Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors Meeting

Mare Island Technology Academy
Board of Directors Meeting
December 9, 2014
The meeting of the Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, December
9, 2014, and was called to order by Board President, Bonnie Katz, at 4:38p.m.
Members present: Jaime Guzman, Bonnie Katz, Debbie Lamb, Reniel del Rosario, James Shorter, Lynne
Vaughan, Gary Williams, Andrea Wynn-Walker
Members absent: Cheri Summers
Others present: Anne Clark, Alex Insaurralde, Matt Smith
The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors recessed to closed session at 4:39p.m.
RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – Announcements from Closed Session
The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors reconvened in Open Session at 5:36p.m. There
were no announcements from Closed Session:
Matt Smith led the Board of Directors in the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion of Gary Williams, seconded by Jaime Guzman, the Board of Directors approved the agenda (as
amended). The Board voted unanimously in favor.
Deletion of Items: 13a, 13b, and 13f
There were no corrections to the Special Board Meeting minutes dated November 18, 2014.
On motion of Debbie Lamb, seconded by Andrea Wynn-Walker, the Board of Directors approved the
Special Board Meeting minutes dated November 18, 2014. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
There were no public comments.
a) Approval of MPR floor bids – Vallejo Floor Company/Donaldson Flooring:
President Katz stated the Fiscal Committee met before the Board meeting and is recommending we accept
the Vallejo Floor Company bid.
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Gary Williams, the Board of Directors approved the action
item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
b) Approval of 2014-15 First Interim Report:
President Katz stated the Fiscal Committee recommends approval.
On motion of Gary Williams, seconded by Jaime Guzman, the Board of Directors approved the action
item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
c) Approval of 2013-14 Draft Audit:
The Board paid kudos to Anne Clark for MIT not having any audit findings.
On motion of Gary Williams, seconded by Debbie Lamb, the Board of Directors approved the action
item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
a) There were no discussion items.
a) October 2014 Check Register
b) October 2014 Checks over $5,000
c) Budget to Actuals October 2014
The Fiscal Committee met and recommended approval of Consent Items
a, b, and c.
On motion of Jaime Guzman, seconded by Gary Williams, the Board of Directors approved Consent
Items a, b, and c. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
a) Director – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith stated 61 out of 64 seniors summited college applications for four-year universities. That is a
95% submission rate for four-year colleges. Mr. Smith commended senior advisors Michael Wee, Olga
Gonzales, Harrison Paul, and Jeff Katz, who did a series of senior seminars and helped the students get
their applications together.
In Mr. Smith’s second report, he stated that the staff is actively engaged in planning for the opening of the
re-enrollment and new applications window which opens on Monday, January 5th. The deadlines we want
the public to be made aware of are: the re-enrollment deadline of February 27th, the new application
deadline of March 6th, and the lottery of Friday, March 13th.
In his third report, Mr. Smith spoke about the school wide classroom management plan for MIT from Dr.
Mackenzie. The plan is called Setting Limits and involves the relationship the teacher has with the students,
the structure the teacher has with the curriculum and how they run their class, the instructional practices the
teacher uses, and the discipline system the teacher uses for off-task or misbehaving students. This plan will
reduce the number of referrals and will increase the amount of instructional time for teachers. The
Administrative team and Deans will be implementing the Setting Limits plan and going over it again with
the staff during their meeting tomorrow.
b) Enrollment Attendance Report – Matt Smith
Matt Smith stated the attendance for November, the middle school was 98.2% and 97.9% in the high
school. The enrollment for MIT is 803.
c) Discipline Report – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith stated the high school discipline report had 1,293 total log entries at this time last year. This
year, there are 671 log entries. For the middle school there was a significant reduction as well, it went
down from 1,132 to 768 for the year. With regards to in-school suspensions and suspensions the high
school has dropped from 104 last year to 35 this year, and the middle school dropped from 109 last year to
56 this year.
d) Chief Academic Officer – Alex Insaurralde
Mr. Insaurralde distributed a 2010-13 Honor Roll Number’s document for progress reports 1 and 2. Mr.
Insaurralde referenced the percentages for the high school students that achieved Honor Roll. The
achievement levels increased from 38% in PR2 in 2013 to 46% in PR2 in 2014. For the middle school,
students that received a Griffin award (4.0 or better) went up from 29 students in PR2 in 2013 to 46 students
in PR2 in 2014.
e) Director of Operations – Anne Clark
No report.
f) PTN – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith stated that PTN currently has $3,900.00 in their account. At the last meeting, they spoke about
strategic planning that will be happening on January 24th.
g) MITATAE – Ryan Cole
No report.
h) Student Representative – Reniel del Rosario
Reniel del Rosario shared that they have $13,619.00 in the senior account. There are two upcoming events,
Bingo night on December 19th and Pasta Pomodoro on January 14th.
i) VCUSD Representative – Cheri Summers
No report
a) Curriculum – Matt Smith
No report
b) Executive – Lynne Vaughan
No report
c) Facilities – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith stated that he will share with the strategic planning group and parents that we are moving forward
with phase one of the Facilities plan. This includes the new MPR flooring, and the expansion of Everest,
which will include adding a science classroom and a regular classroom. Next year, we’ll look into seeing
what buildings need to be replaced as phase two.
d) Fiscal – Bonnie Katz
The Fiscal committee met before the board meeting and gave the recommendations.
e) Volunteer Oversight/Outreach/Recruitment/Public Relations (VOORP) Gary Williams
Mr. Williams stated that they met and discussed the results of the survey that had been recently done. The
results show that students were being written up for not having their IDs. Mrs. Lamb stated she took some
pictures and will create a PowerPoint presentation so Mr. Smith could show it to the staff and make them
aware of the skinny-pants violations at MIT.
f) Personnel Overview Committee Report
No report
Facilities phase 1 & 2 language.
The regular meeting of the Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors was adjourned at 7:05
Respectfully submitted,
Gracie Terrazas, Recording Secretary