A novel ecological-economic modeling procedure for the design of cost-effective agrienvironment schemes to conserve grassland biodiversity DRAFT! Please do not quote without permission of the authors! In developed countries each year a substantial amount of money is spent on agri-environment schemes (AES) which compensate farmers for carrying out land use measures which are costly to them but beneficial for biodiversity. We present an ecological-economic modeling procedure to design cost-effective AES to conserve grassland biodiversity which is novel in two ways: First, it comprehensively addresses challenges relevant to AES design. It covers a wide range of endangered species and grassland types (13 bird species, 14 butterfly species and 7 grassland types), includes many (altogether 475) different land use measures, takes into account that the opportunity costs of these measures spatially differ as well as their effects on the species and grassland types, and can be applied on a large spatial scale. Second, the modeling procedure explicitly considers the different costs of the timings of the land use measure as well as the impact of the timings on the different species and grassland types. We demonstrate the power of the modeling procedure by evaluating an existing grassland AES in Saxony, Germany, and find substantial improvements can be made in terms of costeffectiveness. Key words: Biodiversity conservation, cost-effectiveness, ecological-economic modeling, agri-environment schemes, payments for environmental services 1 1 Introduction Agri-environment schemes (AES) targeted at the conservation of endangered species and habitats have become a major policy instrument to protect farmland biodiversity in developed countries (Khanna and Ando 2009, Kleijn et al. 2011). In the context of such schemes, farmers are paid for certain types of agricultural land-use which are costly to them but beneficial to endangered species and habitats. AES have become widespread and each year several billion Euros are spent in the context of such schemes in Europe as well as in the United States (e.g. IEEP 2008, Khanna and Ando 2009). However, research (Kleijn and Sutherland 2003, Kleijn et al. 2011) and farmland biodiversity indicators (Voříšek et al. 2010) suggest that current AES are – at best – partially successful to conserve farmland biodiversity. This partial lack of success has also led to demands in the policy arena for a better use of funds for AES, for example from the European Court of Auditors (2011). In order to improve AES a key question is how to design payments to farmers in a way that schemes are cost-effective. Following Wätzold and Schwerdtner (2005) a cost-effective AES is here understood as a scheme that – depending on the perspective of interest – either maximizes for a given budget the level of conservation of endangered species and habitats or achieves desired conservation aims for a minimum budget. The design of cost-effective AES for biodiversity conservation can be a rather complex problem which requires the integration of ecological and economic knowledge in an optimization framework (Wätzold et al. 2006, Cooke et al. 2009). The complexity is particularly high, if (I) a substantial number of species and habitats are to be conserved, (II) numerous different land use measures exist as potential conservation alternatives, (III) the opportunity costs of these land use measures in terms of foregone profits for farmers spatially differ, (IV) the conservation impacts of the different measures on the species and habitats of interest also spatially differ, and (V) the area in which the AES is applied is of substantial size. In this paper, we present an ecological-economic modeling procedure to design cost-effective AES to conserve grassland biodiversity. Our modeling procedure is novel in two ways: First, it addresses all the above-mentioned challenges relevant to AES design. (I) It covers a comprehensive set of endangered grassland species and grassland types (13 bird species, 14 butterfly species and 7 grassland types), (II) includes altogether 475 different types of mowing regimes, grazing regimes and combinations of mowing and grazing regimes (referred to in the following as grassland regimes), (III) takes into account spatially different opportunity costs of these regimes, (IV) considers that the effects of the regimes on the 2 species and grassland types also spatially differ, and (V) can be applied to a large area like a German federal state. Second, we explicitly consider the timing of the land use measure. The grassland regimes mainly differ depending on when and how frequent mowing takes place within a year respectively the starting point and duration of grazing. The modeling procedure is able to estimate the opportunity costs of the varying timings of grassland regimes as well as their impacts on the different birds, butterflies and grassland types. Our work is in the tradition of research that combines ecological and economic knowledge to improve the cost-effectiveness of AES. Such research has become more frequent recently although it is still rare. An early paper is by Johst et al. (2002) who develop an optimization framework to determine cost-effective payments for measures to protect the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) in a hypothetical landscape. Drechsler et al. (2007a) use the framework to determine cost-effective payments to conserve an endangered butterfly species (Maculinea teleius) in a real landscape, and Drechsler et al. (2007b) analyse the design of compensation payments to protect three species with different habitat requirements. More recent research explicitly considers species requirements for spatially aggregated habitats (Drechsler et al. 2010, Wätzold and Drechsler in press) and non-aggregated habitats (Bamière et al. 2011, Bamière et al. 2013), trade-offs between agricultural production and biodiversity conservation (Mouysset et al. 2011), dynamics aspects of agricultural landscapes (Barraquand and Martinet 2011), and costs and benefits of simplified versus spatially differentiated compensation payments (Armsworth et al. 2012). Each of these studies addresses some of the challenges that make AES design a complex task, and thus contributed in different ways to a better understanding of how to design cost-effective AES. However, none of these papers have addressed all the above-mentioned challenges in the design of cost-effective AES including an integration of the timing of land use. We show the power of the developed ecological-economic modeling procedure for improving AES in large areas by applying it to the German federal state of Saxony (whose area is approximately 60% of the size of Belgium). We assess in a first step the conservation impact of an existing AES for grassland conservation in Saxony using the simulation module of the procedure. In a second step, we calculate more cost-effective AES using the optimization module of the procedure and compare the costs and the conservation effects of the proposed cost-effective AES with the existing AES to assess the potential for improvement. 3 2 Land use and conservation problem The German federal state of Saxony has a size of 18,342 km² of which approximately 55% is used for agricultural production. The share of grassland is 186,120 ha which represents 17% of the overall area used for agricultural production (Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft 2011). The existing grassland is either used for mowing, grazing or a combination of mowing and grazing. In the absence of compensation payments farmers typically apply the profit maximizing type of land use. For meadows, farmers typically mow the first time at around 15 May and use the first cut for silage. A second cut is carried out approximately 6 weeks later which is used for making hay and a third cut another 6 weeks later which is again used for making hay. If the grassland is used for grazing the stocking rate of the livestock is selected in a way that the grassland is used at times with optimal energy content of the grass. Sometimes, farmers also combine mowing and grazing with a first cut in mid-May for silage generation and a subsequent use of the meadow for grazing. In general, farmers also apply nitrogen fertilizer. Until the 1950s in Saxony as in other parts of Western and Central Europe a much larger variety of mowing and grazing regimes existed which had generated a substantial species and habitat diversity. Over the past decades, intensification and mechanization of agriculture led to the current pre-dominant mowing and grazing regimes which results in a rather uniform use of grasslands threatening many species and grassland types (Gerowitt et al. 2003, Benton et al. 2003). Table 1 contains a list of grassland bird and butterfly species and grassland types in Saxony and provides information about their protection status. The species and grassland types were selected in cooperation with the responsible Saxon authorities for nature conservation and include species and grassland types that are endangered or likely to become endangered in the near future. The species and grassland types mentioned in Table 1 are included in the ecological-economic modeling procedure. --- Table 1 somewhere here In order to reverse the trend of biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes AES have been set up all over the European Union since 1992. In the AES farmers are paid to adapt their land management to benefit biodiversity, the environment or the landscape (EC 2012). In the current programming period of the EU structural funds from 2007 to 2013, the main AES to 4 conserve endangered grassland species and grassland types in Saxony is the program ‘Extensive Grünlandwirtschaft, Naturschutzgerechte Grünlandbewirtschaftung und Pflege’ (LfULG 2012a). The program contains several mowing and grazing measures which can be assessed with the developed ecological-economic modeling procedure, but also a few measures for which the procedure is not suitable (for example the transformation of arable land to grassland and the impoverishment of grassland soils). We ignore these measures and focus on the measures which can be assessed with the modeling procedure. Table 2 provides an overview of these land use measures. --- Table 2 somewhere here 3 Overview of the ecological-economic modeling procedure The ecological-economic modeling procedure contains different components which perform different tasks. A graphical overview of the procedure and how its different components are connected is presented in Figure 1. -- Figure 1 somewhere here The procedure considers the endangered species and grassland types comprised in Table 1 (Fig. 1, box 1). For each species an information folder exists which contains specific information about the life cycle of the species and its habitat requirements (Fig. 1, box 2). This information is tailored in a way that it is suitable as input to the ecological model. The information is based on a literature review and expert knowledge. Similarly, an information folder exists for each grassland type. Grassland types do not only depend on abiotic conditions like soil type and altitude but also on the type of land use. Therefore, in the information folder the grassland types are defined by all possible land use measures (like the frequency of impact, use of fertilizer) which may lead to their development. The modeling procedure includes altogether 475 different mowing regimes, grazing regimes and combinations of mowing and grazing as land use measures (Fig. 1, box 3). Some of these land use measures also include limitations on the use of N(nitrogen)-fertilizer inputs. The measures have also been selected together with the responsible Saxon authorities for nature 5 conservation. They comprise those land use measures which have been implemented in the context of AES (cf. Table 2), those which have been discussed within the administration as potential measures and those measures which have not yet been considered within the administration but seem potentially suitable to conserve one or several species. An overview of the measures is given in Table 3. Table 3 somewhere here The procedure considers spatially differentiated landscape and land use information on the level of grid cells with a resolution of 250mx250m=6.25 ha (Fig. 1, box 4). This information is required to assess the spatially differentiated opportunity costs of the farmers and impacts of land use measures on species and grassland types. Land use data from Corine Land Cover (CLC 2000, cp. European Environment Agency 2004) was used to determine whether a grid cell contains grassland and whether a grid cell in its direct proximity contains water, settlement or forest. This information is important to determine the habitat quality for some species (see section on ecological model). In addition, the Saxon authorities supplied information on whether mowing, grazing or a combination of mowing and grazing is the predominant use in a grassland grid cell. There is also information about the soil moisture for each grassland grid cell (data from BGR 2007) as some species and grassland types require a certain level of soil moisture. Moreover, data on the soil productivity in each grassland grid cell (provided by the Saxon authorities) is included which is important in order to spatially differentiate the opportunity costs of the land use measures and the growth rate of grass which may be relevant for the impact of measures on species. Data on altitude (from BKG 2008) is also included for each grid cell which is needed to differentiate between the grassland type of lowland hay meadow and mountain hay meadow (below/above 500 m height above sea level). Finally, the Saxon authorities provided data on the occurrence of butterfly species in order to be able to spatially focus land use measures on those areas which can be reached by the species (cf. section on ecological model). Landscape and land use information serve as input to the ecological model (Fig. 1, box 5) and also partly to the agri-economic cost assessment (Fig. 1, box 6). The ecological model quantitatively estimates the impact of the different land use measures on the species and grassland types and is described in more detail in Section 4. The agri-economic cost 6 assessment estimates opportunity costs of the different land use measures and is described in Section 5. Information from the ecological model and the agri-economic cost assessment is combined to assess the ecological effectiveness of payment schemes (Fig. 1, box 7) and to determine the cost-effective compensation payments through numerical optimization (Fig. 1, box 8). 4 Ecological model The purpose of the ecological model is to quantitatively estimate the impacts of land use measures on species and grassland types. In designing the ecological model two major challenges had to be overcome: First, the model must be general enough to capture all species and grassland types of relevance for grassland conservation in a common way but at the same time detailed enough to consider the differences among species. Second, the model has to take into account that the impact of land use measures does not only depend on the type of measure (e.g. mowing) but also on the timing of the measure and where it is carried out, i.e. its spatio-temporal dimension. The ecological model is described in detail in Johst et al. (submitted), and here only its main features are summarized. We start with an explanation of how the model assesses the impact of measures on species and then address how the model estimates the impact of measures on grassland types. The ecological model assesses the impact of a specific land use measure on grassland species by estimating its impact on the habitat quality for reproduction of the species. The reason for this focus is that the type, temporal dimension and location of a land use measure typically have a strong influence on the grassland in which these species reproduce. The model has a temporal scale of quarter months, i.e. the year is divided into 48 quarter months with the first quarter of January denoted as quarter month 1, the second quarter of January as quarter month 2 and so forth. The spatial scale of the model follows the selected spatial differentiation of land use and landscape information (cf. section 3). We start the description of how the ecological model functions by explaining how the model estimates for each grid cell the impact of a land use measure on a species. As the reproductive success of different species may differ substantially in absolute terms (a butterfly typically lays much more eggs than a bird) the model uses a relative measure, the local habitat quality q lj, m (t m ) , to estimate the impact of a land use measure m at timing t m on 7 the reproduction of species j for each grid cell l. The timing t m refers to the date of first application of the measure or to the doublet or triplet of dates in case of two or three mowing cuts. The local habitat quality can take values between qlj, m (tm ) 0 (which means that land use measure m leads to such a low habitat quality for species j on grid cell l that reproduction is not feasible) and qlj, m (tm ) 1 (which means that land use measure m maximizes habitat quality for the reproductive success for species j on grid cell l). The local habitat quality q lj, m (t m ) consists of two components: f qlj, m (tm ) Qlj,0 p wj S mj, w (tm ) Qlj, m, w (tm ) wb (1) The first component Q lj,0 includes the local “abiotic” factors of the habitat suitability for reproduction of species j in grid cell l which exist independent of the egg deposition time of the species. The second component is the sum in brackets and encompasses features of habitat suitability which depend on the timing t m of the land use measure m (when and how often it is carried out) in relation to the egg deposition time of the species. As species differ in the number of factors determining local ‘abiotic’ habitat suitability, Q lj,0 is calculated by the geometric mean of those factors relevant for a certain species. This includes predation pressure Pjl which can be important for some bird species and is measured on a scale from 1 (low predation pressure) to 0 (high predation pressure). If information is lacking about the spatial allocation of predation pressure, or if predation is considered not relevant for the design of AES, a value of 1 should be given to each grid cell. The modeling procedure does not explicitly consider predation for the analysis of AES in Saxony (a value of 1 has been attributed to each grid cell), as information is lacking about the impact of predation on the species. Fjl describes the suitability of a grid cell for a species with respect to soil moisture, and is determined by integrating information to what extent species j requires a certain degree of soil moisture and the availability of this level of soil moisture in the grid cell 8 l (cf. Johst et al. submitted for details). For some bird species, the suitability of an area and their reproductive success depend on the existence of certain spatial structural elements. In the modeling procedure we consider water, forest and settlement. E lj describes the suitability of a grid cell l with respect to the availability of these spatial structural elements in one of its neighboring grid cells with respect to the requirements of a specific species j. For birds, Q lj,0 is therefore calculated by Qlj,0 3 Pjl Fjl E lj (2) Butterflies reproduce largely unaffected by predation pressure and the presence of certain spatial structural elements. They need both appropriate soil moisture Fjl and a certain grassland type for high reproduction. For example, butterfly larvae may forage on specific host plants only growing in particular grassland types. The quantity Glj,m (tm ) describes this requirement by assigning Glj,m (tm ) 1 to grassland measures generating the corresponding grassland type and Glj,m (tm ) 0 to measures that do not. Thus, for butterflies Q lj,0 additionally depends on the measures m and their timings t m resulting in: Qlj,0 Fjl G lj,m (tm ) (3) The second component in eq. 1 describes the impact of the timing t m of the land use measure m on the habitat suitability of each grid cell in relation to the egg deposition time. Eggs are deposited in certain quarter months w with certain species specific probabilities p wj . The index w indicates that the well-being of a cohort depends on which quarter month it is generated. Egg deposition starts in quarter month b and ends in quarter month f. Some butterfly and bird species produce a second generation within a year. We refer to Johst et al. (submitted) for an explanation of how the ecological model takes into account a second generation. 9 The well-being of each cohort depends on S mj,w (tm ) and Qlj,m,w (tm ) . S mj,w (tm ) 𝑆𝑗𝑤 𝑄𝑗𝑤 𝑆𝑗𝑤 describes the direct mortality of a cohort through a land use measure m. This may happen, for example, by the destruction of bird nests through trampling of livestock or mowing machines, or the destruction of a plant required for butterfly larvae through mowing or grazing. In order to determine S mj,w (tm ) Sjw we divide each species’ total reproduction period (which is the period during which the offspring are unable to leave the grassland) into a critical reproduction period during which the offspring are immobile and cannot leave the nest/plant and a mobile period during which they are able to leave the nest/plant and flee with some probability. If mowing takes place during the critical reproduction period, survival of the offspring is unlikely and we set S mj, w (tm ) 0 , if it takes place during the mobile period it is likely that some of the young may be able to flee and we set S mj,w (tm ) 0.5 , and if mowing takes place outside the reproduction period we assume no negative impact and set S mj,w (tm ) 1. As empirical studies show that mowing strips have a somewhat positive impact on the survival of offspring (Broyer 2003) we set for mowing regimes with mowing strips S mj, w (tm ) 0.25 if mowing takes place during the critical reproduction period, and S mj, w (tm ) 0.75 if mowing takes place during the mobile phase. The value of S mj,w (tm ) for grazing is also between 0 and 1 and depends on livestock type and density (cf. Johst et al. submitted for details). Qlj,m,w (tm ) Qw j describes the impact of grass height on the habitat suitability for a cohort of young generated in quarter month w. For example, breeding birds benefit from high grass as it hides their nests, and some butterfly species require a certain blooming plant for egg deposition which only exists on meadows with a certain grass height. The grass height at a certain point in time in each grid cell is determined by the beginning of the growing season (which depends on altitude), soil productivity (which determines the growth rate) and possible impacts of land use measures, e.g. through mowing (cf. Johst et al. submitted for details). The formula in eq. (1) is general enough to also assess the impact of land use measures on grassland types. For this, however, the term in brackets is not required as it refers to the generation and survival of offspring cohorts which is of no relevance to the generation of grassland types. Eq. (1) therefore simplifies to 10 q lj,m (tm ) Qlj,0 Fjl G lj,m (tm ) ql,m = Q0j ∙ Gjm j (4) Q lj,0 here only encompasses soil moisture Fjl as predation and the existence of spatial structural elements are not relevant for the development of grassland types. For grassland types, Glj,m (tm ) expresses whether a land use measure m at timing t m generates a certain grassland type or not (see above). As described, the local habitat quality q lj, m (t m ) assesses the impact of a land use measure m at timing t m on a certain species or grassland type j for each grid cell l in the landscape with the temporal dimension of the land use measure being a key component in this assessment. Nevertheless, aspects of the spatial dimension of land use (i.e. where a measure is applied) are already included partly as the quantities Q lj,0 and Qlj,m,w (tm ) depend on the local spatial conditions in grid cell l. For evaluating the regional ecological effect of a spatiotemporal pattern of different grassland measures in a given landscape, another spatial dimension has to be considered: the connectivity of a grid cell in the landscape with grid cells actually occupied by the species. This is because a high quality grid cell within the landscape is only beneficial when a species can actually reach it. Each grid cell therefore contains information about whether it is occupied by the species of conservation interest (cf. Table 1), and for each species information is included about its maximum dispersal distance r j . The overall ecological benefit of land use measure m for species j is assessed by calculating the effective habitat area Aeff which is the sum of all grid cells of size, Al in the landscape j (Saxony) multiplied with their local habitat quality q lj, m (t m ) : A eff j A l q lj,m (t m ) (5) l ( r j ; q lj, m ( t m ) q min j ) 11 The local habitat quality q lj, m (t m ) calculated by eq. 1 reduces the area of each grid cell to an ‘effective habitat area’ Al q lj,m (t m ) . The connectivity of a grid cell in the landscape with areas occupied by the species is taken into account in eq. 4 by summing up only grid cells l that contain cells presently occupied by the species within a certain radius r j around them. A further restriction in eq. 4 is that only grid cells for which the local habitat quality exceeds a certain threshold, i.e. for which q lj,m (t m ) q min are summed up. The reason for this is that a j very low local habitat quality q lj, m (t m ) ql,m cannot be compensated anymore by a larger area j and is thus generally not suitable for a species. We set the minimum habitat quality for butterflies to q min 0.1 and for birds to q min 0.3 . j j 𝑒𝑓𝑓 In the ecological-economic modeling procedure the effective habitat area Aeff 𝐴𝑗 j is used to estimate the impact of a land use measure m or a land use pattern consisting of different measures m on a species j on the regional scale. 5 Agri-economic cost assessment The purpose of the agri-economic cost assessment is to estimate the opportunity costs of farmers if they take part in an AES. Here, we only summarize how the cost assessment works and refer to Mewes et al. (2013) for a detailed description. Although we speak in the following of farmers, due to restrictions on data access the ecological-economic modeling procedure considers only whole grid cells and not individual farmers, i.e. in the modeling procedure each grid cell is cultivated by one ‘virtual farmer’. We assume that farmers maximize their profit and that a farmer on grid cell l is willing to take part in a scheme which supports measure m if the payment 𝑝𝑚 at least covers his costs of participating in the scheme 𝑙 𝑝𝑚 ≥ 𝑐𝑚 (𝑡) + 𝑡𝑐. (6) 𝑙 Here 𝑐𝑚 (𝑡) represents the opportunity costs of the farmer for not being able to carry out one of the profit-maximizing forms of grassland use (these are the prevalent grassland uses as descripted in chapter 2, henceforth referred to as reference scenarios) which depend on the 12 timing t of the land use measure m, and tc represents the transaction costs of the farmer which arise from taking part in the scheme. Transaction costs occur in particular due to administrative work like filling out forms and communication with the responsible authorities, for example, in the case of monitoring and enforcement activities. Following Mettepennigen et al. (2009) who empirically estimated transaction costs of farmers arising from participation in AES we assume that t is € 40 per ha per year. 𝑙 The calculation of 𝑐𝑚 (𝑡) is done in line with EU requirements (cf. Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005), and follows, in principle, the way payments are calculated by the Saxon authorities. The calculations are done for each grid cell l and measure m and contain three elements: First, changes in the quantity and quality of the yield (fresh grass, silage, hay) generated with land use measure m, second changes in labor input from the farmer if measure m is implemented, and third changes in other inputs required for grassland production. All three changes are calculated relative to the profit-maximizing reference scenarios. The calculation of the costs resulting from a change in yield is not trivial. One reason is that not only the quantity but also the quality of silage and hay (in the case of mowing) and grass (in the case of grazing) differ depending on the timing t of mowing or grazing (see Mewes et al. 2013 for details). Furthermore, grass, silage, and hay are typically used as input by the farmer himself for his livestock production. This implies that market prices for silage and hay of different qualities do not exist, which makes it difficult to directly calculate the costs resulting from changes in yield. In line with common practice of how payments are calculated in Saxony, we therefore assume that farmers buy concentrated feed to compensate the loss in the quality and quantity of yield due to applying land use measure m. In order to quantify the loss we use as a proxy the changes in net energy content in the yield (measured in mega joule net energy content for lactation) resulting from applying land use measure m. To calculate this indicator, the net 𝑙 energy content of the yield of land use measure m, 𝑦𝑚 (𝑡), is estimated and subtracted from the estimated net energy content of the yield from the profit-maximising reference scenario 𝑙 𝑦𝑟𝑒𝑓 . We assume that the farmer has to be compensated for the price of concentrated feed that contains the net energy content which he has lost due to participation in land use measure m. A detailed description of the calculations of the net energy content of the yield in the reference scenario and for the various land use measures can be found in Mewes et al. (2013). 13 The agri-economic cost assessment includes as input goods for grassland production seeds, pest management products, fertilizer, hail insurance, use of machines, hired labor, machine 𝑙 rental, ensilage and other inputs. In line with the approach in Saxony, the labor input 𝑙𝑎𝑚 from the farmer is considered separately. To calculate changes in the different inputs the 𝑙,𝑖 modeling procedure estimates the input quantity 𝑣𝑚 for each input good i (excluding use of 𝑙 machinery) and the labor input 𝑙𝑎𝑚 from the farmer of grid cell l for land use measure m and 𝑙,𝑖 subtracts it from the input quantity 𝑣𝑟𝑒𝑓 for each input i (excluding use of machinery) and the 𝑙 labor input 𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓 from the farmer for the profit-maximizing reference scenario for each grid cell l multiplied with the respective prices. Costs for changes in the use of machines (uref-um) are calculated differently by considering each machine type used taking into account its service time, fuel price and maintenance costs and the corresponding changes if the land use measure m is applied. Overall, the opportunity costs of the farmer for not being able to carry out the profit-maximizing form of grassland use are calculated as 𝑙,𝑖 𝑙,𝑖 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑐𝑚 = (𝑦𝑟𝑒𝑓 − 𝑦𝑚 )𝑝𝑓 − (𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓 − 𝑙𝑎𝑚 )𝑝𝑙 − ∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑣𝑟𝑒𝑓 − 𝑣𝑚 ) 𝑝𝑣𝑖 − (𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑓 − 𝑢𝑚 ) (7) with 𝑝𝑣𝑖 representing the market price of input 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑝𝑙 the farmer’s wage rate, and 𝑝𝑓 the market price of concentrated feed per mega joule net energy content for lactation. 6. Simulation of AES The ecological-economic modeling procedure is able to simulate the effects of existing and planned AES on one, several or all species and grassland types that are considered in the modeling procedure. In the context of the modeling procedure a specific AES is determined by one or several land use measure(s) m, a payment 𝑝𝑚 for each measure, and a maximum area 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑥 for each 𝑚 measure on which it can be applied. Selecting a maximum area 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑥 allows to simulate 𝑚 existing schemes for which the size of the area on which a particular measure is applied is known. Furthermore, setting a maximum area may be necessary to avoid that the modeling procedure allocates all grid cells to the same measure if taking part in this measure is most profitable for farmers (see below how the modeling procedure allocates grid cells to measures 14 and Ohl (2008) in general for potential problems if farmers have to select between different payment schemes). For the simulation of an AES the modeling procedure now adopts the following process. For each measure m all grid cells are identified on which the payment exceeds participation costs 𝑙 of farmers 𝑝𝑚 ≥ 𝑐𝑚 + 𝑡𝑐 and on which for at least one species the minimum habitat quality (cf. description of ecological model) is exceeded. The procedure generates for each measure a list which includes all identified grid cells. The grid cells on these lists are ranked according to the positive differences between payments and participation costs with the grid cell with the largest difference ranked first. The modeling procedure now considers the first grid cell of each list and attaches the measure 𝑙 to the grid cell for which the difference between payment and participation cost 𝑝𝑚 − (𝑐𝑚 + 𝑡𝑐) is highest. The assumption behind this selection criterion is that in reality it is likely that those farmers with the highest difference between payment and participation costs undertake the most efforts to participate in a specific measure. The grid cell with the attached measure is then taken from the list with the former second grid cell now becoming the first grid cell on this list. This process continues until either a measure is attached to each grid cell on all lists or the maximum area for each measure 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑥 is reached. Thus, the simulation of an AES 𝑚 results in a certain land use pattern. The ecological effect of this land use pattern is determined by calculating the effective habitat 𝑒𝑓𝑓 area 𝐴𝑗 for each species and grassland type as described in the chapter on the ecological 𝑒𝑓𝑓 model 𝐴𝑗 . The budget required for the AES which generates this land use pattern is calculated by multiplying the payments for each measure with the number of grid cells on which this measure is applied. 𝐵 = ∑𝑚 𝑝𝑚 𝑙𝑚 (8) 7. Optimization of AES The ecological-economic modeling procedure can also design cost-effective AES with two different optimization alternatives being available. The first alternative is to maximize the ecological benefits of an AES for selected species and grassland types for a given Budget 𝐵0 15 𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝐴 = ∑𝑗 𝑤𝑗 𝐴𝑗 → 𝑚𝑎𝑥 subject to 𝐵 ≤ 𝐵0 (9) with 𝑤𝑗 representing weights to express the relative importance of each species to the regulator. As we have no information about these weights we assume for the cost-effective assessment of the Saxon AES that the regulator has equal preferences for all species and grassland types. For this alternative, the modeling procedure determines the cost-effective measure or set of measures and the corresponding payment(s) as well as the maximizing sum of effective habitat areas A. The second alternative is to minimize the budget for an AES under the condition that for each 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 species and/or habitat of interest an effective habitat area of a certain minimum size 𝐴𝑗 is reached 𝑒𝑓𝑓 W𝐵 → 𝑚𝑖𝑛 subject to 𝐴𝑗 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 ≥ 𝐴𝑗 for all j (10) For the second option, preferences for the conservation of different species and grassland 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 types are included through the selection of the minimum size 𝐴𝑗 for each species. We use simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick et al. 1983), a heuristic numerical optimization method, for identifying the cost-effective alternatives. Simulated annealing quasi-randomly explores the decision space. To start the process, an initial solution is compared with a randomly created neighboring solution and the cost-effective alternative is selected. If in the beginning of the process the neighboring solution is worse than the previous solution it can be still selected with some probability. This is to prevent the algorithm to get stuck in some local optimum. The selected solution is in a next step then compared with a new randomly created neighboring solution. This is repeated many times where towards the end of the process only better solutions are accepted. As a result, simulated annealing determines a near-optimal solution to the optimization problem. 16 8 Estimating the ecological effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Saxon AES We applied the ecological-economic modeling procedure to estimate the ecological effectiveness (through simulation) and the cost-effectiveness (through optimization) of the Saxon AES ‘Extensive Grünlandwirtschaft, Naturschutzgerechte Grünlandbewirtschaftung und Pflege’ (LfULG 2012a) targeted at biodiversity conservation in grasslands. Simulation of the Saxon AES For the simulation of the Saxon grassland AES, the ecological effects of the different land use measures contained in this AES on species and grassland types are calculated. The calculation considers for each individual measure the sub-budgets allocated to this measure and the payment (cf. Table 2). The effects on all species and grassland types included in Table 1 are 𝑒𝑓𝑓 estimated. The calculated effective habitat areas 𝐴𝑗 for each species and grassland type are shown in Table 4. --- Table 4 somewhere here The simulation indicates that the Saxon AES is able to conserve endangered grassland birds (all birds with the exception of the crested lark are to some extent protected as their effective areas are larger than zero), but is much less successful at the protection of grassland types and butterflies. Only four of seven grassland types and four of 14 butterflies are conserved – with only very minor protection for the marsh fritillary. Optimization of the Saxon AES In order to analyze the cost-effectiveness of the Saxon AES the optimization is carried out in the two alternative ways introduced above. Alternative (I): 17 We take the overall budget of 11,127,357 € spent for the existing Saxon AES (Table 2) as given and maximize the conservation of species and grassland types under consideration (each of which is given equal weight 𝑤𝑗 , cf. eq. 8), and Alternative (II): We take the results from simulating the impact of the existing AES on species and grassland types (Table 4) as the conservation aims and minimize the budget (cf. eq. 9). As the optimization with all 475 land use measures would require too much computation time we carry it out for both alternatives in two steps. In a first step we identify land use measures that are strong candidates to be included in the cost-effective AES. We do this by dividing for each species and grassland type the ecological benefits of each measure by its cost and then select for each species the two measures with the highest benefit/cost ratio as candidates to be included in the optimization. In a second step, we carry out the optimization with the candidate measures plus the land use measures from the existing Saxon AES, resulting altogether in 68 measures. For both alternatives the results of the optimization analysis comprise a proposed list of landuse measures m (with mowing respectively grazing dates t m ) to be included in the costeffective AES, the compensation payment for each measure, the estimated area to be covered with each land use measure, the budgets for the individual measures, and the overall budget for AES as well as the total area covered with measures from the proposed cost-effective scheme (Tables 5a and 5b). The results also contain the impacts of the proposed cost-effective AES on birds, butterflies, and grassland types for the alternatives I (Figures 2a-c) and II (Figures 3a-c). --- Tables 5a and 5b and Figures. 2a-c and 3a-c somewhere here We find that for a budget of approximately the same size as the budget for the existing AES, substantial improvements can be made in terms of conservation (alternative I). As estimated above the current AES conserves only 4 butterfly species, 12 bird species, and 4 grassland types whereas the proposed cost-effective scheme covers 7 butterfly species, 13 bird species, and 6 grassland types. Moreover, for all species and grassland types (with the exception of 18 lowland hay meadows and alluvial meadows) the proposed scheme reaches a higher level of conservation. The increases in effective habitat area range from 40.6% for the meadow pipit up to a factor of 9.1 for the garganey and more than 62 for the marsh fritillary. However, many more different individual measures are required for these improvements. The existing Saxon AES contains only 8 different land use measures (cf. Table 2) whereas the proposed cost-effective AES includes 35 measures (cf. Table 5a), 4 of which, however, are also included in the existing Saxon AES. We also find that all species and grassland types that are conserved with the existing AES and a budget of € 11,127,357 million can also be conserved with an alternative AES and a budget of € 7,973,502 million (alternative II). The proposed alternative cost-effective AES even leads to more conservation than the existing AES (Figs. 3a-c). Whereas most birds only perform moderately better under the proposed alternative, some grassland types, and in particular butterflies, perform substantially better. The proposed alternative AES contains 16 different land use measures which are 8 more measures than the current AES. Two of the 16 measures are also included in the existing Saxon AES (cf. Table 5b). 9. Discussion of results Our results indicate that the Saxon grassland AES to conserve endangered grassland biodiversity can be substantially improved in terms of cost-effectiveness. One key reason for the lack of cost-effectiveness is that the Saxon scheme contains only relatively few land use measures (eight measures) which are unable to provide the variety of grazing and mowing regimes necessary to conserve many different endangered species and grassland types. Therefore, not surprisingly, especially the cost-effective alternative I, which aims to conserve a wide spectrum of species and grassland types, encompasses many more land use measures. Many different land use measures are needed because in particular individual butterfly species and grassland types require specific land use regimes for their conservation. This is reflected in the ecological model by Glj,m (tm ) which is either one or zero and thus has a strong impact on the resulting habitat quality (eqs. (2) and (3)). In contrast, bird species do not depend on Glj,m (tm ) (eq. 2). For them it is important that they are not disturbed by grazing or mowing during their reproduction in the grassland (depending on the bird species roughly until early 19 June/July). Some of the measures in the existing Saxon AES fulfill this condition (e.g. measures G3a and 3b, cf. Table 2) which is the reason why this AES nearly protects all bird species. However, our analysis also indicates that improvements in terms of how well they are conserved can be made: the effective habitat area is considerably increased in the costeffective AES. Another important reason for the lack of cost-effectiveness of the existing Saxon AES is that the ecological-economic modelling procedure proposes lower compensation payments for the same measures than the payments in the existing Saxon AES (compare Table 2 with Tables 5a and 5b respectively). Then, obviously, it is less expensive to cover a given area with the same measure (eq. 7) which increases the cost-effectiveness of the proposed two alternative AES. The reason why the existing Saxon AES has higher payments than our proposed cost-effective alternatives is as follows. The calculations for the existing payment scheme are done on average values for opportunity costs of grassland regimes for the whole of Saxony. This implies that also areas with high opportunity costs are taken into account in the calculations. This is different in the ecological-economic modelling procedure. The payment here is selected in a way that it just covers the opportunity cost of the grassland scheme for the farmer with the highest opportunity cost among all the farmers who participate in the scheme. The opportunity costs of the farmers with high opportunity costs have no influence on the payment. One possible reason for the comparatively low level of cost-effectiveness of the existing Saxon AES could also be that one of the individual measures has little conservation impact. In order to find out whether this reason played a role we individually simulated all eight existing measures. However, all measures performed reasonably well. Interestingly, when comparing the simulated conservation effects of the individual measures with the simulated effects of the whole Saxon AES we found that the effects of the measure G2 (cf. Table 2) on the woodland ringlet, five-spot burnet and alluvial meadows when simulated individually was higher than the effects of the whole Saxon AES (all eight measures including G2). The reason for this somewhat surprising result is that in the individual simulation grid cells for the measure G2 can be selected from the whole landscape, i.e. the whole of Saxony. This is different when all measures are simulated together. Then – depending on the profits of farmers from the different measures (cf. Section 6) – grid cells are also allocated to other 20 measures. This leads to a different location of grid cells allocated to the measure G2 resulting in a different impact on the two butterfly species and the alluvial meadows. On a general level, this finding draws attention to the fact that if in the context of AES farmers are presented with a choice between different land use measures (as with the Saxon AES, see Table 2) this choice may have important repercussions of the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of AES. This aspect has not been given much attention yet in the literature (see Ohl (2008) for an exemption). Note that the two proposed cost-effective alternative AES do not include all species and grassland types included in the ecological-economic modelling procedure; not even alternative 1 where we give equal weight to the conservation of all species and grassland types (eq. 8). The reason for this result is that the protection of these species and grassland types requires either very specific measures or they exist currently in Saxony only on very few small areas. This implies that if they shall be protected with an AES for which farmers from the whole of Saxony can apply and no spatial discrimination is possible conservation becomes so costly that – given equal weight for the protection of all species and grassland types – the modelling procedure ignores measures to protect these species and grassland types. 10 Summary and conclusions We developed an ecological-economic modeling procedure which is able to estimate the effects of AES in grasslands on endangered species and grassland types and to assess the costeffectiveness of existing schemes and identify more cost-effective alternatives. The novelty of our modeling procedure is that it considers a wide range of species (birds and butterflies) and grassland types as well as alternative land use measures, i.e. mowing and grazing regimes and combinations of mowing and grazing. It also takes into account the spatial variation of the costs of these different land use measures and also the spatial variation of the effects of the measures on species and grassland types, and can be applied to a large area like a German federal state. Moreover, we explicitly consider the timing of the land use measures as the modeling procedure is able to estimate the opportunity costs of the varying timings of measures as well as the impact of the timing on the different birds, butterflies and grassland types. 21 In terms of policy relevance, the modeling procedure is also novel as it is suitable for improving existing AES on large spatial scales. We demonstrate this power by assessing the conservation impact of existing grassland schemes in the German federal state of Saxony and by designing cost-effective alternatives. Our results indicate that substantial improvements can be made in terms of cost-effectiveness. In order to enable the use of the modeling procedure for policy design we used it as a basis for developing the decision support software DSS-Ecopay. DSS-Ecopay has been developed in cooperation with potential users from the Saxon authorities responsible for the design of AES (Sächsisches Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Geologie). Like the modeling procedure the software can be used to improve AES in terms of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. It is also flexible in a way that a user is able to adapt it to changing ecological and economic data and information (Mewes et al. 2012). It has been criticized that there is an insufficient availability of suitable methodology to evaluate the success of AES (Höjgård and Rabinowicz (in press)). In our opinion, ecologicaleconomic modeling procedures as the one presented in this paper, and, based on them, decision support software are suitable approaches for a better design of real-world AES. In order to hold the decline in farmland biodiversity, and to ensure that society’s scarce resources devoted to AES are spend cost-effectively it is highly important to further develop such approaches. Our results indicate that cost-effective grassland schemes which comprehensively conserve species and grassland types include many different land use measures. The ecological reason for this result is that different grassland species and grassland types require for their conservation also different mowing and grazing regimes (Johst et al. submitted). This finding is in line with the call from ecologists for generating habitat heterogeneity in agricultural landscapes to conserve farmland biodiversity (Benton et al. 2003) and supports the demand from conservation practitioners in many European countries to have more diverse agrienvironment schemes (Wätzold et al. 2010). 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Latin name Red List Saxony1 English name Butterflies Coenonympha glycerion Cupido minimus Erebia medusa Erynnis tages Euphydryas aurinia Hesperia comma Lasiommata maera Lycaena hippothoe Maculinea nausithous Maculinea teleius Melitaea cinxia Polyommatus amandus Polyommatus semiargus Zygaena trifolii 3 G 2 V 1 2 3 2 * 1 2 * 2 - Chestnut Heath Small Blue Woodland Ringlet Dingy Skipper Marsh Fritillary Silver-spotted Skipper Large Wall Brown Purple-edged Copper Dusky Large Blue Scarce Large Blue Glanville Fritillary Amanda´s Blue Mazarine Blue Five-spot Burnet Grassland types Festuco-Brometalia with Bromion erecti Nardetalia Molinion caeruleae Cnidion dubii Arrhenatheretalia, Arrhenatherion elatioris Polygono-Trisetum Calthion BNat SchG4 § § Annex II § Annex II, IV Annex II, IV § §§ §§ § § § Birds Directive3 Birds Alauda arvensis Anas querquedula Anthus pratensis Crex crex Galerida cristata Gallinago gallinago Numenius arquata Perdix perdix Saxicola rubetra Tetrao tetrix Tringa totanus Upupa epops Vanellus vanellus Legal Protection Grassland types Directive2 (V) 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 Skylark Garganey Meadow Pipit Corncrake Crested Lark Snipe Curlew Partridge Whinchat Black Grouse Redshank Hoopoe Lapwing Annex I Annex I § §§ § §§ §§ §§ §§ § § §§ §§ §§ §§ Grassland types Directive2-Code Semi-natural dry grasslands + scrubland facies on calcareous substrates Species-rich Nardus grasslands on siliceous substrates Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii Lowland hay meadows Mountain hay meadows Wet meadows 1 6210 6230 6410 6440 6510 6520 - Red list of threatened species: 1: critically endangered - extremely high risk of extinction; 2: endangered - high risk of extinction; 3: vulnerable - high risk of endangerment, V: near 26 threatened - likely to become endangered in the near future; G: endangerment is assumed, *: least concern 2 Grassland types Directive: Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural grassland types and of wild fauna and flora adopted in 1992; it aims to protect some 220 grassland types and approximately 1,000 species listed in the directive's Annexes. Annex II species require designation of Special Areas of Conservation, Annex IV species are in need of strict protection. 3 Birds Directive: Council Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds adopted in 2009 in replacement of Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979. It aims to protect all European wild birds and the grassland types of listed species. 4 BNatSchG= Federal Nature Conservation Act: §= specially protected, §§= strictly protected. 27 Table 2: Measures according to Richtlinie (Directive) AuW/2007, part A, section G ‚Extensive Grünlandwirtschaft, Naturschutzgerechte Grünlandbewirtschaftung und Pflege‘ Name of measure and main requirements 1 G1a (extensive grassland management pasture) Paym ent per ha in €1 Size of area for this measure in 2011 in ha2 Overall expenses for this measure 2011 in €2 108 24,425 2,637,900 108 6,379 688,932 312 2,998 935,376 373 11,275 4,205,575 394 3,200 1,260,800 392 782 306,544 190 4,733 899,270 536 360 192,960 use of pasture or of pasture with early mowing, minimum (maximum) stocking rate of 0.3 (1.4) grazing livestock unit per ha (GLU)/ha), maximum input of liquid manure not to exceed 1.4 LU/ha per annum, N fertilizer restriction according to EC 834/2007 G1b (extensive grassland management meadow) extensive meadow, use of pasture allowed after 15 August (maximum stocking rate 1.4 GLU/ha), maximum input of liquid manure not to exceed 1.4 LU/ha per annum, N fertilizer restriction according to EC 834/2007 G2 (conservation-enhancing meadow use; no fertiliser before mowing, 15 June) first mowing not allowed before 15 June (grazing only allowed after 1 August), no application of N fertilizer before first mowing G 3a (conservation-enhancing meadow use; general ban on fertiliser, 15 June) first mowing not allowed before 15 June (grazing only allowed after 1 August), complete ban on application of N fertilizer G 3b (conservation-enhancing meadow use; general ban on fertiliser, 15 July) first mowing not allowed before 15 July (grazing only allowed after 1 September), complete ban on application of N fertilizer G 5 (conservation-enhancing meadow use; ban on fertilizer, temporary halt of utilisation) minimum two mowings per year, completion of first mowing not after 10 June, second mowing not before 15 September, complete ban on application of N fertilizer G 6 (conservation-enhancing grazing, late beginning) minimum period of grazing each year with minimum stocking rate 0.3 GLU/ha, beginning of grazing not before 1 June, complete ban on application of N fertilizer G 9 (establishment of fallow land/strips on grassland) mowing and clearing of cut grass between 15 August and 15 November at least every two years, measure is only supported if (agriculturally used) grassland is adjacent, minimum size of 0.1 ha, maximum size of 2 ha, complete ban on application of N fertilizer Overall amount of money available for measures in Table 2: 11,127,357 € 1 Information and data from LfULG (2012a) 2 Data from Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft (2011) 28 Table 3: Overview of the 475 measures differentiated according to land use regimes and parameters (QM=quarter month, year divided in 48 consecutively numbered QM, e.g. QM 19 = 15th to 22th of May) Land use regime Characteristics Number of measures Mowing Time of first cut (QM 19-30): 12 Interval from first to second cut (0,4,6,8,10 QM): 5 N-Fertilizer (reduced/no): 2 Only one cut after QM 30, time (QM 31-40): 10 N-Fertilizer (reduced/no): 2 Time of first cut (QM 19/20): 2 Interval from first to second cut (0,4,6,8,10 QM): 5 N-Fertilizer (reduced/no): 2 Stocking rate (Ø 0.5 GV/ha): 1 Mix of livestock type: 1 N-Fertilizer (no): 1 Start of grazing period (QM 13,15,17,…,29): 9 stocking rate (1.5, 3, 4 GV/ha): 3 type of livestock (lively/quiet): 2 N-Fertilizer (no): 1 First time of grazing (QM 19-30): 12 Interval from first to second grazing (0,4,6,8,10 QM): 5 N-Fertilizer (reduced/no): 2 Only one grazing time after QM 30, time (QM 31-40): 10 N-Fertilizer (reduced/no): 2 Time of first cut (QM 19-28): 10 Interval from first cut to grazing (6 QM): 1 N-Fertilizer (reduced/no): 2 Type of livestock (lively/quiet): 2 Stocking rate (1.5, 3, 4 GV/ha): 3 12*5*2=120 Mowing strips All-year grazing Seasonal grazing Rotational grazing Combination of mowing and pasture 29 2*10=20 2*5*2=20 1 9*3*2*1=54 12*5*2=120 2*10=20 10*1*2*2*3=120 Table 4: Results from simulating the ecological effectiveness of the Saxon AES from Table 2 Species and grassland type Effective habitat area 𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝐴𝑗 in ha Butterflies Chestnut Heath Small Blue Woodland Ringlet Dingy Skipper Marsh Fritillary Silver-spotted Skipper Large Wall Brown Purple-edged Copper Dusky Large Blue Scarce Large Blue Glanville Fritillary Amanda’s Blue Mazarine Blue Five-spot Burnet 15.27 0.00 17.60 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.51 Birds Skylark Garganey Meadow Pipit Corncrake Crested Lark Snipe Curlew Partridge Whinchat Black Grouse Redshank Hoopoe Lapwing 8704.89 468.94 47638.05 4712.25 0.00 3044.25 7077.94 16924.50 31981.10 12170.10 11371.37 791.33 11720.38 Grassland types Semi-natural dry grassland + scrubland facies on calcareous substrates Species-rich Nardus grasslands on siliceous substrates Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii Lowland hay meadows Mountain hay meadows Wet meadows 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 607.38 1656.57 945.05 584.38 Table 5a: Results from optimizing the Saxon AES (alternative I; maximizing conservation aims for a given budget) Land use measure Code1 Payment per ha in € Participating area in ha Overall cost of measure in € Mowing (1)* 19/6/6.0 D 58.39 1,518.75 88,679.81 Mowing 19/10/6.0 D 107.43 1,850.00 198,745.50 Mowing 20/6/0.0 D 277.08 18.75 5,195.25 Mowing 21/10/0.0 D 201.96 312.50 63,112.50 Mowing 21/6/6.0 D 101.12 2,606.25 263,544.00 Mowing 22/6/6.0 D 72.93 1,343.75 97,999.68 Mowing (2)* 23/6/6.0 D 90.27 2,331.25 210,441.93 Mowing 24/6/0.0 D 219.12 4,018.75 880,588.50 Mowing 26/4/0.0 D 407.74 356.25 145,257.37 Mowing 26/8/0.0 D 213.10 493.75 105,218.12 Mowing 26/6/6.0 D 123.38 8,981.25 1,108,106.62 Mowing (3)* 27/6/6.0 D 142.52 3,681.25 524,651.75 Mowing strips 19/8/0.0 D 426.61 12.50 5,332.62 Mowing strips (4)* 19/6/6.1 D 53.66 10,018.75 537,606.12 Mowing strips 20/6/6.0 D 109.14 4,512.50 492,494.25 Mowing strips 20/10/0.0 D 263.72 606.25 159,880.25 Seasonal grazing 15/0/0.1.5 GLU 401.96 31.25 12,561.25 Seasonal grazing 21/0/0.1.5 GLU 283.42 25.00 7,085.50 Seasonal grazing 23/0/0.3 GLU 505.54 25.00 12,638.50 Seasonal grazing 25/0/0.3 GLU 305.93 6.25 1,912.06 Seasonal grazing 29/0/0.3 GLU 576.81 106.25 61,286.06 Rotational grazing 25/6/6.0 D 98.09 5,281.25 518,037.81 Rotational grazing 26/4/4.0 D 109.80 6,562.50 720,562.50 Rotational grazing 26/6/6.0 D 111.14 2,993.75 332,725.37 Rotational grazing 30/6/4.0 D 127.65 4,518.75 576,818.43 Rotational grazing 30/4/6.0 D 133.41 268.75 35,853.93 Mowing & pasture comb. 19/6/0.1.5 GLU 330.45 218.75 72,285.93 Mowing & pasture comb. 22/6/0.2 GLU 303.12 3,543.75 1,074,181.50 Mowing & pasture comb. 25/6/0.3 GLU 400.97 2,562.50 1,027,485.62 Mowing & pasture comb. 26/6/0.3 GLU 298.63 3,906.25 1,166,523.43 Mowing & pasture comb. 19/4/6.0 D 124.42 6.25 777.62 Mowing & pasture comb. 19/10/6.0 D 143.33 1,075.00 154,079.75 Mowing & pasture comb. 21/6/6.0 D 135.66 350.00 47,481.00 Mowing & pasture comb. 22/6/6.0 D 122.13 268.75 32,822.43 Mowing & pasture comb. 27/6/6.0 D 158.95 2,406.25 382,473.43 Overall cost 11,124,493,58 *(1) corresponds to measure G 1b in Table 2, (2) to G 3a, (3) to G3b, and (4) to G 9. 1 the first number in the code is the QM of the first cut/beginning of grazing, the second (third) number indicates the interval between the first (second) cut and second (third) cut in 31 QM. 0 D (1 D) indicates that N-fertilizer is not (only after the first cut) allowed. GLU indicates the maximum grazing livestock unit permitted. For example, ‘mowing 20/6/0.0 D’ means that the first cut is not allowed before the 20 QM, a second cut is allowed six weeks later and the 0 means there is no difference between the second and third cut, i.e. there is no third cut, and the use of N fertilizer is permitted after the 20 QM. Consider as another example ‘seasonal grazing 23/0/0.3 GLU’ which means grazing can start at 23 QM with no restriction afterwards except that the maximum grazing livestock units shall not exceed 3 GLU. 32 Table 5b: Results from optimizing the Saxon AES (alternative II; minimizing budget for given conservation aims) Land use measure Code1 Payment per ha in € Overall cost of measure in € Mowing (1)* 19/6/6.0 (D) 87.60 12,350.00 1,081,860.00 Mowing 19/10/6.0 (D) 113.03 2,025.00 228,885.75 Mowing 20/6/6.0 (D) 87.62 9.875.00 865,247.50 Mowing 21/6/6.0 (D) 96.10 1,362.50 130,936.25 Mowing 22/6/6.0 (D) 107.54 1,825.00 196,260.50 Mowing 23/6/0.1 (D) 124.21 14,231.25 1,767,663.56 Mowing 26/6/6.0 (D) 137.63 50.00 6,881,50 Mowing strips (2)* 19/6/6.1 (D) 72.32 10,968.75 793,260.00 Mowing strips 20/10/0.0 (D) 220.00 81.25 17,875.00 Seasonal grazing 25/0/0.3 (GV) 321.79 368.75 118,660.06 Seasonal grazing 29/0/0.3 (GV) 420.00 2,425.00 1,018,500.00 Rotational grazing 19/6/6.0 (D) 87.93 4,662.50 409,973.62 Rotational grazing 21/6/6.0 (D) 93.66 5,587.50 523,325.25 Rotational grazing 20/6/6.0 (D) 88.71 156.25 13,860.93 Rotational grazing 25/6/6.0 (D) 105.89 268.75 28,457.93 Rotational grazing 26/4/4.0 (D) 118.19 6,531.25 771,928,43 72,768.75 7,973,502.00 *(1) corresponds to measure G 1b in Table 2, and (2) to G 9. 1 Participating area in ha see explanations in Table 5a. 33 Figures Figure 1: Overview of the ecological-economic modeling procedure 1. Species and habitats of conservation interest 2. Species & habitats characteristics (information folder) 3. Biodiversity-enhancing land use measures 4. Landscape information 5. Ecological model 7. Simulation and optimization 8. Output: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness analysis 34 6. Agri-economic cost assessment Figures 2: Results of the cost-effective analysis for alternative I (maximisation of conservation for a given budget for birds (a), butterflies (b) and grassland types (c)). The yaxis shows the effective habitat area Aeff j (in ha) resulting from simulating the existing Saxon AES (AES Saxony, yellow) and for the cost-effective alternative (CE-AES_maxcons, blue) 2a: Birds 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 AES Saxony AES-CE_maxcons 30000 20000 10000 0 35 2b: Butterflies. 300 250 200 150 AES Saxony 100 AES-CE_maxcons 50 0 36 2c: Grassland types 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 AES Saxony 1000 500 AES-CE_maxcons 0 37 Figure 3a-c: Results of the cost-effective analysis for alternative II (minimization of budget for given conservation aims for birds (a), butterflies (b) and grassland types (c)). The y-axis shows the effective habitat area Aeff j (in ha) resulting from simulating the existing Saxon AES (AES Saxony, yellow) and for the cost-effective alternative (CE-AES_minbudget, blue). Figure 3a: Birds 70000 60000 50000 40000 AES Saxony 30000 CE-AES_minbudget 20000 10000 0 38 Figure 3b: Butterflies 200 180 160 140 120 100 AES Saxony CE-AES_minbudget 80 60 40 20 0 Chestnut Heath Woodland Ringlet Marsh Fritillary Five-spot Burnet 39 Figure 3c: Grassland types 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 AES Saxony 4000 CE-AES_minbudget 3000 2000 1000 0 alluvial meadows lowland hay mountain hay wet meadows meadows meadows 40