k)study guide final

23: The Digestive System
1. Describe the function of the digestive system, and differentiate between organs of the
alimentary canal and accessory digestive organs.
Digestive Processes
2. List and define the major processes occurring during digestive system activity.
Basic Functional Concepts
3. Describe stimuli and controls of digestive activity.
Digestive System Organs: Relationships
4. Describe the tissue composition and the general function of each of the four layers of the
alimentary canal.
The Mouth and Associated Organs
5.Describe the composition and functions of saliva.
Digestive Processes: Mouth to Esophagus
12. Describe the mechanisms of chewing and swallowing.
The Stomach
13. Identify structural modifications of the wall of the stomach that enhance the digestive process.
14. Name the cell types responsible for secreting the various components of gastric juice and
indicate the importance of each component in stomach activity.
The Small Intestine and Associated Structures
18. Identify and describe structural modifications of the wall of the small intestine that enhance
the digestive process.
19. Differentiate between the roles of the various cell types of the intestinal mucosa.
22. State the role of bile in digestion and describe how its entry into the small intestine is
23. Describe the role of the gallbladder.
24. State the role of pancreatic juice in digestion.
25. Describe how entry of pancreatic juice into the small intestine is regulated.
The Large Intestine
26. List the major functions of the large intestine.
27. Describe the regulation of defecation.
Chemical Digestion
28. List the enzymes involved in chemical digestion; name the foodstuffs on which they act.
29. List the end products of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and nucleic acid digestion.
30. Describe the process of absorption of breakdown products of foodstuffs that occurs in the
small intestine.
25: The Urinary System
Kidney Anatomy
1. Describe the gross anatomy of the kidney and its coverings.
2. Describe the anatomy of a nephron.
3. describe the function of the nephron.
Kidney Physiology: Mechanisms of Urine Formation
4. Describe the forces (pressures) that promote or counteract glomerular filtration.
5. Compare the controls of the glomerular filtration rate.
6. Describe the mechanisms underlying water and solute reabsorption from the renal tubules
into the peritubular capillaries.
7. Describe how sodium and water reabsorption is regulated in the distal tubule and collecting
8. Describe the importance of tubular secretion and list few substances that are secreted.
9. Describe the mechanisms responsible for the medullary osmotic gradient.
10. Explain formation of dilute versus concentrated urine.
11. explain the role of ADH and aldosterone in urinary system.
12. Describe the normal physical and chemical properties of urine.
13. List several abnormal urine components, and name the condition characterized by the
presence of detectable amounts of each.
14. Describe the function of the ureters.
Urinary Bladder
15. Describe the function of the urinary bladder.
16. Describe the function of the urethra.
17. Compare the course, length, and functions of the male urethra with those of the female.
18. Define micturition
22: The Respiratory System
Mechanics of Breathing
1. Explain the functional importance of the breathing
2. Relate Boyle’s law to the events of inspiration and expiration.
3. Explain the relative roles of the respiratory muscles and lung elasticity in producing the
volume changes that cause air to flow into and out of the lungs.
4. List physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation.
5. Explain and compare the various lung volumes and capacities.
6. Indicate types of information that can be gained from pulmonary function tests.
Know the involvement of Gas Exchanges Between the Blood, Lungs, and Tissues
7. Describe how oxygen is transported in the blood, and explain how oxygen loading and
unloading happens.
8. Describe carbon dioxide transport in the blood and know how carbonic acid , bicarbonate
and H+ forms. You should also know what enzyme is involved in that related reaction.
Control of Respiration
9 Compare and contrast the influences of peripheral and central chemoreceptors in ventilation
16: The Endocrine System
1.List the major endocrine organs, and describe their general function.
2. Describe and identify hormones based on steroid or non-steroid (peptide hormones).
3. Describe the two major mechanisms by which hormones bring about their effects on their
target tissues.
4 .Explain how hormone release is regulated.
The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
5. Describe the relationships between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
6. List and describe the chief effects of anterior pituitary hormones (and their target cells).
7. Discuss the posterior pituitary, and describe the effects of the two hormones it releases.
8. Compare and contrast the effects of the two major pancreatic hormones.
9. Describe the functional roles of hormones of the testes and ovaries.
27: The Reproductive System
1. Describe the structure and function of the testes, and explain the importance of their location
in the scrotum.
2. Describe the structure of the penis and indicate its role in the reproductive process.
3. Describe the structure and function of the accessory reproductive organs of the male.
4. Discuss the sources and functions of semen.
6. Define meiosis.
8. Discuss hormonal regulation of testicular function and the physiological effects of
testosterone on male reproductive anatomy.
9. Describe the structure and function of the ovaries.
10. Describe the structure and function of each of the organs of the female reproductive duct
14. Describe the ovarian cycle, menstrual cycle, and the role of FSH and LH and other related
15. Describe the regulation of the ovarian and uterine cycles.
16. Discuss the physiological effects of estrogens and progesterone.