Plant Genetics Lesson Plan

Plant Genetics Lesson Plan
State Standards
Procedures for
Punnet Squares
The audience will be College level Plant Science students in Intro into Plant
The students will be given an hour and half to complete part of the worksheet
given to them. They will complete the other half of the worksheet by finding the
punnett squares on The students will turn in the worksheet at the
next lab and will be graded on the amount of answers they get right.
Website -
Science – Advance Plant and Soil Science – Plant Genetics
PS 4.5 - Describe a situation in which a plant characteristic is controlled by many
Worksheet(provided by TA)
Plant Science book as reference
 The first part of the worksheet the students will give the definitions for
Phenotype and Genotype. The lab TA will teach the students how to work
basic punnett squares with plant genetics and show them how to get the
phenotype and genotype ratios from the punnett squares.
 After they have been instructed on how to work the punnett squares they
are to finish the rest of the work by themselves.
 The TA will be responsible for making sure the students get the rest of the
problems done in the time limit given.
 When the time limit is up they are to turn in the first half of the worksheet
to the TA.
 The TA will tell the students that they are to finish the rest of the blank
punnett squares by going onto to find the rest of the
information needed to complete the punnett squares.
 Before the students can do this part the TA/teacher of the course will need
to put the information on
 At the next lab the TA will collect the second part of the worksheets.
To start off the students will be given small squares to complete.
Square 1 – crossing a red rose(RR) to a white rose(rr). The punnett square
would already be made so they will have to fill in the information. After
finishing the square they will figure out the genotype and phenotype ratios.
Square 2 – After completing the first square they will see what would
happen if they self-pollinate on of the new plants. They will complete the
square and find the genotype and phenotype ratios.
Square 3 – they will make a punnett square for the crossing of a full size
pea plant(DD) to a dwarf pea plant(dd) and they need to find the genotype
and phenotype ratios.
Square 4 – Cross a red flower rose with thorns(RRTT) to a white flower
without thorns(rrtt). They need to complete the punnett square and find the
phenotype and genotype ratios.
Square 5 - The new plant from Square 4 self-pollination. They will have to
complete the punnett square and find the genotype and phenotype ratios.
After they complete this part of the worksheet they will need to turn it in and finish
the next part of this on
Highlighted genotypes are the information the teacher/TA will put on the rest will be found in the second part of the worksheet.
Square 1 – Cross a yellow, smooth seed corn to a purple wrinkled seed corn.
YYSS x yyss
They need to complete the square and give the genotype and phenotype ratios.
Square 2 and 3 – cross a green pod soybean plant to a yellow pod soybean plant
for square 2 and then for square 3 self-pollinate the new plant. Complete the
squares and find the genotypes and phenotypes for both squares.
Starting cross LL x ll
Square 4 and 5 – cross a purple with seeds grape to a yellow no seeds grape for
square 4 and self-pollinate the new plant from square 4 for square 5. Complete the
squares and find the genotypes and phenotypes for both squares.
Starting cross ZZXX x zzxx
Genotype and Phenotype definition – 4 pts each
First part of worksheet
Square 1
 Completed Square 2 pts
 Phenotype – 1 pts
 Genotype – 1pts
Square 2
 Completed Square 2 pts
 Phenotype – 1 pts
 Genotype – 1pts
Square 3
 Completed Square 2 pts
 Phenotype – 1 pts
Genotype – 1pts
Square 4
 Completed Square – 8 pts
 Phenotype – 2 pts
 Genotype – 2 pts
Square 5
 Completed Square – 8 pts
 Phenotype – 2 pts
 Genotype – 2 pts
Second part of worksheet
Square 1
 Completed Square – 8 pts
 Phenotype – 2 pts
 Genotype – 2 pts
Square 2
 Completed Square 2 pts
 Phenotype – 1 pts
 Genotype – 1pts
Square 3
 Completed Square 2 pts
 Phenotype – 1 pts
 Genotype – 1pts
Square 4
 Completed Square – 8 pts
 Phenotype – 2 pts
 Genotype – 2 pts
Square 5
 Completed Square – 8 pts
 Phenotype – 2 pts
 Genotype – 2 pts
Total Points - 88