Higher Education Review (Embedded Colleges) Responsibilities checklist One copy of this checklist should be completed for each awarding body/organisation that the provider delivers awards on behalf of, and sent to QAA as part of the evidence base for the self-evaluation document. Provider: Awarding body/organisation: Embedded College(s): Programme(s): Please identify management responsibilities (or responsibilities for implementation within partnership agreements) using the checklist below. Where the provider is fully responsible (implementation is fully devolved) please mark the provider column; where the embedded college is fully responsible, mark the embedded college column; where the awarding body/organisation has full responsibility, mark the awarding body/organisation column. Please add an additional column for each awarding body/organisation; where responsibility is shared, mark the shared column. Where responsibility is devolved to the provider or shared please give details and documentary reference(s) that show how this is managed or implemented. Area 1 Programme development and approval 2 Modifications to programmes 3 Setting assessments 4 First marking of student work 5 Moderation or second marking of student work 6 Giving feedback to students on their work Student recruitment Student admissions Selection or approval of teaching staff Learning resources (including library resources) Provider Embedded Awarding college body/org Shared Details and documentary reference(s) Student engagement Responding to external examiner reports Annual monitoring Periodic review Student complaints Student appeals Production of definitive programme information (such as programme specifications) Enhancement © The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2015 Southgate House, Southgate Street, Gloucester GL1 1UB Registered charity numbers 1062746 and SC037786