New page: Analysis of Existing Data/Biological Specimens: If the “Analysis of Existing Data” or “Analysis of Existing Biological Specimens” checkboxes in the Research Procedures section of the Protocol General Information Page are selected, then the researcher will need to complete a page that asks the following related questions: Where will the data/specimens be requested from? Do you have the appropriate access to query this data? Please provide the date range for when the data query/specimens will be requested from: Beginning Date: XX/XX/XXXX End Date: XX/XX/XXXX Is/was the data/specimens that is being analyzed collected solely for non-Research purposes? Y/N Please select the manner in which the data/specimens will be received: Identifiable: Coded: De-identified: Anonymous Please select the manner in which the data/specimens will be stored during the conduct of this study: Identifiable: Coded: De-identified: Anonymous Specify who is de-identifying the data/specimens, if applicable: If the data/specimens will be stored in a coded manner, please identify who will have access to the Subject Key: Note: Analysis of specimens for research purposes requires approval from the Department of Pathology. The Pathology Approval Form, and the instruction for obtaining their approval, can be found HERE (link to Pathology Approval Form). The signed approval form should be attached to your submission.