Asbestos Work Permit It is prohibited to do any building or maintenance work in QUT building elements containing ACM or where it is presumed to be present, without formal written approval by Facilities Management. All contractors and University personnel must obtain this Asbestos Work Permit before commencing work from a FM Authorised Representative. Approval requires the following criteria to be met and information provided to QUT. Approval Date: 11 November 2010 Campus Project Title BEIMS # QUT Authorised Representative Location of work Building Room Details Expected job duration Description of work Criteria to meet - On the job – before work starts, during & after 1. FM Building Asbestos Register information has been provided and checked by Contractor and /or Project Coordinator and/or other FM Authorised Representative. 2. A technical scope of works has been prepared on behalf of FM by a Competent person ( Asbestos Consultant) 3. Are has been physically inspected and the job assessed by Contractor and/or Project Co-ordinator. 4. If there is ACMs known or presumed to be in the areawhat is the current risk factor rating of the AC material involved? 5. Is project or work likely to disturb or damage the asbestos materials in place e.g.: removal, cleaning? 6. Contractor or organisation is licensed and competent to remove asbestos and can show either : Class A licence ( for removal of any amount of friable asbestos material) Class B licence ( for removal of >10m2bonded asbestos material) Y/N N/A Comments / details Licence No. Removal of bonded asbestos <10m2 -does not require a licence but person must be competent and comply with” Asbestos Removal Code”. 7. A site-specific Asbestos Removal Control Plan is to be provided and reviewed by a FM Authorized Representative before starting work. 8. QUT AMMP requirements and procedures for removal / maintenance or minor work are understood by all persons doing the work. F805_007 Asbestos Work Permit Ver2_10 11/11/2010 1 of 2 Criteria to meet - On the job – before work starts, during & after 9. Y/N N/A Comments / details Are QUT employees, students or visitors at risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibres from this planned work? 10. Has the Campus Co-ordinator & Building occupants been notified / consulted about intended ACM work before work commences? 11. Barricading, sealing of work area will be / has been done prior work start. 12. Access to area will be strictly controlled during work to minimise number of persons at risk? 13. Arrangements have been made with FM for turning off air conditioning on / in affected areas if appropriate. 14. Appropriate PPE and clothing is to be worn by workers. 15. Safe work practices will be followed as per Asbestos Removal Code for : Drilling – low speed abrasive power or pneumatic tools only. Sealing / painting, coating or cleaning of ACM Inspection 16. Wet wiping or vacuuming of surfaces with HEPA rated vacuum equipment will be used to suppress / contain dust during work. 17. Personal decontamination facilities have been arranged for workers? 18. Equipment decontamination arrangements are in place for tools, respirators, other PPE, 19. Asbestos hygiene services are required for this project and have been arranged? Name hygiene services provider: Air monitoring is required during work period for the project? Air monitoring ( for clearance) is required upon completion of work - Mandatory for jobs >10 m2 Visual clearance inspection only required by Competent person at end of job. 20. Asbestos waste disposal arrangements including EPA approved transfer vehicle and asbestos waste transfer certification (copy to QUT) is in place. Disposal location: Other: All asbestos work is to be completed as per received Asbestos Removal Control Plan and in compliance with Qld WHS Regulations. If during the work, further unknown or suspected asbestos materials are encountered, work must cease immediately. Notify FM Authorised Representative. PC should note that independent hygiene audits may be initiated by QUT randomly. FM Authorised Representative Name: Sign Date : I understand the requirements as outlined in the QUT Asbestos Materials Management Plan and undertake to meet Queensland WHS Regulations for this asbestos work. Principal Contractor representative responsible for the asbestos work on site. Print Name: Sign Company Name: (Principal Contractor or Asbestos Removalist) : Date: Print Name: F805_007 Asbestos Work Permit Ver2_10 11/11/2010 2 of 2