GfNA-II-C-ERA-IP-Teachers-2012-2013-Datadictionary – version October 2011 ERASMUS Intensive Programmes Teachers 2013-2014 Data Dictionary Version 29.07.2011 1 GfNA-II-C-ERA-IP-Teachers-2012-2013-Datadictionary – version October 2011 NO. DATA ATTRIBUTE DATA DEFINITION IPT1 ID IP Db: IDIP Automatically generated code to provide a primary key for the whole dataset NOTE: this field will be provided by the Reporting Software IPT2 Project Number Db: ProjectNumber Project Number Generated by NA Home Institution Db: HomeInstitution Erasmus ID code of the Institution in the home country where the teacher is employed IPT3 DATA DOMAIN DATA CHECKS / CONSTRAINTS Alphanumeric string with the following structure: NA/IPT/12/00001 C1.1 Not empty C1.2 Unique for each record Alphanumeric string; not unique for the each record – many teachers can work on the same project. String of characters up to 13 in the set of possible values called “Erasmus ID Codes” C2.1 Not empty C2.2 Not unique for each record C3.1 Not empty C3.2 In (“Erasmus Codes”) e.g. B BRUXEL01 IPT4 Country Code of Home Institution Db:CountryCodeofHomeInstitution The country of Home Institution where the teacher is employed Automatically Generated. String of 2 characters in the set “ISO Country Codes” C4.1 Not empty C4.2 In (“ISO Country Codes”) IPT5 Country code of National Agency DB:CountryCodeNA Country code of the National Agency of the IP coordinator Automatically Generated. String of 2 characters in the set “ISO Country Codes” C5.1 Not empty C5.2 In (“ISO Country Codes”) IPT6 EUC Db: EUC The number of the Erasmus University Charter of the Home Institution Long integer in the set of “EUC codes” C6.1 Not empty C6.2 In (“EUC Codes for Home Country”) (automatically filled in when selecting Home Institution) IPT7 ID Teacher Db: IDTeacher Unique identifier for each teacher created by the NA. Must be recognisable for the NA. Alphanumeric string up to 20 characters IPT8 Surname of Teacher Db: Surname The family name of teacher Free text up to 60 characters C7.1 Not empty C8.1 Not empty 2 GfNA-II-C-ERA-IP-Teachers-2012-2013-Datadictionary – version October 2011 NO. DATA ATTRIBUTE DATA DEFINITION DATA DOMAIN IPT9 First name(s) of Teacher Db: Forename The complete first name(s) of teacher Free text up to 60 characters IPT10 Gender Db: Gender Gender of teacher String of 1 character in the set (M, F) M = male F = female C10.1 Not empty C10.2 In (M, F) IPT11 Nationality Db: Nationality Nationality of teacher String of 2 characters in the set “ISO Country Codes” C11.1 Not empty C11.2 In (“ISO Country Codes”) C11.3 If ‘XX’ (Other) then requires comment specifying nationality IPT12 Subject Area of Teacher in the Home Institution Db: HomeSubject The subject taught by the teacher at Home Institution Numerical string of a maximum of 4 characters according to ISCED97 codes or Erasmus subject area codes (xx.x). C12.1 ISCED97 codes or Erasmus subject area codes (NOTE: If Erasmus subject area codes are used, the value must have four characters, including a '.' as the third character) IPT13 IPT14 IPT15 Seniority of Teacher Db: Seniority The degree of experience (seniority) of a teacher Supplement for special needs Db: SNSupplement The total supplementary grant awarded for teachers with special needs. This grant must be reported in its entirety in this field Comment Db: Comment Any comment the NA needs to give on a teaching visit, such as: justification of values giving errors that the NA has chosen to accept, etc… String of 1 character in the set (J, I, S) J = junior (approx. < 10 years of experience ) I = intermediate (approx. >10 and <20 years of experience) S = senior (approx. > 20 years of experience) Currency (in euro). Positive number, with up to two decimals. If decimals are used, decimal sign is '.' (do not use comma). Free text up to 255 characters DATA CHECKS / CONSTRAINTS C9.1 Not empty C13.1 Not empty C13.2 In (J, I, S) C14.1 Not empty C14.2 ≥0 C14.3 Warning if ≥ 10000) C14.4 The number does not contain commas C15.1 Length ≤ 255 C15.2 If “Nationality”= “XX” then Not Empty 3 GfNA-II-C-ERA-IP-Teachers-2012-2013-Datadictionary – version October 2011 NO. IPT16 DATA ATTRIBUTE LLPlink Project Number Db: LLPlinkProject DATA DEFINITION LLPlink project number in order to link this entry to LLPlink data (to be filled in by the National Agency) DATA DOMAIN DATA CHECKS / CONSTRAINTS Text in the format "2012-"<x>"-"<NACode>"ERA"<nn>"-"<xxxxx> C16.1 Not empty 4