue. In addition to illustrating an important limitation of value-added modeling, our study provides credibly identified estimates of the impact of non-cognitive peer characteristics on cognitive outcomes. These estimates use within-school cohort variation in exposure to transfer students to address concerns regarding reflection, homophily and the non-random placement of students into classrooms. Keywords: Teacher Quality, Value-Added, Disruptive Peers, Cognitive Achievement, Transfer Students 1 Disruptive Peers and the Estimation of Teacher Value-Added I. Introduction Understanding classroom peer effects is important both for determining optimal grouping patterns and for generally understanding the educational production function. While classroom peer effects have been studied extensively, most research has focused on how the existence or absence of peer effects influences whether students should be tracked or placed in heterogeneous classrooms. While these considerations are first-order, the existence of peer effects also implies that the educational production functions typically estimated in the literature omit an important input. To the extent that these unmeasured peer inputs are correlated with other school and classroom inputs, estimates of non-peer inputs will be biased. This point is illustrated theoretically by Lazear (2001) in the context of estimating the returns to class size, but little research has examined the issue empirically. In this study, we consider the extent to which peer effects bias the estimated impact of other inputs by showing how disruptive peers influence the estimation of teacher value-added. While teachers are just one input whose estimated impact could be biased by peer effects, the use of value-added estimates in high stakes personnel decisions makes it particularly important to correctly estimate teachers’ impact.1 We consider classroom disruption both because a single disruptive student has the potential to substantially impact an entire class, and because relatively few studies have compellingly documented the impact of disruptive peers on their classmates. As of 2013, 40 states require that a teacher’s annual evaluation is based in part on her valueadded, and none of the models used to estimate this value-added control for the existence of disruptive students (Doherty and Jacobs 2013). 1 2 We expand the literature on classroom peer effects in several ways. First, we provide carefully identified evidence that peer non-cognitive attributes have a strong influence on academic achievement. Second, we use matched data on students and teachers over a six-year period to show that the existence of these non-cognitive peer effects systematically influences the estimation of teacher value-added. Because most VA models emphasize individual controls rather than peer controls, it is not surprising that teachers have lower estimated VA in years when their students generate negative peer effects. Unfortunately, we show that even value-added models that attempt to control for peer effects do little to address this bias, because the peer effects we document are highly non-linear. While there is a large literature on classroom peer effects, most of this research has focused on how peer academic performance impacts one’s academic performance, with a much smaller literature exploring how the non-cognitive attributes of one’s peers impact one’s academic performance. Our study contributes to this latter literature by showing that transfer students who were previously diagnosed with an emotional disability have a substantial negative impact on the academic performance of students at their new school. Unlike some past work, we are able to address the possibility that these students are non-randomly placed into classrooms by aggregating peer groups to the school-grade-year level and including a school-by-year fixed effect. Second, our focus on transfer students who were previously diagnosed as emotionally disabled addresses concerns regarding reflection and common shocks (correlated unobservables). Finally, we test for non-random sorting into grades and find that the arrival of an emotionally disabled transfer student 3 is uncorrelated with all observable pre-determined characteristics, suggesting that homophily is unlikely to bias estimates of the peer effects we document. To study how peer effects influence the estimation of teacher value-added, we examine how teacher effectiveness differs in years when teachers are in grades with an emotionally disabled transfer student. To address concerns that school inputs are correlated with the probability that an emotionally disabled transfer student enters a school, we include teacher-by-school fixed effects when estimating the impact on teacher value-added. To avoid conflating teacher value-added with student sorting we aggregate the value-added analysis to the grade level. We find that teachers’ estimated value-added is reduced by 0.016 standard deviations when teaching in a grade with an emotionally disabled transfer student. This effect is robust to controlling for classroom factors, including average peer characteristics. Educational production functions invariably omit important inputs and we do not argue that this incompleteness necessarily leads to biased estimates of teacher quality. That said, inputs such as parental time and neighborhood characteristics are likely to be highly correlated over time and thus controlling for a lagged test score or student fixed effect plausibly addresses most concerns regarding omitted family or neighborhood inputs. Compared to omitting family or neighborhood characteristics, failing to control for peer effects presents a potentially more serious issue for value-added modeling for several reasons. First, since classmates change each year, peer effects will be timevarying, and thus lagged test score will not control for current peer effects. Second, the majority of value-added models emphasize individual rather than peer controls, 4 and these individual controls are unlikely to be good proxies for peer characteristics. Finally, value-added models that control for peer composition invariably do so in a fairly crude fashion by controlling for average peer characteristics such as test scores or gender. II. Related Literature A growing body of literature in the field of education focuses on the impact of non-cognitive peer characteristics on cognitive outcomes (Neidell and Waldfogel 2010; Hoxby 2000; Lavy and Schlosser 2011;Fletcher 2009a, 2009b; Friesen, Hickey, and Krauth 2010; Imberman, Kugler, and Sacerdote 2012; Carrell and Hoekstra 2010; Figlio 2007). Of this literature, only a few studies have focused on disruptive students at the elementary level (Fletchera,b 2009; Carrell and Hoekstra 2010; Figlio 2007;) with one study looking at the middle school level (Friesen , Hickey, and Krauth 2010). There are several obstacles to studying the impact of disruption on peer outcomes. First, disruption is likely endogenous to teacher and peer quality and thus it is necessary to use pre-determined or exogenous determinants of disruption to instrument or proxy for disruptive students. Second, as in all peer effects studies, it is necessary to address the possibility of common shocks (correlated unobservables) and homophily (sorting). In a series of related papers, Fletcher proxies for disruption using the diagnosis of an emotional disability and uses school fixed effects and student fixed effects to address concerns of non-random student placement. While these controls likely address part of the sorting of students to classrooms, because he has access to only a 5 single cohort of data, he is unable to aggregate the analysis to the grade level and therefore the systematic placement of ED students has the potential to bias estimates. Figlio (2007) likewise uses student fixed effects to address sorting into classrooms. He addresses the reflection problem by using data on males with female sounding names as an instrument for disruptive behavior as these boys have higher propensities to act out. As in our paper, Carrel and Hoekstra (2010) address the possibility of sorting of students to classrooms by aggregating peer groups to the school-grade-year level, and use variation across grade cohorts within a school over a time. Their paper solves the reflection problem using data on parental domestic disputes as a novel instrument for disruptive behavior. Using cohort variation similar to that of Carrel and Hoekstra (2010) Friesen, Hickey, and Krauth (2010), explore spillovers of various disabled peers on a given student’s academic achievement. Unlike the Carrel and Hoekstra article, Friesen, Hickey and Krauth are not able to address the possibility of reflection since they only observe students after they have had many years of interaction. While there are several studies of the impact of student disruption, none of these studies relate the peer estimates to teacher value-added and only Carrel and Hoekstra (2010) and Figlio (2007) are able to address the reflection problem. III. Institutional Background Serious emotional disturbance or emotional disability as we refer to it is one of the disabilities covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a law passed in 1990, which governs how states provide interventions and services to 6 students with these disabilities at a minimum2. This legislation defines an emotional disability as “a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time, and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child’s educational performance: a) An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. b) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers. c) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances. d) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. e) A tendency to develop physical symptoms of fears associated with personal or school problems.” While it is likely that students diagnosed with this disorder are heterogeneous, many of the behaviors can be directly linked to classroom disruption. The screening and evaluation for emotional disability guidelines provided by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, for example, lists these behaviors corresponding to characteristics (a)-(e) defined under IDEA: “aggressive and authority challenging behaviors, overreaction to environmental stimuli, markedly diminished interest in activities, agitated, and physical manifestation to fear that have psychosomatic origin.”3 2 For additional information see: http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home This is not an exhaustive list of the behaviors that fit into one or more of the federally defined characteristics. For more examples and information see: http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/instructional-resources/behavior-support/resources/screening-andevaluation-for-serious-emotional-disability. 3 7 IV. Data This study uses restricted access student-teacher-matched data from the North Carolina Education Research Data Center (NCERDC). The NCERDC manages data on North Carolina’s public schools. The North Carolina’s public school data contains rich information on students, classrooms, teachers, schools, and districts. It includes this information for all public school students in the state of North Carolina from 1995-2012. However, course membership information necessary for matching students accurately to classrooms is unavailable before 2006 and incomplete for that year. Therefore, we use data from 2007-2012 for the present analysis To create our estimation sample we start with student test score data from 20062012. We restrict it to 4th and 5th graders in the years 2007-2012, using 2006 to obtain baseline test scores. Additionally, we include only students who have taken comparable standardized tests in Math and Reading referred as end-of-grade tests, and who have a baseline test score. To simplify the analysis, we focus our attention on primary school grades where classrooms are generally self-contained. Finally, to determine math and reading classrooms and their associated teachers, we use the 2007-2012 course membership data. These data allow us to match students to all their subject specific classrooms and teachers, which we then merge with the test score data for those same years. Table 1 shows the descriptive characteristics for the entire student sample, the sample of emotional disabled (ED) students, and the ED transfer students that we use to identify disruptive peer treatment. Emotionally disabled transfer students appear different than the average student in our sample, but are similar to the average 8 emotionally disabled student. For example ED transfer students are thirty-four percentage points more likely to be male, twenty-eight percentage points more likely to be African American, thirty percentage points more likely to come from economically disadvantaged homes, lower test performers (on average scoring .9 of standard deviation lower on their baseline math score and .84 of a standard deviation on their baseline reading score).4 They are on average placed in smaller classes and have marginally less experienced teacher than the average student. While different from the average student, ED transfer students share more similarities with the average ED student, as can be seen by comparing columns 3-4 to 5-6. For example ED transfer students are only two percentage points more likely to be male, six percentage points more likely to be African American, perform only .1 of a standard deviation lower on their baseline math and reading tests, and tend to be placed in similarly small classroom (on average about one student more) in comparison with the average ED student. The descriptive statistics in Table 1 convey that ED transfer students may not be randomly assigned to classrooms, as they appear to be different from the average student, and consequently may have distinctly different needs. In order to directly examine the degree to which ED transfer students are nonrandomly placed into classrooms, we examine the characteristics of classrooms with and without an ED transfer student. Comparing columns one and three in Table 2 shows that on average classrooms with an ED transfer student are considerably different than classrooms without an ED transfer student: about six percentage points 4 Test scores including pretests have been normalized such that grade-by-year test score means are zero with a standard deviation of one. 9 more male, ten percentage points more African American, and eleven percentage point more economically disadvantaged. While students in classrooms with an ED transfer student on average score 0.33 of a standard deviation lower on their math achievement test, it would be wrong to interpret this difference as the causal effect of the ED transfer student. This difference must be partly driven by student sorting since students who are in classrooms with an ED transfer student also scored poorly on their math test in the previous year (premath score is -.31). Simple empirical models using classroom variation will fail to control for the nonrandom selection of students in classrooms. Furthermore, even models that include school fixed effects will be biased since within school sorting will still bias these estimates. For this reason we use grade variation in exposure to an ED transfer student combined with school-by-year fixed effects to identify estimates. In Section VI we test for and fail to find evidence that grade variation in ED transfers is driven by student selection. V. Empirical Approach A. Peer Effect on Student Achievement Identifying and estimating the impact of high-needs children on their peers is complex due to issues of correlated unobservables, reflection, and homophily, which concern all peer effect studies (Manski 1993; Moffitt 2001). To illustrate these issues in our context, consider estimating the naïve peer effects model shown in (1). (1) πππππ π‘ = πΌπΆπππ π πΈπ·ππππ π‘ + ππππππ (π‘−1) + πππ‘ π½ + πΆππ π‘ πΏ + πππππ π‘ 10 Yicgst is a subject-specific test score of individual i in classroom c in grade g in school s at time t, ClassEDTScst is an indicator set to one if the subject specific class in school s at time t has an emotionally disabled transfer student, Yicgs(t-1) is the lagged subject specific test score , Xit is a vector of student demographic information at time t, Ccst is a vector of classroom level characteristics of classroom c in school s at time t, and εicgst is an error term. The parameter of interest in equation (1) is , which reflects the mean difference in achievement between classrooms with and without an ED transfer student conditional on observable student and classroom characteristics. The implicit assumptions required for to be an unbiased estimate of exposure to an emotional disabled student are: 1) Conditional on student and classroom controls, students who are exposed to an ED transfer student are comparable to those who are not in classrooms with an ED transfer student (homophily). 2) Emotional disability status, i.e. behavior associated with this classification, and peers’ student achievement is not simultaneously determined (reflection). 3) Conditional on student and classroom controls, the error term is orthogonal to ClassEDTScst : i.e. there exists no correlated unoberservables with exposure to an ED transfer student and student achievement. 11 In our context, the three assumptions required for to be unbiased are unlikely to hold with the specification used in equation (1). Assumption one requires that students and teachers are randomly assigned to classrooms. As highlighted in Section IV, classrooms with an ED transfer student look quite different on observables both across and within schools. This evidence suggests that unless we have an instrument that creates random variation in classroom formation, classroom variation should not be used to identify the effect of exposure to an ED transfer student on student achievement. We address the endogenous peer formation by aggregating exposure to an ED transfer student to the grade rather than the classroom within a school and year. Past studies have used this same aggregation strategy to address homophily (Friesen, Hickey, and Krauth 2010; Carrel and Hoekstra 2010). In Section VI we test directly for endogeneity of peers at the grade level, and find no evidence of it. Assumption two requires that a transfer student’s emotional disability is not simultaneously determined with their peers’ achievement. Specification (1) uses the contemporaneous measure of an ED transfer student to generate ClassEDTScst , which will lead to spurious peer effects if low-achieving students in a class cause a transfer student to become emotionally disabled. To satisfy assumption two, we follow past work (Hoxby and Weingarth 2005; Lavy and Schlosser 2011; Neidell and Waldfogel 2010), and we identify exposure to ED transfer student by classifying an ED transfer student as a student that was diagnosed as emotionally disabled in the previous year. Transfer status is additionally useful to overcome reflection, because transfer students are highly unlikely to have ever had exposure to their current peers.5 5 Student relocations have also been used in the peer effect literature to resolve reflection (Imberman, Kugler, and Sacerdote, 2012). 12 Lastly, the simple specification in equation (1) is unlikely to satisfy assumption three. For instance, if parents transfer their ED students to schools because of a particularly effective new principal, estimated peer effects will be biased since this new principal will also directly impact the performance of all students in the school. We address this concern by controlling for school-by-year fixed effects. Since we also control for grade-by-year fixed effects, common shocks will only bias our estimates if parents transfer their ED students to particular schools due to school-bygrade-by-year specific factors. In light of the above issues, our preferred model is: (2) ππππ π‘ = πΌπΊπππππΈπ·ππππ π‘ + πππππ (π‘−1) + πππ‘ π½ + πΊππ π‘ πΏ + ππ π‘ + πππ‘ + ππππ π‘ where Yigst is a subject specific test score of individual i in grade g in school s at time t, GradeEDTSgst is an indicator set to one if the grade in school s at time t has an emotional disabled transfer student, Yigs(t-1) is the lagged subject specific test score , Xit is a vector of student demographic information at time t, Ggst is a vector of grade level peer characteristics of grade g in school s at time t, θst is a school-by-year fixed effect, λgt is a grade-by-year fixed effect, and εigst is an error term. Empirical specifications of education production functions with student lagged test scores on the right hand side are widely used and preferred in the economics of education literature because they more fully control for past inputs (Kane and Staiger 2008). We estimate four variations of equation (2). First, we estimate a base model that includes the variable of interest, GradeEDTSgst , and student controls. Then, that same 13 specification along with school fixed effects, and another one with school-by-year fixed effects. Finally, we include grade peer controls in the specification with schoolby-year fixed effects.6 In all our models we cluster the standard errors at the schoolby-year-by-grade level, as this is the level of identifying variation. B. Peer Effect on Teacher Value-Added To evaluate how disruption impacts estimated value-added, we implement a twostep procedure. First, we first estimate value-added for every teacher in each year that they teach. We allow value-added to be time varying to mimic the value-added models typically used in policy. We then use these teacher-by-year value-added estimates as the dependent variable to assess whether teacher value-added fluctuates in years when the teacher teaches in a grade with an ED transfer student. Specifically, to estimate teacher-by-year value we run a regression as described by equation (3): (3) ππππππ π‘ = πππππππ (π‘−1) + πππ‘ π½ + πΆπππ π‘ πΏ + πππ‘ + ππππππ π‘ where Yijcgst is subject specific test score of individual i matched to subject specific teacher j in classroom c in grade g in school s at time t, Yijcgs(t-1) lagged subject specific test score of individual i matched to subject specific teacher j in classroom c in grade g in school s, Xit is a vector of student demographic information at time t, 6 It is important to note that we cannot disentangle the endogenous and exogenous portions of the peer effect. 14 Cjcst is a vector of classroom level characteristics of classroom c with teacher j in school s at time t, μjt are teacher-by-year fixed effects, and εicjgst is an error term. 7 Using the estimated teacher-by-year value-added estimates as the dependent variable we examine the impact of exposure to an ED transfer student. Analogous to equation (2), we estimate (4): (4) πππ π‘ = πΌππππβπΊπππππΈπ·ππππ π‘ + πππ + πΎπ‘ + πππ π‘ where μjst is the predicted subject specific teacher effectiveness for teacher j in school s at time t, TeachGradeEDTSjst is an indicator equal to one if the teacher j in school s at time t teaches test specific subject in a grade with an ED transfer student, θjs is a teacher-by-school fixed effect, γt is a year fixed effect, and εjst is an error term. For equation (6) to yield a causal estimate, teachers need to be randomly assigned to grades with an ED transfer student conditional on being in a school.8 All standard errors are clustered at the school-by-year-by-grade level. An important question is whether the impact of peer interactions on value-added calculations depends on the observable characteristics controlled for in the value7 The classroom composition effect , is capture through a three-step procedure as described by Isenberg and Walsh (2013). First a specification is run as described by (3.1): (3.1) ππππππ π‘ = πππππππ (π‘−1) + πππ‘ π½ + πΆπππ π‘ πΏ + πππ + ππππππ π‘ This specification is similar to (3), with the exception of teacher-by-year fixed effects, which are exchanged with teacher-by-school fixed effects. This allows us to compare multiple classrooms on a teacher over time in a school. In step two, we calculate an adjusted subject specific test score that nets out the contribution of the classroom characteristics: (3.2)πΜπππππ π‘ = ππππππ π‘ − πΆπππ π‘ πΏ Μijcgst in place of the actual test In the final step, we use the adjusted subject specific scores, Y scores, and estimate (3), omitting classroom variables, Cjcst , from the specification. 8 While not shown in this paper currently, conditional on school, teacher experience is not a predictive measure of being assigned to teach in a grade with an ED transfer student within a school and year. 15 added model. To investigate this question, we show how the results from equation (4) change when the value-added estimates are calculated using various individual and peer controls.9 VI. Results A. Peer Effect on Student Achievement Table 3 reports the effects of grade exposure to an ED transfer student on Math and Reading achievements of regular students. The first four columns show the effect for math achievement, and the last four columns report the estimates for reading achievement. Column 1 report OLS estimates controlling for student level demographics, lagged student achievement in math, and grade-by-year dummies.10 In column 2 school fixed effects are added, in column 3 school-by-year fixed effects are included in place of school fixed effects, and in column 4, grade-level peer characteristics are added.11 Columns 5-8 show the same specifications for reading achievement. The results shown in Table 3 provide strong evidence that student disruption impacts math scores. Estimates in math drop by about 40% when school fixed effects 9 The specifications include one base model with only student level controls; the second specification adds on a student level dummy for predetermined emotionally disabled student; the third exchanges dummy for predetermined emotionally disabled with a dummy for emotionally disabled transfer student; the fourth includes onto specification three the percent of students in a classroom that are emotionally disabled along with other classroom controls; the fifth exchanges % of student in classroom that are emotionally disabled with % that are ED transfer students; the sixth exchanges % that are ED transfer students in classroom with the nonlinear format of a dummy indicator of whether a student is in a classroom with an ED transfer student, and lastly we use in place of classroom the grade level nonlinear format of the peer effect. 10 The student level demographics include: a male gender dummy, race dummies (African American, Hispanic, and White), a dummy for limited English proficiency, and a dummy for being economically disadvantaged. 11 The grade level peer controls include: percent male, percent African American, percent Hispanic, percent White, percent limited English proficiency, percent economically disadvantaged, and average pretest. 16 are added (column 2) but remain fairly stable (and statistically indistinguishable) when subsequently adding school-by-year and peer characteristics. The fact that the estimated peer effect falls considerably when adding school fixed effects suggests that emotionally disabled students tend to transfer to schools with lower achieving students and failing to account for this selection biases estimates downward. The relative stability of the estimates in columns 2-4 is reassuring. In reading the estimates drop by more than half off the base specification when school fixed effects are included (column 6), and stay statistically the same in magnitude but become insignificant across more controlled specifications. In our preferred specification a single emotionally disabled student causes the average math performance of other students in the grade to be reduced by 0.016 standard deviations.12 This finding is consistent with the literature on academic externalities associated with disruptive peers that consistently finds negative effects (Carrel and Hoekstra 2010; Figlio 2007; Friesen, Hickey, and Krauth 2010; Fletchera,b 2009). The effect sizes we find are moderate, particularly for using grade variation, and are in line with the literature.13 In our preferred specification, which includes school-by-year fixed effects, grade-by-year dummies, and student and grade level controls, the 12 Estimating peer effects at the grade level is similar to using grade-level variation to instrument for having an ED transfer student in one’s classroom. In fact, our preferred specification is simply the reduced form from that IV specification. To estimate the IV specification, one simply scales up our estimate of 0.016 based on the inverse probability that a student is in classroom with an ED transfer student, given that they are in a grade with an ED transfer student. We opt not to estimate the peer effects using the IV specification because this specification assumes that students have no interaction with students in their grade outside of their classroom, an assumption we find implausible. That said, when the IV specification is used, the estimates are on par with the literature. 13 Fletcher b(2009) finds a 5% of standard deviation reduction in math and reading scores from exposure to a classmate with emotional problems. In comparing our estimates to his studies, it is important to keep in mind that we use grade-level variation whereas those studies use class-level variation. 17 exposure effect for math and reading respectively is - 1.6% of standard deviation and - 0.63% of standard deviation. While the reading result is insignificant, the math result is significant at the 1 percent level.14 B. Disruption vs. Low-Ability In addition to the fact that emotionally disabled transfer students have higher tendencies to be disruptive, they also have a tendency to be low-achieving. On average, ED transfer students score about one standard deviation lower on math and reading pretests relative to the average student in the sample. As such, it is possible that what we refer to as disruption is actually driven by low-achieving knowledge spillover. To explore this, we estimate the preferred specification, but instead of using grade exposure to ED transfer student, we use grade exposure to a low-achieving transfer student that is not emotionally disabled. We characterized students as lowachieving if they scored more than one standard deviation lower than average in their math or reading pretests respectively. It is important to note that if low-achieving transfer students also contribute to disruption, these specifications do not isolate the pure achievement spillover. Table 4 shows side by side results for the effect of exposure to an ED transfer student, and the effect of exposure to low-achieving non-emotionally disabled transfer student for both math (columns 1 and 2) and reading (columns 3 and 4) student outcomes. Being exposed to a low-achieving transfer student lowers own student achievement on math and reading: 0.89% of a standard deviation in math and 0.59% o a standard deviation in reading. While these are both significant, they are 14 Finding a smaller impact on reading scores is a consistent finding in the literature. The most likely explanation is that school is where most math learning occurs, whereas reading is more likely to be learned both at school and at home. 18 smaller in magnitude than grade exposure to an ED transfer student for math and reading respectively. As a result we believe that the effect of exposure to an ED transfer student is at least partly driven by classroom disruption rather than cognitive spillovers. It is important to note that for the analysis of teacher value-added, it is unimportant whether the peer effects are driven by cognitive spillovers or classroom disruption so long as a peer effect exists. C. Falsification Tests To test for whether ED transfer students endogenously enter particular grades in a school, we regress exogenous predetermined characteristics of students on whether or not the student was in a grade with an emotionally disabled transfer student conditional on school-by-year and grade-by-year fixed effects. In addition we also test for student sorting into classes with an ED transfer student using the same approach, but measure ED transfer students at the classroom level rather than the grade level. The idea behind these tests is to see whether ED transfer students enter grades or classes that were going to be performing badly in any case. These results are presented in Table 5. Column 1 shows results for the classroom level regression, and column 2 shows the results for the grade level specification. We find that a number of predetermined student characteristics such as gender, Hispanic, previously emotional disability, and pretests scores are predictive of the probability of being assigned a classroom with an ED transfer student within a school and year. For example a student classified with an emotional disability in a previous year is 7.5 percentage points more likely to get assigned to a class with an ED transfer student. These results suggest that ED transfer students are systematically placed into certain 19 classrooms and thus, across class variation cannot be used to identify the impact peer effects. Column 2 of Table 5 shows that when we use grade variation within a school and year, we find that none of the student characteristics predict assignment to grades with an ED transfer student. This suggests that conditional on school-by-year fixed effects, ED transfer students are not systematically placed into grades with certain types of students. We view this as strong evidence that selection is not a problem with this aggregated variation.15 D. Heterogeneous Effects by Student Gender, Race, and Economic Disadvantage Status Disruption can potentially have different effects on student achievement depending on students’ characteristics. This heterogeneity is important because to the extent that certain students are less or more impacted, this helps to provide a policy prescription with respect to how to group students. Table 6 shows the extent of heterogeneity along the dimensions of gender, race, and socio-economic background. Throughout Table 6 we use our preferred specification that estimates equation (2) using the full set of student controls, grade peer controls, as well as school-by-year and grade-by-year fixed effects. Panel A of Table 6 shows that there is little heterogeneity across groups for math achievement. While the point estimate is slightly smaller for economically disadvantaged students, the difference is statistically indistinguishable from the 15 The series of regressions use the sample of students in math classes. When we run these regressions using the reading sample the results are qualitatively and quantitatively the same. These separate results are available upon request from the authors. 20 aggregate specification shown in Table 3. More generally, all 6 estimates shown in Panel A are statistically indistinguishable from one another and the estimates are fairly close in magnitude. Panel B of Table 6 shows that there is similarly little heterogeneity in the results for reading scores. Males face on average a 0.89% of standard deviation reduction in achievement and females face a 0.29% of standard deviation reduction, however these effects are not statically distinguishable from one another. In fact, none of the estimates in Panel B are statically distinguishable from those reported in Table 3 for the entire sample. While there appears to be little heterogeneity in the impact of disruptive peers, Table 6 does demonstrate that the basic results from Table 3 are very robust across sample choices. Math achievement appears to be substantially impacted by disruptive peers whereas estimates for reading achievement are smaller and statistically insignificant. E. Peer effect and Teacher Value-Added Table 7 presents the results of equation (6): the effect of teacher exposure to an ED transfer student on teacher-by-year value-added. Separate results are presented for math and reading teachers shown in Panel A and Panel B respectively. All regressions include year dummies and teacher-by-school fixed effects. Each column, however, differs with respect to the specifications used to calculate the teacher-by-year valueadded. Column one includes only student level controls (lagged test score, race, gender, economic disadvantaged) in the estimation of valued-added. Column two includes an additional student level indicator for whether student was diagnosed as 21 emotionally disabled in a previous year, and column three exchanges the indicator of an emotionally disabled student with an emotionally disabled transfer student indicator. Importantly, columns 1-3 only include individual level controls in the value-added model. Columns 4-7 add peer controls to the value-added model in an attempt to control for the peer effects. Theoretically, even if peer effects exist, if the value-added model controls for these peer effects, there should be no relationship between estimated teacher value-added and whether the teacher is exposed to an ED transfer student.16 The fourth column adds classroom level controls (mean lagged test score; percent African American, White, Hispanic, male, economically disadvantaged and ED). The fifth through seventh columns modify the functional form through which we control for the ED transfer student peer effect. Column 5 uses percent ED transfer in class, column 6 controls for an indicator for whether there is an ED transfer student in the class, and column 7 controls for whether there is an ED transfer student in the grade. Since column 7 controls for the exact functional form that we use to relate ED transfer student to value-added, we expect that there should be no relationship between ED transfer student exposure and value-added using this specification. Panel A of Table 7 shows that in years when a math teacher is exposed to an ED transfer student, their value-added is lower by 2.1% of a standard deviation. As we add individual controls to the specification that calculates value-added, the effect on teacher-by-year value-added falls slightly. This estimate falls slightly more when 16 As we have documented, classroom peer controls are endogenous. Nonetheless estimating models with theses peer controls is instructive as it allows us to observe their ability to account for the peer effect at hand. 22 adding controls for peer effects, but it does not diminish substantially until we add a control for whether there is an ED transfer student in the grade. The results from Panel A, column 5 and 6 are particularly noteworthy: teachers have lower estimated value-added in years that there is an ED transfer student in their grade, even when the value-added model controls for whether they are teaching an ED transfer student. For reading teachers, the magnitudes are smaller, though the basic results are similar. The one important difference is that for reading teachers, the value-added model that controls for an ED transfer student in the class yields value-added estimates that are unrelated to whether the teacher has an ED transfer student in the grade. These results raise several points. First teachers who are exposed to an ED transfer student in a given year have lower value-added measures compared to other years, even conditional on student characteristics. In addition, the functional form of the peer effect matters. The peer effects we document are non-linear. Consequently controlling for average peer characteristics does little to remove the effect on teacher value-added. Importantly, even though the specific issue we document is solved in the final specification from Table 7 (column 7), even the value-added estimates from column 7 are likely biased by other types of peer effects. VII. Conclusion The landscape for high stakes teacher evaluation policies has changed dramatically over the last five years. Since 2009, 25 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) have adopted policies that require teacher evaluation to include objective measures of student achievement. This is a 173% increase. More strikingly, 23 the number of states which require student growth to be the major criterion in teacher evaluation increased by 500%, going from 4 to 20 states including D.C. in 2013 (Doherty and Jacobs 2013). As evaluations of teachers continue to rely more heavily on teacher value-added estimates, it is necessary that the science is transparent about the limitations and strengths of these estimates. In this paper we have estimated the effects of being in a grade with an emotionally disabled transfer student on student achievement outcomes, and on teacher value-added. We find that student achievement suffers in grades with an emotionally disabled transfer student. However, we do not find heterogeneous effects by gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Further our results convey that teachers, who teach in a grade with an emotionally disabled transfer student, have lower teacher value-added, relative to years when they are not teaching grades with an emotionally disabled transfer student. More strikingly, as we control for average peer controls, including the percent of emotionally disabled students, the result does not dissipate. Our research raises several points about the role of peer effects on student achievement, and teacher value-added. First, while it is important to document this “disruption” peer effect, further research is required to unpack the mechanisms through which the peer effect operates on student outcomes. As far as we know Lavy, Paserman, and Schlosser (2011) and Lavy and Schlosser (2011), are the only papers to explore empirically, what they call the “black box” of peer effects. 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Neidell Matthew, and Jane Waldfogel. 2010. “Cognitive and Noncognitive Peer Effects in Early Education.” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(3): 562-576. 27 Table 1: Summary Statistics of Students in Analysis All Students Male African American Hispanic White Limited English proficiency Economically disadvantaged Reading score Math score Reading pretest Math pretest Class size Teacher experience Observations mean sd 0.50 0.50 0.26 0.44 0.12 0.32 0.54 0.50 0.07 0.25 0.51 0.50 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.97 0.04 0.97 23.28 8.34 11.50 9.17 1311485 Emotionally Disabled Students mean 0.82 0.48 0.02 0.43 0.01 0.76 -0.76 -0.83 -0.70 -0.75 16.92 11.52 sd 0.39 0.50 0.15 0.49 0.11 0.43 1.02 0.99 1.00 0.95 11.04 9.02 3902 Emotionally Disabled Transfer Students mean sd 0.84 0.37 0.54 0.5 0.03 0.16 0.35 0.48 0.02 0.13 0.81 0.39 -0.87 0.97 -0.98 0.93 -0.8 0.96 -0.85 0.89 15.34 11.44 10.99 8.79 1128 28 Table 2: Summary Statistics of Classrooms With and Without an Emotionally Disabled Transfer Student Percent male Percent African American Percent Hispanic Percent White Percent limited English proficiency Percent economically disadvantaged Teacher experience Class size Premath score Preread score Math score Reading score Observations Classroom without EDTS mean sd 0.51 0.14 0.28 0.27 0.10 0.14 0.55 0.31 0.07 0.12 0.53 0.28 11.57 9.18 22.99 11.12 -0.03 0.61 -0.08 0.64 -0.05 0.63 -0.10 0.64 51155 Classroom with EDTS mean sd 0.57 0.21 0.38 0.32 0.09 0.13 0.46 0.33 0.06 0.11 0.64 0.28 10.93 8.76 20.28 11.60 -0.31 0.70 -0.32 0.72 -0.38 0.71 -0.38 0.72 642 29 Table 3: Estimates of Exposure to an Emotionally Disabled Transfer Student on Math and Reading Test Scores (1) Math (2) Math (3) Math (4) Math (5) Reading (6) Reading (7) Reading (8) Reading Grade has an EDTS -0.0344*** (0.0064) -0.0191*** (0.0056) -0.0156** (0.0062) -0.0161*** (0.0061) -0.0241*** (0.0044) -0.0097** (0.0039) -0.0061 (0.0039) -0.0063 (0.0039) Student controls Grade controls School FE School-by-year FE Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Observations 1164357 1164357 1164357 1164357 1156750 1156750 1156750 1156750 Notes: All models include student controls (male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the subject specific pretest score), grade peer controls (percent male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the average subject specific pretest score), and grade-by-year dummies. Standard errors clustered at the school-by-year-by-grade level are shown in parentheses. * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01 30 Table 4: Mechanisms Driving Spillover Estimates of Exposure to Emotional Disabled Transfer Student on Test Scores (1) Math Grade has an EDTS -0.0161*** (0.0061) Grade has a low performing transfer student Student controls Grade controls School-by-year FE (2) Math (3) Reading -0.0063 (0.0039) -0.0089** (0.0044) Yes Yes Yes (4) Reading Yes Yes Yes -0.0059** (0.0027) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Observations 1164357 1164357 1156750 1156750 Notes: All models include student controls (male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the subject specific pretest score), grade peer controls (percent male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the average subject specific pretest score), and grade-by-year dummies. Standard errors clustered at the school-by-year-by-grade level are shown in parentheses. * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01 31 Table 5: Predicting Probability of Exposure to an Emotionally Disabled Transfer Student Estimated at Class Estimated at Grade (1) (2) Male 0.0006*** (0.0001) -0.0001 (0.0002) African American -0.0003 (0.0004) -0.0006 (0.0005) Hispanic -0.0009* (0.0005) 0.0004 (0.0006) White -0.0002 (0.0004) -0.0003 (0.0004) Previous emotional disability 0.0747*** (0.0073) -0.0035 (0.0030) Math pretest -0.0009*** (0.0002) 0.0000 (0.0003) Reading pretest -0.0004** -0.0001 Yes Yes School-by-year FE Observations 1154588 1154588 Notes: All models include grade-by-year dummies. The samples refer to students in math classes. Standard errors clustered at the school-by-year-by-grade level are shown in parentheses. * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01 32 Table 6: Estimates of Grade has EDTS by Gender, Race, and Economically Disadvantaged Status Panel A. Math scores Grade has an EDTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Male Female African American White Hispanic -0.0156** (0.0065) -0.0163** (0.0065) -0.0170** (0.0074) -0.0180** (0.0077) -0.0210* (0.0111) -0.0120* (0.0066) 585576 578781 306918 653526 115954 582206 -0.0089* (0.0048) -0.0029 (0.0044) -0.0075 (0.0055) -0.0072 (0.0048) -0.0087 (0.0084) -0.0025 (0.0048) 579653 577097 305139 650060 114232 576508 Observations Panel B. Reading score Grade has an EDTS Observations (6) Economically Disadvantaged Student controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Grade controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes School-by-year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes: All models include student controls (limited English proficiency and the subject specific pretest score), grade peer controls (percent male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the average subject specific pretest score), and grade-by-year dummies. In addition models in columns 1-2 control for student's race (African American, White, Hispanic) and economic disadvantage status; columns 3-5 control for student's gender (male) and economic disadvantage status; and column 6 has controls for student's gender (male) and race (African American, White, Hispanic). Standard errors clustered at the school-by-year-by-grade level are shown in parentheses. * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01 33 Table 7: Estimates of Exposure to an Emotionally Disabled Transfer Student on Teacher Value-Added Panel A. Math Teachers Teaching in a grade with EDTS Observations Panel B. Reading Teachers Teaching in a grade with EDTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) -0.0210*** -0.0051 -0.0191*** -0.0051 -0.0176*** -0.0051 -0.0163*** -0.0049 -0.0166*** -0.0049 -0.0162*** -0.0049 -0.0061 -0.0049 50382 50382 50382 49410 49410 49410 49410 -0.0102** -0.0044 -0.0091** -0.0044 -0.0086** -0.0044 -0.0078* -0.0042 -0.0075* -0.0042 -0.004 -0.0042 0.0032 -0.0042 Observations 56824 56824 56824 54899 54899 54899 54899 Controls in calculation of teacher-by-year VA Student controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Indicator for emotionally disabled No Yes No No No No No Indicator for EDTS No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Classroom controls No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes % Emotionally disabled in classroom No No No Yes No No No % EDTS in classroom No No No No Yes No No Indicator for classroom has EDTS No No No No No Yes No Indicator for grade has EDTS No No No No No No Yes Notes: All columns include teacher-by-school fixed effects, and year dummies. Under “Control in calculation of teacher-by-year VA”, student controls refer to indicators for male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the subject specific pretest score, and classroom controls refer to percent male, African American, Hispanic, White, limited English proficiency, economically disadvantaged, and the average subject specific pretest score. Standard errors clustered at the school-by-year-by-grade level are shown in parentheses. * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01 34 35