Bonding and physical properties - A

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Amount of Substance
Bonding, Structure and the Periodic Table
How Far How Fast
Redox Reactions and Group Chemistry
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Reactions of Organic Compounds
Analysis of Organic Compounds
Which exam?
1 only
2 only
2 only
2 only
Topic 1 – Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
3.1.1 Atomic structure
The chemical properties of elements depend on their atomic structure and in particular on the
arrangement of electrons around the nucleus.
The arrangement of electrons in orbitals is linked to the way in which elements are organised in
the Periodic Table.
Chemists can measure the mass of atoms and molecules to a high degree of accuracy in a
mass spectrometer. The principles of operation of a modern mass spectrometer are studied. Fundamental particles
Content Opportunities for skills development
Appreciate that knowledge and understanding of atomic structure has evolved over time.
Protons, neutrons and electrons: relative charge and relative mass.
An atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons. Mass number and isotopes
Content Opportunities for skills development
Mass number (A) and atomic (proton) number (Z).
Students should be able to:
•• determine the number of fundamental particles in atoms and ions using mass number, atomic
number and charge
•• explain the existence of isotopes.
The principles of a simple time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer, limited to electrospray
ionisation, acceleration to give all ions constant kinetic energy, ion drift, ion detection, data
The mass spectrometer gives accurate information about relative isotopic mass and also about
the relative abundance of isotopes.
Mass spectrometry can be used to identify elements.
Mass spectrometry can be used to determine relative molecular mass.
Students should be able to:
•• interpret simple mass spectra of elements
•• calculate relative atomic mass from isotopic abundance, limited to mononuclear ions. Relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass
Content Opportunities for skills development
Relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass in terms of 12C.
The term relative formula mass will be used for ionic compounds.
Students should be able to:
•• define relative atomic mass (Ar)
•• define relative molecular mass (Mr). Electron configuration
Content Opportunities for skills development
Electron configurations of atoms and ions up to Z = 36 in terms of shells and sub-shells
(orbitals) s, p and d.
Ionisation energies.
Students should be able to:
•• define first ionisation energy
•• write equations for first and successive ionization energies
•• explain how first and successive ionisation energies in Period 3 (Na–Ar) and in Group 2 (Be
Ba) give evidence for electron configuration in sub-shells and in shells. Classification
Content Opportunities for skills development
An element is classified as s, p, d or f block according to its position in the Periodic Table, which
is determined by its proton number. Physical properties of Period 3 elements
Content Opportunities for skills development
The trends in atomic radius and first ionisation energy of the elements Na–Ar
The reasons for these trends in terms of the structure of and bonding in the elements.
Students should be able to:
•• explain the trends in atomic radius and first ionization energy
Topic 2 – Amount of Substance
3.1.2 Amount of substance
When chemists measure out an amount of a substance, they use an amount in moles. The mole
is a useful quantity because one mole of a substance always contains the same number of
entities of the substance. An amount in moles can be measured out by mass in grams, by
volume in dm3 of a solution of known concentration and by volume in dm3 of a gas. The mole and the Avogadro constant
Content Opportunities for skills development
The Avogadro constant as the number of particles in a mole.
The mole as applied to electrons, atoms, molecules, ions, formulas and equations.
The concentration of a substance in solution, measured in mol dm–3.
Students should be able to carry out calculations:
•• using the Avogadro constant
•• using mass of substance, Mr, and amount in moles
•• using concentration, volume and amount of substance in a solution.
Students will not be expected to recall the value of the Avogadro constant. The ideal gas equation
Content Opportunities for skills development
The ideal gas equation pV = nRT with the variables in SI units.
Students should be able to use the equation in calculations.
Students will not be expected to recall the value of the gas constant, R. Balanced equations and associated calculations
Content Opportunities for skills development
Equations (full and ionic).
Students should be able to:
•• write balanced equations for reactions studied
•• balance equations for unfamiliar reactions when reactants and products are specified.
Students should be able to use balanced equations to calculate:
•• masses
•• volumes of gases
•• concentrations and volumes for reactions in solutions.
Students could be asked to determine the number of moles of water of crystallisation in a
hydrated salt by titration. Empirical and molecular formula
Content Opportunities for skills development
Empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element in a compound.
Molecular formula is the actual number of atoms of each element in a compound.
The relationship between empirical formula and molecular formula.
Students should be able to:
•• calculate empirical formula from data giving composition by mass or percentage by mass
•• calculate molecular formula from the empirical formula and relative molecular mass. Balanced equations and associated calculations
Content Opportunities for skills development
Percentage atom economy is:
molecular mass of desired product
sum of molecular masses of all reactants
× 100
Economic, ethical and environmental advantages for society and for industry of developing
chemical processes with a high atom economy.
Students should be able to use balanced equations to calculate:
•• percentage yields
•• percentage atom economies
Required practical 1
Make up a volumetric solution and carry out a simple acid–base titration.
Topic 3 – Structure, Bonding and the Periodic Table
3.1.3 Bonding
The physical and chemical properties of compounds depend on the ways in which the
compounds are held together by chemical bonds and by intermolecular forces.
Theories of bonding explain how atoms or ions are held together in these structures.
Materials scientists use knowledge of structure and bonding to engineer new materials with
desirable properties.
These new materials may offer new applications in a range of different modern technologies. Ionic bonding
Content Opportunities for skills development
Ionic bonding involves electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a lattice.
The formulas of compound ions eg sulfate, hydroxide, nitrate, carbonate and ammonium.
Students should be able to:
•• predict the charge on a simple ion using the position of the element in the Periodic Table
•• construct formulas for ionic compounds. Metallic bonding
Content Opportunities for skills development
Metallic bonding involves attraction between delocalized electrons and positive ions arranged in
a lattice. Bonding and physical properties
Content Opportunities for skills development
Types of crystal structure:
•• ionic
•• metallic
The structures of the following crystals as examples of these types of crystal structure:
•• magnesium
•• sodium chloride.
Students should be able to:
•• relate the melting point and conductivity of materials to the type of structure and the bonding
•• explain the energy changes associated with changes of state
•• draw diagrams to represent these structures involving specified numbers of particles. Nature of covalent and dative covalent bonds
Content Opportunities for skills development
A single covalent bond contains a shared pair of electrons.
Multiple bonds contain multiple pairs of electrons.
A co-ordinate (dative covalent) bond contains a shared pair of electrons with both electrons
supplied by one atom.
Students should be able to represent:
•• a covalent bond using a line
•• a co-ordinate bond using an arrow. Shapes of simple molecules and ions
Content Opportunities for skills development
Bonding pairs and lone (non-bonding) pairs of electrons as charge clouds that repel each other.
Pairs of electrons in the outer shell of atoms arrange themselves as far apart as possible to
minimise repulsion.
Lone pair–lone pair repulsion is greater than lone pair–bond pair repulsion, which is greater than
bond pair–bond pair repulsion.
The effect of electron pair repulsion on bond angles.
Students should be able to explain the shapes of, and bond angles in, simple molecules and
ions with up to six electron pairs (including lone pairs of electrons) surrounding the central atom. Bond polarity
Content Opportunities for skills development
Electronegativity as the power of an atom to attract the pair of electrons in a covalent bond.
The electron distribution in a covalent bond between elements with different electronegativities
will be unsymmetrical.
This produces a polar covalent bond, and may cause a molecule to have a permanent dipole.
Students should be able to:
•• use partial charges to show that a bond is polar
•• explain why some molecules with polar bonds do not have a permanent dipole. Forces between molecules
Content Opportunities for skills development
Forces between molecules:
•• permanent dipole–dipole forces
•• induced dipole–dipole (van der Waals, dispersion, London) forces
•• hydrogen bonding.
The melting and boiling points of molecular substances are influenced by the strength of these
intermolecular forces.
The importance of hydrogen bonding in the low density of ice and the anomalous boiling points
of compounds.
Students should be able to:
•• explain the existence of these forces between familiar and unfamiliar molecules
•• explain how melting and boiling points are influenced by these intermolecular forces. Bonding and physical properties
Content Opportunities for skills development
The types of crystal structure:
•• macromolecular (giant covalent)
•• molecular.
The structures of the following crystals as examples of these four types of crystal structure:
•• diamond
•• graphite
•• ice
•• iodine
Students should be able to:
•• relate the melting point and conductivity of materials to the type of structure and the bonding
3.2.1 Periodicity
The Periodic Table provides chemists with a structured organisation of the known chemical
elements from which they can make sense of their physical and chemical properties.
The historical development of the Periodic Table and models of atomic structure provide good
examples of how scientific ideas and explanations develop over time. Physical properties of Period 3 elements
Content Opportunities for skills development
The trends in melting point of the elements Na–Ar
The reasons for these trends in terms of the structure of and bonding in the elements.
Students should be able to:
•• explain the melting point of the elements in terms of their structure and bonding.
Topic 4 – Energetics
3.1.4 Energetics
The enthalpy change in a chemical reaction can be measured accurately.
It is important to know this value for chemical reactions that are used as a source of heat energy
in applications such as domestic boilers and internal combustion engines. Enthalpy change
Content Opportunities for skills development
Reactions can be endothermic or exothermic.
Enthalpy change (ΔH) is the heat energy change measured under conditions of constant
Standard enthalpy changes refer to standard conditions ie 100 kPa and a stated temperature
(eg ΔH298 Ɵ).
Students should be able to:
•• define standard enthalpy of combustion (ΔcHƟ)
•• define standard enthalpy of formation (ΔfHƟ). Calorimetry
Content Opportunities for skills development
The heat change, q, in a reaction is given by the equation q = mcΔT where m is the mass of the
substance that has a temperature change ΔT and a specific heat capacity c.
Students should be able to:
•• use this equation to calculate the molar enthalpy change for a reaction
•• use this equation in related calculations.
Students will not be expected to recall the value of the specific heat capacity, c, of a substance.
Required practical 2
Measurement of an enthalpy change. Applications of Hess’s law
Content Opportunities for skills development
Hess’s law.
Students should be able to use Hess’s law to perform calculations, including calculation of
enthalpy changes for reactions from enthalpies of combustion or from enthalpies of formation. Bond enthalpies
Content Opportunities for skills development
Mean bond enthalpy.
Students should be able to:
•• define the term mean bond enthalpy
•• use mean bond enthalpies to calculate an approximate value of ΔH for reactions in the
gaseous phase
•• explain why values from mean bond enthalpy calculations differ from those determined using
Hess’s law.
Topic 5 – How Far How Fast?
3.1.5 Kinetics
The study of kinetics enables chemists to determine how a change in conditions affects the
speed of a chemical reaction.
Whilst the reactivity of chemicals is a significant factor in how fast chemical reactions proceed,
there are variables that can be manipulated in order to speed them up or slow them down. Collision theory
Content Opportunities for skills development
Reactions can only occur when collisions take place between particles having sufficient energy.
This energy is called the activation energy.
Students should be able to:
•• define the term activation energy
•• explain why most collisions do not lead to a reaction. Effect of concentration and pressure
Content Opportunities for skills development
The qualitative effect of changes in concentration on collision frequency.
The qualitative effect of a change in the pressure of a gas on collision frequency.
Students should be able to explain how a change in concentration or a change in pressure
influences the rate of a reaction. Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
Content Opportunities for skills development
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies in gases.
Students should be able to draw and interpret distribution curves for different temperatures. Effect of temperature on reaction rate
Content Opportunities for skills development
Meaning of the term rate of reaction.
The qualitative effect of temperature changes on the rate of reaction.
Students should be able to use the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution to explain why a small
temperature increase can lead to a large increase in rate.
Required practical 3
Investigation of how the rate of a reaction changes with temperature. Catalysts
A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed in
chemical composition or amount.
Catalysts work by providing an alternative reaction route of lower activation energy.
Students should be able to use a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution to help explain how a catalyst
increases the rate of a reaction involving a gas.
3.1.6 Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc
In contrast with kinetics, which is a study of how quickly reactions occur, a study of equilibria
indicates how far reactions will go.
Le Chatelier’s principle can be used to predict the effects of changes in temperature, pressure
and concentration on the yield of a reversible reaction.
This has important consequences for many industrial processes.
The further study of the equilibrium constant, Kc, considers how the mathematical expression for
the equilibrium constant enables us to calculate how an equilibrium yield will be influenced by
the concentration of reactants and products. Chemical equilibria
Content Opportunities for skills development
Many chemical reactions are reversible.
In a reversible reaction at equilibrium:
•• forward and reverse reactions proceed at equal rates
•• the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant. Equilibrium constant Kc for homogeneous systems
Content Opportunities for skills development
The equilibrium constant Kc is deduced from the equation for a reversible reaction.
The concentration, in mol dm–3, of a species X involved in the expression for Kc is represented
by [X]
The value of the equilibrium constant is not affected either by changes in concentration or
addition of a catalyst.
Students should be able to:
•• construct an expression for Kc for a homogeneous system in equilibrium
•• calculate a value for Kc from the equilibrium concentrations for a homogeneous system at
constant temperature
•• perform calculations involving Kc
•• predict the qualitative effects of changes of temperature on the value of Kc Chemical equilibria and Le Chatelier's principle
Content Opportunities for skills development
Le Chatelier’s principle.
Le Chatelier's principle can be used to predict the effects of changes in temperature, pressure
and concentration on the position of equilibrium in homogeneous reactions.
A catalyst does not affect the position of equilibrium.
Students should be able to:
•• use Le Chatelier’s principle to predict qualitatively the effect of changes in temperature,
pressure and concentration on the position of equilibrium
•• explain why, for a reversible reaction used in an industrial process, a compromise
temperature and pressure may be used.
Topic 6 – Redox Reactions and Group Chemistry
3.1.7 Oxidation, reduction and redox equations
Redox reactions involve a transfer of electrons from the reducing agent to the oxidising agent.
The change in the oxidation state of an element in a compound or ion is used to identify the
element that has been oxidised or reduced in a given reaction.
Separate half-equations are written for the oxidation or reduction processes.
These half-equations can then be combined to give an overall equation for any redox reaction.
Content Opportunities for skills development
Oxidation is the process of electron loss and oxidizing agents are electron acceptors.
Reduction is the process of electron gain and reducing agents are electron donors.
The rules for assigning oxidation states.
Students should be able to:
•• work out the oxidation state of an element in a compound or ion from the formula
•• write half-equations identifying the oxidation and reduction processes in redox reactions
•• combine half-equations to give an overall redox equation.
3.2.2 Group 2, the alkaline earth metals
The elements in Group 2 are called the alkaline earth metals.
The trends in the solubilities of the hydroxides and the sulfates of these elements are linked to
their use.
Barium sulfate, magnesium hydroxide and magnesium sulfate have applications in medicines
whilst calcium hydroxide is used in agriculture to change soil pH, which is essential for good
crop production and maintaining the food supply.
Content Opportunities for skills development
The trends in atomic radius, first ionisation energy and melting point of the elements Mg–Ba
Students should be able to:
•• explain the trends in atomic radius and first ionization energy
•• explain the melting point of the elements in terms of their structure and bonding.
The reactions of the elements Mg–Ba with water.
The use of magnesium in the extraction of titanium from TiCl4
The relative solubilities of the hydroxides of the elements Mg–Ba in water.
Mg(OH)2 is sparingly soluble.
The use of Mg(OH)2 in medicine and of Ca(OH)2 in agriculture.
The use of CaO or CaCO3 to remove SO2 from flue gases.
The relative solubilities of the sulfates of the elements Mg–Ba in water.
BaSO4 is insoluble.
The use of acidified BaCl2 solution to test for sulfate ions.
The use of BaSO4 in medicine.
Students should be able to explain why BaCl2 solution is used to test for sulfate ions and why it
is acidified.
3.2.3 Group 7(17), the halogens
The halogens in Group 7 are very reactive non-metals.
Trends in their physical properties are examined and explained.
Fluorine is too dangerous to be used in a school laboratory but the reactions of chlorine are
Challenges in studying the properties of elements in this group include explaining the trends in
ability of the halogens to behave as oxidising agents and the halide ions to behave as reducing
agents. Trends in properties
Content Opportunities for skills development
The trends in electronegativity and boiling point of the halogens.
Students should be able to:
•• explain the trend in electronegativity
•• explain the trend in the boiling point of the elements in terms of their structure and bonding.
The trend in oxidising ability of the halogens down the group, including displacement reactions
of halide ions in aqueous solution.
The trend in reducing ability of the halide ions, including the reactions of solid sodium halides
with concentrated sulfuric acid.
The use of acidified silver nitrate solution to identify and distinguish between halide ions.
The trend in solubility of the silver halides in ammonia.
Students should be able to explain why:
•• silver nitrate solution is used to identify halide ions
•• the silver nitrate solution is acidified
•• ammonia solution is added. Uses of chlorine and chlorate(I)
Content Opportunities for skills development
The reaction of chlorine with water to form chloride ions and chlorate(I) ions.
The reaction of chlorine with water to form chloride ions and oxygen.
Appreciate that society assesses the advantages and disadvantages when deciding if chemicals
should be added to water supplies.
The use of chlorine in water treatment.
Appreciate that the benefits to health of water treatment by chlorine outweigh its toxic effects.
The reaction of chlorine with cold, dilute, aqueous NaOH and uses of the solution formed.
Required practical 4
Carry out simple test-tube reactions to identify:
•• cations – Group 2, NH
•• anions – Group 7 (halide ions), OH , CO , SO
Topic 7 – Introduction to Organic Chemistry
3.3.1 Introduction to organic chemistry
Organic chemistry is the study of the millions of covalent compounds of the element carbon.
These structurally diverse compounds vary from naturally occurring petroleum fuels to DNA and
the molecules in living systems.
Organic compounds also demonstrate human ingenuity in the vast range of synthetic materials
created by chemists.
Many of these compounds are used as drugs, medicines and plastics.
Organic compounds are named using the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) system and the structure or formula of molecules can be represented in various
different ways.
Organic mechanisms are studied, which enable reactions to be explained.
In the search for sustainable chemistry, for safer agrochemicals and for new materials to match
the desire for new technology, chemistry plays the dominant role. Nomenclature
Content Opportunities for skills development
Organic compounds can be represented by:
•• empirical formula
•• molecular formula
•• general formula
•• structural formula
•• displayed formula
•• skeletal formula.
The characteristics of a homologous series, a series of compounds containing the same
functional group.
IUPAC rules for nomenclature.
Students should be able to:
•• draw structural, displayed and skeletal formulas for given organic compounds
•• apply IUPAC rules for nomenclature to name organic compounds limited to chains and rings
with up to six carbon atoms each
•• apply IUPAC rules for nomenclature to draw the structure of an organic compound from the
IUPAC name limited to chains and rings with up to six carbon atoms each. Isomerism
Structural isomerism.
E–Z isomerism is a form of stereoisomerism and occurs as a result of restricted rotation about
the planar carbon– carbon double bond.
Cahn–Ingold–Prelog (CIP) priority rules.
Students should be able to:
•• define the term structural isomer
•• draw the structures of chain, position and functional group isomers
•• define the term stereoisomer
•• draw the structural formulas of E and Z isomers
•• apply the CIP priority rules to E and Z isomers.
3.3.2 Alkanes
Alkanes are the main constituent of crude oil, which is an important raw material for the
chemical industry.
Alkanes are also used as fuels and the environmental consequences of this use are considered
in this section. Fractional distillation of crude oil
Content Opportunities for skills development
Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons.
Petroleum is a mixture consisting mainly of alkane hydrocarbons that can be separated by
fractional distillation. Modification of alkanes by cracking
Content Opportunities for skills development
Cracking involves breaking C–C bonds in alkanes.
Thermal cracking takes place at high pressure and high temperature and produces a high
percentage of alkenes (mechanism not required).
Catalytic cracking takes place at a slight pressure, high temperature and in the presence of a
zeolite catalyst and is used mainly to produce motor fuels and aromatic hydrocarbons
(mechanism not required).
Students should be able to explain the economic reasons for cracking alkanes. Combustion of alkanes
Content Opportunities for skills development
Alkanes are used as fuels.
Combustion of alkanes and other organic compounds can be complete or incomplete.
The internal combustion engine produces a number of pollutants including NOx, CO, carbon and
unburned hydrocarbons.
These gaseous pollutants from internal combustion engines can be removed using catalytic
Combustion of hydrocarbons containing sulfur leads to sulfur dioxide that causes air pollution.
Students should be able to explain why sulfur dioxide can be removed from flue gases using
calcium oxide or calcium carbonate.
Topic 8 – Reactions of Organic Compounds Reaction mechanisms
Content Opportunities for skills development
Reactions of organic compounds can be explained using mechanisms.
Free-radical mechanisms:
•• the unpaired electron in a radical is represented by a dot
•• the use of curly arrows is not required for radical mechanisms.
Students should be able to write balanced equations for the steps in a free-radical mechanism.
Other mechanisms:
•• the formation of a covalent bond is shown by a curly arrow that starts from a lone electron pair
or from another covalent bond
•• the breaking of a covalent bond is shown by a curly arrow starting from the bond.
Students should be able to outline mechanisms by drawing the structures of the species
involved and curly arrows to represent the movement of electron pairs. Chlorination of alkanes
Content Opportunities for skills development
The reaction of methane with chlorine.
Students should be able to explain this reaction as a free-radical substitution mechanism
involving initiation, propagation and termination steps.
3.3.4 Alkenes
In alkenes, the high electron density of the carbon–carbon double bond leads to attack on these
molecules by electrophiles.
This section also covers the mechanism of addition to the double bond and introduces addition
polymers, which are commercially important and have many uses in modern society. Structure, bonding and reactivity
Content Opportunities for skills development
Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Bonding in alkenes involves a double covalent bond, a centre of high electron density. Addition reactions of alkenes
Content Opportunities for skills development
Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes with HBr, H2SO4 and Br2
The use of bromine to test for unsaturation.
The formation of major and minor products in addition reactions of unsymmetrical alkenes.
Students should be able to:
•• outline the mechanisms for these reactions
•• explain the formation of major and minor products by reference to the relative stabilities of
primary, secondary and tertiary carbocation intermediates. Addition polymers
Content Opportunities for skills development
Addition polymers are formed from alkenes and substituted alkenes.
The repeating unit of addition polymers.
IUPAC rules for naming addition polymers.
Addition polymers are unreactive.
Appreciate that knowledge and understanding of the production and properties of polymers has
developed over time.
Typical uses of poly(chloroethene), commonly known as PVC, and how its properties can be
modified using a plasticiser.
Students should be able to:
•• draw the repeating unit from a monomer structure
•• draw the repeating unit from a section of the polymer chain
•• draw the structure of the monomer from a section of the polymer
•• explain why addition polymers are unreactive
•• explain the nature of intermolecular forces between molecules of polyalkenes.
3.3.3 Halogenoalkanes
Halogenoalkanes are much more reactive than alkanes.
They have many uses, including as refrigerants, as solvents and in pharmaceuticals.
The use of some halogenoalkanes has been restricted due to the effect of chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) on the atmosphere. Nucleophilic substitution
Content Opportunities for skills development
Halogenoalkanes contain polar bonds.
Halogenoalkanes undergo substitution reactions with the nucleophiles OH–, CN– and NH3
Students should be able to:
•• outline the nucleophilic substitution mechanisms of these reactions
•• explain why the carbon–halogen bond enthalpy influences the rate of reaction. Elimination
Content Opportunities for skills development
The concurrent substitution and elimination reactions of a halogenoalkane (eg 2-bromopropane
with potassium hydroxide).
Students should be able to:
•• explain the role of the reagent as both nucleophile and base
•• outline the mechanisms of these reactions. Ozone depletion
Content Opportunities for skills development
Ozone, formed naturally in the upper atmosphere, is beneficial because it absorbs ultraviolet
Chlorine atoms are formed in the upper atmosphere when ultraviolet radiation causes C–Cl
bonds in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to break.
Chlorine atoms catalyse the decomposition of ozone and contribute to the hole in the ozone
Appreciate that results of research by different groups in the scientific community provided
evidence for legislation to ban the use of CFCs as solvents and refrigerants. Chemists
have now developed alternative chlorine-free compounds.
Students should be able to use equations, such as the following, to explain how chlorine atoms
catalyse decomposition of ozone:
Cl• + O3 → ClO• + O2 and ClO• + O3 → 2O2 + Cl•
3.3.5 Alcohols
Alcohols have many scientific, medicinal and industrial uses. Ethanol is one such alcohol and it
is produced using different methods, which are considered in this section. Ethanol can be used
as a biofuel. Alcohol production
Content Opportunities for skills development
Alcohols are produced industrially by hydration of alkenes in the presence of an acid catalyst.
Ethanol is produced industrially by fermentation of glucose.
The conditions for this process.
Ethanol produced industrially by fermentation is separated by fractional distillation and can then
be used as a biofuel.
Students should be able to:
•• explain the meaning of the term biofuel
•• justify the conditions used in the production of ethanol by fermentation of glucose
•• write equations to support the statement that ethanol produced by fermentation is a carbonneutral fuel and give reasons why this statement is not valid
•• outline the mechanism for the formation of an alcohol by the reaction of an alkene with steam
in the presence of an acid catalyst
•• discuss the environmental (including ethical) issues linked to decision making about biofuel
use. Oxidation of alcohols
Content Opportunities for skills development
Alcohols are classified as primary, secondary and tertiary.
Primary alcohols can be oxidised to aldehydes which can be further oxidised to carboxylic acids.
Secondary alcohols can be oxidised to ketones.
Tertiary alcohols are not easily oxidised.
Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) is a suitable oxidizing agent.
Students should be able to:
•• write equations for these oxidation reactions (equations showing [O] as oxidant are
•• explain how the method used to oxidise a primary alcohol determines whether an aldehyde or
carboxylic acid is obtained
•• use chemical tests to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones including Fehling’s solution
and Tollens’ reagent. Elimination
Content Opportunities for skills development
Alkenes can be formed from alcohols by acid-catalysed elimination reactions.
Alkenes produced by this method can be used to produce addition polymers without using
monomers derived from crude oil.
Students should be able to outline the mechanism for the elimination of water from alcohols.
Required practical 5
Distillation of a product from a reaction.
Topic 9 – Analysis of Organic Compounds
3.3.6 Organic analysis
Our understanding of organic molecules, their structure and the way they react, has been
enhanced by organic analysis.
This section considers some of the analytical techniques used by chemists, including test-tube
reactions and spectroscopic techniques. Identification of functional groups by test-tube reactions
Content Opportunities for skills development
The reactions of functional groups listed in the specification.
Students should be able to identify the functional groups using reactions in the specification.
Required practical 6
Tests for alcohol, aldehyde, alkene and carboxylic acid. Mass spectrometry
Content Opportunities for skills development
Mass spectrometry can be used to determine the molecular formula of a compound.
Students should be able to use precise atomic masses and the precise molecular mass to
determine the molecular formula of a compound. Infrared spectroscopy
Content Opportunities for skills development
Bonds in a molecule absorb infrared radiation at characteristic wavenumbers.
‘Fingerprinting’ allows identification of a molecule by comparison of spectra.
Students should be able to:
•• use infrared spectra and the Chemistry Data Sheet or Booklet to identify particular bonds, and
therefore functional groups, and also to identify impurities.
The link between absorption of infrared radiation by bonds in CO2, methane and water vapour
and global warming.